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“Govt nauseatingly arrogant” – Ramsammy

Government salary increases…

… uncaring “misstep”  – Rashleigh Jackson

Two former Government Ministers under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and People’s National Congress (PNC) Administrations have berated the current A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Administration for its decision to massively increase the pay of its Ministers after just being in office for four months.

Former Minister of Agriculture Dr Leslie Ramsammy voicing his concern over the APNU/AFC decision to raise the Ministers salaries said:  ‘If one thing has become clear to everyone, including diehard supporters of APNU/AFC, it is that APNU/AFC is nauseatingly arrogant.

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Rashleigh Jackson

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Rashleigh Jackson

Former Agriculture Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Former Agriculture Minister,
Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Their arrogance knows no limit and it is suffocating the development of our country. It brings back bad memories of the People’s National Congress (PNC) in Government between 1964 and 1992.”

These actions by the Administration who are only six months in office have been seen by critics as a certain abuse of power and betrayal of its supporters.

Ramsammy posited: “The recent salary increase for Cabinet members and the huge salary for advisors, together with the benefits associated with these jobs, including large pensions, is an example of the limitless arrogance of APNU/AFC.

“APNU/AFC is led by people who made themselves righteous by denouncing the salaries and benefits of Cabinet Members of the PPP/C Government. Others vowed that if people put them in Government, they will cut the salaries”.

On the campaign trail APNU/AFC accused the PPP/C of wanting to live “Cadillac lifestyles in a donkey cart economy” yet on entry to office they have been portrayed to be living the most lavish lifestyles.

Prime Minister Mosses Nagamootoo is ensuring that for the next five years he will be enjoying quite a sybaritic lifestyle.

When only four month in office a $22 million customized luxury Land Cruiser was added to his existing fleet of 22 vehicles, that was just the tip of an iceberg of extravagant expenditures in his personal life. Thus far Nagamootoo has cashed in on hefty amounts for the repairs to the bridge and road to his private residence, repairs to the official Prime Minister’s residence and the Office of the Prime Minister.

Former Minister Ramsammy further stated: “They have given themselves astronomical pay increases and they have not yet completed six months in office.

Nevermind the unbelievable salaries of the President, Prime Minister, Attorney General, the Vice-Presidents and senior ministers, even more insulting to our people are the salaries of the Junior Ministers who will earn more than the President of Venezuela, the Prime Minister of India and many other heads of state around the world”.

Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman has recently been reported as saying “trust us” on the issue of the megasalary increases for Ministers as he confirmed it was a Cabinet decision. Minister of State Joseph Harmon was the first to say that the Government has no apologies for the salary increases even though public servants were given 5% for half of the year.

The two-time Minister of Heath added that “in the midst of a public outcry about the astronomical pay increases they have given themselves and in the process begin a public raping of the treasury, the Finance Minister has unambiguously chastised those of us who have publicly objected that the increases they have filled their pockets with by declaring that the increases are irreversible – there will be no change and we need to consider ourselves fortunate that they did not take the even larger increase” .

“I want one of them in APNU/AFC to provide just one iota of evidence that they told people that should they win they will increase the very salaries and benefits they described then as a burden on the nation, unreasonably high and among the highest in the world.

I dare any of them to give me an indication that they did tell people that one of the reasons they wanted to become the Government and one of their priorities will be to increase their salaries” he added.

In a multitude of public meetings, rallies, in innumerable TV and radio talk-shows, and newspaper articles that said they will on day 1 in Government increase public servants’ salaries by 20%. Yet six months later their loyal supporters are left to face the brunt.

A recent interview conducted by Guyana Times with several persons in the city, showed that the economy is suffering and some linked it to starting after the May 11 polls. Even supporters of the current Administration are outraged, saying that is far too soon for such an increase and that they have forsaken the public servants while they become “fat cats”.

“The truth is that APNU/AFC has no care for the families who need the $10,000 per child for school; for the elderly whose old age pension is a life-line; for the Amerindian youth who want to make a decent living; for the professionals who want to serve. They have no care for those who suffer from escalating crime and they could not care less that the economy is plummeting like a spaceship on its way back to earth” Ramsammy concluded.

