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Former Member

As of this month, February 2016, I will be calling for your support to boycott Guyana's 50th Independence Anniversary. This call will commence on February and continues each month leading up to the 50th anniversary. It will happen right here on GNI and on social medias. Be sure to join in and let the government know that you are standing firmly with the poor and working class, and you're against raping the national treasury for this occasion. I will make a strong case to demonstrate why we're boycotting this milestone in our nation's history. 


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The coalition loyalists are saying that the $300 million dollars will stimulate the crippled economy. Granger had nine months to work on the economy and he failed, even with expert advise given to him free of charge. Someone please show me how Guyana can benefit, and for how long if there is nothing more to celebrate with taxpayers $$$. 

Cobra posted:

As of this month, February 2016, I will be calling for your support to boycott Guyana's 50th Independence Anniversary. This call will commence on February and continues each month leading up to the 50th anniversary. It will happen right here on GNI and on social medias. Be sure to join in and let the government know that you are standing firmly with the poor and working class, and you're against raping the national treasury for this occasion. I will make a strong case to demonstrate why we're boycotting this milestone in our nation's history. 


I don't understand why u would want to boycott the Independence of a country which you haven't seen since 1992. Further, I don't know since when u give a rat's ass about the poor or working class. If u did, you would have gone down there a long time ago and champion for their cause. You sound like some cult leader trying to drum up support against an event that will take place regardless.










Sheik101 posted:
Cobra posted:

As of this month, February 2016, I will be calling for your support to boycott Guyana's 50th Independence Anniversary. This call will commence on February and continues each month leading up to the 50th anniversary. It will happen right here on GNI and on social medias. Be sure to join in and let the government know that you are standing firmly with the poor and working class, and you're against raping the national treasury for this occasion. I will make a strong case to demonstrate why we're boycotting this milestone in our nation's history. 


I don't understand why u would want to boycott the Independence of a country which you haven't seen since 1992. Further, I don't know since when u give a rat's ass about the poor or working class. If u did, you would have gone down there a long time ago and champion for their cause. You sound like some cult leader trying to drum up support against an event that will take place regardless.










You're ill informed as always. You need to update yourself with current information which you're NOT privileged to have since 15 years ago. 

Chief posted:

Was in Guyana for the inauguration of this new Government and was not thinking of returning for the 50th Independence jam.

However if the PPP losers are calling for a boycott then we winners will have to show up.

tHINK i WILL BE THERE although I was thinking about Hawai at that time of the year.

You should buy a one way ticket when you go for the Independence Jam!  And save Trump the trouble of having to do it for you.  

Bibi Haniffa

How da rass does someone who never planned on taking part in something now say they boycotting it? Frigen buncha losers who never planned on going down to Guyana and some who never have now suddenly they got big mouth and talk about boycotting HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA what frigen idiots we gat on board HAHAAAAAAAAA


still smarting because DEM DAM SLEASY ARSE PPP LOSE

Cobra posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Cobra posted:

As of this month, February 2016, I will be calling for your support to boycott Guyana's 50th Independence Anniversary. This call will commence on February and continues each month leading up to the 50th anniversary. It will happen right here on GNI and on social medias. Be sure to join in and let the government know that you are standing firmly with the poor and working class, and you're against raping the national treasury for this occasion. I will make a strong case to demonstrate why we're boycotting this milestone in our nation's history. 


I don't understand why u would want to boycott the Independence of a country which you haven't seen since 1992. Further, I don't know since when u give a rat's ass about the poor or working class. If u did, you would have gone down there a long time ago and champion for their cause. You sound like some cult leader trying to drum up support against an event that will take place regardless.










You're ill informed as always. You need to update yourself with current information which you're NOT privileged to have since 15 years ago. 

I'm very informed. See, the problem with u is,  you're a racist. In your mind, you see this upcoming event as a black people affair. You do not see it as a national event. But what u don't know is, Guyanese from every walk of life will be there to celebrate.  Those who are politically inclined and those who are not.  But u,  well you will be rite here enveloped in your bitterness.

yuji22 posted:

Ok Guys,

Calm down. This is a peaceful protest. Let us exercise that right by not violating the rights of others.

No name calling and stop accusing each other as being racist.

As the bossman said, keep the protest clean. No littering.

Cobra is a racist

Yuji is a racist

Baseman is a racist

Bibi whatever is a racist

Ian is a racist

Nehru - I am not sure about, still trying to get a read I think he is mostly a shit disturber and a die hard PPP

Feel free to add more guys....


I have been boycotting this since 1966.  Independence has brought Guyana deep divisions based on race, hatred, assasinations, rape, murder, kick down the door bandits by the security and defence forces, political corruption, rigging of elections, raping and pillaging the national treasury by all political parties in Guyana for selfish reasons. It is a reminder to us that the Indian and African leaders of Guyana have been more brutal to their citizens than the white man (Colonialist).    As I had said before Independence is a reminder how Indians were brutalized, and raped in McKenzie/Christianburg. What is new is that Independence  will see criminals being released to unleash terror on the nation. 

