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Originally posted by Henry: CAKESHOP
Uncle Henry, the "cakeshop" party awaits your response to the statements made by Uncle Komal, that is Komal Chand, the President of GAWU, a senior and most esteemed leader of the PPP, at the last FITUG May Day rally (2011), which read: "While the strides made have raised to a higher level the working-people’s quality of life, we cannot ignore those ugly features of our society which would not go away despite strenuous efforts. Here, we must draw attention to the troubling issue of crime, violence against women, prevalence of illicit drugs and its use and the gun violence it breeds, the perception of widespread corruption, among others. These negative features tend to overshadow the country’s gains and, at the same time, act as restraints to further economic growth." Source

GNI thread:

Thank you in advance, Uncle Henry wavey

But just in case, would I need to PM you in the event you need more time to formulate your response? Just say if you do, I am always happy to be of service.
Uncle Book we have to keep an eye pun dem chap dis like Sasenarine singh dem AFC chaps got an army of people like all of a sudden campaigning for dem all over pun de ground in Guyana.

Everywhere you turn dem showing up. We have to spend more money get the chicken truck out and get the free laptop trucks out and forget the form just start sharing out freeness left right and center.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Bookman: Dem bai outside de market sharking fo minibus fare or wha?
Prabably or wha, Cde Bookman Big Grin

Dem bai look like real touts. Smile

Yeah but they cannot match our touts in the PPP like the peanut butter crew can they uncle book?
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Me neva see so many ugly people in a single political party yet. Wink
Allyou wait till Freedom House show off all its handsome guys and pretty gals.

Yu rass jealous.

As God above me, the AFC is ugliness all over.
The only two passable good-looking AFCites are TK and Gerhard.
Sase does rub too much flour on his face to look nice. Wink

Bengalies and West Africans are the smartest ppl in the world.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

At the launch of the Grow More Food Phase Two on Wednesday, August 17, PPP’s General Secretary spoke about the importance of Agriculture in Guyana.

Ramotar noted that today in our world one of the major problems is food security. He pointed out that rising prices of food is causing grave social tensions in many parts of the world.

He noted that the upheavals that have gripped the Middle East for some eight months began in Tunisia where people protested the rising prices of food. That then escalated into a major uprising which has not yet concluded.

Turning to Guyana, Ramotar noted that Guyana has land that is indispensable to the production of food.
He added that we are also blessed with talented and hard working farmers.

He noted that the Caribbean is a huge market for food. At the moment, Ramotar said the Caribbean imports more than four billion US dollar in food every year. He was of the opinion that Guyana could take advantage of this and produce to satisfy part of that market.

If we succeed, the PPP’s General Secretary declared, we will be adding revenues for our country and farmers would be able to have a better life.

Speaking also at the occasion was President Jagdeo and Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud. President Jagdeo declared that Agriculture’s future in Guyana was secured because of the interest of our government in the sector.

The President promised to give full support to farmers with developing correct policies in developing infrastructure for the sector.
The event was well attended by farmers from across the country. The gathering was enthusiastic and motivated to produce more.

U.S Embassy Charge d’ Affaires Karen Williams thinks that there's no viable alternative to the PPP/C in the opposition. And this is in 2009 whilst the AFC, which brings across itself as the alternative to the PNC and PPP was almost 4 years old

Âķ7. (C) While opposition parties are making noise about the government,s most recent troubles and will likely use the incident to make its case in the run-up to the 2011 presidential elections, some Guyanese greet the disclosures with a frustrated shrug. Jagdeo and the PPP won re-election in 2006 with the Khan issue in the public domain, and the 2011 election will largely hinge on the opposition,s ability to establish credibility with the public. Sentiment is running high against the government, but the lack of an alternative (the leading opposition party is widely seen as just a different version of the same corrupt governance) leave people no place to turn.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
U.S Embassy Charge d’ Affaires Karen Williams thinks that there's no viable alternative to the PPP/C in the opposition. And this is in 2009 whilst the AFC, which brings across itself as the alternative to the PNC and PPP was almost 4 years old

Âķ7. (C) While opposition parties are making noise about the government,s most recent troubles and will likely use the incident to make its case in the run-up to the 2011 presidential elections, some Guyanese greet the disclosures with a frustrated shrug. Jagdeo and the PPP won re-election in 2006 with the Khan issue in the public domain, and the 2011 election will largely hinge on the opposition,s ability to establish credibility with the public. Sentiment is running high against the government, but the lack of an alternative (the leading opposition party is widely seen as just a different version of the same corrupt governance) leave people no place to turn.

In 2006, I doubt the would have expected a blac president in the US in 2008!

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