Jackson’s Take
Meanwhile, Former Foreign Affairs Minister Rashleigh Jackson is begging the question as to whether ministers will now be able to afford to pay their utility bills given the increase in their remuneration packages.

During the Budget presentation in August, it was announced that subsidies for pensioners’ utility services would be withdrawn. In his explanation for this move by the David Granger-led Administration, Finance Minister Winston Jordon stated that 42,397 beneficiaries of Old Age Pension will now equally benefit from a monthly pension of $17,000, which is a 30% increase on the previous amount of $13,125.

He had also stated that discriminatory practices must end, and further explained that, at the time, only 30% of pensioners benefit from the electricity subsidy, since it requires either proof of ownership of property or registered tenancy of property, and in the provision of the subsidy for water services, only 62 per cent of registered pensioners benefitted, with more than 16,000 pensioners excluded.

Former Minister Rashleigh Jackson, in an editorial letter in another section of the media stated: “Now that Ministers have increased their salaries, will they now be in a position to pay their electricity bills? They did after all withdraw the electricity subsidy from pensioners when the latter were ‘rewarded’ with a ‘raise’, notwithstanding this recent step (the salary increase) or is it a misstep?”

This recent move by Government has left many outraged as the salaries of its Cabinet members has been increased by over $266, 119, 248 even in the face of widespread condemnation and concern by the public and other stakeholders.

Former Ministers, members of the Opposition and the general public have all taken to various outlets to voice their concerns.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman has recently been reported as saying “trust us” on the issue of the megasalary increases for Ministers as he confirmed it was a Cabinet decision. Minister of State Joseph Harmon was the first to say that the Government has no apologies for the salary increases even though public servants were given 5% for half of the year."

Originally Posted by yuji22:

“Govt nauseatingly arrogant” – Ramsammy

imagine . . . dr. Death [Squad] rumsammy flapping his blood-stained gums, moaning bout "arrogance" and "betrayal"


apparently forgetting when he was playing god tekking dem special phone calls from de bossman, abee own escobar


gawd willing, this bum will be spending quality time as a guest of the Feds with his narco-trafficking 'associate' raja?

Last edited by Former Member

Govt. dismisses rumours of big increases for ministers, VPs

August 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The APNU+AFC administration has dismissed claims that it is moving to implement a 50 percent increase in salaries for ministers. Rather, moves are underway, in keeping with regulations to adjust salaries of various office holders, with a review ongoing into the state of affairs of the public sector.

The increases had been mulled by the Cabinet of Ministers for not only the Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo but the Vice Presidents, senior and junior ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs). However, in light of the review, the implementation of the adjustments has been placed on hold.

One newspaper, closely aligned with the former ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic, had carried detailed figures of increases.

These were grossly inflated and “nowhere near the reality”, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, told reporters yesterday. He explained that there have to be “differentials” for the various levels of ministers, an area that has not been adjusted for the last 20 years.

Stressing that adjustments are on hold, Trotman disclosed that the Cabinet of Ministers has received two proposals by “independent minds” on the way forward.

He dismissed, with “some amusement”, some of the proposed increased.

The minister was asked yesterday to respond specifically to criticisms that the new administration seemed to moving to give ministers and others an increase, only weeks after taking office.

Trotman explained that the Government is looking at “across-the-board” salary increases. This will apply to all public servants and will include persons in the security services.

He noted that his colleague, Finance Minister Winston Jordan, had specifically mentioned that an increase was being considered, but that no fixed figure was put forward or time prescribed for an increase.

According to Trotman, the Government is approaching “salary increases” in a very patient and professional manner, and that, “all reviews of salaries for the Public Service are under the purview of Professor Harold Lutchman.”

Lutchman is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the Caribbean Court of Justice and also a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guyana.

In proffering reasons for salary increases, the Minister said that apart from ‘honouring its first 100-day promises,’ there is a need to distinguish, via salary scales, the various categories of Government officers including, Ministers and Junior Ministers, Vice Presidents and Presidential Advisors.

