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AFC leadership brawl intensifies : …Hughes, Nagamootoo undermining party democracyPDFPrintE-mail
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Tuesday, 06 November 2012 22:57

ALLIANCE for Change loyalists and members are accusing Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo of working together to undermine the internal party democracy as they appear to be heading for fist-clashes as the leadership brawl intensifies. As a matter of fact, over the last two weeks, a series of in-house efforts by these “party faithful” who attempted to manage the egos of several AFC leaders caught up in the leadership brawl did not go down well, or were resisted altogether.
According to an AFC executive member, there is high uncertainty and growing insecurity over the question of leadership of that party, because the various factions within that party are fighting for supremacy and to steer the direction in which it should go.
“It’s really about who should get the spotlight and who should be presidential candidate, that’s all these guys seem to be taken up with; and it is especially worse since Moses Nagamootoo entered the party. This man (Nagamootoo) has a preoccupation with trying to be in control”, the insider revealed.
Meanwhile, AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes’ faction is also being described as an aggressor as it is no longer a secret that he continues to seek dominion and control over other executive members of the party, regardless if they would like to display conservatism towards any issue engaging their attention, before taking an extremist approach.
This newspaper understands that there have been numerous complaints over Hughes over-stepping his boundaries and displaying appalling levels of arrogance.
In August 2012, at the party’s National Conference, Hughes was elected Chairman of the AFC, ahead of Nagamootoo, despite the latter was seen at that time as the leader with the greatest influence in the AFC. Nagomootoo was subsequently elected Vice Chairman, a position which many say he is not satisfied with.
The Guyana Chronicle has also been reliably informed that the Ramjattan faction is of late, coming under constant pressure to defend itself from the attacks of the Nagamootoo faction which has been constantly critical of Ramjattan for not throwing his entire weight behind Nagamootoo to secure Hughes position.
“There is another faction of the party which is constantly turned off by the overtly aggressive and confrontational posture of Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Hughes, who all are responsible for the rapid depletion of the party’s membership”, the executive member said.
It is not the first time the AFC has been caught in a leadership brawl. Raphael Trotman and Ramjattan were in a leadership battle following the failure by the party’s top-brass in June, 2011, to honour a rotation agreement that would have seen Ramjattan take over as AFC leader.
Sources in the party have said Trotman’s faction was insisting that Ramjattan is unsuitable to lead the AFC, while the Ramjattan group was accusing the party’s prime movers of alienation tactics.
The AFC has been badly hurt by several bouts of in-fighting, and is trying to salvage its image.
Businessman Peter Ramsaroop, who resigned as AFC Chief Executive Officer and withdrew his membership of the party, had publicly expressed his displeasure at Ramjattan’s leadership.
Back in May, 2011, the Guyana Chronicle came in for criticisms from the AFC for its report that ‘’Sheila Holder may fall out of the elections race’’. The report was based on an AFC senior insider who was describing the acrimonious state of that party. A few weeks later everything contained in the Guyana Chronicle report was proven to be accurate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses already has a big tin of shoe polish in his hand with a nice clean polish cloth.

 I do hope the People in the AFC fight to come to consensus and distill some clarity in their thinking than have the unanimity of faithful curs produce the hapless leadership of Jabba the Hut Ramotar.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Like Obama, ramotar is by the People, For the People, Of the People.

Only in you bizarro world view that comparison is possible. Ramotar was selected by a 15 member Cabal of the PPP inner sanctum and put up for office. I doubt he could have artfully navigated himself out of a paper bag had he the requirement to fight through a primary among rivals seeking the same post. He was also validated as the party choice by an ethnic identified party and electorate in essentially a one constituency state. As I said "stupid is what stupid does" and you are proficient at it.


I read this article before it made it to GNI, and I am troubled by this latest development within the AFC. If they can't get their act together by 2016, it will be history for them. When is come to Moses, we have to look back at history why Jagan never wanted his to be president. If he can't be trusted then he cannot be trusted in the AFC either.


The opposition is very frustrated that their allegations of human rights violations in Guyana cannot be substantiated to draw any condemnation from the great democracies of the West mainly the United States.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Like Obama, ramotar is by the People, For the People, Of the People.

