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Folks, since the announcement of this 50th independence anniversary, $$millions were spent on preparation and fete night by the coalition government. Most recently, $300 million more was allocated for this event celebration. 49 independence anniversary were celebrated a national holiday in Guyana without the excessive spending. Please read the 2016 budget transcript and see how the government is being bold about its decision and care less about the working class people. Say NO to $300 million wasteful spending. 

Cobra posted:

Folks, since the announcement of this 50th independence anniversary, $$millions were spent on preparation and fete night by the coalition government. Most recently, $300 million more was allocated for this event celebration. 49 independence anniversary were celebrated a national holiday in Guyana without the excessive spending. Please read the 2016 budget transcript and see how the government is being bold about its decision and care less about the working class people. Say NO to $300 million wasteful spending. 


Dem don't know how to save.

The PNC bankrupt Guyana once and it took 28 years. AFC/PNC Part two bankrupt Guyana in ONE year.

Corruption has exploded and increased tenfolds during this eight months of AFC/PNC.

Crime is at it's highest level since independence. 

WHO has declared that Guyana now has the Zika Virus.

More waste and suffering to come. Guyanese who plan to travel to Guyana must be informed of these high risks.

Last edited by Former Member

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