Increases for public servants are expected to be announced next Monday by Minister Jordan when he appears in Parliament to present the 2015 National Budget. Salary increases had been promised by the administration as part of its “First 100 Days” in office.


extracted from the Guyana aligned Kaietuernews


They now want the Guyana public to trust them

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

“Govt nauseatingly arrogant” – Ramsammy

imagine . . . dr. Death [Squad] rumsammy flapping his blood-stained gums, moaning bout "arrogance" and "betrayal"


apparently forgetting when he was playing god tekking dem special phone calls from de bossman, abee own escobar


gawd willing, this bum will be spending quality time as a guest of the Feds with his narco-trafficking 'associate' raja?

Don't worry about the PPP thug.  Worry about Jackson, as he is saying exactly what many APNU/AFC supporters are saying.  GT Mosquito is hardly a PPP outfit, and they have been quite caustic of late.  The economy is slowing, and even PNC supporters have noticed, so to increase salaries at this point was a bad move.




Originally Posted by Conscience:

Govt. dismisses rumours of big increases for ministers, VPs

August 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The APNU+AFC administration has dismissed claims that it is moving to implement a 50 percent increase in salaries for ministers.

Too little too late, and clumsy reporting by the APNU/AFC as usual.


I can see an adjustment for senior ministers, and for the VPs (which comes out of the need to entice the AFC into the coalition, while maintaining full APNU control).


I see no need for junior ministers, or for the PM and President, to receive an increase in pay, on top of their very lucrative perks.  And in fact the differentials in the categories adjusted didn't have to be that huge.  They could have even cut the AGs pay, given that Anil received a sweet heart deal.


The 50% Govt ministers pay hike is vastly unpopular especially in the govt strongholds. Many are beating their chest in awful sorrow while crying "is this the change we're voted for?".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 50% Govt ministers pay hike is vastly unpopular especially in the govt strongholds. Many are beating their chest in awful sorrow while crying "is this the change we're voted for?".

While that might be true they certainly do NOT want the PPP back.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

“Govt nauseatingly arrogant” – Ramsammy

imagine . . . dr. Death [Squad] rumsammy flapping his blood-stained gums, moaning bout "arrogance" and "betrayal"


apparently forgetting when he was playing god tekking dem special phone calls from de bossman, abee own escobar


gawd willing, this bum will be spending quality time as a guest of the Feds with his narco-trafficking 'associate' raja?

Don't worry about the PPP thug.  Worry about Jackson, as he is saying exactly what many APNU/AFC supporters are saying.  GT Mosquito is hardly a PPP outfit, and they have been quite caustic of late.  The economy is slowing, and even PNC supporters have noticed, so to increase salaries at this point was a bad move.

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

Originally Posted by redux:

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

If the APNU/AFC listen to you there will be a PPP mayor and a PPP city council come LGE.  This because PNC supporters stayed home.


They are NOT happy with this, coming at a time when the economy is slowing, and hitting their pockets.


You seem to think that the PNC can drag people to the polls at gun point.  They cannot do so, nor can they engage in the vulgar rigging of the 70s and 80s.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

If the APNU/AFC listen to you there will be a PPP mayor and a PPP city council come LGE.  This because PNC supporters stayed home.


They are NOT happy with this, coming at a time when the economy is slowing, and hitting their pockets.


You seem to think that the PNC can drag people to the polls at gun point.  They cannot do so, nor can they engage in the vulgar rigging of the 70s and 80s.

if APNU and AFC had listened to u, Ramotar/Jagdeo would still be president


enuf said!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

If the APNU/AFC listen to you there will be a PPP mayor and a PPP city council come LGE.  This because PNC supporters stayed home.


They are NOT happy with this, coming at a time when the economy is slowing, and hitting their pockets.


You seem to think that the PNC can drag people to the polls at gun point.  They cannot do so, nor can they engage in the vulgar rigging of the 70s and 80s.

if APNU and AFC had listened to u, Ramotar/Jagdeo would still be president


enuf said!!!

