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susan posted:
alena06 posted:
susan posted:

Wow! what a loonnngggg apology. 

"The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction."

Way too many Guyanese do same as Freddie. There is a group on this site who appear to be unable to see it any other way. Maybe they will learn something from Freddie's apology?!

Who are in that group Susie? 

Take a wild guess 'Leni 

Susie gurl you just joined here and have strong opinions about members already.  What's your old nic? I tried to welcome you the other day and you didn't even acknowledge my thread.  Hope you're not the 'snooty' kind who went to Ivy League school.  GNI gals usually get along well.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Dem Big Black bad bannas shook him up and he is running scared. He had to swallow his spit. 

Guyana under the AFC/PNC = Massive corruption and intimidation.

PNC reminded him that he is Indo. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Drugb.. couldn't have said it better. 

ian posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Drugb.. couldn't have said it better. 

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:
susan posted:
alena06 posted:
susan posted:

Wow! what a loonnngggg apology. 

"The weakness in that juxtaposition is that I sought to elevate party competition to the call to vote race. This is where I believe the column fell down. This is where I believe my analysis went in the wrong direction."

Way too many Guyanese do same as Freddie. There is a group on this site who appear to be unable to see it any other way. Maybe they will learn something from Freddie's apology?!

Who are in that group Susie? 

Take a wild guess 'Leni 

Susie gurl you just joined here and have strong opinions about members already.  What's your old nic? I tried to welcome you the other day and you didn't even acknowledge my thread.  Hope you're not the 'snooty' kind who went to Ivy League school.  GNI gals usually get along well.

We should have a girls night out.  I will make some Gilbakka curry and roti for everyone.   We can even invite a couple of the boys like Carib and Cobra.

Bibi Haniffa
ian posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Drugb.. couldn't have said it better. 

Drugb........on point!!  Freddie know his place now.  Let him muscle up against the PNC boys and let's see what happens!!

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

Drugb posted:

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

The people who threw feces at him also threatened his life and that of his family.

Now continue with your brown bai, and brown gyal KKK behavior.

Sorry Bibi you hang out with bigots and cheer their antics, so now you are covered in their muck.

Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 


Drugb, give us one example of a claim against the PPP that was a lie.


We East Indians of Guyana are at the most crucial point in our survival as a people in Guyana . My children and my wife being of mixed race is not the issue here.I have always said that in order to grow and increase our population we must embrace our dougla brothers and sisters as long as they are willing to stop promoting the slave master name. People of the likes of Caribbeanj like the position that we East Indians of Guyana are in. The Physical, cultural and eventually the  political and social decline of the Guyanese East Indian population is their ultimate salvation. We the East Indian people of Guyana have to stop that decline. I said before that seeing  the estimated declining numbers is frightening indeed. It has kept me up at night. The only way to stop that decline is by having a rebirth in the promotion of the values and a sense of pride in the traditional forms of our South Asian culture.

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians. As I mentioned, Freddie finally looked in the mirror and realized that he was Indian in the eyes of the PNC. When it was his own Indians in power he had no fear, now he is a shivering ninny at the mere rebuke from his PNC masters. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

The people who threw feces at him also threatened his life and that of his family.

Now continue with your brown bai, and brown gyal KKK behavior.

Sorry Bibi you hang out with bigots and cheer their antics, so now you are covered in their muck.

He didn't take them seriously as he felt that they were bluffing. But under the PNC he knows there is no bluffing but death will come decisively. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians. As I mentioned, Freddie finally looked in the mirror and realized that he was Indian in the eyes of the PNC. When it was his own Indians in power he had no fear, now he is a shivering ninny at the mere rebuke from his PNC masters. 

The PPP had extrajudicial agents killing people left and right...some 400. I am sure those whose communities were the target felt fear. The individuals targeted also voiced that fear. Listen to Bacchus as he tells of the eventuality of his assassination.

