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A sincere apology to Raphael Trotman

April 6, 2016 | By | Freddie Kissoon 

Last Saturday, my column, captioned, “What the Raphael Trotman tape revealed,” looked at one of the speeches Mr. Trotman delivered at a public meeting in Bartica during the local government elections. In that article I concentrated on certain aspects of Mr. Trotman’s output and came to certain conclusions. Those conclusions essentially argued that Mr. Trotman had engaged in hate-filled advocacy and a call for ethnic loyalty. After criticism received rejecting the contentions of the column, I am in full agreement that my analysis was misplaced, misdirected and unfair to Mr. Trotman.

I believe the best of intentions can go astray at times. I think humans are prone to errors and misjudgements. This column did a disservice to Mr. Trotman and the people of Bartica, especially those who were present at the meeting, and for that, I offer them all an unreserved and unqualified apology.

I believe an apology is a very important process humans must adopt if civilization is to remain intact. I would like Mr. Trotman to know that I agreed with the criticism I have received about the misanalysis in the column. I agree in my own mind that I made a terrible error.
I want Mr. Trotman to know that there was never any intention to damage his career. I would never want to do that.  Some of Mr. Trotman’s close friends are friends of mine. I campaigned heavily for Mr. Trotman’s party in the last general elections.  I would not in any way want to see the weakening of the Guyana Government and its Ministers, because I think this entire country knows I worked to have such a government in place, and the entire country knows I would not want the PPP back in government.

I have done thousands and thousands of columns in a long career spanning twenty-seven years. Mistakes are bound to be made. I owe it to my readers and Mr. Trotman to explain where I believe I went wrong. It had to do with Mr. Trotman’s exhortation to Barticians to vote for APNU-AFC because Bartica is an APNU-AFC constituency. I juxtaposed that with Mr. Trotman’s question to the audience, which asked if they see other parties competing against the PPP in the PPP’s areas in the LGE.
The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction.

I want Mr. Trotman to know that I have never in any column before attributed any racially-oriented attitude to him. I honestly feel that Mr. Trotman is not a racially-thinking person. I believe that too of all the leaders in the AFC. I have written two columns devoted entirely to Mr. Granger, and I made the unambiguous acknowledgement that Mr. Granger is a decent, anti-racist, all-embracing nationalist. I would put Mr. Trotman in the same category.

I hereby withdraw the obvious implication and correlation in the juxtaposition of those two statements.  I am looking at the column as I write. I have read it five times. I conclude I was wrong in assignment of race thought to Mr. Trotman. It is clear to me now, in a more psychologically calm state of mind, that the speech was merely urging people to vote for Mr. Trotman’s party and no other party.
Once again, I apologize for the placement of anything contrary in the column. I am deeply moved at the distress I have caused and that has obviously been experienced by Mr. Trotman, and as someone who has often been maligned with deliberate intentions, I could understand Mr. Trotman’s chagrin at the column.  I would like to repeat that in the world of social analysis you are bound to fall down. I think with few exceptions, columnists do get it wrong, and I undoubtedly got it wrong this time.  I am happy to express my regrets to Mr. Trotman, because I think it is the decent thing to do. I do have my faults, but I would never refuse to say sorry when I am wrong.

I can tell Mr. Trotman that I do feel contrite, because I know he was hurt by the article. I think any Minister of Government would be, if a widely read opinion-maker makes a damning accusation. I really don’t know what more to say but to admit that it is human to err. And one has to acknowledge where one went wrong. I would extend an invitation to Mr. Trotman for us to meet and have a gentleman’s handshake.
I will close with a tiny informality. In all the years I have known and talked with Mr. Trotman, I have called him Raphael.   Let me say to him, “sorry, Raphael.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wow! what a loonnngggg apology. 

"The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction."

Way too many Guyanese do same as Freddie. There is a group on this site who appear to be unable to see it any other way. Maybe they will learn something from Freddie's apology?!


Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night. During PPP time even with the feces throwing incident, Freddie never retracted any of his writings. Fear and intimidation under the PNC is growing strong.


I am still,interested in the meeting between trottman and granger. Obviously, the strategy they discussed was successful. Was it that trottman will hoodwink Ramjattan while granger will take complete control over the PNC through the deal he made with Corbin.