Do not worry.  The PPP will be back in full force.  It is the PNC supporters who are being most hurt by APNU/AFC action, as it is they who occupy the majority of the lower rungs of the civil service where the pay is a disgrace.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

If the APNU/AFC listen to you there will be a PPP mayor and a PPP city council come LGE.  This because PNC supporters stayed home.


They are NOT happy with this, coming at a time when the economy is slowing, and hitting their pockets.


You seem to think that the PNC can drag people to the polls at gun point.  They cannot do so, nor can they engage in the vulgar rigging of the 70s and 80s.

if APNU and AFC had listened to u, Ramotar/Jagdeo would still be president


enuf said!!!

Do not worry.  The PPP will be back in full force.  It is the PNC supporters who are being most hurt by APNU/AFC action, as it is they who occupy the majority of the lower rungs of the civil service where the pay is a disgrace.

do i seem overcome with "worry"?


like previous . . . enuf said!

Originally Posted by redux:

do i seem overcome with "worry"?


like previous . . . enuf said!

Of course you aren't worried, as you do not have to deal with the consequences of APNU/AFC ineptness, arrogance, and incompetence.


Its people who LIVE IN Guyana who have to care, when they are told that gov't must cut back, pay the SAME pay increase which last year APNU claimed was an insult, and then reward themselves FOR A JOB NOT DONE with increases of between 10-20% which are received in addition to living expenses, which are mainly included in perks (housing, car, and utilities).


  Lucky these AFC/APNU Fat Cats do not also get a grocery and clothing and school fees (for their kids allowance).


Bottom line is with every passing day these APNU/AFC folks do not look much different from the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

do i seem overcome with "worry"?


like previous . . . enuf said!

Of course you aren't worried, as you do not have to deal with the consequences of APNU/AFC ineptness, arrogance, and incompetence.


Its people who LIVE IN Guyana who have to care, when they are told that gov't must cut back, pay the SAME pay increase which last year APNU claimed was an insult, and then reward themselves FOR A JOB NOT DONE with increases of between 10-20% which are received in addition to living expenses, which are mainly included in perks (housing, car, and utilities).


  Lucky these AFC/APNU Fat Cats do not also get a grocery and clothing and school fees (for their kids allowance).


Bottom line is with every passing day these APNU/AFC folks do not look much different from the PPP.

yaaaaawwn . . . recycling, recycling


fuss, u claim i worried . . . then u say i'm not


banna get your thoughts together and filter out the bilious nonsense . . . u need a new song

Originally Posted by redux:

yaaaaawwn . . . recycling, recycling


fuss, u claim i worried . . . then u say i'm not


banna get your thoughts together and filter out the bilious nonsense . . . u need a new song

No I realized that you live in the comforts of North America, so do not care if APNU arrogance lands Jagdeo back in power. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

yaaaaawwn . . . recycling, recycling


fuss, u claim i worried . . . then u say i'm not


banna get your thoughts together and filter out the bilious nonsense . . . u need a new song

No I realized that you live in the comforts of North America, so do not care if APNU arrogance lands Jagdeo back in power. 

see the other thread here

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i'd suggest u put the recommendations regarding what i should/should not be worrying about back in your pants pocket


you don't have that kind of standing

If the APNU/AFC listen to you there will be a PPP mayor and a PPP city council come LGE.  This because PNC supporters stayed home.


They are NOT happy with this, coming at a time when the economy is slowing, and hitting their pockets.


You seem to think that the PNC can drag people to the polls at gun point.  They cannot do so, nor can they engage in the vulgar rigging of the 70s and 80s.

if APNU and AFC had listened to u, Ramotar/Jagdeo would still be president


enuf said!!!

Do not worry.  The PPP will be back in full force.  It is the PNC supporters who are being most hurt by APNU/AFC action, as it is they who occupy the majority of the lower rungs of the civil service where the pay is a disgrace.


This is the harsh reality of PNC's actions.


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