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PNCR demands new election date “or else” …as Opposition Leader David Granger ‘spits fire’ against ruling PPP


A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) is furious with the date set by the President Donald Ramotar for the holding of the 2015 General and Regional Elections and at least one of its factions has issued an ultimatum to the Head of State to announce a new date by Tuesday “or else.”

The demand came as the opposition coalition took to its first public platform, since President, Ramotar on Tuesday last announced that May 11 will be Elections Day.
At an APNU orchestrated rally held at the vicinity of the Stabroek Market on Friday evening, Ryan Belgrave, the Chairperson of the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) issued the ultimatum citing a conspiracy against the nation’s youth given the coincidental regional examinations.
The GYSM is youth arm of the Peoples National Congress Reform.
Belgrave was supported by other APNU speakers at the forum including, Basil Williams, Volda Lawrence, Annette Ferguson and Keith Scott.

According to Belgrave, the President has until Tuesday when he convenes the council of Cabinet Ministers at Office of the President.
In the call to action come Tuesday January 27, Belgrave announced to those gathered in the Stabroek Square that the President must announce a new date for Elections “or else” as he said the Guyanese youth must be “ready for action.”
In detailing a conspiracy theory on why the President chose May 11, as the Elections Date, Belgrave said that the plot had been hatched for some time now and juxtaposed a statement purportedly made by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon that the date will not be chosen carelessly.
President Ramotar and the Ministry of Education have both given public assurances that measures will be put in place to ensure there is no disruption to the local leg of the regional examinations.
Belgrave took this to mean evidence of a ploy to undermine the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) by forcing it to use private residences as polling stations and as a result the date for the elections must be changed.
While at the podium he also launched a vitriolic assault on Education Minister Priya Manickchand, whom he accused of failing to defend Guyanese children.
PNCR Chairman, Basil Williams, was the keynote speaker on Friday evening’s rally and he dismissed the May 11 elections date altogether calling it illegitimate.
Distilling a constitutional argument to those gathered at the Stabroek Square, in defence of his party’s position, Williams, charged that the date announced by President Ramotar “has no legal validity.”
He suggested that the date announced was a ploy by the President to somehow avoid elections.
The rally started shortly before 19:00hrs in the vicinity of the Guyana Police Force mobile outpost, in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market and while it did grab the attention of curious passersby, it managed to keep only a few scores enthralled.

The rally however was preceded by a blistering warning from the Opposition Leader, David Granger, who accused the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) of: “playing with fire.”
Granger’s outburst, oddly, came as he was being asked about the incumbent’s possible abuse of State resources in its campaign.
In fact, the Opposition Leader was asked specifically: “Are you at all worried about the possible implications of being outsourced (exact words) by the PPP regime in the upcoming elections considering the fact that the AFC has called on GECOM to publish the guidelines against the abuse of state resources?”
Granger told the media operatives present, “I have written to the Chairman of the Election Commission and I am deeply concerned.”
Informed that GECOM has purportedly indicated that it can only publish guidelines, Granger was again pressed “so are you worried about what this means for your party.”
The Opposition Leader’s response: “I am worried about what the people will do to the publishers of that vile propaganda.”
A somewhat taken aback media corps then heard Granger, expand on his unsolicited deviation by saying “I don’t know if the police are going to be able to restrain those angry people.”
It was at this point that the Opposition Leader declared the, “PPP is playing with fire.”
Granger accused the PPP of being responsible for the publication of a flier purportedly being distributed in interior locations, depicting him in military garb, alongside with the images of Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
According to Granger the PPP is playing with fire, “when they start claiming that the Demerara River will run red with blood if Granger is elected President…they are playing with fire and I warn them to desist.”
Expanding further, the retired army brigadier said he was not worried about himself, but rather “I am worried about them,” an obvious reference to the ruling PPP/C administration.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

PNCR demands new election date “or else” …as Opposition Leader David Granger ‘spits fire’ against ruling PPP


A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) is furious with the date set by the President Donald Ramotar for the holding of the 2015 General and Regional Elections and at least one of its factions has issued an ultimatum to the Head of State to announce a new date by Tuesday “or else.”

