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AFC leadership concerned about Agriculture’s direction under Holder

The Minister of Agriculture in the coalition government, Noel Holder, was put forward by the Alliance For Change since the Agriculture portfolio was one which came under the AFC. However, some members in the AFC leadership now believe that Minister Holder may need some assistance in running the industry.

AFC leadership concerned about Agriculture’s direction under Holder

The Leadership of the Alliance For Change is not pleased with the direction in which the Agriculture sector is heading and may be getting ready to push for changes.

The Minister of Agriculture in the coalition government, Noel Holder, was put forward by the Alliance For Change since the Agriculture portfolio was one which came under the AFC.  However, some members in the AFC leadership now believe that Minister Holder may need some assistance in running the industry.

The coalition government has been facing criticism from sugar workers and the sugar union over the decision to close the Wales estate at the end of the year.

Minister Holder is still to meet with the sugar workers more than four months after the announcement was made. The Minister has been heavily criticized for taking a “laid back” approach to the issue.  Sugar workers have protested the move although many of them will have their jobs secured at other sugar estates.

The Opposition has also been using the problems facing the agriculture sector to stir up support among its support base. The PPP’s support comes from many farming communities across Guyana.

A senior official of the AFC told News Source that “Agriculture is important and we are simply not pleased with the direction it is going. It needs more energy and it will need more of a boost. It is an important sector”.

News Source understands that some AFC leadership officials are contemplating requesting of the President that he adds another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio. It is expected that a recommendation in that regard could be made to the President by the AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.


AFC is making some unusual moves and voicing their concerns bravely like they smell the rat of what lies ahead. Thank God for the free media that PNC failed to muzzled, we will hear about it soon.

Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Banna Cool Aid is way better than the Councie juice you does drink and come regurgitate it here next day.

Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

This is beyond incompetence.  This is hopelessness.

Bibi Haniffa
Cobra posted:

AFC is making some unusual moves and voicing their concerns bravely like they smell the rat of what lies ahead. Thank God for the free media that PNC failed to muzzled, we will hear about it soon.

You are aware that Holder is AFC?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

This is beyond incompetence.  This is hopelessness.

These AFC/PNC clowns are beyond help. They need to be kicked out.

Another waste man is Granger's son-in-law, he has no clue about business or about attracting business investments.

What a bunch of clowns !

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

All of this will culminate into a serious economic crisis.  Even my PNC friends are worried.  They still support the coalition, but they know something is terribly wrong.

Bibi, you are 100 percent accurate again.

The AFC/PNC administration has a bunch of old men waiting for their pension. They are clueless and have ZERO talent pool.

They fooled the young generation and then kicked them aside like a trash bin. AFC/PNC cannot teach old dogs new tricks. They are stuck like mud.

I am still waiting for them to prove their ridiculous claims about PPP corruption.

Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - assuming Holder should be replaced, who do you think would be a good choice for Agri Minister?  Clearly, from day one he was a bad choice.

Tony Vieira, a trained and experienced agronomist, although he is not AFC. Alternate choice: Essequibian Sam Bacchus, an AFC man.

From Day 1 Tony Vieira was my preference and I stated so here, but my friend Siggy said Vieira nah like coolie people.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - assuming Holder should be replaced, who do you think would be a good choice for Agri Minister?  Clearly, from day one he was a bad choice.

Tony Vieira, a trained and experienced agronomist, although he is not AFC. Alternate choice: Essequibian Sam Bacchus, an AFC man.

From Day 1 Tony Vieira was my preference and I stated so here, but my friend Siggy said Vieira nah like coolie people.

Well maybe it's time they pick the most qualified man for the job regardless of party lines.  If Granger is serious about unity government, this would be a good place to start.  

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

AFC is making some unusual moves and voicing their concerns bravely like they smell the rat of what lies ahead. Thank God for the free media that PNC failed to muzzled, we will hear about it soon.

You are aware that Holder is AFC?

Holder is old school PNC who has used his wife name and the unaware AFC leadership to get the top job.  Since assuming office, he has totally rejected the AFC and their will to develop the agriculture sector.

What he does is go to church every sunday with Prez G.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - assuming Holder should be replaced, who do you think would be a good choice for Agri Minister?  Clearly, from day one he was a bad choice.

Tony Vieira, a trained and experienced agronomist, although he is not AFC. Alternate choice: Essequibian Sam Bacchus, an AFC man.

From Day 1 Tony Vieira was my preference and I stated so here, but my friend Siggy said Vieira nah like coolie people.

