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It is one of the unspoken roles of the public service to ensure that the wide area of discretion provide to Ministers are not abused.


How much more nicer would it have been if an Independent Commission of Inquiry under Dr. Harold Lutchman was allowed to review the following:


1. affordability of the nation to pay 50% increase for some Minister;


2. comparison with the other CARICOM members;




The skill involved in understanding the processes of government is wholly and solely grounded on performance.  I have not seen any evidence to date other than what President Granger and Minister Carl Greenidge did on the Venezuelan issue to tell me political promises are being transformed into action for the PEOPLE.


Did we expect another reaction from the majority in the nation?


You got to be extremely dumb to not think the nation would have rejected this decision since it smells, taste and feels like abuse of state power.


Look the APNUAFC is still 100% better than the PPP but they have to review this decision.


This decision is giving Jagdeo much political traction.  He is right now working Berbice and rest assured all the votes the Coalition has gained in May 2015 will be lost by Christmas if we continue being this obtuse.


We won by 4,545 votes.  Jagdeo can recovery all of that votes in Berbice alone if we continue with this DOTISHNESS.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:


i was talking about free car service to illustrate the UTILITY of such provisioning when people have important shit to do - a minister's 24/7 job, by definition, whether you agree or not

The scope of these non-cash benefits in the private sector is different from the public sector. While the intent of both is to facilitate work related activities, their use in the public sector are stricter. Even in the US, one cannot use their work provided benefits for personal use. Therefore your response to TK is inadequate. The examples that TK provided are more of a cash benefit and rightfully can be considered in lieu of cash. In the US, car allowance is taxable. Even a debt write-off from a credit card company is taxable income.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:


i was talking about free car service to illustrate the UTILITY of such provisioning when people have important shit to do - a minister's 24/7 job, by definition, whether you agree or not

The scope of these non-cash benefits in the private sector is different from the public sector. While the intent of both is to facilitate work related activities, their use in the public sector are stricter. Even in the US, one cannot use their work provided benefits for personal use. Therefore your response to TK is inadequate. The examples that TK provided are more of a cash benefit and rightfully can be considered in lieu of cash. In the US, car allowance is taxable. Even a debt write-off from a credit card company is taxable income.

banna, i cannot fathom why u insist on babbling stupidly about "car allowance" and "debt write off" . . . rebutting some foolishness in your head nobody knows about


then drag TK into your nonsense . . . read properly and stop posing nah


u really have no idea what i'm talking about, do u?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:


i was talking about free car service to illustrate the UTILITY of such provisioning when people have important shit to do - a minister's 24/7 job, by definition, whether you agree or not

The scope of these non-cash benefits in the private sector is different from the public sector. While the intent of both is to facilitate work related activities, their use in the public sector are stricter. Even in the US, one cannot use their work provided benefits for personal use. Therefore your response to TK is inadequate. The examples that TK provided are more of a cash benefit and rightfully can be considered in lieu of cash. In the US, car allowance is taxable. Even a debt write-off from a credit card company is taxable income.

banna, i cannot fathom why u insist on babbling stupidly about "car allowance" and "debt write off" . . . rebutting some foolishness in your head nobody knows about


then drag TK into your nonsense . . . read properly and stop posing nah


u really have no idea what i'm talking about, do u?

You are not talking about anything dude. You are making excuses for the Coalition. At this point you are the only one still blindly supporting every action of the Coalition. Cain is apolitical but supports the Coalition because he thinks the PPP bais are corrupted, Carib Beer is sometimes accused of being racist and a member of the black panthers but he can be objective about the Coalition even as he prefers them to the PPP. So are Mitwah, TK, D2 and Gilly. They remain supporters but exercised their rights to objectively examine the actions of the Coalition. Not you. You now ask that people should not react to the activities now but only do so after 12 months. A few days ago, you asked Gilly to go against his own intuition because somehow you 'know' that what it looks like the government is doing is not what they are doing. Like I said, nobody is interested in what you are seeking to sell.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:


i was talking about free car service to illustrate the UTILITY of such provisioning when people have important shit to do - a minister's 24/7 job, by definition, whether you agree or not