The demand came as the opposition coalition took to its first public platform, since President, Ramotar on Tuesday last announced that May 11 will be Elections Day.
At an APNU orchestrated rally held at the vicinity of the Stabroek Market on Friday evening, Ryan Belgrave, the Chairperson of the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) issued the ultimatum citing a conspiracy against the nation’s youth given the coincidental regional examinations.
The GYSM is youth arm of the Peoples National Congress Reform.
Belgrave was supported by other APNU speakers at the forum including, Basil Williams, Volda Lawrence, Annette Ferguson and Keith Scott.

According to Belgrave, the President has until Tuesday when he convenes the council of Cabinet Ministers at Office of the President.
In the call to action come Tuesday January 27, Belgrave announced to those gathered in the Stabroek Square that the President must announce a new date for Elections “or else” as he said the Guyanese youth must be “ready for action.”
In detailing a conspiracy theory on why the President chose May 11, as the Elections Date, Belgrave said that the plot had been hatched for some time now and juxtaposed a statement purportedly made by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon that the date will not be chosen carelessly.
President Ramotar and the Ministry of Education have both given public assurances that measures will be put in place to ensure there is no disruption to the local leg of the regional examinations.
Belgrave took this to mean evidence of a ploy to undermine the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) by forcing it to use private residences as polling stations and as a result the date for the elections must be changed.
While at the podium he also launched a vitriolic assault on Education Minister Priya Manickchand, whom he accused of failing to defend Guyanese children.
PNCR Chairman, Basil Williams, was the keynote speaker on Friday evening’s rally and he dismissed the May 11 elections date altogether calling it illegitimate.
Distilling a constitutional argument to those gathered at the Stabroek Square, in defence of his party’s position, Williams, charged that the date announced by President Ramotar “has no legal validity.”
He suggested that the date announced was a ploy by the President to somehow avoid elections.
The rally started shortly before 19:00hrs in the vicinity of the Guyana Police Force mobile outpost, in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market and while it did grab the attention of curious passersby, it managed to keep only a few scores enthralled.

The rally however was preceded by a blistering warning from the Opposition Leader, David Granger, who accused the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) of: “playing with fire.”
Granger’s outburst, oddly, came as he was being asked about the incumbent’s possible abuse of State resources in its campaign.
In fact, the Opposition Leader was asked specifically: “Are you at all worried about the possible implications of being outsourced (exact words) by the PPP regime in the upcoming elections considering the fact that the AFC has called on GECOM to publish the guidelines against the abuse of state resources?”
Granger told the media operatives present, “I have written to the Chairman of the Election Commission and I am deeply concerned.”
Informed that GECOM has purportedly indicated that it can only publish guidelines, Granger was again pressed “so are you worried about what this means for your party.”
The Opposition Leader’s response: “I am worried about what the people will do to the publishers of that vile propaganda.”
A somewhat taken aback media corps then heard Granger, expand on his unsolicited deviation by saying “I don’t know if the police are going to be able to restrain those angry people.”
It was at this point that the Opposition Leader declared the, “PPP is playing with fire.”
Granger accused the PPP of being responsible for the publication of a flier purportedly being distributed in interior locations, depicting him in military garb, alongside with the images of Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
According to Granger the PPP is playing with fire, “when they start claiming that the Demerara River will run red with blood if Granger is elected President…they are playing with fire and I warn them to desist.”
Expanding further, the retired army brigadier said he was not worried about himself, but rather “I am worried about them,” an obvious reference to the ruling PPP/C administration.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

With exams written on ‘E” Day, planned acts of violence to subvert the Indians voters is becoming even more difficult…. maybe elusive!