Tony Vieira hate Indians and  like their money... bloody  scamp. 


Last edited by Former Member
ian posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - assuming Holder should be replaced, who do you think would be a good choice for Agri Minister?  Clearly, from day one he was a bad choice.

Tony Vieira, a trained and experienced agronomist, although he is not AFC. Alternate choice: Essequibian Sam Bacchus, an AFC man.

From Day 1 Tony Vieira was my preference and I stated so here, but my friend Siggy said Vieira nah like coolie people.

Tony Vieira hate Indians and  like their money... bloody  scamp. 


TONY VIERA  is an absolute scamp who failed at managing a sugar estate and want to destroy Guysuco out of vindictiveness.  

He failed at every business he tried.  He failed at TV and sold it to Bobby who has made it into a success.

Business failure - Tony V.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well maybe it's time they pick the most qualified man for the job regardless of party lines.  If Granger is serious about unity government, this would be a good place to start.  

Clearly it wouldn't be any one from the PPP, given the mess that they made of the agricultural sector.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well maybe it's time they pick the most qualified man for the job regardless of party lines.  If Granger is serious about unity government, this would be a good place to start.  

Clearly it wouldn't be any one from the PPP, given the mess that they made of the agricultural sector.

It wouldn't be anyone from the PPP because that would mean that the person is qualified for the position.  Unfortunately, I don't see anyone with the education, experience, or competence in the coalition camp who can serve effectively as Agri Minister.  In the history of Guyana, the current cabinet is the least qualified and highest Paid.  Even the Ministers in the Burnham era had better education.  We are doomed.

Bibi Haniffa
Cobra posted:

I am doing great, Madame. Please continue the fight against the incompetents that are hoping to kidnap Guyana's democracy.

It's my birthright to keep up my name and my loyalty to the party I was born into.  I don't want my grandparents to turn in their grave.  I will honor them until the last drop of blood is taken from my body.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Gil, the way the coalition government is going, there will not be a need for even an incompetent minister of agriculture. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, they are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry, cash crop farmers are having problems selling their produce because of the slow down in the economy, there is still drought, they are making and/or condoning corrupt fertilized deals with overnight  companies tied to them, spending more on cleaning GT than on getting the economy going. They are certainly not replicating the PPP achievement in this vital sector. They do now have a clue how the economy actually works, the linkages and how the fortunes of agriculture is tied with the fortunes of the whole economy.


Moses Nagamootoo is the co-chair of the cabinet.  Now and AFC man just told me we need to change that word to co-chair to "cochoor".

I do not agree with this word from this AFC man, but what is your view.


Agriculture is in dire straits and this minister seems out of his depth in this portfolio. He has not and seems unable to articulate a global vision of agriculture within the next four years (if the government lasts that long) His appointment as a minister was on the basis of his wife's contribution to the AFC. He cannot see the forest and seems unable to even deal with some of the minor issues that come his way.

Sam bacchus is more APNU than AFC so he might not qualify in the eyes of the AFC leadership. Additionally, for rice farmers, he is damaged goods, even though he proclaims that he is not a politicians. Many essequibians still remember him standing on the stage when false promises were made and proclaiming his support for the coalition that has caused them so much misery. 

Tony Veira is not a good choice. First, he has failed as an agriculturalists , but still thinks that he has the expertise, suggest grand schemes which are not cost effective, not workable and could not be economically successful. Furthermore, he openly shows his disdain/dislike for East Indians who are the majority of agriculturalists. If you have that attitude one about one group of major stakeholders, then you are unlikely to succeed in an inclusionary policy and hence going nowhere.

moses is in deep trouble. He sold his soul for the facade of position. He has no power and Harmon and Granger are the real power in cabinet. He made me cringe when he said that he did not know that Brian was appointed an adviser. Around him, the AFC is disintegrating. Trottman is more powerful than he is, and more aligned to the PNC (the prodigal son has returned home. ), holder is not performing and is being attacked from within the AFC. The Brian affair brought about deep divisions within the AFC  as evident by the resignation of Nigel, the begging and spin about period of reflection. AFC support is crumbling, their impact at LGE was negligible, they forgot to make a deal about representation for AFC members as part of the councils, the corruption stories that is coming out with the fertilizer contract in the USA and the single sourcing of drugs from  a fly by night Parika company. He cannot coochar anyone anymore. It is like he is holding a tiger by the tail. He cannot afford to let go. He likes the trapping of power and the money that goes with it but he has to stay because if the AFC leaves the coalition, granger will get the keeper of the list to remove their names from the list, keep those AFC like Trottman aligned to the PNC and tell them to not let the door hit them on the butt on the way out. Yes, he is a chochoor at best! 

Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Gil, the way the coalition government is going, there will not be a need for even an incompetent minister of agriculture. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, they are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry, cash crop farmers are having problems selling their produce because of the slow down in the economy, there is still drought, they are making and/or condoning corrupt fertilized deals with overnight  companies tied to them, spending more on cleaning GT than on getting the economy going. They are certainly not replicating the PPP achievement in this vital sector. They do now have a clue how the economy actually works, the linkages and how the fortunes of agriculture is tied with the fortunes of the whole economy.

"they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market"

There was an end of life to that lucrative deal,then came the oil find by Exxon Mobil which the Government of Venezuela seems not to be happy with,so they upped their Essequibo claim and issued decrees.The government had to deal with that as soon as they came in to office,Maduro was playing hard ball and that was the end of the rice deal.In conclusion that statement is like water in a basket,the rice farmers should face the facts which have the highest priority succumb to an invader of their country or fill their pockets.

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Gil, the way the coalition government is going, there will not be a need for even an incompetent minister of agriculture. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, they are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry, cash crop farmers are having problems selling their produce because of the slow down in the economy, there is still drought, they are making and/or condoning corrupt fertilized deals with overnight  companies tied to them, spending more on cleaning GT than on getting the economy going. They are certainly not replicating the PPP achievement in this vital sector. They do now have a clue how the economy actually works, the linkages and how the fortunes of agriculture is tied with the fortunes of the whole economy.

"they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market"

There was an end of life to that lucrative deal,then came the oil find by Exxon Mobil which the Government of Venezuela seems not to be happy with,so they upped their Essequibo claim and issued decrees.The government had to deal with that as soon as they came in to office,Maduro was playing hard ball and that was the end of the rice deal.In conclusion that statement is like water in a basket,the rice farmers should face the facts which have the highest priority succumb to an invader of their country or fill their pockets.

I have heard SHIT before on GNI but this is undiluted KAKA!!!!!!!!!

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Gil, the way the coalition government is going, there will not be a need for even an incompetent minister of agriculture. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, they are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry, cash crop farmers are having problems selling their produce because of the slow down in the economy, there is still drought, they are making and/or condoning corrupt fertilized deals with overnight  companies tied to them, spending more on cleaning GT than on getting the economy going. They are certainly not replicating the PPP achievement in this vital sector. They do now have a clue how the economy actually works, the linkages and how the fortunes of agriculture is tied with the fortunes of the whole economy.

"they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market"

There was an end of life to that lucrative deal,then came the oil find by Exxon Mobil which the Government of Venezuela seems not to be happy with,so they upped their Essequibo claim and issued decrees.The government had to deal with that as soon as they came in to office,Maduro was playing hard ball and that was the end of the rice deal.In conclusion that statement is like water in a basket,the rice farmers should face the facts which have the highest priority succumb to an invader of their country or fill their pockets.

The Ramotar regime was warned in November of 2014 of the pending end of the Oil for rice deal. Note this was a lucrative deal while it lasted and itn made plutocrats of the PPP and their family but the rice farmers are still in the poor house.

Further, the deal would be unsustainable since oil price  is now below the threshold where such a deal would be advantageous to us. We need to re adjust our marketing of rice or it will fail like sugar from lack of creative management of the resource.



Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC wants to add another Minister to the Agriculture portfolio? Baap ray baap. Why not fire Holder and appoint someone else? 

You are one of them so you are no better than them, just that you drink the Cool Aid like there was no tomorrow.

Like how you drink PPP rum. You play forgetful and self-righteous knowing bloody well that your Ramotar regime had TWO ministers of Agriculture simultaneously --- Dr Leslie Ramsammy AND Ally Baksh as his junior. 

I am saying clearly that the AFC, which bargained for the Agriculture portfolio, does not have to replicate the PPP style. One competent minister is better than two half-competent ones, not counting in the cost of two ministers' salaries and other factors.

Gil, the way the coalition government is going, there will not be a need for even an incompetent minister of agriculture. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, they are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry, cash crop farmers are having problems selling their produce because of the slow down in the economy, there is still drought, they are making and/or condoning corrupt fertilized deals with overnight  companies tied to them, spending more on cleaning GT than on getting the economy going. They are certainly not replicating the PPP achievement in this vital sector. They do now have a clue how the economy actually works, the linkages and how the fortunes of agriculture is tied with the fortunes of the whole economy.