The scope of these non-cash benefits in the private sector is different from the public sector. While the intent of both is to facilitate work related activities, their use in the public sector are stricter. Even in the US, one cannot use their work provided benefits for personal use. Therefore your response to TK is inadequate. The examples that TK provided are more of a cash benefit and rightfully can be considered in lieu of cash. In the US, car allowance is taxable. Even a debt write-off from a credit card company is taxable income.

banna, i cannot fathom why u insist on babbling stupidly about "car allowance" and "debt write off" . . . rebutting some foolishness in your head nobody knows about


then drag TK into your nonsense . . . read properly and stop posing nah


u really have no idea what i'm talking about, do u?

You are not talking about anything dude. You are making excuses for the Coalition. At this point you are the only one still blindly supporting every action of the Coalition. Cain is apolitical but supports the Coalition because he thinks the PPP bais are corrupted, Carib Beer is sometimes accused of being racist and a member of the black panthers but he can be objective about the Coalition even as he prefers them to the PPP. So are Mitwah, TK, D2 and Gilly. They remain supporters but exercised their rights to objectively examine the actions of the Coalition. Not you. You now ask that people should not react to the activities now but only do so after 12 months. A few days ago, you asked Gilly to go against his own intuition because somehow you 'know' that what it looks like the government is doing is not what they are doing. Like I said, nobody is interested in what you are seeking to sell.



Now if you compare the CEO of Goldman Sach with the president of Guyana you are being truly foolish.  US TAX PAYERS DO NOT pay for this perk of 24/7 car service.  It is the shareholders who do.  If a private company in Guyana provides such for the CEO it is not the business of the Guyanese tax payers.


When such a benefit is provided to a civil SERVANT, than it is within the rights of taxpayers to question this, ESPECIALLY when this SAME gov't is implementing austerity measures! 


Granger CANNOT tell police men to survive on US$200K a month (WITH NO PERKS) and then increase his already ample compensation, which includes perks. 


If Guyana cannot afford to pay police men decent wages (and we see the consequences of that with rogue cops, corrupt cops and lazy cops) then they cannot afford the pay increase for people who do quite well by Guyanese standards.  Ditto for teachers!


If cops, and teachers deserve a 5% increase then Granger and Nagamootoo deserve ZERO per cent increase.  All that would have needed to be done is to seperate the junior ministers from the senior from the VPs by a 10% factor.  Meaning that only senior ministers and VPs would have seen a moderate pay increase.


I hope that Nagamootoo can tell Jackson (a former PNC minister) that "yes he can now afford his light bill", given that the taxpayes will cover that, even as APNu/AFC is not concerned that the masses of the impoverished do not get this.



Like it or not but many who support APNU, are now beginning to worry.  APNU will find this out when LGE is held, and they will see a marked reduction in the enthusiasm that they benefitted from on May 11th.  Given the narrow margin of victory, even with this tremendous enthusiasm, the PPP is rubbing their hands with glee.


How can APNU begin to see even one of its pillars, the TUC, begin to question them, with no concern?  If TUC is doing this, you know many others are!


So continue typing away in North America, while Guyanese starve and they see they leaders pay themselves a huge pay increase (more than 5%).

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Now if you compare the CEO of Goldman Sach with the president of Guyana you are being truly foolish.  US TAX PAYERS DO NOT pay for this perk of 24/7 car service.  It is the shareholders who do.  If a private company in Guyana provides such for the CEO it is not the business of the Guyanese tax payers.


When such a benefit is provided to a civil SERVANT, than it is within the rights of taxpayers to question this, ESPECIALLY when this SAME gov't is implementing austerity measures! 


Granger CANNOT tell police men to survive on US$200K a month (WITH NO PERKS) and then increase his already ample compensation, which includes perks. 


If Guyana cannot afford to pay police men decent wages (and we see the consequences of that with rogue cops, corrupt cops and lazy cops) then they cannot afford the pay increase for people who do quite well by Guyanese standards.  Ditto for teachers!


