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ksazma posted:
cain posted:

I may be wrong but those receiving payment to post on GNI have left, they were mainly PPP. They were known by their posts which were proven lies, they also regurgitated the same things daily.

There are a few here now doing the same but they're just plain dumb.

That claim was made here and while it seems plausible given that they don't appear to post anymore, there is really no conclusive evidence that they were paid by the PPP. But you may still not be wrong bai.

To the contrary; the reason they stopped is because someone hacked Shadood's computer and got their IMs, discussion about us, request for pay, payment strategy etc. We saw behind the curtains...and shone a light on it and they all ran like roaches.

Danyael posted:

To the contrary; the reason they stopped is because someone hacked Shadood's computer and got their IMs, discussion about us, request for pay, payment strategy etc. We saw behind the curtains...and shone a light on it and they all ran like roaches.

I am not privy to behind the curtain.  I don't follow Guyana outside of GNI.

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Kaz, i am not being paid by anyone take my word it's the truth.I am not affiliated to any party.I have no investments in the Guyana and don't depend on no one from the homeland to put bread on my table.

I am self employed and have enough in the country where i reside the ole USA,don't need hand outs from no one,i am happy and content with the pennies i make.

Django, then you need to really critically examine what you post instead of some of what you have posed for awhile. If not, then you will be opened to criticism.  There are many times I want to respond to what you have posted but I allow it to pass because, in comparison to some of the other posters here,you maintain a healthy attitude and interface in the discussions. 

Zed i am on GNI since 2001 been off for a few years,i create threads so we can have a healthy discussion, most of the information i get thru the on line media sources,i am not sure how accurate are the reports,I try to be fair and balance,you are on the ground will appreciate your input.

Before i migrate i used to socialize with a lot of top people Politicians,Civil servants in the PNC era and 4 yrs in the PPP era,all acquaintance thru my profession i never asked for any thing material for my personal gains,i will most ask for help, for friends and family or any one if they are having difficulty with government services without paying a bribe.I was always PPP a supporter because my family were [although i did not like Communism] I mentioned before the PPP lost my support after the death of Jagan.I have my reasons which is stated in some of my post..

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:

Kaz, i am not being paid by anyone take my word it's the truth.I am not affiliated to any party.I have no investments in the Guyana and don't depend on no one from the homeland to put bread on my table.

I am self employed and have enough in the country where i reside the ole USA,don't need hand outs from no one,i am happy and content with the pennies i make.

Django, then you need to really critically examine what you post instead of some of what you have posed for awhile. If not, then you will be opened to criticism.  There are many times I want to respond to what you have posted but I allow it to pass because, in comparison to some of the other posters here,you maintain a healthy attitude and interface in the discussions. 

Zed i am on GNI since 2001 been off for a few years,i create threads so we can have a healthy discussion, most of the information i get thru the on line media sources,i am not sure how accurate are the reports,I try to be fair and balance,you are on the ground will appreciate your input.

Before i migrate i used to socialize with a lot of top people Politicians,Civil servants in the PNC era and 4 yrs in the PPP era,all acquaintance thru my profession i never asked for any thing material for my personal gains,i will most ask for help, for friends and family or any one if they are having difficulty with government services without paying a bribe.I was always PPP a supporter because my family were [although i did not like Communism] I mentioned before the PPP lost my support after the death of Jagan.I have my reasons which is stated in some of my post..


Does any of your close relatives have affiliation or does business with the PNC ?

Please tell us the truth.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

To the contrary; the reason they stopped is because someone hacked Shadood's computer and got their IMs, discussion about us, request for pay, payment strategy etc. We saw behind the curtains...and shone a light on it and they all ran like roaches.

I am not privy to behind the curtain.  I don't follow Guyana outside of GNI.

It all unfolded on GN&I. Mars do not like you too much or I would advise him to send the data  to you. Maybe someone else can be charitable and sent them on to you.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:

Kaz, i am not being paid by anyone take my word it's the truth.I am not affiliated to any party.I have no investments in the Guyana and don't depend on no one from the homeland to put bread on my table.

I am self employed and have enough in the country where i reside the ole USA,don't need hand outs from no one,i am happy and content with the pennies i make.

Django, then you need to really critically examine what you post instead of some of what you have posed for awhile. If not, then you will be opened to criticism.  There are many times I want to respond to what you have posted but I allow it to pass because, in comparison to some of the other posters here,you maintain a healthy attitude and interface in the discussions. 

Zed i am on GNI since 2001 been off for a few years,i create threads so we can have a healthy discussion, most of the information i get thru the on line media sources,i am not sure how accurate are the reports,I try to be fair and balance,you are on the ground will appreciate your input.

Before i migrate i used to socialize with a lot of top people Politicians,Civil servants in the PNC era and 4 yrs in the PPP era,all acquaintance thru my profession i never asked for any thing material for my personal gains,i will most ask for help, for friends and family or any one if they are having difficulty with government services without paying a bribe.I was always PPP a supporter because my family were [although i did not like Communism] I mentioned before the PPP lost my support after the death of Jagan.I have my reasons which is stated in some of my post..


Does any of your close relatives have affiliation or does business with the PNC ?

Please tell us the truth.

Yugi,none is affiliated they are all PPP that's there choice.


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