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The AFC will lead the march and protest. That's all they can do. They will try to fool the people that the next election, they will win.

What the sugar workers want is to have the PNC rule them and destroy the country. The AFC got their orders from the PNC to demoralize the sugar workers and create havoc among them...
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The days of manual labor are over, without serious mechanization Guyana can not remain competitive with the large producing nations.

Go tell that to the Chinese and Indians. They manage to make just about anything with their bare hands.
Additionally, almost every piece of high tech precision instrument or equipment is hand built.

At slave labor and the aid of machines manufacturing is achieved in China. But you are a liar to tell us that precision instruments are hand built. This is not the case, machines are used always. The human hand can not produce precision tolerances without the help of machines.

There is also a nice machine to remove yuh goadee.
History was created AFC and we have to thank God for that Victory.This is Strickly for our Brothers and Sisters in Our Guyana,So Bring on the Snap or next Election,God Have the Greatest Plan for Guyana(MIRACLES).We would have a wonderful time campaining again,AFC would be there for our Brothers and Sisters,CHANGE(S)
As you speaking I can see the Shit running down your legs in FEAR. yippie yippie
Originally posted by creative:
History was created AFC and we have to thank God for that Victory.This is Strickly for our Brothers and Sisters in Our Guyana,So Bring on the Snap or next Election,God Have the Greatest Plan for Guyana(MIRACLES).We would have a wonderful time campaining again,AFC would be there for our Brothers and Sisters,CHANGE(S)
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
GNI seems to be the media outlet for AFC propaganda.

Cain, why don't you shut you old rass and sit quietly? You get fool with two loafs of bread and a pound of cassava. Keep on making noise like empty barrel.

First. Where on this BB will you find posters who are for the opposition, start threads with negative remarks?

This is done daily by PPP scum, they are the dirtbags that peddle their shyte on this board.

Practically every thread started by these PPP scumbags show how these corruped pricks think.

So, you should also shut your rass if you don't know what you speak of.

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