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March 15 2020


Between 1997 and 2011, while the PPPC were still winning relatively free and fair elections, they were becoming increasingly alarmed that they were rapidly losing votes. (See figure below). If this trend continued, their era of political domination would soon be over and for all of the foreseeable future.

Figure reflects how total number of votes continued to decrease from 1997 to 2011

Up until 2015, the OLE (official list of registrations) indicated a mild pattern of positives and negatives indicating maintenance (deaths, new registrations, etc). This trend continued for the three election cycles studied until just before the 2015 elections. (see below)


Numbers in brackets reflect decrease in registrations. Note the drastic change in the 2011 to 2015 numbers. Increases occurred just prior to 2015 elections

The PPPC knew they would be doomed if they entered into another election cycle using the same list maintenance plan, so they engaged GECOM to help them pad the registration list in their favour. See how the % of registrations by region increased below. The evidence is obvious.

Items in red indicate how the PPPC working with GECOM padded the 2015 OLE. The PPPC lost the 2015 elections they rigged to win. Still, we will soon show how the numbers resulted in advantage for the PPPC and how that advantage played out in the LGE and 2020 elections.

The data clearly reflects that PPPC benefited from the padding of the OLE. Everywhere the OLE increased significantly, PPPC votes increased significantly, resulting in a very close 2015 election. One which the PPPC did not intend to lose.

The evidence is clear, even in region 8 which they lost by one vote, one can see that their total votes increased 148%, statistically improbable, except by some unusual event. Across the board their votes increased, bucking a prior 15 year trend. STATISTICALLY UNLIKELY!

GECOM, under the new CEO consistently shared concerns that the list of electors was padded and the only way to clean the list was to engage in house to house registration. The PPPC desperately fought house to house registrations all the way courts. They knew that a clean list would be the end of the PPPC political reign in Guyana and unfortunately the Chief Justice, maybe not having the benefit of a complete picture, agreed with them. Consequently, the Guyanese people were disenfranchised, having to move to elections with a bloated list which the PPPC would then use to their advantage.

The OLE numbers should have remained in the 400 thousands considering no significant change in population and following the 15 year trend from 1997 to 2011. The courts allowed PPPC to perpetrate a huge election fraud on the Guyanese people, evidenced by the 2020 OLE of 660,998 people, accounting for a ridiculous 88% of the stated Guyanese population.

How The PPPC Conspired To Pad The 2015 and 2020 Voters List
To pad the list of electors, the PPPC engaged in a massive and comprehensive policy of fraud. This policy included;

  1. Registering underaged teens as adults and encouraging them to vote
  2. Encouraging overseas citizens to register, then collecting the IDs of those who could not afford to return to vote, and handing them out on elections day to be used by local voters. (Proof of this exists)
  3. Compromise agents in far-flung regions and have then turn a blind eye to those who vote multiple times
  4. Paid agents to submit votes for citizens who did not show up

Bharrat Jagdeo, having knowledge of the fatal voting patterns, saw the 2020 elections as his last hope. Bolstered by support of members of the business community, who benefited greatly from the PPPC’s laissez faire policies which allowed for drug trafficking and money laundering and therefore huge financial gains for the them, they hired Mercury LLC and went to work on convincing the international community that they were the team to lead Guyana.

Evidence Of The PPPC Plot To Rig Elections (example region 2)

– PPPC received 49% of total votes, but their improvement in votes from 2015 to 2020 accounts for arguably 62% of new registrations. Highly suspicious.
So PPPC gets 62% of new registrations and the coalition gets zero, in a region where residents were not ignored, the community was developed, and residents were engaged. Highly suspicious.

This pattern repeats over and over again in region after region. This case raises enough suspicion that it calls for a forensic audit to establish why these irregularities occurred.

In the final analysis, the diabolical PPPC, led by Bharrat Jagdeo were remarkably successful conning the small parties and the diplomatic community and getting them to cosign on their massive fraud on the Guyanese people. The miscalculation however is the coalition supporter. Coalition supporters will not be disenfranchised by the PPPC. Recounts will scarcely identify the entirety of the PPPC plot, and twice already the coalition has been declared winner.