Additionally, you folks argue like dunces. If Freddi was so petrified of the black boogieman why did he make he claims in the first place? Are you saying he just recently came to that mental state? What he stated was transparently wrong. One could only assume he took another listen to the tape and the parts that peaked his suspensions were resolved by that.

ian posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Well said Prashad. You have our support. 

Prashad sounds like an Indo Malcolm X. Shall we call him Prashad X? 

Gilbakka posted:
ian posted:
Prashad posted:

The ultimate aim of these types and these Toms like Caribbeanj and to a lesser extent Stormborn is to see the East Indians of Guyana disappear as a cultural and political force and ultimately a social force from the soil of Guyana. The myth that the East Indian never contributed anything of significance to Guyana runs deep. The myth that the East Indian is a common type of thief and sucker of economic blood from Guyana runs deep. It is similar to the myth of the Jew promoted by the Germanic people. We East Indian people have to instill in our children a sense of  pride in our history, We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children that they are members of a nation. We East Indian people of Guyana have to teach our children linguistic and cultural pride. Teach them to play a South Asian musical instrument and to learn Hindi or Sanskrit or Urdu. Teach them self defence by giving them the skills of a South Asian martial art. Teach the children to stop the Koolie crab dog fight up and embrace each other and the Dougla people ( as long as they stop carrying the slave master name) as brothers and sisters. It all helps them to achieve high self esteem and a sense of pride and identity. 

Well said Prashad. You have our support. 

Prashad sounds like an Indo Malcolm X. Shall we call him Prashad X? 

You insult Malcolm. He was not a dunce with scatter brained bigotted conclusions. He was confronting institutionalized segregation, steering, redlining, overt bigotry  and banal neglect. This fellow is imagining all sorts of fictive evils. I answered it on another thread and he reported it here.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

The PPP were tame comparedto the fear that the PNC instills in Indians. As I mentioned, Freddie finally looked in the mirror and realized that he was Indian in the eyes of the PNC. When it was his own Indians in power he had no fear, now he is a shivering ninny at the mere rebuke from his PNC masters. 

Your statement is like pouring water in a basket,you continue making up stories as you peddle your nonsense.

Are you the guy who said he had to migrate because he sees Black People as bullies.

Drugb posted:
ian posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the PNC boys visited Freddie in the dead of the night.

And of course druggie cannot prove that there was any racism attributable to Trotman, so he must invent this inane response.

Freddie K never apologized to the PPP as his comments about them were fully justified.

Even Roger Luncheon had to admit that the PPP appointed fewer Africans than what would have been expected, given the talent pool.  When asked why, he claimed that he didn't know!

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, but never issued an apology as he knew that they wouldn't touch him. But with the big bad Black PNC in power, he suddenly remember he is Indian. 

Drugb.. couldn't have said it better. 

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

Prashad posted:

We East Indians of Guyana are at the most crucial point in our survival as a people in Guyana . My children and my wife being of mixed race is not the issue here..

Douglas are part African, and sometimes also part European.

Can you tell us that you aren't a bigot for demanding that they abandon that aspect of their heritage?

This is why people of mixed ancestry often feel more comfortable with blacks.  WE do NOT issue demands as to who they ought to be!

Drugb posted:

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians..

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians..

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

This core hater of East Indians Caribbeanj fail to mention the East Indian people who were brutally killed. For this every day racist of East Indians of Guyana people like Rawlings are freedom fighters for killing East Indians.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

The people who threw feces at him also threatened his life and that of his family.

Now continue with your brown bai, and brown gyal KKK behavior.

Sorry Bibi you hang out with bigots and cheer their antics, so now you are covered in their muck.

Listen bro, I am not a racist.  I have a big problem with Freddie as an individual.  He tells a lot of lies and has caused irreparable damage to some good people.  I have no respect for people who toot their horn with nothing credible to offer.  The people who respect and support Freddie are the ones covered with muck.  