Only in you bizarro world view that comparison is possible. Ramotar was selected by a 15 member Cabal of the PPP inner sanctum and put up for office. I doubt he could have artfully navigated himself out of a paper bag had he the requirement to fight through a primary among rivals seeking the same post. He was also validated as the party choice by an ethnic identified party and electorate in essentially a one constituency state. As I said "stupid is what stupid does" and you are proficient at it.


Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I read this article before it made it to GNI, and I am troubled by this latest development within the AFC. If they can't get their act together by 2016, it will be history for them. When is come to Moses, we have to look back at history why Jagan never wanted his to be president. If he can't be trusted then he cannot be trusted in the AFC either.

.. You and the PPP can imagine all sorts of things wrong with the AFC. It will not make the things that are truly the modes and methods of their party sound. They are corrupt to the core so need means to override their stink.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Like Obama, ramotar is by the People, For the People, Of the People.

Only in you bizarro world view that comparison is possible. Ramotar was selected by a 15 member Cabal of the PPP inner sanctum and put up for office. I doubt he could have artfully navigated himself out of a paper bag had he the requirement to fight through a primary among rivals seeking the same post. He was also validated as the party choice by an ethnic identified party and electorate in essentially a one constituency state. As I said "stupid is what stupid does" and you are proficient at it.


The fool in his heart always thinks himself wise...well you are a fool.


Writing in uppercase will not increase the information density of a vacuous post. It is already as empty as the brain that spawned it.


Continue to respond so I can humiliate you some more.


Stormborn, this thread didn't call for personal attack and humiliation; it simply stressed on the in-fighting within the AFC for power and dominance. If you are vocal on your party's positions, you should focus your attention on finding common ground to amend their differences. If this goes on for the next four years, the AFC will be history. This is just an observation.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormborn, this thread didn't call for personal attack and humiliation; it simply stressed on the in-fighting within the AFC for power and dominance. If you are vocal on your party's positions, you should focus your attention on finding common ground to amend their differences. If this goes on for the next four years, the AFC will be history. This is just an observation.

Dont mess wid DUMBO, he gun whip your Butt DUMBO AKA SHIt HEAD.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormborn, this thread didn't call for personal attack and humiliation; it simply stressed on the in-fighting within the AFC for power and dominance. If you are vocal on your party's positions, you should focus your attention on finding common ground to amend their differences. If this goes on for the next four years, the AFC will be history. This is just an observation.

 Advise the administration if you are opinion forum rules are being broken.


I do not have a party affiliation. I am a nationalist with my countries business as my concern. The AFC is an instrument of control of the PPP and that is all .They are only relevant as a constraint on power and an exposer of their nasty ways and on that account they have done excellent work


NEHRU YOU AROUND AND ABOUT,i though with OBAMA ruling you for the next 4 yrs you might think of killing yourself,well i guess you have no shame after all you support people that steal

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormborn, this thread didn't call for personal attack and humiliation; it simply stressed on the in-fighting within the AFC for power and dominance. If you are vocal on your party's positions, you should focus your attention on finding common ground to amend their differences. If this goes on for the next four years, the AFC will be history. This is just an observation.

Dont mess wid DUMBO, he gun whip your Butt DUMBO AKA SHIt HEAD.

Such levels of incoherent prose is clearly unmatched by any on this forum. You are indeed an excellent idiot. Surely no village would lay claim to you as their personal idiot...your aptitude for he task exceeds the needs of any one village.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its the view of a wide cross section of the Guyanese society, that the AFC will disintegrate, the rate of their disintegration is faster than initially predicted

Hoping and praying won't cause them to disintegrate. Lying, insinuations intent on character assassinations. You will only make the people more determined and good people will see through your lies. The PPP is lighting the way for their own demise. They are patently crooked and no amount of deflection will hide that.


The AFC goons seems to be at full throttle doing damage control, the damage  is already done, the whistle-blower from Berbice has confirmed with the masses suspect, the AFC has a high level of corruption within their ranks, which they are trying desperately to swept under the carpet.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goons seems to be at full throttle doing damage control, the damage  is already done, the whistle-blower from Berbice has confirmed with the masses suspect, the AFC has a high level of corruption within their ranks, which they are trying desperately to swept under the carpet.

