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Former Member
On Friday, September 16th, the leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan and his supporters shown their true colors to protest against the Guyanese nation and their president to assemble peacefully in recognition of President Jagdeo's appreciation day commemoration. It was a bright and beautiful day in Guyana where citizens of all walks of life assembled together to salute the outgoing president and to thank him for his outstanding leadership and achievements during his term in office that elevate Guyanese standard of living in one of the toughest economic times in history.

The event proved successful despite the AFC’s effort to derail a great day of remembrance. This is a time where all political parties should set aside all differences and stand united with the people. This is a time when statesmanship must rise above politics and selfishness and stand as proud Guyanese. Instead, they chose to lament a Steadfast nation, a green and fertile Guyana, and the progress that enhanced Guyana status on the world stage by one of Guyanaβ€˜s greatest leader, President Bharat Jagdeo.

This is a great shame brought upon Guyana and its people from any opposition leader to date. This uncalled whimper exhibited the poor sensitivity of the AFC and its supporters, their mindset and strategy to divide a nation, and the retrograde ideology to reverse Guyana back to the white masters rule.

We, as Guyanese should stand united and denounce the AFC and all political players who were hoping to have a funeral procession for Guyana and her citizens on a victorious day. We must hold them responsible that they are not fitted to govern Guyana at anytime. We must also hold them accountable for lies and deceptions, they propagate to poor people across the country from time to time.

The AFC stand to protect and defend slothful people that burden the working class of Guyana. They prey on the uneducated to buy into indoctrination and rage against the state and government. This is a desperate move by Khemraj Ramjattan and his follies to rape Guyana like the PNC have done for 28 years.

The message is catching on, the more we listen to the AFC is the farthest we would rather be.

Note: AFC supporters beware - the shame, death and mourning is upon you.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There was a picture of GR handing out fliers to PPP supporters. The biggest shame is for them to stand in the shadow of the providence national stadium trying to embarrassed President Jagdeo. They say if a curse can make holes the stadium would have crumbled to the ground from the curse the AFC members tagged on a PPP monumental achievement.
It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases. Now only does he command that Guyanese turn out to worship him....or else (look how sad they looked). He wastes the taxpayers resources with GDF and GPF engaged in this farce when there is more than enough real work for them to do.

Really, really sad. Now if he werent so paranoid he would wait until he left and let others decide whether he needed to be appreciated or not. He didnt trust any one to do this.
Originally posted by Cobra:
There was a picture of GR handing out fliers to PPP supporters. The biggest shame is for them to stand in the shadow of the providence national stadium trying to embarrassed President Jagdeo. They say if a curse can make holes the stadium would have crumbled to the ground from the curse the AFC members tagged on a PPP monumental achievement.

It is now proven to me once again, that Indians are really prejudice in nature. Once you break away from the main stream thinking and try something different , all hell break loose.
I will leave "mattie to mattie" to deal with this ignorance. Gerhard you are fighting a loosing battle , as much as you are brave going about it. Been there , and know how one can be scorned for going against the grain. I still wish you well.
Guyana doesn't need luck under the PPP that's why they came out in support of President Jagdeo. Guyanese will go to the poll and will send a clear message that the PPP is there to stay for five more years. The AFC with their lies and deception was announced and that end everything they ever stood for. The PNC rank better than the AFC this time around. Mourning the Guyanese people is not the best idea of any oppositions.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases.

Source and by whom ..??

What do they all have in common? Forcing a fearful population to attend rallies praising their name, wasting public reources in doing so.

You all thought it wasteful when Burnham did this. Why not when Jagdeo copies him?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases.

Source and by whom ..??

What do they all have in common? Forcing a fearful population to attend rallies praising their name, wasting public reources in doing so.

You all thought it wasteful when Burnham did this. Why not when Jagdeo copies him?

Simple question, CaribJ ..

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement .. It has now been confirmed ..
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement .. It has now been confirmed ..

Sad pics of ONE race of people in amulti racial society. No enthusiastic cheering. Just mournful face nervously waving the flag when commanded to.

Chnage the face sand it could easily be North Korea.

DG you can believe what you wish but its clear from body language of those attending this and other PPP events that support of the PPP from ordinary Indians is now a habit, not a desire.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement .. It has now been confirmed ..

Sad pics of ONE race of people in amulti racial society. No enthusiastic cheering. Just mournful face nervously waving the flag when commanded to.

Chnage the face sand it could easily be North Korea.

DG you can believe what you wish but its clear from body language of those attending this and other PPP events that support of the PPP from ordinary Indians is now a habit, not a desire.

You still have not answered the question .. quoting it in full ..

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement ..

"It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases." ..
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases.

Source and by whom ..??

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by D2:

Excellent work. Who did this ad?

Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:

It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases.

Source and by whom ..??

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by D2:

Excellent work. Who did this ad?

Originally posted by D2:

Hail The Emperor!
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

"It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases." ..

I agree.

Uncle D_G finally seeing the light. And who say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Wink

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement .. It has now been confirmed ..

