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Former Member

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


Not the same for the AFC as funding dries up, major donators fleeing the AFC and combine that with defections and the AFC already has a flat tire. Their first election campaign meeting was a total failure.


Guyanese does not want a Stale Bread leader in moses. The AFC is doomed.


AFC already has a flat tire and is poised for demolition even before take off.


What do you say good folks ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


What do you say good folks ?

Your gold mining company gave the PPP a big donation?


In case you don't know there are many examples internationally of big-money political parties suffering shocking defeat by under-rated parties.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Guyanese does not want a Stale Bread leader in moses. The AFC is doomed.



* It looks like the AFC will be fielding STALE BREAD Moses together with the his boss Cathy Hughes in the upcoming election.





* She is a disgrace to all honest and respectable women in Guyana.


* Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid ?


* It is shocking that Moses would team up with such an insidious woman. It just goes to show that Moses no longer had the character and the integrity to be a leader of blessed Guyana.






* Moses Nagamootoo keeps company with the crafty and duplicitous Nigel and Cathy Hughes. That's all Berbician voters need to know.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


Not the same for the AFC as funding dries up, major donators fleeing the AFC and combine that with defections and the AFC already has a flat tire. Their first election campaign meeting was a total failure.


Guyanese does not want a Stale Bread leader in moses. The AFC is doomed.


AFC already has a flat tire and is poised for demolition even before take off.


What do you say good folks ?

You mean Ramotar experience a flat tyre, you see how his belly gone flat?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Guyanese does not want a Stale Bread leader in moses. The AFC is doomed.



* It looks like the AFC will be fielding STALE BREAD Moses together with the his boss Cathy Hughes in the upcoming election.





* She is a disgrace to all honest and respectable women in Guyana.


* Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid ?


* It is shocking that Moses would team up with such an insidious woman. It just goes to show that Moses no longer had the character and the integrity to be a leader of blessed Guyana.






* Moses Nagamootoo keeps company with the crafty and duplicitous Nigel and Cathy Hughes. That's all Berbician voters need to know.



Mr Bisram help we find you PHD degree thesis NYU na? 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Guyanese does not want a Stale Bread leader in moses. The AFC is doomed.



* It looks like the AFC will be fielding STALE BREAD Moses together with the his boss Cathy Hughes in the upcoming election.





* She is a disgrace to all honest and respectable women in Guyana.


* Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid ?


* It is shocking that Moses would team up with such an insidious woman. It just goes to show that Moses no longer had the character and the integrity to be a leader of blessed Guyana.






* Moses Nagamootoo keeps company with the crafty and duplicitous Nigel and Cathy Hughes. That's all Berbician voters need to know.




Flat tire AFC is fielding Stale Bread and Sneaky Cathy. They are doomed.


PPP’s desperation palpable

August 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

On Thursday June 26th last, President Donald Ramotar declared with attempted bravado that his People’s Progressive Party is duly prepared for general elections. His Excellency’s declaration came in response to the then imminent threat of the Alliance For Change-piloted no-confidence motion against his minority government. President Ramotar’s declaration has since been exposed as rhetorical camouflage for what appears to be a dreadful despair that has enveloped Freedom House. The realization that the party is fortuitously clinging to power and will inevitably be stripped of it whenever the elections are called appears palpable in the action, words, and rhyme emanating from Robb Street. There is a cacophony of power plays. In one corner those who have reason to recognize that a post-PPP government inquiry is likely to determine that they may not be able to legally account for their wealth, are in an obvious scramble to empanel their riches and freedom for their pending sojourn in opposition or exile. We noticed for example the refusal of one Cabinet member to join his colleagues in a walkout of an ambassadorial residence after a vulgar and repugnant outburst. Was this official caught in an act of attempted cozying up to Uncle Sam for post-electoral protection? In another corner the ambitious among them are engaged in fitful and desultory schemes of power brokerage. Demanding that excessively photoshopped photos of themselves be plastered in classrooms and on dilapidated lantern poles is not beneath them. In a third corner the General Secretary is employing the use of a combination of bombast and fatuousness in a valiant crusade to discredit the electoral commission’s readiness. In a fourth corner the Cabinet Secretary is issuing remonstrative challenges to the electoral body to demonstrate readiness. In a fifth corner the PPP-appointed GECOM commissioners are openly defiant of the organization’s public affirmations of preparedness. In a sixth corner a presidential advisor and a member of Cabinet conspired to launch that bizarre tirade against a prominent member of the diplomatic community in defiance of calls for a correction to the absurdity of a 20-year absence of local government elections. With the no-confidence motion being inevitable and with the PPP having recognized that it will be a fatal blow to their time in government, they have been engaged in desperate and scatter-brained strategy sessions. It appears as though their latest tactic is to seek to avoid the no-confidence motion by considering the calling of elections before Parliament resumes in October. The party has put out feelers in the public domain to this effect. Such is the intense state of desperation that President Ramotar has been attempting to shape public opinion of GECOM’s readiness by openly contradicting what GECOM itself has offered. President Ramotar recently remarked, “GECOM continues to say that they are ready for the election, but I think they could very well be more ready for a national election than a local government election, because there is a different procedure that has to be going through with local government election.” The President is now engaged in the foggy business of conjecture and supposition on as serious matters as democracy and electoral readiness. The full gamut of evidence having been considered, the conclusion is inescapable – that the People’s Progressive Party is barely and desperately clinging to power and that they are acutely aware of this. The national sentiment, most obvious in the calls for local government election, is approaching an irrepressible tide of beleaguered discontent with the ruling PPP. Whenever, and under whatever circumstances elections are called the result is inevitable – that the PPP will lose the government. The empyreal Cheddi Jagan’s party is being disassembled not as much from without as more certainly and discernibly from within. Those living within earshot of Babu John, the cremation site of Dr. Jagan, may have tales to tell. He must be weeping at the ruin of the party he spent a lifetime to build and strengthen.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Flat tire AFC is fielding Stale Bread and Sneaky Cathy. They are doomed.