 What a laugh! Damage control!...Damage control is that Farce on NCN framed as a debate on corruption to diffuse the grotesque thievery going on in NICIL. We do not know yet of their dealings for a whole decade. Our national cash went into a dark hole ending up in the pockets of a chosen few. Now they want the Marriott and to foist gambling and its attendant whoring class as personal choice bits for their crony.


Reform NCN, liberalize the airwaves, advocate for systemic transparency in all administrative tasks so we do not  get to be told we can have Russian gambling magnates as hosts. Here, even the little communities get to  vote whether they want gamblers in their midst or not!


The AFC has little to worry about. The PPP and their Suharto/Markos brand of administration has to worry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its as clear as day to see the AFC is split into two factions, the Ramjattan faction and the Nigel Hughes faction, that political gathering is in a downward spiral

Console yourself at that but you will still face them come elections.


The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also had a significant role, in the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will endorse the PPP/C with a majority

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also had a significant role, in the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will endorse the PPP/C with a majority

 Tell that stupid bull shit to yourself. Were it the case you would call elections now and rectify the circumstance. The fact remains that you are perpetually relegated to a minority status and fanning racial flames or pretending the other side are worse crooks than you are would not do the trick. It is clear you need absolute power to hide your crooked practices but that is never going to happen. They Guyanese people are wise to your lies and the 100k or so that did not vote can not be controlled as the few in whim you are trying to scare back into the fold.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormborn, this thread didn't call for personal attack and humiliation; it simply stressed on the in-fighting within the AFC for power and dominance. If you are vocal on your party's positions, you should focus your attention on finding common ground to amend their differences. If this goes on for the next four years, the AFC will be history. This is just an observation.

Dont mess wid DUMBO, he gun whip your Butt DUMBO AKA SHIt HEAD.

Such levels of incoherent prose is clearly unmatched by any on this forum. You are indeed an excellent idiot. Surely no village would lay claim to you as their personal idiot...your aptitude for he task exceeds the needs of any one village.

I don't have time to dwell on your daily show to divert attention. But, let's say you're being told. It would be an honor if you, and I would still be around in the year 2016. Your support for a demented party has been tested and failed.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses belong in the DOG House where Nigel has sent him. He is NOW a NOBODY!!!   He will soon be forgotten and polishing KFC Leaders SHOES.

Oh Lord have Mercy! The shit head speaks shit yet again. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also had a significant role, in the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will endorse the PPP/C with a majority


Dem people know about the kick backs and shady contracts. Dem people know about de 2 mill US big house. Dem know about de wine up culture of Jagdeo. Dem people know Jhagdeo in charge. 


Moses is ashamed to face his constituents, they feel he tricked them in supporting him, he them took their votes are made alliances with APNU, the line behind AFC and APNU can no longer be seen, a vote for the AFC was indeed a vote for APNU

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Moses is ashamed to face his constituents, they feel he tricked them in supporting him, he them took their votes are made alliances with APNU, the line behind AFC and APNU can no longer be seen, a vote for the AFC was indeed a vote for APNU

He did not trick them, he was taken for a ride.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Power struggle is good for the party, unlike the the PPP/C that is stagnated and populated with toothless avaricious dinosaurs that lack leadership abilities.

AFC, PNC, PPP all have power struggles, it's the nature of the beast so people should not be surprised or think it's weakness.  Thus far the fallout of the power-struggles within the PPP and PNC lands in the lap of the AFC.  The AFC will have theirs but where the fallout ends up would be interesting.


The PPP have the best change of redeeming itself. I don't see any redemption for the PNC nor do I see much hopes in the AFC doing any better at the polls next time round. This party's foundation is not on solid ground. It took a veteran PPP leader to bring a little bit of votes for the AFC. Impressive in the eyes of many observers but disastrous the rational Guyanese mind that cares about the future of the nation. Greater success at the polls for the AFC would have resulted in the elevation of tyranny to the apex of political power. It's not something to toy with. The average Guyanese who voted AFC and those who did not vote will come out at against division and discontent within the ranks of the ruling PPP.


Billy Ram Balgobin

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