Sad pics of ONE race of people in amulti racial society. No enthusiastic cheering. Just mournful face nervously waving the flag when commanded to.

Chnage the face sand it could easily be North Korea.

DG you can believe what you wish but its clear from body language of those attending this and other PPP events that support of the PPP from ordinary Indians is now a habit, not a desire.

You still have not answered the question .. quoting it in full ..

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement ..

"It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases." ..

Statement in full context, Baseman. Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

"It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases." ..

I agree.

Uncle D_G finally seeing the light. And who say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Wink

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement .. It has now been confirmed ..

Sad pics of ONE race of people in amulti racial society. No enthusiastic cheering. Just mournful face nervously waving the flag when commanded to.

Chnage the face sand it could easily be North Korea.

DG you can believe what you wish but its clear from body language of those attending this and other PPP events that support of the PPP from ordinary Indians is now a habit, not a desire.

You still have not answered the question .. quoting it in full ..

Source and by whom ..?? .. for your statement ..

"It has now been confirmed that Jagdeo is a maniacal dictator of the level of Burnham, Castro, Hitler and the North Korean nut cases." ..

Statement in full context, Baseman. Big Grin

It's Burnhamism all over again. Frown Frown
Originally posted by Mitwah:

It's Burnhamism all over again. Frown Frown

the thing is that Burnham was able to get crowds more excited than Jagdeo does. He had a sense of humor. Jagdeo only know how to buse out and cuss down...gets very boring.

Similarly mono ethnic though. Equally fearful of what will happen if they dont show up.

DG clearly approves of Burnham because Jagdeo copies him.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Guyana doesn't need luck under the PPP that's why they came out in support of President Jagdeo. Guyanese will go to the poll and will send a clear message that the PPP is there to stay for five more years. The AFC with their lies and deception was announced and that end everything they ever stood for. The PNC rank better than the AFC this time around. Mourning the Guyanese people is not the best idea of any oppositions.

You speak crap constantly. Tell us which party's friends are in jail banna?
Originally posted by Cobra:
On Friday, September 16th, the leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan and his supporters shown their true colors to protest against the Guyanese nation and their president to assemble peacefully in recognition of President Jagdeo's appreciation day commemoration. It was a bright and beautiful day in Guyana where citizens of all walks of life assembled together to salute the outgoing president and to thank him for his outstanding leadership and achievements during his term in office that elevate Guyanese standard of living in one of the toughest economic times in history.

The event proved successful despite the AFC’s effort to derail a great day of remembrance. This is a time where all political parties should set aside all differences and stand united with the people. This is a time when statesmanship must rise above politics and selfishness and stand as proud Guyanese. Instead, they chose to lament a Steadfast nation, a green and fertile Guyana, and the progress that enhanced Guyana status on the world stage by one of Guyanaβ€˜s greatest leader, President Bharat Jagdeo.

This is a great shame brought upon Guyana and its people from any opposition leader to date. This uncalled whimper exhibited the poor sensitivity of the AFC and its supporters, their mindset and strategy to divide a nation, and the retrograde ideology to reverse Guyana back to the white masters rule.

We, as Guyanese should stand united and denounce the AFC and all political players who were hoping to have a funeral procession for Guyana and her citizens on a victorious day. We must hold them responsible that they are not fitted to govern Guyana at anytime. We must also hold them accountable for lies and deceptions, they propagate to poor people across the country from time to time.

The AFC stand to protect and defend slothful people that burden the working class of Guyana. They prey on the uneducated to buy into indoctrination and rage against the state and government. This is a desperate move by Khemraj Ramjattan and his follies to rape Guyana like the PNC have done for 28 years.

The message is catching on, the more we listen to the AFC is the farthest we would rather be.

Note: AFC supporters beware - the shame, death and mourning is upon you.
The President has been a despicable scalawag so the option to reject any semblance of appreciation for him reeks of shame and hypocrisy. Condemning it is a display of legitimate civic responsibility. The man lied that he had a wife. That alone should have relegated any modern president to the dung heap. He further humiliated his wife and left her impoverished and at the mercy of the charity of good people. For that he is to be deemed morally reprehensible. Then there are the long list of excesses wrought of an autocratic approach to government that makes him an apt target for condemnation
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Ms Holmes, next time we'll do it together - what do you say? It really does feel good to be on the good side - come on over from the dark side sister.

Take your campaign crap to someone else. Big Grin

Mr. Wendy, you afraid of finding a new job after the election ? yippie yippie
Originally posted by Tola:
Mr. Wendy, you afraid of finding a new job after the election ? yippie yippie
Definitely not, Tolls, my bread is well-buttered till the good lord calls me home.

However, here's a funny lil story about a devout married christian in Vancouver: many years ago, he arranged a meeting with a lover at a certain lake. She asked him beforehand to strip naked, toss his clothes in the lake, and wait for her. Poor guy waited breathlessly all day, she never showed up, then he ran home naked covering his manhood with his hands. Big Grin yippie yippie yippie This incident should be included in the AFC Hall of Shame. yippie yippie

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