"they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market"

There was an end of life to that lucrative deal,then came the oil find by Exxon Mobil which the Government of Venezuela seems not to be happy with,so they upped their Essequibo claim and issued decrees.The government had to deal with that as soon as they came in to office,Maduro was playing hard ball and that was the end of the rice deal.In conclusion that statement is like water in a basket,the rice farmers should face the facts which have the highest priority succumb to an invader of their country or fill their pockets.

I have heard SHIT before on GNI but this is undiluted KAKA!!!!!!!!!

You call it KAKA,leh me hear what you have to say nuh.


Django, the first moves from status quo was made by the GOG  in the airline situation and the rhetorics. The Venezuelans were content to let the deal continue even though they had many times in the future indicated that it will come to an end.

Be aware that many countries have border Disputes but still have relations in many other areas because they see the mutual benefits. Have you ever considered that the coalitions benefits when the nationalism sentiments in Guyana gets aroused. Your simplistic views of a dynamic and complicated world and issues lead you to make errors in analysis.

Zed posted:

Django, the first moves from status quo was made by the GOG  in the airline situation and the rhetorics. The Venezuelans were content to let the deal continue even though they had many times in the future indicated that it will come to an end.

Be aware that many countries have border Disputes but still have relations in many other areas because they see the mutual benefits. Have you ever considered that the coalitions benefits when the nationalism sentiments in Guyana gets aroused. Your simplistic views of a dynamic and complicated world and issues lead you to make errors in analysis.

Where did that information came from???

Don't tell me the oil find didn't compound the problem and Guyana as a small nation should succumb to Maduro decree claiming the area where oil was found.

Last edited by Django

I am on the ground here in Guyana while you get your info third hand. Yes, the Venezuelans will see the oil find as an issue to be concerned about, but that does not mean that the relations fouls not have been managed and managed better than it has been.

just as an aside, the GOG printed all of these stickers and posters that said" Essequibo is we own" and passed it out in Essequibo. I wonder why it was in English and not Spanish. What was the message for essequibians who were reading it, what is the possible hidden message.

Zed posted:

I am on the ground here in Guyana while you get your info third hand. Yes, the Venezuelans will see the oil find as an issue to be concerned about, but that does not mean that the relations fouls not have been managed and managed better than it has been.

just as an aside, the GOG printed all of these stickers and posters that said"Essequibo is we own" and passed it out in Essequibo.I wonder why it was in English and not Spanish. What was the message for essequibians who were reading it, what is the possible hidden message.

English is the spoken language in Guyana,why should it be Spanish.

Suh who Essequibo belongs to is it not the Guyanese,what is this about a hidden message deciphering it meant the major ethnicity will be diminished,who is spreading such fear factor my guess the only culpable ones are those sitting in Freedom House.

Last edited by Django

I thought all essequibians knew that Essequibo belongs to Guyana, unless if you have info to indicate otherwise. So, then who is the audience?

so. Your post is your interpretation of who "we". And who is the message really meant for? Now, move the analysis deeper.

you seem paranoid about the PPP. Or are they paying you to write this.

Zed posted:
. They said that rice is not their business, they mismanaged the Venezuela file so lost a lucrative market, t
hey are, piece by piece, closing down the sugar industry,
, there is still drought,

I see that APNU is to blame for the drought and for the devastation that Jagdeo brought upon the sugar industry.  But for the racial politics of Guyana APNU would do the same to sugar workers that the PPP did to bauxite workers.  But you see in Guyana Indos are superior to Afros, so should be treated better.

As to Venezuela.

1.  The PPP deal was one that was ANNUALLY renewable, based on the notion of a manic dictator.

2.  Maduro already told Guyana that they were going to re-allocate Guyana's rice quota to Uruguay.   That nation being a considerably more efficient producer than Guyana.

3. Maduro has lost control over his legislature. Do you really think that a broke Venezuela would have continued to buy expensive Guyanese rice?

Cease with your notion that the PPP was any more effective than is APNU AFC.  What ever benefits that existed from the Guyana economy in the last few years are because gold prices were high.  Now that they have dropped, this has impacted the economy.

NONE of you PPP stooges have been able to prove what exactly did the PPP do that APNU AFC aren't doing.  Both are incompetent, and corrupt, but at least APNU AFC have yet to display their arrogance!


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