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In an earlier exchange Chief asked Redux "Are you doubting facts?" to which Redux responded "ask pretzelman Kari to explain "red herring" to yuh"


Chief then retorted "Isn't Red Herring what Dr Jagan and Mrs Jagan use to feed your parents at Red House?"


This irked Redux whose reaction was "i see yuh dragging meh parents into yuh shyte . . . u is wan dangerous fool when u get desperate"


Well, it is at this point that the exchange became more pointed, when Redux asked"i said . . . does your fat rass want to go THERE!?".


This elicited the reaction from Chief

"I ready for you anytime. I know you like the bottle so at this time it is  even easier for me to kick your ass."


Now this exchange is not unusual but it turned ugly when Redux couldn't help himself "perhaps i should start by telling u some sexual secrets bout yuh wife, yuh mother and yuh daughter......"


What causes a plunge to such depths? Now let me add this testosterone-induced conversation by men behind keyboard and in the comfort of their compute asset. For the record, if Redux is TK and knowing who Chief is, Chief can slap the shit out of Redux/TK from her to eternity.






Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Kari:

In an earlier exchange Chief asked Redux "Are you doubting facts?" to which Redux responded "ask pretzelman Kari to explain "red herring" to yuh"


Chief then retorted "Isn't Red Herring what Dr Jagan and Mrs Jagan use to feed your parents at Red House?"


This irked Redux whose reaction was "i see yuh dragging meh parents into yuh shyte . . . u is wan dangerous fool when u get desperate"


Well, it is at this point that the exchange became more pointed, when Redux asked"i said . . . does your fat rass want to go THERE!?".


This elicited the reaction from Chief

"I ready for you anytime. I know you like the bottle so at this time it is  even easier for me to kick your ass."


Now this exchange is not unusual but it turned ugly when Redux couldn't help himself "perhaps i should start by telling u some sexual secrets bout yuh wife, yuh mother and yuh daughter......"


What causes a plunge to such depths? Now let me add this testosterone-induced conversation by men behind keyboard and in the comfort of their compute asset. For the record, if Redux is TK and knowing who Chief is, Chief can slap the shit out of Redux/TK from her to eternity.


Kari, i know u building a case . . . but u are a poor lawyer


it was the egregious Chief who "got pointed" and felt privileged enough to insult my parents totally out of the blue . . . eliciting my warning and the descent into the gutter


fortunately, fool, much as u may embrace the fantasy, i am not TK, and will slap both u and Chief into next week if perchance we meet

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

banna, give it a rest . . . this is not PPP Guyana


u have the nerve to bring yuh fake macho here with talk bout slapping people and then complain like a lil gyal when u get put in yuh place


are u another one who got death squad pan speed dial?


the FBI want to know

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

i am not defending Redux, Redux is not TK

all im saying is quit accusing TK of whatever it is you're doing, he's not here to defend himself


i have no views of de PNC bai, how did u come to that conclusion?


for the record, i hate de PPP and PNC equally

Originally Posted by Kari:

In an earlier exchange Chief asked Redux "Are you doubting facts?" to which Redux responded "ask pretzelman Kari to explain "red herring" to yuh"


Chief then retorted "Isn't Red Herring what Dr Jagan and Mrs Jagan use to feed your parents at Red House?"


This irked Redux whose reaction was "i see yuh dragging meh parents into yuh shyte . . . u is wan dangerous fool when u get desperate"


Well, it is at this point that the exchange became more pointed, when Redux asked"i said . . . does your fat rass want to go THERE!?".


This elicited the reaction from Chief

"I ready for you anytime. I know you like the bottle so at this time it is  even easier for me to kick your ass."


Now this exchange is not unusual but it turned ugly when Redux couldn't help himself "perhaps i should start by telling u some sexual secrets bout yuh wife, yuh mother and yuh daughter......"


What causes a plunge to such depths? Now let me add this testosterone-induced conversation by men behind keyboard and in the comfort of their compute asset. For the record, if Redux is TK and knowing who Chief is, Chief can slap the shit out of Redux/TK from her to eternity.






Chief is the one who first introduced family into the equation so if he gets it back, he fully deserves it.


In the same manner that he started cursing me and physically threatening me and then turned around and complained that he is being cursed.