I will support the boycott this foolishness again

politikalamity posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ok Guys,

Calm down. This is a peaceful protest. Let us exercise that right by not violating the rights of others.

No name calling and stop accusing each other as being racist.

As the bossman said, keep the protest clean. No littering.

Cobra is a racist

Yuji is a racist

Baseman is a racist

Bibi whatever is a racist

Ian is a racist

Nehru - I am not sure about, still trying to get a read I think he is mostly a shit disturber and a die hard PPP

Feel free to add more guys....

You should be careful to sworn to false testimony. It carries a heavy penalty. 

Sheik101 posted:
Cobra posted:

Sheik, FYI, I supported 49 independence celebrations. This is the only one I have a problem with. Go figure!

This is the 50th. Anniversary of a nation. The state o Guyana.  Not the 50th. Anniversary of the PNC.

There will be a third batch of criminals will be released for this occasion. All participants will be celebrating this as well. That is a mockery on our judicial system, the law enforcement, the victims and families that suffers from the lost of love ones at the hands of criminals. 

Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sheik, here is  proof that the the AFC/PNC is politicizing the event. This cup is made of the colours of the AFC/PNC:


These cups are not made by the government so how are they politicizing the event with these cups. They are being sold by a private seller.

I honestly did not know this. My apologies.

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sheik, here is  proof that the the AFC/PNC is politicizing the event. This cup is made of the colours of the AFC/PNC:


These cups are not made by the government so how are they politicizing the event with these cups. They are being sold by a private seller.

I honestly did not know this. My apologies.

Many things yo rass doan know but dah doan stop yo backside from all dat dam stupidness about "Ok Folks I think I know everything bla bla bla"

yuji22 posted:


That is the problem. Anyone opposed to this AFC/PNC dictatorship is called a racist.

Walk easy.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip at the celebrations in Guyana. Please give us a fair and balanced feedback upon your return from the celebrations.

He money would disappear from his pocket ... and he would be looking in Alboystown fo the thief.

Hope you come back and speak the truth.

ian posted:
yuji22 posted:


That is the problem. Anyone opposed to this AFC/PNC dictatorship is called a racist.

Walk easy.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip at the celebrations in Guyana. Please give us a fair and balanced feedback upon your return from the celebrations.

He money would disappear from his pocket ... and he would be looking in Alboystown fo the thief.

Hope you come back and speak the truth.

IAN, I am country man worked in Robb Street for 8 yrs and never got robbed,one of my workmate from Kingston, them bhais pull him in the alley way by Metropole and empty his pocket on his lunch time break.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ian posted:
yuji22 posted:


That is the problem. Anyone opposed to this AFC/PNC dictatorship is called a racist.

Walk easy.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip at the celebrations in Guyana. Please give us a fair and balanced feedback upon your return from the celebrations.

He money would disappear from his pocket ... and he would be looking in Alboystown fo the thief.

Hope you come back and speak the truth.

IAN, I am country man worked in Robb Street for 8 yrs and never got robbed,one of my workmate from Kingston, them bhais pull him in the alley way by Metropole and empty his pocket on his lunch time break.

You sure them bai en mistake you for one a them ... so them don't touch yo.

ian posted:
Django posted:
ian posted:
yuji22 posted:


That is the problem. Anyone opposed to this AFC/PNC dictatorship is called a racist.

Walk easy.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip at the celebrations in Guyana. Please give us a fair and balanced feedback upon your return from the celebrations.

He money would disappear from his pocket ... and he would be looking in Alboystown fo the thief.

Hope you come back and speak the truth.

IAN, I am country man worked in Robb Street for 8 yrs and never got robbed,one of my workmate from Kingston, them bhais pull him in the alley way by Metropole and empty his pocket on his lunch time break.

You sure them bai en mistake you for one a them ... so them don't touch yo.

Bhai,if you go to Metropole in those days 70's to 80's you know the crew who does hang out there,how a country Indian guh be one of them,Gill does be at Freedom House he may know the crew.

Cobra posted:

As of this month, February 2016, I will be calling for your support to boycott Guyana's 50th Independence Anniversary. This call will commence on February and continues each month leading up to the 50th anniversary. It will happen right here on GNI and on social medias. Be sure to join in and let the government know that you are standing firmly with the poor and working class, and you're against raping the national treasury for this occasion. I will make a strong case to demonstrate why we're boycotting this milestone in our nation's history. 


So there will be four, maybe five fanatic PPP racists boycotting the celebrations? And this will have such a severe impact because ... your presence is so much anticipated? Or perhaps you were planning to deliver one of your asinine posts verbally ... for the comedy hour?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Was in Guyana for the inauguration of this new Government and was not thinking of returning for the 50th Independence jam.

However if the PPP losers are calling for a boycott then we winners will have to show up.

tHINK i WILL BE THERE although I was thinking about Hawai at that time of the year.

You should buy a one way ticket when you go for the Independence Jam!  And save Trump the trouble of having to do it for you.  

Trump ain't getting anywhere close to the White House.


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