The people simply will not allow themselves to be cheated out of an election by the PPPC. Even their own supporters fled the country under their rule. There is absolutely no going back.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All of that is meaningless if the only thing that everyone takes away from Mingo's behavior is that the results he declared for region 4 as fraudulent. The world powers have already spoken and they don't care what happened from 1997 to 2015. They are focused on the travesty that occurred on 3/13/2020 and they don't like it.


The world powers have already spoken and they don't care what happened from 1997 to 2015.

They are focused on the travesty that occurred on 3/13/2020 and they don't like it.


The travesty will be blotted out by the current recount ,when the exercise are finished and the results are declared ,the World Powers will confirm the process was transparent.


Wow!!! Quite revealing on who are in fact the riggers of the 2020 elections. 

Looking forward to seeing what else comes out from the recount.


I have the same Data ,created by myself a few years ago ,trying to crack how the PPP got the amount of votes in 2015. Few days ago was successful ,one mistake they tried the same in 2020 Elections, that helped to solve the mystery. Have already sent the info to someone in authority ,all done pro-bono. Django don't need no hand out from no one.

Last edited by Django

Bogus statics like 65/2 = 34. Simple math PPP got back the votes they lost to the AFC in 2011 & 2015 + the increased  in % same as APNU. Another simple fact the PPP had everything stacked against them- registration, compromised Gecom staff from all across Guyana working in tandem with the PNC, the state apparatus, ethnic composition of the gecom staff, the new Ministry of Citizenship,  intimidation by goons on polling day, fake news, the DPI and egg ball with loud sour, the National Rag Chronicle, withdrawal of ferry services, closing of the Suriname ack track route, all state owned/pro PNC media and the list goes on. Having done all that and lost the PNC is flabbergasted and now in their hardened hearts will understand that phrase - " THE PPP NEVER LOST AN ELECTION'


Hey hey mercury hack de pollin agent and all de gecom staff on eleckshun day? Hey hey hey...

As mentioned to Kasz , later will reveal which area the skullduggery occurred , them fellas thinks they smart ,one just have to listen to them ,they spits out the information.


Don't count on it Django. GECOM would have never behaved as they did the last two weeks if they indeed won the elections. Everyone who has copies of the ballots could have done their own tabulations in next to no time and I am sure the Coalition did so too. The bomb scare that none of the observers took seriously along with Mingo getting ill and other people getting tired all the way to a declaration of SOPs on a declaration that held Mingo's and Vulga vulva signature then to the most recent declaration which includes Mingo and Joesph signatures (the numbers on the first declaration does not equal the numbers on the second declaration yet GECOM claims they are using the same SOPs for both) tells of a grand conspiracy to defraud the electorate but that fraud was done clumsily as evidenced by the fact that they declared two sets of numbers which they claim came from the same SOPs.

I will go out on a limb and say right now that GECOM will again try some shenanigans when the recount starts so arguing that it is not the PNC who have committed the travesty is to deny all the evidence listed above.


I saw coverage of Harmon peddling the same nonsense that Django and Comrade were peddling that the totals that the PPP released bore the date 2/29/2020 when the elections was not till 3/2/2020. Unfortunately no one there asked him how come 9 of the 10 regions that GECOM released on 3/2/20 correspond to the numbers that the PPP supposedly made up on or before 2/29/2020. 


Is true Randy. The PPP never lost any elections. Also, the despotic PNC never won any elections. You know like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, because they are so grotesque they have to rape women to get lil patacake, that is the PNC. They have no way of earning the confidence of the electorate to they have to thief the elections to pretend that they won. Well, that idiot Iguana stated that blacks have a right to thief what they can't earn the right way. That is PNC mentality.


'Registering underaged teens as adults and encouraging them to vote'.

It now makes sense why underaged teens were able to buy new motorcycles and party most nights, yet they did not have jobs. Also, regional officials did not want us intervening in the lives of teens and many ended their life after the PPP lost the election. Using and discarded people with no care for their own.   


