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Former Member


April 3, 2013, By , Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


The recourse to cutting the Budget may be the opposition’s way of compensating for not being able to offer constructive criticisms and feasible alternatives to the government’s programmes.

It is left to be seen just how the opposition will respond this time around. It is left to be seen what will be the basis of their criticisms and whether they can ditch personal attacks and employ in its place reasoned arguments.

That may be asking too much of the opposition, but they really need to prove that they are capable of unmasking the 2013 Budget. They also have to prove that at the end of the day they can wrest reasonable compromises from the government.

It is no use asking, like the AFC did last year, about where the government was finding the money to make major pharmaceutical purchases, when it was the same opposition that supported the passage of the health budget.

It is no use asking about the overall costs of the airport expansion project if funding for this project was approved last year. That would be like closing the stable doors after the horse has bolted.

It is no use trying to make out as if certain public officials are “fat cats” when there has been no public disclosure as to what some parliamentarians earn, inclusive of fringe benefits, for their work in the National Assembly.

In a recent court case it was revealed that a member of parliament paid five million dollars in tax for one year alone. This means that his annual income for that year was in excess of fifteen million dollars. How then can one justify this talk about “fat cats”?

These arguments are good for the camera, but they do not conceal the absence of credible alternatives and solid criticisms. And this is what one has to look out for in this year’s Budget debates.

The government is expected to spend a great deal of time outlining what it did last year and what it plans to do this year. It will come with concrete facts and with statistics to make its case.

And it must be recalled that the economy did very well last year and therefore it will be hard for the opposition to find solid grounds to be critical of the management of the economy.

The opposition parties will therefore be sorely tested in this year’s Budget debate. They will be on the ones on trial, not the government. The public will be looking towards them to see what criticisms they can offer and how strong or weak are these criticisms.

The people of Guyana will want to know where the opposition stands on this Budget. They are not interested in learning about cuts. They want to know how, if the opposition had $209 billion dollars to spend, how they would spend this sum.

That may be asking the opposition parties too much, because they do not have the political experience of managing such a large Budget. But at least they should be able to think about some of the things that they would do differently from the government if they had to manage a Budget of that size.

The government has already increased old age pensions by some 25%. That is costing the treasury a few billion each year, with in excess of 40,000 persons receiving this pension in a country of under 800,000 persons.

The AFC has long been calling for an audit of the names of those receiving old age pensions. Their former parliamentarian Sheila Holder was convinced that the pension roll was padded. She went to her grave convinced that all was not right with the pension list.

There is need to ensure that this roll does not contain persons who are not eligible for pensions. There is also a need, if future increases are to be sustainable, for some means test to be introduced before someone becomes eligible for old age pension. Should someone for example receiving NIS pension be eligible for old age pension?

This surely cannot be right, because old age pension is not a contributory scheme. Therefore there is no legal entitlement to old age pension. How can persons who receive a fat cheque each month from the NIS, as pension, still be eligible for old age pension, when this money could have been used to pay higher old age pensions to persons who are not in receipt of the NIS pension?

These are the issues upon which the public expects strident contributions from the opposition. The talk about cuts is a mere sideshow; it is the easy way out of the Budget debacle and it played right into the hands of the government on the last occasion.

It may happen again this year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC/PNC opposition has failed every test they have taken so far and will continue to fail. What the good people of Guyana are witnessing is the slow self destructing of the opposition AFC/PNC---these blabbermouths and blowhards see difficulty in every opportunity and are consumed by anger, hatred and intolerance.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The AFC/PNC opposition has failed every test they have taken so far and will continue to fail. What the good people of Guyana are witnessing is the slow self destructing of the opposition AFC/PNC---these blabbermouths and blowhards see difficulty in every opportunity and are consumed by anger, hatred and intolerance.







The PPP has failed every test since 1992. That includes a financial test, a drugs test, a corruption index text, a citizen safety test, and a racial test.

And now you are talking about the opposition??? People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The AFC/PNC opposition has failed every test they have taken so far and will continue to fail.