Chief is a big belly ole turd hobbling along on one leg. Who the hell is he going to slap? In his bloody dreams. Just push him and his big belly will make him fall off that hop along leg.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

You should also tell your anti-man buddy, Mitwah to stop referring to members female relatives every time he tie himself up in knots.  This place filled with hypocrites who like to point out treatment of women issues in GT but feel free to cuss-out members about female relatives who they don't even know.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

i am not defending Redux, Redux is not TK

all im saying is quit accusing TK of whatever it is you're doing, he's not here to defend himself


i have no views of de PNC bai, how did u come to that conclusion?


for the record, i hate de PPP and PNC equally

Good to hear of your views on Guyana's party politics - well it's about what you don't like, but doesn't tell me what you are in favor of and what solutions you have. So man up on this front so we can all engage sensibly or tell us you are like the Swiss.



I've also been communicated to by TK that he is not Redux and I should apologize for saying that. I have no problem with he known TK, and I find his talk off GNI being a cesspool and that I should apologize being out of character. This further cemented my suspicion about the Redux/TK personna. Until Redux shows who he is the link between Redux and TK will remain, not matter what you assert Stingaaaaghhhhhh.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

i am not defending Redux, Redux is not TK

all im saying is quit accusing TK of whatever it is you're doing, he's not here to defend himself


i have no views of de PNC bai, how did u come to that conclusion?


for the record, i hate de PPP and PNC equally

Good to hear of your views on Guyana's party politics - well it's about what you don't like, but doesn't tell me what you are in favor of and what solutions you have. So man up on this front so we can all engage sensibly or tell us you are like the Swiss.



I've also been communicated to by TK that he is not Redux and I should apologize for saying that. I have no problem with he known TK, and I find his talk off GNI being a cesspool and that I should apologize being out of character. This further cemented my suspicion about the Redux/TK personna. Until Redux shows who he is the link between Redux and TK will remain, not matter what you assert Stingaaaaghhhhhh.

TK is not Redux, Redux cuss too much.  TK never cuss, he is very professorial.


I  should ask Redux to clear this up once and for all. Do not let us associate Tarron with anything he's not by convincing us of a difference. I've stated here numerous times who I am, so let transparency reign. If Redux wants to remain anonymous, which is his right, he can PM me. I'm not being an on any high-horses here, I  just want to not disrespect TK if he's not Redux. Help me out here, before I have to eat my words.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

i am not defending Redux, Redux is not TK

all im saying is quit accusing TK of whatever it is you're doing, he's not here to defend himself


i have no views of de PNC bai, how did u come to that conclusion?


for the record, i hate de PPP and PNC equally

Good to hear of your views on Guyana's party politics - well it's about what you don't like, but doesn't tell me what you are in favor of and what solutions you have. So man up on this front so we can all engage sensibly or tell us you are like the Swiss.



I've also been communicated to by TK that he is not Redux and I should apologize for saying that. I have no problem with he known TK, and I find his talk off GNI being a cesspool and that I should apologize being out of character. This further cemented my suspicion about the Redux/TK personna. Until Redux shows who he is the link between Redux and TK will remain, not matter what you assert Stingaaaaghhhhhh.

TK is not Redux, Redux cuss too much.  TK never cuss, he is very professorial.

I would tend to agree. Unless TK grew up among black people, because redux writings definitely comes accross as someone with that particular style of speaking. At times I could swear it is Caribj. I doan think Indians understands and explains the sitaution of blacks as Redux explains it. So, I conclude de man is Black. 

Originally Posted by Kari:

I  should ask Redux to clear this up once and for all. Do not let us associate Tarron with anything he's not by convincing us of a difference. I've stated here numerous times who I am, so let transparency reign. If Redux wants to remain anonymous, which is his right, he can PM me. I'm not being an on any high-horses here, I  just want to not disrespect TK if he's not Redux. Help me out here, before I have to eat my words.

lemme get this straight . . . in the face of all reason and evidence (TK even took time out to contact u), u cling ignorantly, tenaciously to some fantasy that TK = Redux


the funny thing is . . . i have never met Tarron Khemraj . . . don't communicate with him, not even on Facebook


now you're holding the man's good name hostage until i pm u with my personal information?


are u out of your freakin mind?


no wonder i doan like or even respect u

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

my interest in in TK's defense, de brother aint here quit indicting him


however i maintain Chief is ole, he cannot slap anyone

Explain to me what about the postings by Redux and attacks on Redux that you have to defend. Educate me on what this "indicting him" is all about.


While you're doing this, I have to presume that you hold the following opinions about the PNC:


  • The PNC alone is the savior of Guyana's problems - political and economic.
  • The PNC is to be defended at all costs.


I'm anxious to know if I've misrepresented your views.

i am not defending Redux, Redux is not TK

all im saying is quit accusing TK of whatever it is you're doing, he's not here to defend himself


i have no views of de PNC bai, how did u come to that conclusion?


for the record, i hate de PPP and PNC equally

Good to hear of your views on Guyana's party politics - well it's about what you don't like, but doesn't tell me what you are in favor of and what solutions you have. So man up on this front so we can all engage sensibly or tell us you are like the Swiss.