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians..

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

I experienced the Roger Khan era of Killing criminals. The police were not supporting the government. With the help of Black prison wardens.. supported by Congress place, the famous Camp street prison break was to cause mayhem and riots in Guyana. Indians specifically been target by blacks.  

The Police use to chain lock there gates at 6 PM and hide rather than capture the criminals. The government had no choice Roger Khan came and brought some sanity in Guyana.

The Italian mafia was brought in by Bramana associate, when he was kidnapped. They were successful to walk through Buxton and wipe the criminals. Dale was killed on Annandale Public Rd by huge shoot out. I was their bodies hanging out of cars. 

I have seen many of you on this site blabbing and have no clue what you speaking. I just laugh. 

Every time blacks need money, they protest for the silly things, ran down regent st looting and stripping INDIAN GIRLS of their clothing. 

Would any of you BLACKS on this forum want your sister, wife, mother, daughter to suffer the same. Karma is a bitch. 

ian posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians..

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

I experienced the Roger Khan era of Killing criminals. The police were not supporting the government. With the help of Black prison wardens.. supported by Congress place, the famous Camp street prison break was to cause mayhem and riots in Guyana. Indians specifically been target by blacks.  

The Police use to chain lock there gates at 6 PM and hide rather than capture the criminals. The government had no choice Roger Khan came and brought some sanity in Guyana.

The Italian mafia was brought in by Bramana associate, when he was kidnapped. They were successful to walk through Buxton and wipe the criminals. Dale was killed on Annandale Public Rd by huge shoot out. I was their bodies hanging out of cars. 

I have seen many of you on this site blabbing and have no clue what you speaking. I just laugh. 

Every time blacks need money, they protest for the silly things, ran down regent st looting and stripping INDIAN GIRLS of their clothing. 

Would any of you BLACKS on this forum want your sister, wife, mother, daughter to suffer the same. Karma is a bitch. 

My mom lost her cousin in one of these senseless killings by one of the Buxton gangs.  He was on vacation in Annandale from Canada.  They broke in to the home he was staying and killed him in his sleep.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ian posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians..

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

I experienced the Roger Khan era of Killing criminals. The police were not supporting the government. With the help of Black prison wardens.. supported by Congress place, the famous Camp street prison break was to cause mayhem and riots in Guyana. Indians specifically been target by blacks.  

The Police use to chain lock there gates at 6 PM and hide rather than capture the criminals. The government had no choice Roger Khan came and brought some sanity in Guyana.

The Italian mafia was brought in by Bramana associate, when he was kidnapped. They were successful to walk through Buxton and wipe the criminals. Dale was killed on Annandale Public Rd by huge shoot out. I was their bodies hanging out of cars. 

I have seen many of you on this site blabbing and have no clue what you speaking. I just laugh. 

Every time blacks need money, they protest for the silly things, ran down regent st looting and stripping INDIAN GIRLS of their clothing. 

Would any of you BLACKS on this forum want your sister, wife, mother, daughter to suffer the same. Karma is a bitch. 

My mom lost her cousin in one of these senseless killings by one of the Buxton gangs.  He was on vacation in Annandale from Canada.  They broke in to the home he was staying and killed him in his sleep.

I know the Khan if this is the family. Last house Annandale market Rd 

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians. As I mentioned, Freddie finally looked in the mirror and realized that he was Indian in the eyes of the PNC. When it was his own Indians in power he had no fear, now he is a shivering ninny at the mere rebuke from his PNC masters. 

The PPP had extrajudicial agents killing people left and right...some 400. I am sure those whose communities were the target felt fear. The individuals targeted also voiced that fear. Listen to Bacchus as he tells of the eventuality of his assassination.

Additionally, you folks argue like dunces. If Freddi was so petrified of the black boogieman why did he make he claims in the first place? Are you saying he just recently came to that mental state? What he stated was transparently wrong. One could only assume he took another listen to the tape and the parts that peaked his suspensions were resolved by that.