What the good people of Guyana are witnessing is the slow self destructing of the opposition AFC/PNC ---

Unfortunate inured traits which will continue their decline.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The PPP Minority AFC/PNC opposition has failed every test they have taken so far and will continue to fail.

What the good people of Guyana are witnessing is the slow self destructing of the PPP Minority opposition AFC/PNC---these blabbermouths and blowhards see difficulty in every opportunity and are consumed by anger, hatred and Thiefing, Corruption & Mismanagement.




 No place for abuse in political discourse – Ramkarran









Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ramkarran dares PPP to have congress debate working with opposition



Ralph Ramkarran clearly needs to have a lobotomy!


How dare he suggest that the PPP work along with the terrorists in the opposition ?


It is crystal clear that Ramkarran remains a bitter man---both he and Moses wanted Ramotar's position----and after being rejected by the party----they are now harboring deep grudges.




The Rev wouldn't label him a PNC Indian yet---but if he hooks up with Moses and Khemraj and work along with those 2 dirtbags to help elect the PNC----that's when he'll deserve the PNC Indian label.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ramkarran dares PPP to have congress debate working with opposition



Ralph Ramkarran clearly needs to have a lobotomy!


How dare he suggest that the PPP work along with the terrorists in the opposition ?


It is crystal clear that Ramkarran remains a bitter man---both he and Moses wanted Ramotar's position----and after being rejected by the party----they are now harboring deep grudges.




The Rev wouldn't label him a PNC Indian yet---but if he hooks up with Moses and Khemraj and work along with those 2 dirtbags to help elect the PNC----that's when he'll deserve the PNC Indian label.





Jackass Rev, why don't you prove that Moses and Ralph were rejected by the party. Antiman, you eat shit and now come here to spew it.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Rev, why don't you prove that Moses and Ralph were rejected by the party.



All of Guyana know that those 2 dirty, rotten scoundrels, PNC Indians Moses and Khemraj, are working assiduously to help the PNC get back into power.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Rev, why don't you prove that Moses and Ralph were rejected by the party.



All of Guyana know that those 2 dirty, rotten scoundrels, PNC Indians Moses and Khemraj, are working assiduously to help the PNC get back into power.





Is that what your told mother you? She lied.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ramkarran dares PPP to have congress debate working with opposition



Ralph Ramkarran clearly needs to have a lobotomy!


How dare he suggest that the PPP work along with the terrorists in the opposition ?


It is crystal clear that Ramkarran remains a bitter man---both he and Moses wanted Ramotar's position----and after being rejected by the party----they are now harboring deep grudges.




The Rev wouldn't label him a PNC Indian yet---but if he hooks up with Moses and Khemraj and work along with those 2 dirtbags to help elect the PNC----that's when he'll deserve the PNC Indian label.





Jackass Rev, why don't you prove that Moses and Ralph were rejected by the party. Antiman, you eat shit and now come here to spew it.




Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo bragged in parliament about cussing out his grandchildren---PNC Indian Moses is a bonafide dirtbag----this monster is now working 24/7 to put the depraved PNC back into office.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo bragged in parliament about cussing out his grandchildren---PNC Indian Moses is a bonafide dirtbag----this monster is now working 24/7 to put the depraved PNC back into office.



He is convincing the Public that POWER and WEALTH is MORE important than HONOR, INTEGRITY and REVENGE. He has certainly diluted his Status in Guyana. Actually, sometime I feel Sorry for the poor soul.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

He(Moses Nagamootoo) is convincing the Public that POWER and WEALTH is MORE important than HONOR, INTEGRITY and REVENGE. He has certainly diluted his Status in Guyana. Actually, sometime I feel Sorry for the poor soul.


Nehru bhai:


Guyana last week celebrated the lovely hindu holiday Phagwah.


Did you see any photos of those 2 weasels, Moses and Khemraj, celebrating phagwah ? Were there any phagwah messages from those two turncoats ?







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

He(Moses Nagamootoo) is convincing the Public that POWER and WEALTH is MORE important than HONOR, INTEGRITY and REVENGE. He has certainly diluted his Status in Guyana. Actually, sometime I feel Sorry for the poor soul.


