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skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django Bhai, are you ok? I am so sorry that you are experiencing a stressful period. Don't worry things will get better.

I am good bhai, let Democracy prevail, careful don't celebrate too much.

2015 was only 3+ yrs ago.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

This actually happened first. The AFC was left chasing their tail.


have seen you back and got GNI busy,since the PPP win the NC.

Django bai, I had promised myself that I will stay off Political and actually I only posted again because of how good my daughter did on her graduation. But I guess I am now carried away. I have posted way too much today. I may go back into hibernation tomorrow just so I don't tire myself out. You know that I can never support any PNC party no matter how they are disguised. I am not saying that it is right that I feel this way. It is just how I feel and I am comfortable with it. I do want a government that represents all Guyanese though.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.

yuji22 posted:

Ow bai Skelly, someone has to give DJ hope. 

Noticed how Cain went into hiding ? Same for Mitwah.

Let us not be too harsh on DJ. He is a good fella, just misguided.

Bhai, sit tight ,perhaps this is a wake up call for the coalition and their supporters. Within the next couple of months we will find out which party (s) will be in office.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.

DJ, excellent observation. Being in opposition for so long can take a toll indeed on any party. The problem is that the PNC failed to select an intelligent group of MP’s from their side and combine that with the inexperienced AFC Ministers spelled trouble.

It actually showed during the debates. The PPP MP’s were seasoned, sounded confident and were prepared. It was a disaster for the government Ministers.

Granger did not show leadership either (I actually like Granger). 

The biggest mistake was the arrogance from the likes of Volda, Broomes and Williams. They brought down the PNC.

Moses always sounded as if he was in opposition and could not get out of the opposition mode. Hopefully the PNC can learn from their mistakes. Pride and arrogance can bring downfall. It brought the downfall of the PPP’s Ramotar administration. 

The AFC is finished as long as it keeps clinging on to the PNC which will eventually kick them out since congress place has not commented and analysed the downfall and causes as yet. Moses might be crucified by them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.

Perhaps also partly because of ego and bombast. I still remember GR's wife leaning on the balcony of the Parliament building and I can see in the photo the pride and promise in her eyes. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. But they tossed folks like Gr aside as they surround themselves with people who were alive when the dinosaurs were first introduced to planet earth. With some humility and decency, they could have acted like they really appreciate the opportunity after being in the cold for 23 long years. Maybe they had two many vice presidents and they kept stepping on each other corns. 

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
I do want a government that represents all Guyanese though.

Well you know that the likes of Anil will NEVER represent all Guyanese, so you can retire from beating your celebratory tassa drums knowing that Guyana remains as divided as ever.

I don't know that Anil will never represent all Guyanese. Everyone can have a change of heart. Charandas proved that last night.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
Within the next couple of months we will find out which party (s) will be in office.

Dont even know why you speculate. Obviously its the PPP which will win.  The only issue is whether they think that the flag for Guyana is the one that yuji uses as his avatar.

Carib, all is not lost as yet, if the coalition supporters don't show up on voting day, PPP wins.

Within the couple months the Coalition gov't have a great task ahead to convince their supporters that they aren't tokens for voting, that they will focus on their upliftment.

The good thing Democracy is prevailing, who ever wins should be allowed to govern.Politics in Guyana is too much tit for tat, a small developing nation does not need such,too much power hungry  kleptocratic politicians running around.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.

Perhaps also partly because of ego and bombast. I still remember GR's wife leaning on the balcony of the Parliament building and I can see in the photo the pride and promise in her eyes. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. But they tossed folks like Gr aside as they surround themselves with people who were alive when the dinosaurs were first introduced to planet earth. With some humility and decency, they could have acted like they really appreciate the opportunity after being in the cold for 23 long years. Maybe they had two many vice presidents and they kept stepping on each other corns. 

Noticeably FK isn't happy camper, he hammered the AFC today KN.


Django posted:

Done mention to the PPP supporters, don't celebrate too much, bringing down a gov't can be a wake up call for correction.

What I have learned on GNI is how many PPP supporters live within their own bubble. I think that only Vishmahabir (who leans PPP even if he is critical of them) knows that it isnt just about winning elections.

One Indian votes to enable an Indian party to regain power after a track record of exclusion of blacks for 23 years. Indians run out congratulating Jagdeo.   Not a good image in a tribal society where people quickly galvanize around race.

If they only knew what some upper middle class blacks are now saying they would immediate stop the drum beating and go chat with these people.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!