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

PNCR demands new election date “or else” …as Opposition Leader David Granger ‘spits fire’ against ruling PPP


A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) is furious with the date set by the President Donald Ramotar for the holding of the 2015 General and Regional Elections and at least one of its factions has issued an ultimatum to the Head of State to announce a new date by Tuesday “or else.”

The demand came as the opposition coalition took to its first public platform, since President, Ramotar on Tuesday last announced that May 11 will be Elections Day.
At an APNU orchestrated rally held at the vicinity of the Stabroek Market on Friday evening, Ryan Belgrave, the Chairperson of the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) issued the ultimatum citing a conspiracy against the nation’s youth given the coincidental regional examinations.
The GYSM is youth arm of the Peoples National Congress Reform.
Belgrave was supported by other APNU speakers at the forum including, Basil Williams, Volda Lawrence, Annette Ferguson and Keith Scott.

According to Belgrave, the President has until Tuesday when he convenes the council of Cabinet Ministers at Office of the President.
In the call to action come Tuesday January 27, Belgrave announced to those gathered in the Stabroek Square that the President must announce a new date for Elections “or else” as he said the Guyanese youth must be “ready for action.”
In detailing a conspiracy theory on why the President chose May 11, as the Elections Date, Belgrave said that the plot had been hatched for some time now and juxtaposed a statement purportedly made by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon that the date will not be chosen carelessly.
President Ramotar and the Ministry of Education have both given public assurances that measures will be put in place to ensure there is no disruption to the local leg of the regional examinations.
Belgrave took this to mean evidence of a ploy to undermine the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) by forcing it to use private residences as polling stations and as a result the date for the elections must be changed.
While at the podium he also launched a vitriolic assault on Education Minister Priya Manickchand, whom he accused of failing to defend Guyanese children.
PNCR Chairman, Basil Williams, was the keynote speaker on Friday evening’s rally and he dismissed the May 11 elections date altogether calling it illegitimate.
Distilling a constitutional argument to those gathered at the Stabroek Square, in defence of his party’s position, Williams, charged that the date announced by President Ramotar “has no legal validity.”
He suggested that the date announced was a ploy by the President to somehow avoid elections.
The rally started shortly before 19:00hrs in the vicinity of the Guyana Police Force mobile outpost, in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market and while it did grab the attention of curious passersby, it managed to keep only a few scores enthralled.

The rally however was preceded by a blistering warning from the Opposition Leader, David Granger, who accused the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) of: “playing with fire.”
Granger’s outburst, oddly, came as he was being asked about the incumbent’s possible abuse of State resources in its campaign.
In fact, the Opposition Leader was asked specifically: “Are you at all worried about the possible implications of being outsourced (exact words) by the PPP regime in the upcoming elections considering the fact that the AFC has called on GECOM to publish the guidelines against the abuse of state resources?”
Granger told the media operatives present, “I have written to the Chairman of the Election Commission and I am deeply concerned.”
Informed that GECOM has purportedly indicated that it can only publish guidelines, Granger was again pressed “so are you worried about what this means for your party.”
The Opposition Leader’s response: “I am worried about what the people will do to the publishers of that vile propaganda.”
A somewhat taken aback media corps then heard Granger, expand on his unsolicited deviation by saying “I don’t know if the police are going to be able to restrain those angry people.”
It was at this point that the Opposition Leader declared the, “PPP is playing with fire.”
Granger accused the PPP of being responsible for the publication of a flier purportedly being distributed in interior locations, depicting him in military garb, alongside with the images of Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
According to Granger the PPP is playing with fire, “when they start claiming that the Demerara River will run red with blood if Granger is elected President…they are playing with fire and I warn them to desist.”
Expanding further, the retired army brigadier said he was not worried about himself, but rather “I am worried about them,” an obvious reference to the ruling PPP/C administration.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

With exams written on ‘E” Day, planned acts of violence to subvert the Indians voters is becoming even more difficult…. maybe elusive!