There you go again, pulling out the 400 # out of your rear as though it was gospel.  So far no PPP has been jailed for this fictitious to which you keep referring.

Freddie forgot his place and for a moment thought that his black skin made him an honorary black, however he was quickly reminded otherwise.

The PNC got to him and he recanted after the threat of his life.  

caribny posted:

Of course as an Indian, and especially as a member of the brown bai KKK, you don't feel intimidated by the "coolie people party, as they seek to consolidate their East Indian support base".

When Roger Khan and others were killing blacks, listening to their phones, and threatening their lives Jagdeo was seen as being no better than Burnham.

RK put a halt to the PNC plan to make the country ungovernable via organized gangs and directed killings. Hoyte, Corbin and other leaders organized gangs of Black PNC ex police/soldiers and sent them on missions to strike fear and destruction in the hearts of Indians. RK stepped in with the help of other businessmen and did what the police should have done. Don't play stupid, you know exactly what happened and yet you play dunce. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Its not whether he is correct or not, Freddie made many claims against the PPP that were flat out lies, .

Like what?   That the PPP attacked him with fecal matter, and issued death threats against him and his family.  That they dragged him to court when he said that Jagdeo was an institutional racist. They case was dropped when Jagdeo couldn't prove that he wasn't guilty of this.

So why again should Freddie K apologize to the PPP?  Did they ever apologize to him?

The PPP were tame compared to the fear that the PNC instills in Indians. As I mentioned, Freddie finally looked in the mirror and realized that he was Indian in the eyes of the PNC. When it was his own Indians in power he had no fear, now he is a shivering ninny at the mere rebuke from his PNC masters. 

The PPP had extrajudicial agents killing people left and right...some 400. I am sure those whose communities were the target felt fear. The individuals targeted also voiced that fear. Listen to Bacchus as he tells of the eventuality of his assassination.

Additionally, you folks argue like dunces. If Freddi was so petrified of the black boogieman why did he make he claims in the first place? Are you saying he just recently came to that mental state? What he stated was transparently wrong. One could only assume he took another listen to the tape and the parts that peaked his suspensions were resolved by that.

There you go again, pulling out the 400 # out of your rear as though it was gospel.  So far no PPP has been jailed for this fictitious to which you keep referring.

Freddie forgot his place and for a moment thought that his black skin made him an honorary black, however he was quickly reminded otherwise.

The PNC got to him and he recanted after the threat of his life.  

They died...mysteriously...killed by the unslauth of extrajudicial practices of the PPP. That is the existing fact. That those nasty crooks are not in Jail is no surprise. They are lucky the present regime is not as vengeful as t he pretend it is. Other states would have hauled their corrupt asses in some damp cell to rot until the detail their theft. But they are lucky. This is a *****footing regime or their behinds would be on a rack.

Stormborn posted:

There you go again, pulling out the 400 # out of your rear as though it was gospel.  So far no PPP has been jailed for this fictitious to which you keep referring.

Freddie forgot his place and for a moment thought that his black skin made him an honorary black, however he was quickly reminded otherwise.

The PNC got to him and he recanted after the threat of his life.  

They died...mysteriously...killed by the unslauth of extrajudicial practices of the PPP. That is the existing fact. That those nasty crooks are not in Jail is no surprise. They are lucky the present regime is not as vengeful as t he pretend it is. Other states would have hauled their corrupt asses in some damp cell to rot until the detail their theft. But they are lucky. This is a *****footing regime or their behinds would be on a rack.

Mysterious deaths don't give you the right to be judge or jury. Not even the liberal amnesty international have claimed that the PPP killed 400, but you with your wild accusations have come to this conclusion. Meanwhile you excuse PNC executions that are happening today and claim that the criminals deserve what they get. 