Comrade, AFC has to do something to please PNC. Confirming Charrandas's rebuke that they're PNC yesmen.

Gilbakka the PNC exists and will remain a very strong opposition party, with a potentially very angry support base.

I suggest that the PPP focuses on issues of governance and how they will do so in a nation where at least 45% of the population despises them.  And your phantoms will not be back so if you think that shooting down black people as you all did last time is going to work think again.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

That AFC fella became a hero for most PPP supporters.

Django bai, opportunities like this doesn't happen often. McCain singlehandedly prevented the Republicans from completely destroying Obamacare. Charandas did similarly last night. The Coalition government is hapless and have not earned the confidence that the Guyanese people placed in them in 2015. They did the same thing to Ramotar in 2014 so they should be fine with it. Everyone think that the PPP doesn't have the numbers but number are only good if they have substance. This Coalition government didn't demonstrate any substance.

No doubt, they blundered  the way they govern, maybe due to they were in the pastures for 23 yrs they lost touch with reality.

Perhaps also partly because of ego and bombast. I still remember GR's wife leaning on the balcony of the Parliament building and I can see in the photo the pride and promise in her eyes. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. But they tossed folks like Gr aside as they surround themselves with people who were alive when the dinosaurs were first introduced to planet earth. With some humility and decency, they could have acted like they really appreciate the opportunity after being in the cold for 23 long years. Maybe they had two many vice presidents and they kept stepping on each other corns. 

Noticeably FK isn't happy camper, he hammered the AFC today KN.


Exactly what I was talking about. The powers that be in the Coalition Government kicked all others to the curb.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!


Comrade, AFC has to do something to please PNC. Confirming Charrandas's rebuke that they're PNC yesmen.

Gilbakka the PNC exists and will remain a very strong opposition party, with a potentially very angry support base.

I suggest that the PPP focuses on issues of governance and how they will do so in a nation where at least 45% of the population despises them. 

No dispute with you here.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Done mention to the PPP supporters, don't celebrate too much, bringing down a gov't can be a wake up call for correction.

One Indian votes to enable an Indian party to regain power after a track record of exclusion of blacks for 23 years. Indians run out congratulating Jagdeo.   Not a good image in a tribal society where people quickly galvanize around race.

That's what most on GNI are overlooking, have always mentioned the East Indian numbers aren't there for the PPP to win.You are correct people in Guyana galvanize quickly.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

No. Charandass expels AFC!!


Comrade, AFC has to do something to please PNC. Confirming Charrandas's rebuke that they're PNC yesmen.

Gilbakka the PNC exists and will remain a very strong opposition party, with a potentially very angry support base.

I suggest that the PPP focuses on issues of governance and how they will do so in a nation where at least 45% of the population despises them. 

No dispute with you here.

I have asked you before and you refuse to deal with this. What does the PPP plan to do to convince blacks that they will not be the horrendous threat that they were during their 23 years of rule?

And it is not about trotting out black tokens who no one knows, or worse yet trotting out those who they despise like Sam Hinds and Juan Edghill (both have been booed when they gathered in front of large black crowds).

Its about the PPP confronting that most blacks now think the worst of them and worry about whether 2019 will be back to the second class status that they endured in 1992-2015.

And you do NOT have the right to tell them that their opinion of the PPP is wrong. It is THEIR lives and not yours.

So yes the Coalition messed up big time and I told Ronan that Volda's remarks were a huge mistake.  But now when the PPP wins what do they do?

Django posted:

the East Indian numbers aren't there for the PPP to win.

Don't presume that PPP is depending on East Indian numbers to win. The recent LGE showed that PPP can get substantial Amerindians too, especially in Region 1 (North West District) and Region 9 (Rupununi). Not forgetting that PPP enjoying some Afro support also.


Them black girls posing with Jagdeo will pay dividends. Call the man all the names but he has the charm to win votes.

 It's a matter of saving face that the AFC choose to expel Charrandas after he already Quit.

The PPP already have their campaign machinery just after a win at the LGE. The ground game in place.. Volda,  Harmon and Broomes can only help the PPP with their lame duck performance 



Gilbakka posted:
 Not forgetting that PPP enjoying some Afro support also.

Of course. The PPP won in Buxton, Linden and the mayor of GT comes from the PPP.

Man you all can really delude yourselves.  Why do you do this? Winning 5% of the black vote, doesnt suggest that you have the support that you need to have to avoid being a tribal party, dragging along Amerindians to make up the deficit.

Last edited by Former Member

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