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RiffRaff posted:

ok fellas...chill out...Dow is down lots...401K suffering

Over-reaction to uncertainty.  It will recover most by EOD.  There will be rotation but overall the effects will be muted.  Is not like Britain or the EU going anywhere.  401K will recover. Even within Britain there will be winners and losers.

And BTW, Guyana is benefitting.  Oil is down, Gold is up.  Gold will continue going up for a while and the incompetent hapless PNC could cover over some of the mess they have created in 13 months!

Chief posted:

I do not like calling for members to be banned however I have to agree with Poli.

Both Yugi and Baseman went way beyond in thier response to my thread. Calling me a terrorist sympathiser is wicked and baseless. These two guys want to inflict personal harm on anyone who disagree with thier hate. Poli stood up to Baseman and he turned around and did the same to him.

Administration you know that I never came to you but this time both Baseman and Yugi went over board. If you do not act then as Poli suggested I will have to no choice  but to say goodbye.

I do not know who is Politikamy  but do share his concern and thank him for being decent and principled.




Hi bai, don't tell lie during Roja month, Allah will strike you down.  Everyone on this BB, and many people on the outside who reads it know why there is a certain PNC crew on here.  You all should tone down for Roja month.  At least Haji is staying off for now until Ramadhan to resume cussing people.  The rest of the team should do the same.

Bibi Haniffa

Admin please remove me now and all my details. In this current climate it is not funny for people to throw out these terms wantonly.  I have seen people lose so much because of false statements and accusations and by people who make these statements about Muslims or anyone who speaks out against the islamophobia .

 If a lesson is not taught to this individual and an example made that he should not carelessly throw around these terms in today’s climate he (and others) may, intentionally or not, bring undue harm to people.

 I do not want to be associated with these people who are making this site a hate site based on color and religion. So suspend him or remove me please.

 Over and out.  

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Did Yugi and Base hit a raw nerve???  The two of you have divided the BB along racial lines.  Now you are using religion to divide it?  That is not the purpose of this board.

The above makes sense if instead of "the two of you" is replaced with "Ba$eman and Bibi".


BTW, As much as these conversations bring unwanted attention from the authorities Ii do not believe anyone should be banned. The rest of the Board will ignore such statements. We all know that no one here support these blasphemers of Islam.



Please give Bibi a break

Vish M
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

I do not like calling for members to be banned however I have to agree with Poli.

Both Yugi and Baseman went way beyond in thier response to my thread. Calling me a terrorist sympathiser is wicked and baseless. These two guys want to inflict personal harm on anyone who disagree with thier hate. Poli stood up to Baseman and he turned around and did the same to him.

Administration you know that I never came to you but this time both Baseman and Yugi went over board. If you do not act then as Poli suggested I will have to no choice  but to say goodbye.

I do not know who is Politikamy  but do share his concern and thank him for being decent and principled.




Hi bai, don't tell lie during Roja month, Allah will strike you down.  Everyone on this BB, and many people on the outside who reads it know why there is a certain PNC crew on here.  You all should tone down for Roja month.  At least Haji is staying off for now until Ramadhan to resume cussing people.  The rest of the team should do the same.

and...why the PPP crew here ??

Pretty soon there will only be the condoners of wrong doings on this BB.

 Chief posted:

There is no PNC crew! You guys love a label! 

Standing up to the corrupt  PPP makes people PNC?

Similarly when I stand up to the GNIERS who come and bash Islam, you guys  are bawling that I hate Hind


You of all complaining about "labels".  You label PPP supporters "chammars".  You are a Hindu hater, that is why you hate the PPP.  Some of you die-hard fullahs refer to the PPP as a "hindu" party!  The whole Fullah crew here irrationally hate the PPP and you preach it at your Masjid even having your young followers on the same path.  They never been to Guyana yet they hate the PPP.

ba$eman posted:
 Chief posted:

There is no PNC crew! You guys love a label! 

Standing up to the corrupt  PPP makes people PNC?

Similarly when I stand up to the GNIERS who come and bash Islam, you guys  are bawling that I hate Hind


You of all complaining about "labels".  You label PPP supporters "chammars".  You are a Hindu hater, that is why you hate the PPP.  Some of you die-hard fullahs refer to the PPP as a "hindu" party!  The whole Fullah crew here irrationally hate the PPP and you preach it at your Masjid even having your young followers on the same path.  They never been to Guyana yet they hate the PPP.