It appears the the PNC/APNU planned for violence and disruption. It is now becoming more apparent that the PNC is afraid of losing the election given the fact that they peak at 40 percent.


The President caught the AFC/PNC off guard and they are now running scared.


PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority and that the opposition running scared.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

With exams written on ‘E” Day, planned acts of violence to subvert the Indians voters is becoming even more difficult…. maybe elusive!

Answer yes or no.  Do you think that it is fair for the kids who are writing CSEC exams (note that Guyanese on average perform among the WORST) to have as a distraction all the activity in the school building being generated by the fact that they are polling stations.


Why doesn't the PPP not change the date?  In fact the AFC and APNU will tell Guyanese that the PPP doesn't care for their kids and so schedules an election when they ought to have the freedom to write their exams in peace and quiet.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority and that the opposition running scared.

Funny you think so when the PPP is displaying its complete contempt for Guyanese by scheduling the use of schools as polling stations when they ought to be used to allow the kids to write their CSEC exams in PEACE and QUIET!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority and that the opposition running scared.

Funny you think so when the PPP is displaying its complete contempt for Guyanese by scheduling the use of schools as polling stations when they ought to be used to allow the kids to write their CSEC exams in PEACE and QUIET!


Ha Ha !


The opposition are running scared. Let me gently remind you of this, the PNC peaks at 40 percent and they have NEVER won a free and fair election. NEVER.


Take that and smoke it in your pipe and puff it.


If you are confident of a PNC victory, stick your neck out and make your prediction now.

Last edited by Former Member

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

No one is scared of the PPP. We are all tired of their inability to tell the truth. Everything they do is a con, every story the tell is a lie. We are tired of that.

Which Politician you know or Political Party in the world that exist today have told the truth? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

I am told that even though the country is rife with corruption not only in the PPP but in APNU and the AFC, the people will return the PPP with 65% of the votes, come election day. Reason being that they see APNU and AFC as colluding to get nothing progressive done in the country given their majority.  

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

No one is scared of the PPP. We are all tired of their inability to tell the truth. Everything they do is a con, every story the tell is a lie. We are tired of that.

Which Politician you know or Political Party in the world that exist today have told the truth? 

Is it APNU or AFC?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

I am told that even though the country is rife with corruption not only in the PPP but in APNU and the AFC, the people will return the PPP with 65% of the votes, come election day. Reason being that they see APNU and AFC as colluding to get nothing progressive done in the country given their majority.  

guess you smoke the bad weed

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

That ship sailed a long time. The PPP should worry if they will win this and worry at maintaining the plurality or I will be there watching and a lot of them get hauled off to jal. Sri Lanka's president was similarly arrogant until midnight on election day. Now he is worrying how long he has on the outside now all his friends and family are being hauled off on some charge or another. His brother is facing murder!


Do yo think Brazzie can explain how CLico assets get to his brother? How about lenora to ahmad or the flour mill to Bobby. They have a lot to answer for so they better worry about staying above 40 percent. Anything below and the PPP will be dismantled. That is their reality. If the PNC loses they do not worry until they try again. Guess who is scared?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

I am told that even though the country is rife with corruption not only in the PPP but in APNU and the AFC, the people will return the PPP with 65% of the votes, come election day. Reason being that they see APNU and AFC as colluding to get nothing progressive done in the country given their majority.  

guess you smoke the bad weed

So Riff, Is there any kind of "good" weed that people smoke? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

43% for PPP...52% for Alliance coalition

Riff, you forgot what Khemraj said? AFC will be dead meat if they join with APNU. He is right. I give him full marks because he has his ears on the ground.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

I am told that even though the country is rife with corruption not only in the PPP but in APNU and the AFC, the people will return the PPP with 65% of the votes, come election day. Reason being that they see APNU and AFC as colluding to get nothing progressive done in the country given their majority.  