Nehru bhai:


Guyana last week celebrated the lovely hindu holiday Phagwah.







Antiman Rev you running to Nehru for support. Nehru is straight.




AGAIN, Moses Nagamootoo epitomises that brand of politician that fits appropriately into that category of hypocrisy, gross deception and double standards. One can even add the well known saying of “sour grapes”, and all that such connotes. A good point to begin, in order to prove these attributes, is from the time that he walked away from his former political home – the PPP/C.


It is no secret that this political weathercock/chameleon coveted his former party’s nomination for the presidency, beginning from the latter 1990s. He wanted the job more than anything else. Further, it is alleged that due to a bitter clash with another former party elder, he was not considered; but, he continued within its ranks, as faithful subscriber to all of its ideals, with no attacks.


Enter the run up to the 2011 poll - he announced his challenge for the nomination; but then withdrew, making the accusation that the nomination process had not been transparent, and undemocratic. Such an announcement not only ended his quest, but concomitantly began his daily attacks against a movement that he had been a central part of, for many decades. What is interesting, but plainly contradictory, is the bitter attacks launched against his former colleagues and government.


It is not yet two years since he has departed from the PPP/C, and it automatically begs the question as to why only now the sudden observation of all those alleged ills he has been publicising. Surely, the type of allegations that Nagamootoo have been spouting just do not occur overnight.


But the very keen observer of the local political milieu will realise what is Nagamootoo’s bitter reason for his frenzied, public outbursts - his dashed presidential hopes. Indeed, he is bitter, with his numerous vitriolic attacks portraying such a state of emotion.


All interesting historical references. But we are living in the present climate where the PPP has established a monopoly on just about every aspect of life. It is like living in North Korea. The people are fed daily doses of lies and starvation if they are not with the PPP.

The facts speak for themselves. Never in the history of Guyana have so few got their hands on so much of the country's wealth. Not only that, there are now more beggars in Guyana than there are dogs.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Rev, why don't you prove that Moses and Ralph were rejected by the party.



All of Guyana know that those 2 dirty, rotten scoundrels, PNC Indians Moses and Khemraj, are working assiduously to help the PNC get back into power.







The Rev is doing everything to prove to us that he is a Donkey.


I challenge the Jackass to prove

either Moses Nagamooto or Ralph Ramkarran

was ever rejected by the PPP.


Now....Stop Braying and lets have the proof......






The only thing all of Guyana know is

"Ramotar, Jagdeo and Dem Funny Fellas" 

cannot get Majority Vote in Guyana.......without Moses.

Turn or twist it any angle.....that is the truth.



 There is a big difference between drinking milk, supporting thiefing and corruption in govt............

........and working assiduously to help the PNC get back into power.





The Donkey's Brains 


  The Lion and the Fox went hunting together.

The Lion, on the advice of the  Fox, sent a message to the Donkey, proposing to make an alliance between their  two families.


The Donkey came to the place of meeting, overjoyed at the prospect of a royal  alliance.

But when he came there the Lion simply pounced on the Donkey, and  said to the Fox: "Here is our dinner for today. Watch you here while I  go and have a nap. Woe betide you if you touch my prey."


The Lion went away and the Fox waited;

but finding that his master did not  return, ventured to take out the brains of the fallen beast and ate them up.


  When the Lion came back he soon noticed the  absence of the brains, and asked  the Fox in a terrible voice: "What have you done with the brains?"


"Brains, your Majesty!

it had none,

or it would never have fallen into  your trap."




If you had any Brain.....

you would know

what every Guyanese know......


All of Guyana know 

"Ramotar, Jagdeo and Dem Funny Fellas" 

cannot get Majority Vote r support in Guyana.......without Moses.


So Bray as much as you want.....

The Truth wont change...



Last edited by Former Member

In the event of any snap election, the joint opposition faith will be sealed, they'll no longer be an obstacle to the developmental programs of the state, they'll fade into the political wilderness, and cement their spot there

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap election, the joint opposition faith will be sealed, they'll no longer be an obstacle to the developmental programs of the state, they'll fade into the political wilderness, and cement their spot there

Different day, same shit. Why Ramotar wasting time  with the budget? Jackass, if the PPP thought that they could increase their seats, they would have called a snap election. Councie go spew your poop somewhere else.
The reality is the PPP will get fewer seats.


