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Originally Posted by Chief:

Well Kaz I was the Garden tonight and boy did I had fun/

The Garden was rocking like ole time daze.

The series is even 1-1


Go Knicks!!

That was quite a game. But you see what happens when 'Mare come back? He and Melo just don't fit together and unfortunately he has not been productive enough to even become trade bait. I still think Indiana will take the series.


But you are a good guy. Not like Ray Ray and Kari who are more obsessed with the Heat. They are closet Heat fans.

Originally Posted by Chief:


Tonight is the night!!

Either we make it or break it.

Sorry dude. I truly like Melo but unfortunately, everyone can't play for the Heat.


Here is where it fell apart for the Knicks tonight. They live and die by the three ball. It actually got them back into the game and even gave them the lead. But then they would have been better off taking the ball into the paint instead of launching the three ball. That and the careless turnovers at the end cost them the game/series. Well, they can try again next year. They should amnesty Mare' since he has been a gross disappointment to the Knicks.


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