@Former Member...bai dem bais settin up foh destabilise when dem lose. A doan give dem wrong. Me woulda do de same if me know marginalise coming. Mo fyah...slow fyah...hey hey hey...nuff fyah...hey hey hey. 


(the numbers on the first declaration does not equal the numbers on the second declaration yet GECOM claims they are using the same SOPs for both) tells of a grand conspiracy to defraud the electorate

but that fraud was done clumsily as evidenced by the fact that they declared two sets of numbers which they claim came from the same SOPs.


The difference between the  two declarations for Region 4 are not huge . The clumsy fraud was done when the PPP decided to publish their 2020 election tabulation on the the website ,there is the give away. I was focused on Region 6 ,lo and behold was done in the tie breaker Region 4 ,the think they are slick.

Last edited by Django

Bai Django, how can the two numbers be different when they came from the same SOPs? There shouldn't be any difference whether small or huge. While you watching region 6 which not even APNU is interested in everyone else was watching the travesty in region 4 so that explains why you cannot see the fraud that everyone else is upset about. In region 6 APNU wanted the PPP to open the container because they wanted blank SOPs. Can you in your infinite wisdom explain to me why they wanted blank SOPs. Don't say that the PPP is making up the blank SOP request because it is mentioned on GECOM recount request sheet. So did you want those blank SOPs in region 6 too bai? 


Here is my theory about the two conflicting declarations for region 4. In the beginning region 4 made up a spreadsheet with numbers they wish to use so they can overcome the advantage that the PPP garnered in the other 9 regions. But that spreadsheet was vigorously objected to and eventually ruled by the CJ to be a violation. By this time, Mingo people made copies of the SOPs that they had and changed the numbers on them trying to match the numbers declared earlier by Mingo. But they can't be accurate as while they were changing them to numbers on the spreadsheet, some Arabic numerals don't easily lend themselves to being altered the way one can easily alter 2s to 3s or 0s to 8s. Because of that, the totals while close were exact. I believe that those SOPs displayed on that white sheet are only photocopies and GECOM preserved the original ones which matches the ones that the PPP and other parties have. I believe that APNU have SOPs that correspond to the ones that the PPP has also and is not inclined to bastardize them. Lowenfield also has his preserved as well as the ones in the boxes. The next few days will demonstrate how far the PNC will go to denying the rights of the electorate.



The ballot boxes have all arrived in Kingston.  The GECOM chair is in place,  PPP commissioners are in place, Caricom team is in place.  

The PNC Commissioners have not showed up.  



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Bibi Haniffa

@Django: Bhai ,the SOPS PPP have got reduced votes for the Coalition in South and North Gtwn , does that look plausible?

Bhai Django, IF the SOPs are signed by the people who were supposed to sign and the signatures are valid, then the numbers should match the ballot boxes. What happens if the numbers show an increase and the boxes show what's on the SOPs? Would this be labeled as a fraud and who is responsible?
Can you post those SOPs numbers again brother?

Last edited by Former Member

Fellas, the website that Django post here, is a PNC ACDA propangada. 

here is the link anf ayo be the judge.

So what's the problem ,any of the stats are wrong ? only everything presented by the PPP are correct .That's the way a Country runs ? I live in the US ,i listened to Republicans and Democrats ,although registered as an Independent .You guys need some soul searching.
Last edited by Django


You are in the same ACADA boat, you coolie crab dag. You and moses share something alike - you know what i mean and many hay is not a dunce. 

BTW Django.. a country runs by a democratically elected government. YOU should never tell any one how a country is run because You believe in rigging a election. 



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Last edited by Former Member

@Dave ,

you are very vicious and uncouth individual, your language says it. Speak for your self ,why include others.

I mixed with all kind people in Guyana ,move to the US  few months short of 24 yrs and interacted with thousands of people all walks of life ,never seen such behavior by any one. Folks from the ghettos doesn't behaves in such manner.