YUJI, you mean the PPP is doomed with flat belly Ramu and BIG Belly Frank Antony.

Big belly aside, what do have against Frank Anthony now? Ramu belly gone flat because Bhowji Latcmie stop making Coconut Choka for him.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


What do you say good folks ?

Your gold mining company gave the PPP a big donation?


In case you don't know there are many examples internationally of big-money political parties suffering shocking defeat by under-rated parties.




I have no idea what you are talking about. Yuji is your average Joe.






The Guyanese people are 1000% aware of the shiftiness of their politicians. They know the likes of Moses Nagamootoo will employ big and fancy words to disguise their real thoughts.


Moses likes to sermonize about his honesty and incorruptibility, but the Guyanese people know better. They know if Moses were to achieve power he would be just as crooked and corrupt as the other political leaders.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


What do you say good folks ?

Your gold mining company gave the PPP a big donation?


In case you don't know there are many examples internationally of big-money political parties suffering shocking defeat by under-rated parties.




I have no idea what you are talking about. Yuji is your average Joe.

yuji, there's a post of yours to the effect that you have mining interests. Today I'm busy but later I'll run through your previous posts for it. There's another post or two where you explicitly stated that you own a Benz and the guys at Jane-Finch were tampering with it.

Which average Joe drives a Mercedes Benz?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


Looks like Guyana's two political giants, PPP and PNC are ready for elections.


Elections are about big donations and massive funds for spending. PPP seems to have the lead in this area with excited members ready and willing to pony up hundreds of millions.


PPP takes the lead in tho area.


What do you say good folks ?

Your gold mining company gave the PPP a big donation?


In case you don't know there are many examples internationally of big-money political parties suffering shocking defeat by under-rated parties.




I have no idea what you are talking about. Yuji is your average Joe.

O! Brahmana, You are no average Joe. You are the Imperial Wizard in your cult.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Flat tire AFC is fielding Stale Bread Moses and Sneaky Cathy. They are doomed.


* That's what STALE BREAD Moses and SNEAKY Cathy will get in the upcoming election.


Rev have to reconfiger the situation again.....

You have to build again from the Bottom up.....

PPP are doing Poorly.....

they are losing supporters Left, Right and Center,

The PPP will be lucky if the get 30% support in a Fair Election.


Our friend Carib J is DE Expert on PNC........

CaribJ show us where the PNC is bleeding.....

there will be a scramble between the PPP & PNC to Max 60% vote Total.

REV UNDERSTAND CLEARLY.......PPP + PNC = 60%...Nothing More..

they max out....


Moses will Deliver the Knock out punch to PPP....

And Nigel & Cathy will make mincemeat of the PNC....

The other will enjoy the Fireworks Show put on by Moses & Cathy.


Yuh know what is worrying Freedom House.....

They all will move from Robb Street to Camp Street.

... Costume Ideas Police Costumes Prisoner Costumes Sexy Prison Uniform

Ministers will be in Prison Uniform Cleaning the Streets.

There is no turning Back.....

The Clock has ran out.


Prya & Gail will be Provided with Long Boots to tackle dem Dutty Trench that the Taxpayers paying to clean.


Kwambe,Ashni, Lamumba, Robert Persaud, Gilbert,Gail, Anil, Bynoe, Prya, Hamilton, Benn, Nascimento, Rat, McClean, Duck, Brassington, Ramroop, Jerry and all them who full dem pocket.....will be in prison uniform cleaning de Cemetry and all them Clogged Drains in Georgetown.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev...PPP are doing Poorly.....they are losing supporters Left, Right and Center---The PPP will be lucky if the get 30% support in a Fair Election.