If cops, and teachers deserve a 5% increase then Granger and Nagamootoo deserve ZERO per cent increase.  All that would have needed to be done is to seperate the junior ministers from the senior from the VPs by a 10% factor.  Meaning that only senior ministers and VPs would have seen a moderate pay increase.


I hope that Nagamootoo can tell Jackson (a former PNC minister) that "yes he can now afford his light bill", given that the taxpayes will cover that, even as APNu/AFC is not concerned that the masses of the impoverished do not get this.



Like it or not but many who support APNU, are now beginning to worry.  APNU will find this out when LGE is held, and they will see a marked reduction in the enthusiasm that they benefitted from on May 11th.  Given the narrow margin of victory, even with this tremendous enthusiasm, the PPP is rubbing their hands with glee.


How can APNU begin to see even one of its pillars, the TUC, begin to question them, with no concern?  If TUC is doing this, you know many others are!


So continue typing away in North America, while Guyanese starve and they see they leaders pay themselves a huge pay increase (more than 5%).

banna, posting long-winded irrelevance in bold and bold doan make it less desperate, less off point or less irrelevant


oh, and btw . . . nobady "compare[d] the CEO of Goldman Sachs with the President of Guyana"


check yuhself

Originally Posted by redux:

banna, posting long-winded irrelevance in bold and bold doan make it less desperate, less off point or less irrelevant


oh, and btw . . . nobady "compare[d] the CEO of Goldman Sachs with the President of Guyana"


check yuhself

No worries.  I see you want Jagdeo back.  You might well get him.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
No worries.  I see you want Jagdeo back.  You might well get him.

banna, whatever infantile shit takes pride of place in that fevered cranium of yours when under duress is, at the end of the day, not really any of my business

You must be a tortured man.  No worries.  jagdeo coming back and he will lace the AFC Indos as they are now trying to lace him.


I am actually surprised that the AFC are bold enough to risk the ire of their supporters, at a time when, through no fault of theirs, the economy is slowing.


The pay only 5%.  Remove some subsidies, because the govt is "poor".  Break up vendors' stalls, and yet bail out Glenn Lall and a PPP man called Tony Yassin.


Then pay themselves salary increases of 10% and up.  This for people who probably make as much as US$150k, when one includes the perks. That isnt bad, even in the USA, yet you and they will have us believe that it is subsistence.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
No worries.  I see you want Jagdeo back.  You might well get him.

banna, whatever infantile shit takes pride of place in that fevered cranium of yours when under duress is, at the end of the day, not really any of my business

You must be a tortured man.  No worries.  jagdeo coming back and he will lace the AFC Indos as they are now trying to lace him.


I am actually surprised that the AFC are bold enough to risk the ire of their supporters, at a time when, through no fault of theirs, the economy is slowing.


The pay only 5%.  Remove some subsidies, because the govt is "poor".  Break up vendors' stalls, and yet bail out Glenn Lall and a PPP man called Tony Yassin.


Then pay themselves salary increases of 10% and up.  This for people who probably make as much as US$150k, when one includes the perks. That isnt bad, even in the USA, yet you and they will have us believe that it is subsistence.

like i said previous . . .


banna, whatever infantile shit takes pride of place in that fevered cranium of yours when under duress is, at the end of the day, not really any of my business

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The US$50 K is not the only package. They get a lot of generous allowances: free trips, car allowance, new SUV, housing allowance, expense allowance for gas, domestic servants, gardener and a few more. Perhaps this brings them to close US$100K or just over. They are already in the Guyanese 1% or 2%. They should have taken the regular 5% for public servants, bring down the crime (they are doing the right policies here) and start the economic turnaround. They are rewarding themselves during an economic downturn.

