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Media release
For immediate release
Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Alliance For Change held its first National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting for 2019 today, Saturday, January 26th at the Umana Yana in Kingston, Georgetown. This NEC meeting was expanded to include regional, municipal and Neighbourhood Democratic Council councillors and saw over 110 delegates in attendance from all ten administrative regions in Guyana along with the Diaspora.

The NEC unanimously approved a motion for the APNU+AFC Coalition to be maintained as per the Cummingsburg Accord for the next General and Regional Elections, whenever it is held.

The NEC renewed the party’s commitment to constitutional reform and recognized the need for greater and meaningful involvement and participation of young people in the next Coalition Government. Further the party recognized the need for greater empowerment and the provision of more opportunities for the young people of Guyana.

The party also unanimously approved a motion to unequivocally support free education from nursery to university and facilitate housing for all Guyanese with revenues to be derived from oil.

The Constitution of Guyana provides that “every citizen has the right to free education from nursery to university as well as non-informal places where opportunities are provided for education and training.”

Leader Raphael Trotman, in his address stated that the party has listened to the people and has heard what they have had to say. He related that the Guyanese public holds the AFC to a different political standard than that of the traditional political parties and acknowledged that the AFC did make some mis-steps in government and that the party must work harder to deliver for the Guyanese people. The Leader also reaffirmed his confidence in the David Granger/Moses Nagamootoo leadership to guide the Coalition Government in the period ahead.

Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan in his address outlined for the NEC meeting the legal matters pertaining to the vote of December 21 and underscored that the APNU+AFC government is legitimate, credible and proper and will not engage in the dereliction of duty by not pursuing the matter to the fullest extent of the law."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC appears to be experts on the Guyana Constitution since Charandass NCV. It was only that then they knew that he had held dual citizenship. AFC, among others, breached the Constitution. Now, they say that the Guyana Constitution provides for free education from nursery to University. If they knew that, why did students have to pay for their education at Educational institutions? Did they breach another provision of the Constitution? Who do these people think they are fooling? This coalition government didn’t work a day but gave themselves a 50% pay increase. Can anyone get a pay increase without working a full day? Corruption all around. Like AFC once said “WE ARE DEAD MEAT” Time to do some roasting/BBQ the AFC.

Last edited by Former Member
Dondadda posted:

The AFC appears to be experts on the Guyana Constitution since Charandass NCV. Only then they knew that he was held dual citizenship. They breached the Constitution then. Now, they say that the Guyana Constitution provides for free education from nursery to University. If they knew that, why did students have to pay for their education at Educational institutions? Did they breach another provision of the Constitution? Who do these people think they are fooling? This coalition government didn’t work a day but gave themselves a 50% pay increase. Can anyone get a pay increase without working a full day? Corruption all around!

The explanation they gave for the salary increase is so ministers wouldn't go tiefing all over the place. 

ksazma posted:
Dondadda posted:

The AFC appears to be experts on the Guyana Constitution since Charandass NCV. Only then they knew that he was held dual citizenship. They breached the Constitution then. Now, they say that the Guyana Constitution provides for free education from nursery to University. If they knew that, why did students have to pay for their education at Educational institutions? Did they breach another provision of the Constitution? Who do these people think they are fooling? This coalition government didn’t work a day but gave themselves a 50% pay increase. Can anyone get a pay increase without working a full day? Corruption all around!

The explanation they gave for the salary increase is so ministers wouldn't go tiefing all over the place. 

That didn’t stop them. They still teefin. 

Dondadda posted:
ksazma posted:
Dondadda posted:

The AFC appears to be experts on the Guyana Constitution since Charandass NCV. Only then they knew that he was held dual citizenship. They breached the Constitution then. Now, they say that the Guyana Constitution provides for free education from nursery to University. If they knew that, why did students have to pay for their education at Educational institutions? Did they breach another provision of the Constitution? Who do these people think they are fooling? This coalition government didn’t work a day but gave themselves a 50% pay increase. Can anyone get a pay increase without working a full day? Corruption all around!

The explanation they gave for the salary increase is so ministers wouldn't go tiefing all over the place. 

That didn’t stop them. They still teefin. 

How will they steal when there is no money ?

Leonora posted:

I guess ANUS died.  

