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Originally posted by SJ4321:
U.S Embassy Charge d’ Affaires Karen Williams thinks that there's no viable alternative to the PPP/C in the opposition. And this is in 2009 whilst the AFC, which brings across itself as the alternative to the PNC and PPP was almost 4 years old

ΒΆ7. (C) While opposition parties are making noise about the government,s most recent troubles and will likely use the incident to make its case in the run-up to the 2011 presidential elections, some Guyanese greet the disclosures with a frustrated shrug. Jagdeo and the PPP won re-election in 2006 with the Khan issue in the public domain, and the 2011 election will largely hinge on the opposition,s ability to establish credibility with the public. Sentiment is running high against the government, but the lack of an alternative (the leading opposition party is widely seen as just a different version of the same corrupt governance) leave people no place to turn.

Jackass...that opinion does not mean the PPP has been good for Guyana. THE PPP HAS FAILED IN THE TWO MOST CRITICAL AREAS: THE ECONOMY AND SECURITY. They most likely would have gauged the ethnic vote dynamic in Guyana. Will ethnicity allow the PPP to win again? We have to wait and see. Meanwhile...go and eat some para grass. Ask your sub-standard academic boss, Liz, to take you to eat some grass.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
. Will ethnicity allow the PPP to win again? .

Guyanese viisting NYC from Guyana report a very different vision that you do.

1. APNU is disorganized.

2. AFC lives in a fantasy land...will lose some of the voters they got last time as many voted against Corbin, not for Trotman. You will get fewe Indians votes.

3. Just about every one has agreed that the PPP will win. Not that ppeople like them, but they dont see the alternatives as being any better. Expect low voter turnout.

Elections are in two months. If these are the sentiments I dont see that either APNU or AFC are able to do much now.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
. Will ethnicity allow the PPP to win again? .

Guyanese viisting NYC from Guyana report a very different vision that you do.

1. APNU is disorganized.

2. AFC lives in a fantasy land...will lose some of the voters they got last time as many voted against Corbin, not for Trotman. You will get fewe Indians votes.

3. Just about every one has agreed that the PPP will win. Not that ppeople like them, but they dont see the alternatives as being any better. Expect low voter turnout.

Elections are in two months. If these are the sentiments I dont see that either APNU or AFC are able to do much now.

HMMM...ah gun gat fu side wid yu hey again bro...but the low voter turn out gat nothing fu do wid we...we people cann wait fu go and place dem X next to the cup..Rumjattan csannot deliver the Indian votes for the AFC...many blacks will not show up to vote and if they do i think they will vote PPP (most of dem).
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by SJ4321:
U.S Embassy Charge d’ Affaires Karen Williams thinks that there's no viable alternative to the PPP/C in the opposition. And this is in 2009 whilst the AFC, which brings across itself as the alternative to the PNC and PPP was almost 4 years old

ΒΆ7. (C) While opposition parties are making noise about the government,s most recent troubles and will likely use the incident to make its case in the run-up to the 2011 presidential elections, some Guyanese greet the disclosures with a frustrated shrug. Jagdeo and the PPP won re-election in 2006 with the Khan issue in the public domain, and the 2011 election will largely hinge on the opposition,s ability to establish credibility with the public. Sentiment is running high against the government, but the lack of an alternative (the leading opposition party is widely seen as just a different version of the same corrupt governance) leave people no place to turn.

Jackass...that opinion does not mean the PPP has been good for Guyana. THE PPP HAS FAILED IN THE TWO MOST CRITICAL AREAS: THE ECONOMY AND SECURITY. They most likely would have gauged the ethnic vote dynamic in Guyana. Will ethnicity allow the PPP to win again? We have to wait and see. Meanwhile...go and eat some para grass. Ask your sub-standard academic boss, Liz, to take you to eat some grass.
TK Bhai, you just have to laugh at these people. They are so shameless. On the one hand they discount these cables as gossip - as the Gail Texeira and none other than the President did - and here you have paid agents like SJ preaching selected cables as gospel. Talk about disorganised... dunno
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Dem bai outside de market sharking fo minibus fare or wha?

With this small Team, we met close to 3,000 people on the Stabroek Square. I chatted personally with young people from GTM, DOCOL, GRA, the coconut man, a Fire man, two policemen, several vendors, a chap GWI among other that I can remember. THEY unanimously said they vote AFC.

Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Public Meeting - Enterprise

Date:Thu 08.09.2011
Place:East coast Demerara
Contact person:Latchmi Punalall


Why is Trotman omitted from the picture? I hear a huge vacuum sound, swoooshhhhh, that is the sound of all the Blacks going back to the PNC. hahhahahhaha
Originally posted by Cobra:
Change needs experience. Tough measure calls for maturity, .

Did you say so when Jagdeo was selected to be President?

The PPP has turned Guyana into a disgraceful drug dominated nation where wealthy men with private armies run it like their private state.

They should rename Georgetown New Medellin.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Althouse who living in Albouystown, you are invited to an AFC meeting on Saturday Sept 10th - Calender St & Independence Bolevard.


Remember we want to see pics of CROWDS. Not the speech. Prove that you have real support.

You will not win (or more realistically expand your vote) merely by telling Guyanese what they already know about the PPP. You need to PROVE to them that you will have sufficient power this time that apparently you lacked last time, to have real impact.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Althouse who living in Albouystown, you are invited to an AFC meeting on Saturday Sept 10th - Calender St & Independence Bolevard.


Remember we want to see pics of CROWDS. Not the speech. Prove that you have real support.

You will not win (or more realistically expand your vote) merely by telling Guyanese what they already know about the PPP. You need to PROVE to them that you will have sufficient power this time that apparently you lacked last time, to have real impact.
Just came from a meeting in Enterprise - 250+ The PPP had planned to disrupt the meeting but couldn't because of the crowd. They spray painted on the road, put up posters, including of Dr Jagan, and placed derogatory placards on a fence. All to no avail. The PPP persons patrolling were jeered as well.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by caribj:

Remember we want to see pics of CROWDS. Not the speech. Prove that you have real support.

You will not win (or more realistically expand your vote) merely by telling Guyanese what they already know about the PPP. You need to PROVE to them that you will have sufficient power this time that apparently you lacked last time, to have real impact.
Just came from a meeting in Enterprise - 250+ The PPP had planned to disrupt the meeting but couldn't because of the crowd. They spray painted on the road, put up posters, including of Dr Jagan, and placed derogatory placards on a fence. All to no avail. The PPP persons patrolling were jeered as well.

Forward to the past...remind me of the days of PNC antics. The PPP = PNC.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by caribj:

Remember we want to see pics of CROWDS. Not the speech. Prove that you have real support.

You will not win (or more realistically expand your vote) merely by telling Guyanese what they already know about the PPP. You need to PROVE to them that you will have sufficient power this time that apparently you lacked last time, to have real impact.
Just came from a meeting in Enterprise - 250+ The PPP had planned to disrupt the meeting but couldn't because of the crowd. They spray painted on the road, put up posters, including of Dr Jagan, and placed derogatory placards on a fence. All to no avail. The PPP persons patrolling were jeered as well.

Forward to the past...remind me of the days of PNC antics. The PPP = PNC.

I sure hope this will be carried by the newspapers to show the people what the ruling party is about, bullying and idiocy.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by caribj:

Remember we want to see pics of CROWDS. Not the speech. Prove that you have real support.

You will not win (or more realistically expand your vote) merely by telling Guyanese what they already know about the PPP. You need to PROVE to them that you will have sufficient power this time that apparently you lacked last time, to have real impact.
Just came from a meeting in Enterprise - 250+ The PPP had planned to disrupt the meeting but couldn't because of the crowd. They spray painted on the road, put up posters, including of Dr Jagan, and placed derogatory placards on a fence. All to no avail. The PPP persons patrolling were jeered as well.

Forward to the past...remind me of the days of PNC antics. The PPP = PNC.

I sure hope this will be carried by the newspapers to show the people what the ruling party is about, bullying and idiocy.

The PPP said they want a violence free election, guess who is starting it ?
Yet people with other party's logo on their clothes, are not allowed at PPP meetings.

The PPP is in bed with the PNC , but are really nervous about the inroads the AFC is making in their stronghold, thus the PPP action at AFC meetings.

It is important that AFC members dont respond aggresively to PPP protest, they will find any excuse to get the police involved and to make front page news.
Video and photographs should be taken of these protest.

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