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Here is how you can bring billions into the Gov't coffers right away:


1. Cut down on Gov't thiefin', waste and corruption

2. Bring the lotto funds, royalties from GGMC and GFC and monies from hidden accounts into the consolidated fund

3. Stop granting special tax and other concessions to the favoured few

4. Reduce state expenditure in NCN (and reform it) and sell out the Chronicle

5. Cut super salaried Presidential advisors and other functionaries

6. Reduce the Presidential Pension Package (PPP)

7. Level the playing field for Guyanese businesses facing unfair competition from the Chinese



And here is how you can keep increasing Gov't funds in the long term:


1. Security sector reform

2. A sound diaspora policy

3. Pursue alternative energy, including ethanol production

4. Maintain Gov't theft, waste and corruption to a minimum


Ok Gerhard, what is the total of all of what you described in your response would bring in. I suppose you are assuming  that you will be able to recoup all of it. Tell us by what time frame? By the way, even though I think that the Presidential Pension package is scandalous, I noticed that you did not mention the benefits package for the Leader of the Oposition. Don't you think that this is equally scandalous?


I want to stay focused here, you did not answer my original question. Again how much would it cost taxpayers for the promises made in te AFC manifesto. I am aware that politicians are masters of divesion.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

GR, Dat is a Bag FULL of BULLSHIT!! You incompetent Morons are CLUELESS!!

Nehru , it is not enough for you to just state such a position without an explanation . That is , if you ever intended on having a meaningful discussion . There is much truth aversion here . Try to get beyond" my opinion is better than your opinion " and instead present your rationale .


Dondadda, you do have a point, since to the best of my knowledge, a total costing was not done.  My list was not meant to be exhaustive either, by the way.  However, the things the AFC promised would have been good to society, and would have stimulated our economy to greater heights.  Broadly, I am sure you will not disagree with me that there is much waste and poor accountability by the Gov't, not to mention the security issue which stymies investment and development.  Therefore, if not all, a lot of what the AFC promised would have been done.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:


Gerhard, I thank you for being candid with me that the AFC did not do any costing of the promises made in their manifesto. You are telling me that if not all, a lot of what the AFC promised would have been done. Please tell me then what political agenda/plans you have in place, including time frames to accomplish these promises. What promises/items are on your list of priorities your party intends to achieve in the first year?


You're welcome, Dondadda.  Since we are not in Government, I assume you wish to see our current list of priorities.


Here it is, as submitted at the tripartite talks:


The Economy

  1. Reduce VAT to 12 %
  2. Increase salaries of public servants inclusive of nurses, teachers, and disciplined services and sugar workers by 20%
  3. Increase the PAYE threshold to $50,000
  4. Reduce the Berbice River Bridge rates by 50%
  5. Grant duty free fuel concession to rice farmers and to the fishing industry
  6. Reduce taxes and duty on brand new motor vehicles and cut corporate taxes (non-commercial) to 25%
  7. Repair a military aircraft to provide lift for national security purposes and to support hinterland development in Reg. 8 and other hinterland regions
  8. Review the LCDS to remove conditions that are excessively adverse to small miners and loggers and complete the demarcation of Indigenous lands
  9. Review all major projects within the past two years such as the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, Vaitarna, Marriot, the CBJIA expansion, etc. by the Economic Services Sector Committee
  10. Increase old age pension; review and reduce the President’s pension package
  11. Provision of housing units for suitable citizens


The Constitution

  1. Appoint the Chancellor of the Judiciary
  2. Appoint an Ombudsman
  3. Appoint the members of the Public Service Appellate Tribunal
  4. Commence an inquiry into GECOM, and identify processes for its overhaul



  1. Establish the Procurement Commission within 4 months of the convening of Parliament
  2. Review and complete local government reform
  3. Amendment of Access to Information Act
  4. Establish a Truth, Reconciliation and Justice Commission
  5. Parliamentary Reform in line with the recommendations of the Sir Michael Davies' report



  1. Renegotiate the British Government support worth $1.6 B to enhance our security sector
  2. Permit forthwith the establishment of a DEA office here in Guyana


Public and Private Media

  1. Reorganise NCN (both TV and Radio) to accord with a BBC framework of independence and operations
  2. More balance in the newscasts and more time for Opposition views on State media
  3. Issue radio and extensions of TV licences to qualified applicants


These have in the meantime been merged with the PPP's and APNU's priorities and have gone to the various tripartite committees.


Assuming that the AFC was the government  of the day in Guyana and my party came to you with the list of priorities you have decribed above without telling/showing you how much each line item would cost the treasury.  In addtion, would you not toss me out of your office if I say to you that my party is now the bargaining agent for the Public Service and Sugar workers and that I am about to rip up the Collective agreements made between the parties during collective bargaining negotiations plus breaking ILO agreements? Do you not find my approach to you as troubling?


The PPP in 1992 didn't do a cost analysis either (and when have they done one?).  Our promises are not very different to those made by Dr Jagan in 1992.  And he did get a lot of it done, until the course was changed by Jagdeo.