I've also been communicated to by TK that he is not Redux and I should apologize for saying that. I have no problem with he known TK, and I find his talk off GNI being a cesspool and that I should apologize being out of character. This further cemented my suspicion about the Redux/TK personna. Until Redux shows who he is the link between Redux and TK will remain, not matter what you assert Stingaaaaghhhhhh.

TK is not Redux, Redux cuss too much.  TK never cuss, he is very professorial.

I would tend to agree. Unless TK grew up among black people, because redux writings definitely comes accross as someone with that particular style of speaking. At times I could swear it is Caribj. I doan think Indians understands and explains the sitaution of blacks as Redux explains it. So, I conclude de man is Black. 

Redux cannot blame the Indians for the misery of the black people. Burnham gave them 28 years to establish themselves(they didn't). The Indians, during that period struggled(importing banned goods from Suriname etc.) and did whatever necessary to improve their lives. They, the Indians also blame th PNC for the Indians' demise. That did not stop them from trying. They could not burn tires and resort to violence to get what they wanted. They stood in line for food, being whipped by the PNC police. They endured the hardship. The PNC stole as the PPP is now doing. There is no free lunch. You work for what you want. It's not a welfare state.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

You should also tell your anti-man buddy, Mitwah to stop referring to members female relatives every time he tie himself up in knots.  This place filled with hypocrites who like to point out treatment of women issues in GT but feel free to cuss-out members about female relatives who they don't even know.

Blessed is the mother who did not give birth to a dumbass like you. Giddy up now.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Redux cannot blame the Indians for the misery of the black people . . .

ahmmmmm . . . where did i 'claim' dis, bai?


oh wait . . . dis is from alyuh 'FAKE predicate' form book skeldon_man and baseman does consult before tearing off pan de usual fascist tribal rant



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

You should also tell your anti-man buddy, Mitwah to stop referring to members female relatives every time he tie himself up in knots.  This place filled with hypocrites who like to point out treatment of women issues in GT but feel free to cuss-out members about female relatives who they don't even know.

Blessed is the mother who did not give birth to a dumbass like you. Giddy up now.

Did you ever notice, you have a very limited vocab.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I  should ask Redux to clear this up once and for all. Do not let us associate Tarron with anything he's not by convincing us of a difference. I've stated here numerous times who I am, so let transparency reign. If Redux wants to remain anonymous, which is his right, he can PM me. I'm not being an on any high-horses here, I  just want to not disrespect TK if he's not Redux. Help me out here, before I have to eat my words.

lemme get this straight . . . in the face of all reason and evidence (TK even took time out to contact u), u cling ignorantly, tenaciously to some fantasy that TK = Redux


the funny thing is . . . i have never met Tarron Khemraj . . . don't communicate with him, not even on Facebook


now you're holding the man's good name hostage until i pm u with my personal information?


are u out of your freakin mind?


no wonder i doan like or even respect u

TK's communication to me started off with GNI being a cesspool and ended with me apologizing for saying he and Redux are one and the same. That ambiguity still remains and was sharpened even more by what you wrote above.


Ass-wipe who gives a sh1t about you liking or respecting me.


On this board and in real life a person should be able to defend themself. It is cowards who run to the admin  and ask for people to be banned.


I give and I can take, for the most part I try to stay away from mentioning members family.

In this instance I purposefully throw some corn and boy did I catch?


Not only the drunk got sober but it brought out some stunning facts of who dined with the late Dr Jagan and who now become a traitor.


As for Mars  all I have to say is what ain't miss you ain't pass you.




Let me say this I am 55 yrs young and will  stand up to anyone regardless  of their age young or old.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:

On this board and in real life a person should be able to defend themself. It is cowards who run to the admin  and ask for people to be banned.


I give and I can take, for the most part I try to stay away from mentioning members family.

In this instance I purposefully throw some corn and boy did I catch?


Not only the drunk got sober but it brought out some stunning facts of who dined with the late Dr Jagan and who now become a traitor.


As for Mars  all I have to say is what ain't miss you ain't pass you.




Let me say this I am 55 yrs young and will  stand up to anyone regardless  of their age young or old.


Like you ah waak wid wan cutlass in you pants or wah?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
If Redux is TK? Let me state Redux is not TK and oleman Chief cannot slap TK

Stingaaaaghhh.......Chief ain't no oleman. And let me know your interest in Redux's defense as my curiosity has been aroused.