Do you have proof for the b.........t you stated.

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
Danyael posted:
Prince posted:

Admin, please close this thread. The folks that calling for Baseman suspension can't take the heat in the kitchen.

Chief & Poli want bobo fuh suck.

If anyone should go it is you. Changing your handle from Cobra to Prince will not make you less palatable. You are still an obnoxious racist punk. I can tolerate Baseman. At least he  tries to argue however contrary. That has worth and racist gasbags like you have none.

Bro, this BB is getting to you. Collect that Bottle of Port, Quarter head of Gouda Cheese and Crackers. Head out to the deck. Sip and chew whilst observing nature.

Racists has become such an over used word. 

Why is it getting to me when you were on the far right bigot fringe wanting your own state like Persaud. I am actually on my deck using my telescope with a terrestrial lens to look at the finches outside 

There you go, enjoy the birds. Learn something from them. Even the birds are provided for. Muchless Donald Trump and Prashad. 

Ideas and aspirations does not abide in stupid people. Iz smart driven people who possess such qualities. And idiots think they smarter than such gifted men.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

I do not like calling for members to be banned however I have to agree with Poli.

Both Yugi and Baseman went way beyond in thier response to my thread. Calling me a terrorist sympathiser is wicked and baseless. These two guys want to inflict personal harm on anyone who disagree with thier hate. Poli stood up to Baseman and he turned around and did the same to him.

Administration you know that I never came to you but this time both Baseman and Yugi went over board. If you do not act then as Poli suggested I will have to no choice  but to say goodbye.

I do not know who is Politikamy  but do share his concern and thank him for being decent and principled.




Hi bai, don't tell lie during Roja month, Allah will strike you down.  Everyone on this BB, and many people on the outside who reads it know why there is a certain PNC crew on here.  You all should tone down for Roja month.  At least Haji is staying off for now until Ramadhan to resume cussing people.  The rest of the team should do the same.

Anti PPP does not mean pro PNC. It may work out that way at times but that is not by any means the logical conclusion. Politicalkalamity and I had lots of fights. I can even say he wished me to fall over and die because I insulted his writings on science on his blog.

He is actually pro indian, anti PNC and firmly grounded  in who he is. His annoyance with Baseman is understandable but instead of calling for his suspension I would cuss him right back. I also think Amral is foolish, condescending and downright insulting in his response to him.

A good moderator would simply say he was not suspending baseman because the cause was not clear and he was going to wait until Politicalkalamity re iterate his desire to leave.

He has been here for over a decade and a half and insulted no one in that time. It is not like people are rushing to join this board. Get rid of the few long standing posters who actually attempt to think and and the remaining would be the pre eminent scholars like Ugli and *******s like Cobra and Nehru.

Chief posted:

There is no PNC crew! You guys love a label! 

Standing up to the corrupt  PPP makes people PNC?

Similarly when I stand up to the GNIERS who come and bash Islam, you guys  are bawling that I hate Hindus.




BUt you have to. How can you say to your monolithic brethren that u r in understanding with the Hindus.

And I notice of late, certain segment of the Guyanese differentiate themselves as, "a Guyanese of the Muslim faith." 

You must dislike Hindus, not because u want 2, u have no choice in the matter. Maybe that is y there is the distinction of "a Muslim Guyanese."

I have no problems wid all of dat. Just be honest. We infidels already been hearing from ur mid-east brothers since 20 years back. They been trying for Islamic segregation in the West among Guyanese.


Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
 Chief posted:

There is no PNC crew! You guys love a label! 

Standing up to the corrupt  PPP makes people PNC?

Similarly when I stand up to the GNIERS who come and bash Islam, you guys  are bawling that I hate Hind


You of all complaining about "labels".  You label PPP supporters "chammars".  You are a Hindu hater, that is why you hate the PPP.  Some of you die-hard fullahs refer to the PPP as a "hindu" party!  The whole Fullah crew here irrationally hate the PPP and you preach it at your Masjid even having your young followers on the same path.  They never been to Guyana yet they hate the PPP.

Do you have proof for the b.........t you stated.

Yes, I was a non-participatory witness!!  You should visit sometime.  They may have cooled off since their arch enemy, PPP and BJ has been ousted and Trump shadow looms larger and larger.


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