If you have been reading our statements, Dondadda, you would see we are at a pains to explain to the workers that we are not there to replace GAWU, or any union for that matter.  Would you like me to repost our statements?


Gerhard, let's remain focused here. I know a skater when I see one. I am not going back to Jagan time and I know that you want to take me there as a diversionary strategy. Could you answer the question for me?. Regarding Union/Management relationship, I've read the AFC press statements. It is still inappropriate for the AFC to intervene in labour disputes while collective agreements are in force. Further, it is an insult to their Bargaining Agent. Did the AFC, as a courtesy, inform the bargaining agent before they went out and spoke to their members. In addition regarding the Public Service, wage increases are always an item on the bargaining agenda. With regards to the disciplined forces, have the citizens of Guyana received  value for the money they have paid to this group? Did the AFC do a cost/benefit analysis and if so what was the outcome?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dondada, what is current cost of the super salaried Presidential Advisors and other superficial Functionaries?

I don't know and won't pretend that I know? Remember Mitts, I am not a PPP; AFC or APNU/PNC member. I am an independent thinker. I think that the President dresses like a lungayra while conducting official business. The only thing I like about him is that he like to eat dhall and rice and coconut chokha - my favourite meal.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GR, Dat is a Bag FULL of BULLSHIT!! You incompetent Morons are CLUELESS!!

Nehru , it is not enough for you to just state such a position without an explanation . That is , if you ever intended on having a meaningful discussion . There is much truth aversion here . Try to get beyond" my opinion is better than your opinion " and instead present your rationale .


Neva mind Nehru, he is a confused individual, here's a post made by him where he just loves the AFC.  The banna doesn't know which team he's playing for.

I believe it depends also on how many drinks he had for lunch.



Quote by Nehru "Good job by AFC. Get to the bottom of things. The Taxpayers Money should NOT be wasted. I wish this was done all along."

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GR, Dat is a Bag FULL of BULLSHIT!! You incompetent Morons are CLUELESS!!

Nehru , it is not enough for you to just state such a position without an explanation . That is , if you ever intended on having a meaningful discussion . There is much truth aversion here . Try to get beyond" my opinion is better than your opinion " and instead present your rationale .


Neva mind Nehru, he is a confused individual, here's a post made by him on the thread "Brassington’s resignation no ‘get out of jail free’ card"  where he just loves the AFC.  The banna doesn't know which team he's playing for.

I believe it depends also on how many drinks he had for lunch.



Quote by Nehru "Good job by AFC. Get to the bottom of things. The Taxpayers Money should NOT be wasted. I wish this was done all along."

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dondada, what is current cost of the super salaried Presidential Advisors and other superficial Functionaries?

I don't know and won't pretend that I know? Remember Mitts, I am not a PPP; AFC or APNU/PNC member. I am an independent thinker. I think that the President dresses like a lungayra while conducting official business. The only thing I like about him is that he like to eat dhall and rice and coconut chokha - my favourite meal.

I am not a member of any party too; but I have pledged my support to the AFC because of their plans and philosophy etc.... Your original question is a valid one. However, it reminds me of this: " If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"


Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Gerhard, let's remain focused here. I know a skater when I see one. I am not going back to Jagan time and I know that you want to take me there as a diversionary strategy. Could you answer the question for me?. Regarding Union/Management relationship, I've read the AFC press statements. It is still inappropriate for the AFC to intervene in labour disputes while collective agreements are in force. Further, it is an insult to their Bargaining Agent. Did the AFC, as a courtesy, inform the bargaining agent before they went out and spoke to their members. In addition regarding the Public Service, wage increases are always an item on the bargaining agenda. With regards to the disciplined forces, have the citizens of Guyana received  value for the money they have paid to this group? Did the AFC do a cost/benefit analysis and if so what was the outcome?

When we go in solidarity with the workers, we also speak with the union reps present. We make it clear that our aim is highlight their cause so that there can be a speedy resolution.  So far, this approach has helped the East Demerara sugar workers and the residents and drivers of the East Bank Berbice road.  It remains to be seen if the issues at Rose Hall and Blairmont will be similarly resolved.  Some Blairmont workers are back on strike because they say the union is not allowing them to strike their names off.


In regard to the disciplined forces, there has not been value for money for the simple reason that no significant reform in this sector was undertaken since 1992, despite repeated promises by the PPP to do so.  Khemraj Ramjattan was raked over the coals and placed in front of a Freedom House disciplinary committee in 1993, when he proposed urgent reforms.  He predicted then, what we saw ten years later.


Now let's give you the benefit of doubt, Dondadda, that you are an independent thinker.  However, given your interest in Guyana's politics, I cannot see you as someone who would not vote if you could.  So, who did you vote for in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011?  And if you were resident overseas during any of those elections, which party would have been your choice?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have nothing to fear by protecting my sacred rights. Stay focused and stop your diversionary tactics.

Are you being a skater, Dondadda?  This is a political forum.  I asked you a fair question as it relates to the discussion.  To boot, your identity is hidden.  So what are you afraid of, and what is so sacred in an anonymous political blogger revealing who he/she voted for or would vote for?