* Listen jalil:


* The only place the PPP is doing poorly is in that addled, confused mind of yours.


* Look! In STALE BREAD Moses and SNEAKY Cathy, you are backing 2 losing ponies Jalil bai.


* Please don't slit your wrist when Moses and the AFC pull in a whopping 5% of the votes in the upcoming election.


* By the way jalil, nice to see you raise your standard when addressing the Rev. There was not a single "BUG.." word in that post above, and we all know how enamored you are with the "BUG.." word.


* Keep up the good work jalil. Rev does not respond to silly posters and harebrained posts.








* The AFC received 8.4% of the votes cast in 2006 and 10.3% of the votes cast in 2011.







* So you loudmouths can keep braying about the AFC getting 25+%----wishful thinking---that will never happen.




AMerinds have many leaders. The PPP takes the position they do not have to listen to anyone so they are ignored. To this point they do the same to African groups hence the claim of marginalization both politically and economically.


It is very strange that our society with its greedy brazen politicians as in the PPP that we have not cascaded into violence. It speaks to the patience of the people and their dedication to peaceful resolution. This may not always be the case. That is why the PPP cannot ever get a majority again.


Will edit the above and re post it. I was too busy to correct errors.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid"


This shameless woman appears to be the the AFC Leadership Candidate.

Oh Brahmana, you have no integrity nor credibility compared to the Honorable Mrs. Cathy Huhges.


 There is a cacophony of power plays. In one corner those who have reason to recognize that a post-PPP government inquiry is likely to determine that they may not be able to legally account for their wealth, are in an obvious scramble to empanel their riches and freedom for their pending sojourn in opposition or exile. We noticed for example the refusal of one Cabinet member to join his colleagues in a walkout of an ambassadorial residence after a vulgar and repugnant outburst. Was this official caught in an act of attempted cozying up to Uncle Sam for post-electoral protection? In another corner the ambitious among them are engaged in fitful and desultory schemes of power brokerage.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid"


This shameless woman appears to be the the AFC Leadership Candidate.



Ok guys.....Yuji22 wants to compare himself with Cathy Hughes.


Who is Yuji.....

Someone who Loves , Promotes & Practice Buggery like Kwambe.

Someone who see nothing wrong when Ramotar and Jagdeo whine up pun dem Black Homan.

Someone who see nothing wrong when Jagdeo run away from De Poke.

Someone who supports Bogus Hindu Wedding.




Who is Cathy Hughes.....

Beautiful Decent Guyanese woman who would never whine up or Bend over for any one.

Classy Guyanese woman who would not get mixup with Yuji, Kwame &  De Buggery Fellas.

President of the Guyana Tourism Assocation.

Owner of Succesfull Hotel in Guyana .Sidewalk Cafe.

Owner of Succesfull Media, TV and PR Business.

AFC Member of Parliarment who expose de Crime & Corruption in Govt.

Know how to dress as a Leader....will not wear a Batta Slipper or Sandals to the White House.

Has no Reason to be scratching in Public like Jagdeo.




Those of us who know Cathy......respect her Higher than a Princess Diana of Guyana and De Caribbean



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Cathy Hughes is a cunning, calculating, sneaky, treacherous woman.  Remember her involvement with amalia hydro which she hid"


This shameless woman appears to be the the AFC Leadership Candidate.



Ok guys.....Yuji22 wants to compare himself with Cathy Hughes.


Who is Yuji.....

Someone who Loves , Promotes & Practice Buggery like Kwambe.

Someone who see nothing wrong when Ramotar and Jagdeo whine up pun dem Black Homan.

Someone who see nothing wrong when Jagdeo run away from De Poke.

Someone who supports Bogus Hindu Wedding.




Who is Cathy Hughes.....

Beautiful Decent Guyanese woman who would never whine up or Bend over for any one.

Classy Guyanese woman who would not get mixup with Yuji, Kwame &  De Buggery Fellas.

President of the Guyana Tourism Assocation.

Owner of Succesfull Hotel in Guyana .Sidewalk Cafe.

Owner of Succesfull Media, TV and PR Business.

AFC Member of Parliarment who expose de Crime & Corruption in Govt.

Know how to dress as a Leader....will not wear a Batta Slipper or Sandals to the White House.

Has no Reason to be scratching in Public like Jagdeo.




Those of us who know Cathy......respect her Higher than a Princess Diana of Guyana and De Caribbean



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Katty is corrupt. She should be ashamed of her involvement in Amalia Falls:




Kwame Bugger Boy partner  Yuji........


YES.....or .....NO????


Yuji de Hydro Project in not like what you & Kwame practice, promote & cannot have it both ways.....



If it is Corrupt everyone Involved should be ashamed.


If you are telling us it is not Corrupt.....



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