The only thing FK should apologize for is to the East Indian people for having only one child. The man and his wife only have one child. They should have had about six by now. But it never too late for a comeback. So I hope Freddie starts working on it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact Freddie now long for the days of only feces being thrown on his face rather than the threat of loss of life by the PNC. 

The people who threw feces at him also threatened his life and that of his family.

Now continue with your brown bai, and brown gyal KKK behavior.

Sorry Bibi you hang out with bigots and cheer their antics, so now you are covered in their muck.

Listen bro, I am not a racist.  I have a big problem with Freddie as an individual.  He tells a lot of lies and has caused irreparable damage to some good people.  I have no respect for people who toot their horn with nothing credible to offer.  The people who respect and support Freddie are the ones covered with muck.  

Listen up you don't have to apologize to Caribbeanj for anything. The man has complete racial hatred for East Indians. He is using East Indians hate the black man talk to cover his deep racial hatred for East Indians.

Last edited by Prashad
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

There you go again, pulling out the 400 # out of your rear as though it was gospel.  So far no PPP has been jailed for this fictitious to which you keep referring.

Freddie forgot his place and for a moment thought that his black skin made him an honorary black, however he was quickly reminded otherwise.

The PNC got to him and he recanted after the threat of his life.  

They died...mysteriously...killed by the unslauth of extrajudicial practices of the PPP. That is the existing fact. That those nasty crooks are not in Jail is no surprise. They are lucky the present regime is not as vengeful as t he pretend it is. Other states would have hauled their corrupt asses in some damp cell to rot until the detail their theft. But they are lucky. This is a *****footing regime or their behinds would be on a rack.

Mysterious deaths don't give you the right to be judge or jury. Not even the liberal amnesty international have claimed that the PPP killed 400, but you with your wild accusations have come to this conclusion. Meanwhile you excuse PNC executions that are happening today and claim that the criminals deserve what they get. 

Everyone and their mama knew who did it. Even you bragged here of killing criminals. RK allocute to being a security force for the state  in US courts.

The APNU has killed no one. They have done nothing of the autocratic audacity as the PPP. We already see them fire two of their own when there was apparent conflict of interest. The PPP never did that in 23 years. Therein lies the difference.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

Everyone and their mama knew who did it. Even you bragged here of killing criminals. RK allocute to being a security force for the state  in US courts.

The APNU has killed no one. They have done nothing of the autocratic audacity as the PPP. We already see them fire two of their own when there was apparent conflict of interest. The PPP never did that in 23 years. Therein lies the difference.

"Everyone and their mama" does not constitute evidence, it is merely a catch all bucket for you to keep spewing your lies from behind that dollar store counter. 

The APNU killed many including their own in Linden during the electricity riots. The blood of many Indians are on their hands as they financed roving bands of criminals to kill Indians in order to destabilize the country.  Don't forget Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek where PNC operatives killed at will to send a message to the PPP and strike fear into the heats of the Guyanese people. 

Prashad posted:

This core hater of East Indians Caribbeanj fail to mention the East Indian people who were brutally killed. For this every day racist of East Indians of Guyana people like Rawlings are freedom fighters for killing East Indians.

And have you ever mentioned blacks killed by the PPP?  NO!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:

Listen bro, I am not a racist. .

You agree with every sentiment made by racists, so you are at fault if others develop this image of you.

Now go join Ian, prasahd and the others as they portray Afro Guyanese as a band of lazy, savages content with nothing but the blood of Indians. Indeed the PPP screamed that much in its infamous Chronicle editorial, and has NEVER apologized!

Drugb posted:

The APNU killed many including their own in Linden during the electricity riots. .

These were killed by the police. The police were under the control of a PPP regime, with the senior ranks at the time, being known PPP soup lickers.

Prashad posted:

The only thing FK should apologize for is to the East Indian people for having only one child. .

This from a man who has kids who are no more than 50% East Indian. And I say no more than 50% because for all you know you might be descended from a dougla.


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