Last edited by Django

Django, are you giving us a preview as to what your site will be after June . Postings from BLACK propaganda sites. I guess you want to weed out the PPP supporters and make it a BLACKMAN site with you the DICTATOR.

Not encouraging at all.



@Django . I speak for myself, I pay my tax dollars. I vote... and i want my vote to be counted. Let  democracy prevails... this is not about race. If APNU wins a free and fair election, they have the right to govern the country. 

Your views are clouded and its very foggy. You are a hypocrite. 


Django, are you giving us a preview as to what your site will be after June . Postings from BLACK propaganda sites. I guess you want to weed out the PPP supporters and make it a BLACKMAN site with you the DICTATOR.

Not encouraging at all.

The forum open to all who wants to share their views, it was like that from the inception.


When you speak out --- this is what you are subject to 

Dominic Gaskin who was forced out of the APNU+AFC coalition Cabinet because he lied on his candidates declaration form in the 2015 elections is now criticizing GECOM. He swore under oath that he was not a dual citizen when he infact is a British citizen. A false declaration constitutes election fraud. Moreover, he said he preferred to keep his British citizenship than serve the people of Guyana in Parliament.

Dominic Gaskin who evidently committed election fraud and should have been prosecuted is now accusing GECOM, not the PPP, of impropriety.

What a joke! A criminal is falsely accusing someone else wrongdoing? Guyana, please laugh out loud as the hypocrite/informant takes a graceful bow accross the stage of duplicity.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

Election results for different periods are unique in that they only reflect the specific results at that time.

Various reasons exist for each voting period, e.g., total eligible to vote, the those who actually voted, those for specific reasons who did not vote, the manner in which votes are tabulated and published, etc., etc., etc..


All them Jumbie figures Django posting to substantiate the PNC fraud is not his doings, is what Congress Place instruct him to spread.

 This was the MOTHER of ALL elections, PPP start campaigning a long time in advance, one bottom house at a time, and then the Mother of all Rally, with respect of DAVE we all saw every day the huge crowds the PPP garner , of all races. So to think the PPP cannot gain votes in certain key places is Jumbie Talk. When them BLACK girls were hugging up Jagdeo, is the lost love for a great leader.

Bring out the vote campaign and the old AFC supporters combined will show a victory for the PPP. PNC was busy wine up and back balling, they did not increase their electorate.


Bai Django, the PPP is the only party who has put out SOPs for review and scrutiny so that is all we have to go by. If they show reduced votes for South and North GT then that is what it is. Unless and until there is another set of SOPs that contradict them. Whether it is plausible or not is argumentative but not fact. As of now APNU/AFC has not put out any of their SOPs but I submit they don't have to. But what is telling is that GECOM has not displayed their copy either although their copy for all intents and purposes is a public document. Why are they refusing to display their SOPs? The PPP won the elections. Everyone knows that. Do you think those observers especially the overseas ones did not travel with a computer containing Excel? Compiling those SOPs is a breeze. Remember you saying that one can scan those SOPs and convert it using Adobe Ullustrator? Don't you think those foreigners have that software of a similar one? The only evidence is that the Coalition and its supporters at GECOM have been hell bent on proper counting and disclosure and that could only mean that they have something to hide.



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statistics are useful for gaging future event behaviors but once those events have occurred, those statistics do not bear the same values as they now need to be updated for the next event. What happened in the past is meaningless now to determine the results from the recent elections because we have the actual votes to rely on. Django, those ad/dc folks any all others who wish to go down that deflective path is doing a disservice to the people who left their homes and lined up in long lines under challenging circumstances (some created by GECOM in an apparent effort to stifle assumed PPP votes) to cast their votes. What is so hard in understanding that counting the votes will settle this matter once and for all. In Granger's address today, he seem to be lending help to GECOM continuing their shenanigans as they did the past two weeks. Perhaps he doesn't realize that he cannot fool the white folks who call the shots in the US, UK, Canada, EU, CARICOM, etc. Count the votes if you have nothing that you fear.


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