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Read this passage and answer the questions below:


Mrs Baksh was combing out her thick black hair that went down to her hips. She nodded to Harbans, cleared her comb of loose hair, rolled the hair into a ball, spat on it and threw it into a corner. Then she began to comb again.



[1] Which country do you think Mrs Baksh inhabits?

[2] Did you ever see anyone comb and dispose of hair like Mrs Baksh?

[3] Have you ever done the same?

[4] Why does Mrs Baksh spit on the ball of loose hair?

[5] Do you know anyone with long thick hair stretching down to the hips?

[6] What year do you think Mrs Baksh performed the hair-combing ritual described in the passage?

[7] Can you guess who wrote the story that contains this passage?

[8] What is the title of the story?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Riya:

Gilbakka, I will take a stab at few of your questions.


Mrs. Baksh is from Guyana, yes - I've seen people did that before. I never did. She did that because she was told that birds will use her hair to make their nest. If that happens, all her hair will fall out.

I assume it is cleanliness dispose of loose

properly or you will loose all.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Read this passage and answer the questions below:


Mrs Baksh was combing out her thick black hair that went down to her hips. She nodded to Harbans, cleared her comb of loose hair, rolled the hair into a ball, spat on it and threw it into a corner. Then she began to comb again.

* I haven't read VS Naipaul since high school days, but Ms Baksh souds like one of his Trini female characters.





Last edited by Former Member


[1] Which country do you think Mrs Baksh inhabits? ...   ENGLAND

[2] Did you ever see anyone comb and dispose of hair like Mrs Baksh?  NOPE

[3] Have you ever done the same?..... NOPE

[4] Why does Mrs Baksh spit on the ball of loose hair?... KEEP IT FROM STICKING ON HER AHNDS AND FROM BLOWING AROUND.

[5] Do you know anyone with long thick hair stretching down to the hips?... YEP, ME AND THE OLE STORMY HAD DIS TYPEA HAIR...ASK HIM NUH.

[6] What year do you think Mrs Baksh performed the hair-combing ritual described in the passage?.....  THIS YEAR

[7] Can you guess who wrote the story that contains this passage? ....dAfISHMAN

[8] What is the title of the story?.....A PASSAGE OF MEMORIES



Originally Posted by Riya:

Gilbakka, I will take a stab at few of your questions.


Mrs. Baksh is from Guyana, yes - I've seen people did that before. I never did. She did that because she was told that birds will use her hair to make their nest. If that happens, all her hair will fall out.

I agree with Riya. I saw my mother combing her hair and saying that the birds will make their nest with her hair. I think she threw her hair in the drain so the water would take it away.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I agree with Riya. I saw my mother combing her hair and saying that the birds will make their nest with her hair. I think she threw her hair in the drain so the water would take it away.


* You Berbicians are weird.



Rev, we berbicians can say the same thing about "all you town man".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rev, we berbicians can say the same thing about "all you town man".

* Berbicians are weird but generous and big-hearted. The same cannot be said for "town people"---town people stingy bad.


* Skelly---that "weird" comment was meant in jest.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rev, we berbicians can say the same thing about "all you town man".

* Berbicians are weird but generous and big-hearted. The same cannot be said for "town people"---town people stingy bad.


* Skelly---that "weird" comment was meant in jest.



Rev, I do not take anyone seriously on this board. I know you just kiddin. Most country folks have a big heart.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Riya:

Gilbakka, I will take a stab at few of your questions.


Mrs. Baksh is from Guyana, yes - I've seen people did that before. I never did. She did that because she was told that birds will use her hair to make their nest. If that happens, all her hair will fall out.

I agree with Riya. I saw my mother combing her hair and saying that the birds will make their nest with her hair. I think she threw her hair in the drain so the water would take it away.

too bad she did not threw you away in the drain

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Riya:

Gilbakka, I will take a stab at few of your questions.


Mrs. Baksh is from Guyana, yes - I've seen people did that before. I never did. She did that because she was told that birds will use her hair to make their nest. If that happens, all her hair will fall out.

I agree with Riya. I saw my mother combing her hair and saying that the birds will make their nest with her hair. I think she threw her hair in the drain so the water would take it away.

too bad she did not threw you away in the drain

Can't blame for not having anything of substance to contribute. It's been handed down to you via the inferior genes.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Riya:

Gilbakka, I will take a stab at few of your questions.


Mrs. Baksh is from Guyana, yes - I've seen people did that before. I never did. She did that because she was told that birds will use her hair to make their nest. If that happens, all her hair will fall out.

I agree with Riya. I saw my mother combing her hair and saying that the birds will make their nest with her hair. I think she threw her hair in the drain so the water would take it away.

too bad she did not threw you away in the drain

Can't blame for not having anything of substance to contribute. It's been handed down to you via the inferior genes.

you is a waste,a thief,and a country fool now go cry under your bed you wimp

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Hey you two, Skelly and warrior. Not in my classroom. Go fight in the schoolyard.

Don't worry Bhai Gilly. I try not to indulge in name calling and derail a thread. Sometimes I stoop their level and get carried away. If all a man can do is calling someone he doesn't know a theif etc., then it's time to ignore the poor soul.
I have seen more and better days that the poor souls. Hope the poor and frustrated souls are fortunate enough to enjoy a few happy days in their lives.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Read this passage and answer the questions below:


Mrs Baksh was combing out her thick black hair that went down to her hips. She nodded to Harbans, cleared her comb of loose hair, rolled the hair into a ball, spat on it and threw it into a corner. Then she began to comb again.



[1] Which country do you think Mrs Baksh inhabits? Guyana or Trinidad 

[2] Did you ever see anyone comb and dispose of hair like Mrs Baksh? Yes, without tossing the hair in a corner.

[3] Have you ever done the same? No.

[4] Why does Mrs Baksh spit on the ball of loose hair? To moisten it and hold it together. She mekin a "mallie" for her hairstyle. 

[5] Do you know anyone with long thick hair stretching down to the hips? Yes, several.

[6] What year do you think Mrs Baksh performed the hair-combing ritual described in the passage? Long, long ago.

[7] Can you guess who wrote the story that contains this passage? One of your favorite authors. 

[8] What is the title of the story? Same answer as Cain's.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Read this passage and answer the questions below:


Mrs Baksh was combing out her thick black hair that went down to her hips. She nodded to Harbans, cleared her comb of loose hair, rolled the hair into a ball, spat on it and threw it into a corner. Then she began to comb again.


Questions [Answers in blue]:

[1] Which country do you think Mrs Baksh inhabits? Trinidad. One star for Rev's correct answer. Ducko for Riya and Miraver. Cane for Cain.

[2] Did you ever see anyone comb and dispose of hair like Mrs Baksh?One star for everyone who answered this question.

[3] Have you ever done the same? One star for everyone too.

[4] Why does Mrs Baksh spit on the ball of loose hair? One star for all but Cain who gets caning again.

[5] Do you know anyone with long thick hair stretching down to the hips? Cane for Cain.

[6] What year do you think Mrs Baksh performed the hair-combing ritual described in the passage? 1950. The story is set in that year.

[7] Can you guess who wrote the story that contains this passage?VS Naipaul. One more star for Rev.

[8] What is the title of the story? The Suffrage of Elvira.

Thanks to everyone who showed an interest in this small passage. Including Cain.


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