What was the scheme in the Bahamas?  That is more important because it is futuristic. 

As for Trotman returning to the PNC, he never left. He had multitudes of problems with the AFC indo component. Perhaps, that was the discussions in Nassau.

After the elections, review carefully to movements of Trotman in the shadow of Granger. I had my suspicions about that relationship.

The aim is to re-design the PNC with Trotman as the leader. It will happen. A political ploy and a good one.

As for Harmon, I would guess if Granger was to incomplete his tenure, then Harmon is to be THE MAN.

Right now the PNC is like a loose cannon, the aim is to define the Standard Operating Procedure. Jagdeo should tek notice on how intelligent people go about creating well structured political systems.

It is unfortunate that PNC will not have significant Indian participation, the racists element still predominant.

AS it is said, "what ever happened in the dark, eventually come to light." 

The revelation of Trotman was timely. I hope the Opposition forces clean up their act.

I still believe the WPA would be the party to govern in the  best interest of the country.



ksazma posted:

I agree. There was no race baiting in Trotman's speech. In fact, it was very good as he linked old Biblical references to unity vs disunity.

I agree, no race baiting. But the issue still remains....what was discussed at also means he never really left the PNC. 


The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Write your own story. Do not presume me a source. You are a bigot with a slanted, distorted view of the world so our positions will always be diametric. How can you teach the kids language when you are a cripple in that discipline? Most indian kids gravitate to the Guitar and drums because their idea of musicality is completely different from yours. Sadly, Indians do not seem to consider formal training in music a premium. Very few study western music much less the more difficult Indian tradition. They also learn Karate and kung fu more than grappling and tazia. It is not who they are. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.

Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Po fella.

Prashad posted:

It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

There are a lot of things you can do to boost your self-esteem other than declare war on another race. Have you tried exercise?

Last edited by antabanta
Nehru posted:

Prashad Bhai, In a Democracy even the ILLITERATE and IGNORANT has their voices heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

What above has he said relates to democracy moron? Do you just like to use words with no context to them? Please illustrate what in that entire paragraph spoke directly to democracy.

That silly fellow with his half made reality is trying to cripple Indian kids with his stunted view of what they should be. Thankfully the are on their own trajectory and away from the confused reality that fellow mapped out. Indian Kids ( and I have two) know who they are and where they are located in the world.

They have a country to which they belong embrace their multicultural bequeathal and are firmly located in the world where they are and without the confusing pull of a fabricated reality that exists only in the minds of tragically culturally stunted fools like this fellow.

Prashad posted:

It shows my point. They all got the ultimate aim is the disappearance of the bloodsucker East Indian from the soil of Guyana 

Some one was woefully neglectful of your education. Look about you. Indians are firmly connected to who they are and their world view. Every culture born in want develop skills to cope. If you see indian financial fecundity as a blood sucking heritage that is your loss.

Prashad posted:

No apology should have been made by FK. A seasoned politican is not going to make an out and out racist speech but may disguise it in coded words.

Please explain or point to the evidence.

Stormborn posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Write your own story. Do not presume me a source. You are a bigot with a slanted, distorted view of the world so our positions will always be diametric. How can you teach the kids language when you are a cripple in that discipline? Most indian kids gravitate to the Guitar and drums because their idea of musicality is completely different from yours. Sadly, Indians do not seem to consider formal training in music a premium. Very few study western music much less the more difficult Indian tradition. They also learn Karate and kung fu more than grappling and tazia. It is not who they are. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

Prashad Bhai, In a Democracy even the ILLITERATE and IGNORANT has their voices heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

True dat, we encourage you an he both so we could get some good laff at your ignorance due to being too lazy to learn.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

I am sorry if you think speaking on various issues is being an "expert" on them. You need to broaden your circle of friends. Hanging out with people like Nehru or Cobra will only stunt your world view.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Prashad Bhai, In a Democracy even the ILLITERATE and IGNORANT has their voices heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

True dat, we encourage you an he both so we could get some good laff at your ignorance due to being too lazy to learn.

Dope head the DUMMY from Canada check in at Bellevue.

Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Well said Prashad. You have our support. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Write your own story. Do not presume me a source. You are a bigot with a slanted, distorted view of the world so our positions will always be diametric. How can you teach the kids language when you are a cripple in that discipline? Most indian kids gravitate to the Guitar and drums because their idea of musicality is completely different from yours. Sadly, Indians do not seem to consider formal training in music a premium. Very few study western music much less the more difficult Indian tradition. They also learn Karate and kung fu more than grappling and tazia. It is not who they are. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

Yeah man!!! Give it to him Billy Ram . 

susan posted:

Wow! what a loonnngggg apology. 

"The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction."

Way too many Guyanese do same as Freddie. There is a group on this site who appear to be unable to see it any other way. Maybe they will learn something from Freddie's apology?!

Who are in that group Susie? 

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

I am sorry if you think speaking on various issues is being an "expert" on them. You need to broaden your circle of friends. Hanging out with people like Nehru or Cobra will only stunt your world view.

I think you need to ground with your Amerindian brothers to develop true sense who you actually are.  No amount of academic nurturing will fill that void. You need it brother.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

I am sorry if you think speaking on various issues is being an "expert" on them. You need to broaden your circle of friends. Hanging out with people like Nehru or Cobra will only stunt your world view.

I think you need to ground with your Amerindian brothers to develop true sense who you actually are.  No amount of academic nurturing will fill that void. You need it brother.

Were you not confused as to what you are you would not be so easy to insist others are like you. I am quite grounded with who I am.

ian posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Write your own story. Do not presume me a source. You are a bigot with a slanted, distorted view of the world so our positions will always be diametric. How can you teach the kids language when you are a cripple in that discipline? Most indian kids gravitate to the Guitar and drums because their idea of musicality is completely different from yours. Sadly, Indians do not seem to consider formal training in music a premium. Very few study western music much less the more difficult Indian tradition. They also learn Karate and kung fu more than grappling and tazia. It is not who they are. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

Yeah man!!! Give it to him Billy Ram . fighting with him is like beating up on a kid.

Stormborn posted:
ian posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Write your own story. Do not presume me a source. You are a bigot with a slanted, distorted view of the world so our positions will always be diametric. How can you teach the kids language when you are a cripple in that discipline? Most indian kids gravitate to the Guitar and drums because their idea of musicality is completely different from yours. Sadly, Indians do not seem to consider formal training in music a premium. Very few study western music much less the more difficult Indian tradition. They also learn Karate and kung fu more than grappling and tazia. It is not who they are. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.



Why don't you articulate the Amerindian problem and come with a solution since you love to talk like an expert on every matter. 

Yeah man!!! Give it to him Billy Ram . fighting with him is like beating up on a kid.

You can't intimidate nor impress me with your daily rubbish you post on GNI.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
alena06 posted:
susan posted:

Wow! what a loonnngggg apology. 

"The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction."

Way too many Guyanese do same as Freddie. There is a group on this site who appear to be unable to see it any other way. Maybe they will learn something from Freddie's apology?!

Who are in that group Susie? 

Take a wild guess 'Leni 

Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Prashad posted:

We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. . 

What a hypocrite, given that your kids are only PART Indian, based upon your comments that your wife is of mixed African and European ancestry.

1.  YOU are diluting the pool of "Indian nationhood".

2.  You cannot be honest and scream that your half Indian off spring are part of an Indo nation.

Stormborn posted:
. They are not South Asian but of the western tradition like you though less stunted.

Yes, they are Africanized Indo Saxons, just like prashad himself.

They come from an Indo creole culture, which developed in the Caribbean. This continuing the residual remnants of the North Indian village peasant culture, and heavily impacted by the colonial regimes, and by the Afro creole culture that they were heavily exposed to.

These Indians had to survive in a British colonial regime (or Dutch in the case of Suriname, or French in Guadeloupe and Martinique).  They also had to be able to interact with the African and mulatto populations, which were the dominant group when they arrived.

That makes them Africanized Indo Saxons.

Prashad with his dougla kids, seems to have a problem.

Prashad posted:

No apology should have been made by FK. A seasoned politican is not going to make an out and out racist speech but may disguise it in coded words.

Jagdeo certainly did, and NEVER apologized.  And then we have Rohee agreeing with Jagdeo that the PPP is the "coolie people party".

The then PPP controlled Chronicle writing a WHOLE editorial damning blacks as useless savages and criminals.

Last edited by Former Member

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