Not really but when you are a DUMB, SHIT HEAT,, hidh=g school dropout everything is alive and Ire. Dumbness cannot be measured with IDIOTS of the worst kind.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

I thought you said, no one can fool yo.

Go see you eye dactor Mr Django. 

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, crowd, flower and outdoor


How about this, will have to go specialist eye dacta.

If you are speaking of the money garland... it’s a PPP custom since our father of the nation days . 


Django posted:

Why don't you fvck off  drunk skvnt, trolling thread to thread, can't see no one wants any interaction with fools.

AHOLE like you must be exposed. Easter coming go find Uncle Charlie:))


Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Why don't you fvck off  drunk skvnt, trolling thread to thread, can't see no one wants any interaction with fools.

AHOLE like you must be exposed. Easter coming go find Uncle Charlie:))


What are there that a drunk man can expose ??

Django posted:
Dondadda posted:
ksazma posted:
Dondadda posted:

The AFC appears to be experts on the Guyana Constitution since Charandass NCV. Only then they knew that he was held dual citizenship. They breached the Constitution then. Now, they say that the Guyana Constitution provides for free education from nursery to University. If they knew that, why did students have to pay for their education at Educational institutions? Did they breach another provision of the Constitution? Who do these people think they are fooling? This coalition government didn’t work a day but gave themselves a 50% pay increase. Can anyone get a pay increase without working a full day? Corruption all around!

The explanation they gave for the salary increase is so ministers wouldn't go tiefing all over the place. 

That didn’t stop them. They still teefin. 

How will they steal when there is no money ?

They only say that money done. They will phone a friend at BOG where the$18M US is hidden. Other than that, they will send their GDF and GPF goons to Kick down the doors. Remember who is the Public Security Minister?

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Why don't you fvck off  drunk skvnt, trolling thread to thread, can't see no one wants any interaction with fools.

AHOLE like you must be exposed. Easter coming go find Uncle Charlie:))


What are there that a drunk man can expose ??

A DUMb, ILLITERATE, ASS KISSING, BATTY WASHING RETARD who drop out from high school!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Why don't you fvck off  drunk skvnt, trolling thread to thread, can't see no one wants any interaction with fools.

AHOLE like you must be exposed. Easter coming go find Uncle Charlie:))


What are there that a drunk man can expose ??

A DUMb, ILLITERATE, ASS KISSING, BATTY WASHING RETARD who drop out from high school!!!

Ha..ha.. still got class more than the edumacted, same words trolling from thread to thread, no new vocabulary. Drunken stupor does cause that.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Well, for SHIT HEADS they are grateful for the pleasure of WASHING BATTY and CHATAYING  ASS!!! Congrats on your great work)):

DUH is you gaab, i man independent and calling my own shots, been like that number of years.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

I see you getting wise .  sea of red boy. 

Can't recall so much red  attire in 1992.

And you say PPP support down since 1992. Bai, troweh dat census report. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, crowd, flower and outdoor


How about this, will have to go specialist eye dacta.

If you are speaking of the money garland... it’s a PPP custom since our father of the nation days .  

That is because PPP people always get money. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

I see you getting wise .  sea of red boy. 

Can't recall so much red  attire in 1992.

And you say PPP support down since 1992. Bai, troweh dat census report. 

Bhai there was nuff nuff people, we didn't care for the Red Attire.


AFC is alive only because it was recently grafted on to the Palm Tree party. AFC was slowly withering until a strong wind from Bharrat blew away a branch called Charrandas.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

I see you getting wise .  sea of red boy. 

Can't recall so much red  attire in 1992.

And you say PPP support down since 1992. Bai, troweh dat census report. 

Bhai there was nuff nuff people, we didn't care for the Red Attire.

Red is a very powerful color. Nothing wrong if they all wear it. They look very uniform. Similar to the green and the yellow for the other two parties. 

ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

Nehru, Django will cuss you up. You better stop messing with him. 

Nehru is a cussburd tuh so I think they will go mano amano. 

Dat chicken shit will not try dat;00;

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Leonora posted:

Nehru, Django will cuss you up. You better stop messing with him. 

AHOLE like that dont scare me!!

The day i bump in, then you guh know.

HEHEHE Oh meh gud, I am so friggin scared!!


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