The joint opposition are severely criticizing the 2013 budget, they hold the "majority" as they constantly repeat in their every speech, if they have the "guts" block the entire budget and return to the polls,....the joint opposition knows to their gut, a snap election would favor the PPP/C. the electorate eagerly awaits....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition are severely criticizing the 2013 budget, they hold the "majority" as they constantly repeat in their every speech, if they have the "guts" block the entire budget and return to the polls,....the joint opposition knows to their gut, a snap election would favor the PPP/C. the electorate eagerly awaits....

Jackass if that was so, Ramotar would call an election. The PPP will get 2 -3 less seats.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

....the joint opposition knows to their gut, a snap election would favor the PPP/C. the electorate eagerly awaits....



As you are fully aware, President Ramotar and the PPP see themselves as TIGERS and view the joint opposition as a flock of SHEEP------TIGERS(PPP) never lose sleep over the opinions of SHEEP(PNC/AFC).




Ramjattan and the AFC Cabal is talking about snap elections, yet none of them has the "balls" to pursue such.....the PPP/C is ready for any snap elections...even if its called tomo'rrow....


"mitwah" keep your post civil, debate on issues

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan and the AFC Cabal is talking about snap elections, yet none of them has the "balls" to pursue such.....the PPP/C is ready for any snap elections...even if its called tomo'rrow....


"mitwah" keep your post civil, debate on issues

My posts are civil. You are posting poop. What's there to debate? The PPP will loose as much as 3 more seats.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan and the AFC Cabal is talking about snap elections, yet none of them has the "balls" to pursue such.....the PPP/C is ready for any snap elections...even if its called tomo'rrow....



The PPP allowed the AFC to sneak out a win in Region 8 in the last election:


995 votes---AFC

741 votes---PPP

739 votes---PNC


The PPP lost region 8 by 254 votes.







Has the PPP made certain that the AFC cannot pull off a win in region 8 in the next election---snap or whatever ?




Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Has the PPP made certain that the AFC cannot pull off a win in region 8 in the next election---snap or whatever ?

Last election had a few whimsical results.


AFC now solidly with the PNC has sealed their fate for further events.


If AFC maintains ROAR support they could get about two or three seats.


Ok Mitts ....order some Hats for de Funny Fellas


Councie, Kwame Boss, De Rev Al, Knee-Ru ,Goodie-Walla 
these chap dem na get dress them up in dunce-cap...
Guyanese went to elections and Voted
Before De Elections:
(1)  Moses Resigned from the PPP because of Corruption, Mismanagement,  Un-Democratic Practices and Rigged Internal Elections.
    (2) Leadership of the PPP Hijacked by Jagdeo with the help of Ramotar. 


The Results of the Elections :

(1)"Ramotar, Jagdeo and Dem Funny Fellas" Failed to  get 50% of the Votes 

(2)  Under Jagdeo & Ramotar Leadership the PPP Lost De Majority in  Guyana Parliament


(3) Without Moses Support the PPP Lost the Elections.



Reality after the Ramotar and Jagdeo

lost  Support, Confidence & Trust of the Majority of Guyanese.

(1) PPP are now Exposed as worst thieves than the PNC.

(2)PPP cannot pass any Bill in Parliarment .......

without help, guidance and Support of Moses and the AFC.

(3) Donald is a sitting Duck

(4) Nagamootoo & AFC is the Power Broker.

(5) Both PPP & PNC Cork Duck........ Boat Sink




           some Hats for de Funny Fellas


Councie, Kwame Boss, De Rev Al, Knee-Ru ,Goodie-Walla 
these chap dem na get dress them up in dunce-cap...
Lesson:-  Without Moses......Ramotar & Jagdeo caused PPP to lose everything.......Lock, Stock and Barrel.
Now the PPP out of their Ace.........
 AFC holding the Ace

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