Why is that so many PPP supporters, especially those who boast how much the PPP has transformed Guyana, are obsessed with blogging anonymously?  Aren't the dark days of fear long gone?  Or are they too ashamed to be associated with the cabal?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Gerhard, I have nothing to fear. If I did, I would not have participated on this discussion board. You are trying to rope me in but you need to stay focused.

The we must conclude that you, good sir, are a skater.


Serious political discussions always have context, and who is often just as important as what.  You hide your who, and go one step further, try to hide under the "independent" banner.  Quite disingenuous, if you ask me.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Gerhard, I have nothing to fear. If I did, I would not have participated on this discussion board. You are trying to rope me in but you need to stay focused.

The we must conclude that you, good sir, are a skater.


Serious political discussions always have context, and who is often just as important as what.  You hide your who, and go one step further, try to hide under the "independent" banner.  Quite disingenuous, if you ask me.

You deserve a gold medal for abusing the rink.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dondadda, I have done the calculations. The AFC manifesto will not cost as much as the Presidential Pension package and fringe benfits.



Give me numbers Mitts and stay focused on the cost of the promises contained in the Manifesto and not the Manifesto itself.

How much are you willing to pay for this info?


At least the AFC have manifesto while your PPP copied parts of it and shamelessy presented it as part of their own during the campaigns.


Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dondadda, I have done the calculations. The AFC manifesto will not cost as much as the Presidential Pension package and fringe benfits.



Give me numbers Mitts and stay focused on the cost of the promises contained in the Manifesto and not the Manifesto itself.

Dondadda, why is this more important than focusing on the PPP manifestos, past and present?  In the interest of Guyana's development shouldn't it be more important to hold the Gov't of the day accountable to its elections promises?


Mind you, I have no issue you keeping the AFC on its toes, it only serves to makes us better, stronger.  However, your claim to be "independent" is simply an idle one.  And which political analyst/commentator is ever truly independent?  


I find it offensive that  you would align me with the PPP who have in their party killers from the Rabbi Washington - House of Israel and other criminals. They have destroyed the lives of many within the party, by lying, making up false stories, Maccie Hamid, Boyo Ramsaroop, Moses Bhagwan, Moses Nagamootoo, Edward B Beharry and so many others too numerous to mention. It is sad that Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo stood by while all this was happening and remained silent, until their turn came around.  Jagdeo, single handedly destroyed the party. So Mitts, please don't insult me, I do not belong to the PPP.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I find it offensive that  you would align me with the PPP who have in their party killers from the Rabbi Washington - House of Israel and other criminals. They have destroyed the lives of many within the party, by lying, making up false stories, Maccie Hamid, Boyo Ramsaroop, Moses Bhagwan, Moses Nagamootoo, Edward B Beharry and so many others too numerous to mention. It is sad that Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo stood by while all this was happening and remained silent, until their turn came around.  Jagdeo, single handedly destroyed the party. So Mitts, please don't insult me, I do not belong to the PPP.

I must admit, this has given me pause.


I reiterate that I take no offence to your focus on the AFC, as it will make us better, stronger. I maintain though, I am curious to your motive - context is important to any discussion if it is to be fruitful.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I find it offensive that  you would align me with the PPP who have in their party killers from the Rabbi Washington - House of Israel and other criminals. They have destroyed the lives of many within the party, by lying, making up false stories, Maccie Hamid, Boyo Ramsaroop, Moses Bhagwan, Moses Nagamootoo, Edward B Beharry and so many others too numerous to mention. It is sad that Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo stood by while all this was happening and remained silent, until their turn came around.  Jagdeo, single handedly destroyed the party. So Mitts, please don't insult me, I do not belong to the PPP.

I like this post, should be kept at the top for those who have lost their way.

Dondadda seems cool.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You folks have to understand that the AFC boys are hackers, they know nothing about budgets, governance or running any organization other than a flower shop or rip off lawyer practice. 

Be that as it may, how about you compare and contrast the PPP's manifestos, national budgets and record of governance since 1992?  If you agree the PPP is found wanting itself, perhaps you can come help and solve these issues, since clearly you seem to have all the answers.  Yes?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I find it offensive that  you would align me with the PPP who have in their party killers from the Rabbi Washington - House of Israel and other criminals. They have destroyed the lives of many within the party, by lying, making up false stories, Maccie Hamid, Boyo Ramsaroop, Moses Bhagwan, Moses Nagamootoo, Edward B Beharry and so many others too numerous to mention. It is sad that Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo stood by while all this was happening and remained silent, until their turn came around.  Jagdeo, single handedly destroyed the party. So Mitts, please don't insult me, I do not belong to the PPP.


Naah! You are PPP to the core. I was a PPP supporter until the annointment of Jagdeo. I became more disenchanted with his cabal when I learnt of their dirty tricks. You don't need to be ashamed of your allegiance. You question you raised here is not new. TK dealt with it at lenght before the elections.


It will cost billions but the benefits like job creation, revenue generation, and more long term for the populace rather than only for the bank accounts of the PPP cabal and their cronies.


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