Redux/TK don't even go there. You do not know me and I don't know if you know Chief. You can continue to use whatever language fits you best, but stay away from that type of confrontation as you don't know what you're dealing with.

You should also tell your anti-man buddy, Mitwah to stop referring to members female relatives every time he tie himself up in knots.  This place filled with hypocrites who like to point out treatment of women issues in GT but feel free to cuss-out members about female relatives who they don't even know.

Blessed is the mother who did not give birth to a dumbass like you. Giddy up now.

Did you ever notice, you have a very limited vocab.

You should have stayed in school a bit longer and learn your grammar.

Boy it seems as though I am missing some action here.
These SLAPS are Time Shifting.....slapped into next week.
I guess it is a NEW CONCEPT.
Well time to chill and spend sometime in your Garden or with your wife or with your dog....whichever is applicable.
Else we need volunteers at RHEDC 
Originally Posted by Chief:

On this board and in real life a person should be able to defend themself. It is cowards who run to the admin  and ask for people to be banned.


I give and I can take, for the most part I try to stay away from mentioning members family.

In this instance I purposefully throw some corn and boy did I catch?


Not only the drunk got sober but it brought out some stunning facts of who dined with the late Dr Jagan and who now become a traitor.


As for Mars  all I have to say is what ain't miss you ain't pass you.




Let me say this I am 55 yrs young and will  stand up to anyone regardless  of their age young or old.


Vish M
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Like you ah waak wid wan cutlass in you pants or wah?

I am from the same place as you.

For some reason I never fear anyone.  I do not say this because I am proud but I say this as a gift and  thanks to God.


I walked the streets of GT  when I was young. Good and bad neighborhoods all over the world and never scared or let me correct that. In Kingston Jamaica I felt an unease and was little concerned for my safety. Back in the days when  New York City was dangerous I PARTIED from Harlem to east New York. Never ever got robbed or mugged but if I tell you guys which city I got picked it will come as hugh surprise.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Like you ah waak wid wan cutlass in you pants or wah?

I am from the same place as you.

For some reason I never fear anyone.  I do not say this because I am proud but I say this as a gift and  thanks to God.


I walked the streets of GT  when I was young. Good and bad neighborhoods all over the world and never scared or let me correct that. In Kingston Jamaica I felt an unease and was little concerned for my safety. Back in the days when  New York City was dangerous I PARTIED from Harlem to east New York. Never ever got robbed or mugged but if I tell you guys which city I got picked it will come as hugh surprise.


My friend from Line Path (who loves exercising with weights) was telling me the other day that he sees all these older men(past 50) at the gym going to the corner and lifting their weights. He wondered why. So he went to take a look and saw them exercising with 15-20 lbs weight. He said he came to realise that he is now part of the older men. He realised that the days of lifting the 100-200 lbs are history. Age has caught up with all of us. Our minds tell us we are invincible; the body says I cannot be invincible anymore.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Like you ah waak wid wan cutlass in you pants or wah?

I am from the same place as you.

For some reason I never fear anyone.  I do not say this because I am proud but I say this as a gift and  thanks to God.


I walked the streets of GT  when I was young. Good and bad neighborhoods all over the world and never scared or let me correct that. In Kingston Jamaica I felt an unease and was little concerned for my safety. Back in the days when  New York City was dangerous I PARTIED from Harlem to east New York. Never ever got robbed or mugged but if I tell you guys which city I got picked it will come as hugh surprise.


My friend from Line Path (who loves exercising with weights) was telling me the other day that he sees all these older men(past 50) at the gym going to the corner and lifting their weights. He wondered why. So he went to take a look and saw them exercising with 15-20 lbs weight. He said he came to realise that he is now part of the older men. He realised that the days of lifting the 100-200 lbs are history. Age has caught up with all of us. Our minds tell us we are invincible; the body says I cannot be invincible anymore.




It also has to do with increasing Testosterone levels. 50 + men live healthier lives by increasing their levels of Testosterone. As men age, it becomes harder to burn body fat and by increasing Testosterone the body burns more fat.


I am 48 and look like 25. I work out, and try to bike like D2 (not in his class thought) and watch what I eat. 


Cain is the doctor of herbal medicine, he can provide us with some additional tips.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

will you guys stop the talking and get it on,if you come to fight,fight do not talk,i will be the ref

You mek me friken already. Dis might look like WWE wrestling where the refree start throwing punches too. How you doin' man? Hope life is treating you good.




Warrior showed up ready to fight, cutlass and all and all he read was posters being civil today. What a big disappointment for him.


Chief should take warrior out on his Harley for a ride.


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