guess you smoke the bad weed

So Riff, Is there any kind of "good" weed that people smoke? 

yep... yuh need some of the coalition weed

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

43% for PPP...52% for Alliance coalition

Riff, you forgot what Khemraj said? AFC will be dead meat if they join with APNU. He is right. I give him full marks because he has his ears on the ground.

we'll see...merge or not, PPP only getting 42%

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C/A.P.N.U wants the elections to be delayed, so that they can buy more time to planned their ill-advised collation. The P.P.P is fully geared for May 11th. Bring it on...


The PPP is headed for a 54 percent majority. The rest can fight for spoils.

I am told that even though the country is rife with corruption not only in the PPP but in APNU and the AFC, the people will return the PPP with 65% of the votes, come election day. Reason being that they see APNU and AFC as colluding to get nothing progressive done in the country given their majority.  

guess you smoke the bad weed

So Riff, Is there any kind of "good" weed that people smoke? 

yep... yuh need some of the coalition weed

Is this some of the weed that was confiscated during their fund raising campaign? 

Bai me nah smoke... nah even brown papah.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

43% for PPP...52% for Alliance coalition

Riff, you forgot what Khemraj said? AFC will be dead meat if they join with APNU. He is right. I give him full marks because he has his ears on the ground.

Kemraj is fully aware of prevailing ethnic loyalties not to mention operant conditioning of PPP sheeple to the PNC boogieman dog whistle. He knows to win means one has to fall back and give ground until one can hold it. Hardly any one in Guyana votes merit. We speak of it here because one has to hope it overcomes the urge to ones baser instinct. To beat the PPP is to beat their win number by conceeding to their evil at times.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C has effectively become "a dead meat party", collating with the P.N.C would cause the remaining potential votes to withhold their support.

AFC voters who abstain from voting will spell disaster for the PPP. Then the PPP becomes dead meat. All Guyanese need to go out and vote. If they abstain they should not complain after. They must take what they get.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C has effectively become "a dead meat party", collating with the P.N.C would cause the remaining potential votes to withhold their support.

AFC voters who abstain from voting will spell disaster for the PPP. Then the PPP becomes dead meat. All Guyanese need to go out and vote. If they abstain they should not complain after. They must take what they get.


AFC has no support base left.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C has effectively become "a dead meat party", collating with the P.N.C would cause the remaining potential votes to withhold their support.

AFC voters who abstain from voting will spell disaster for the PPP. Then the PPP becomes dead meat. All Guyanese need to go out and vote. If they abstain they should not complain after. They must take what they get.


AFC has no support base left.

yuh sure? the way yuh PPPites stressing bout them, I thought they had 50% support

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has never been so prepared to contest an elections, their election machinery seems to be well greased.

Is dat what nadalandaa got the sperm with tiefin tax payers money, to be used as grease?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has never been so prepared to contest an elections, their election machinery seems to be well greased.

they will be fighting for their lives,they know jail waiting for them


The results of the 2015 elections would most definitely give the P.P.P a majority, a fact the joint opposition is very cognizant of and are very fearful of the result. They cannot win as individual parties, theoretically, by collating they'll have a spot in the dark. 


The future of the A.F.C after 11th May looks very dim, Gerhard isn't no fool, he had a good reason to part company with that political gathering. His time is better spent watering roses.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The results of the 2015 elections would most definitely give the P.P.P a majority, a fact the joint opposition is very cognizant of and are very fearful of the result. They cannot win as individual parties, theoretically, by collating they'll have a spot in the dark. 

thanks to the ppp holy bible the constitution  

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 2015 budget would be passed "cut free" in the 11th Parliament, no cut to jobs, no cut to Amelia falls, no cut to the Airport expansion.....etc...

You'd love that eh? All that corruption and stealing from the people. You should also be in the jail lineup for dabbing this shit on people.


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