Expense allowances, etc., come with the job and should not be counted as compensation


if you work in finance or law in New York, you get a limo to your door if you work late . . . the reason for 'perks' like this is to make sure that u are in a serviceable state for that important 9:00am meeting the next day, etc.


we can debate the colonial leftover shit like gardener and ting . . . however, that does not pay for your kid in college

Expenses in the Private sector is a TAXABLE EXPENSE, in Guyana these are tax free expenses. Can't compare!!

idiot, the stuff i referenced above is NOT a taxable expense


think before u bray

Fool,harping about 'perks' and 'number', the big North American companies give perks ,allowances and bonuses to their employees when they achieve their target or when the company is successful . These clowns in Guyana just got employed, have nothing to show as production and to start as they say, the country is bankrupt , immediately choose to increase their pay and they try to do it secretly. The APNU/AFC think the Guyanese people are STUPID and you bought into their saga.Remove your racist/ political "hat" and be a Guyanese living in Guyana, can you justify the outrageous salary increases????

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The US$50 K is not the only package. They get a lot of generous allowances: free trips, car allowance, new SUV, housing allowance, expense allowance for gas, domestic servants, gardener and a few more. Perhaps this brings them to close US$100K or just over. They are already in the Guyanese 1% or 2%. They should have taken the regular 5% for public servants, bring down the crime (they are doing the right policies here) and start the economic turnaround. They are rewarding themselves during an economic downturn.

Expense allowances, etc., come with the job and should not be counted as compensation


if you work in finance or law in New York, you get a limo to your door if you work late . . . the reason for 'perks' like this is to make sure that u are in a serviceable state for that important 9:00am meeting the next day, etc.


we can debate the colonial leftover shit like gardener and ting . . . however, that does not pay for your kid in college

Expenses in the Private sector is a TAXABLE EXPENSE, in Guyana these are tax free expenses. Can't compare!!

idiot, the stuff i referenced above is NOT a taxable expense


think before u bray

Fool,harping about 'perks' and 'number', the big North American companies give perks ,allowances and bonuses to their employees when they achieve their target or when the company is successful . These clowns in Guyana just got employed, have nothing to show as production and to start as they say, the country is bankrupt , immediately choose to increase their pay and they try to do it secretly. The APNU/AFC think the Guyanese people are STUPID and you bought into their saga.Remove your racist/ political "hat" and be a Guyanese living in Guyana, can you justify the outrageous salary increases????

banna, your comprehension skills are poor


go post and be relevant on another thread, arite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The US$50 K is not the only package. They get a lot of generous allowances: free trips, car allowance, new SUV, housing allowance, expense allowance for gas, domestic servants, gardener and a few more. Perhaps this brings them to close US$100K or just over. They are already in the Guyanese 1% or 2%. They should have taken the regular 5% for public servants, bring down the crime (they are doing the right policies here) and start the economic turnaround. They are rewarding themselves during an economic downturn.

Expense allowances, etc., come with the job and should not be counted as compensation


if you work in finance or law in New York, you get a limo to your door if you work late . . . the reason for 'perks' like this is to make sure that u are in a serviceable state for that important 9:00am meeting the next day, etc.


we can debate the colonial leftover shit like gardener and ting . . . however, that does not pay for your kid in college

Expenses in the Private sector is a TAXABLE EXPENSE, in Guyana these are tax free expenses. Can't compare!!

idiot, the stuff i referenced above is NOT a taxable expense


think before u bray

Fool,harping about 'perks' and 'number', the big North American companies give perks ,allowances and bonuses to their employees when they achieve their target or when the company is successful . These clowns in Guyana just got employed, have nothing to show as production and to start as they say, the country is bankrupt , immediately choose to increase their pay and they try to do it secretly. The APNU/AFC think the Guyanese people are STUPID and you bought into their saga.Remove your racist/ political "hat" and be a Guyanese living in Guyana, can you justify the outrageous salary increases????

banna, your comprehension skills are poor


go post and be relevant on another thread, arite?

How much raise did the PNC give you, since you are Soooo intelligent and dark.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

The US$50 K is not the only package. They get a lot of generous allowances: free trips, car allowance, new SUV, housing allowance, expense allowance for gas, domestic servants, gardener and a few more. Perhaps this brings them to close US$100K or just over. They are already in the Guyanese 1% or 2%. They should have taken the regular 5% for public servants, bring down the crime (they are doing the right policies here) and start the economic turnaround. They are rewarding themselves during an economic downturn.

Expense allowances, etc., come with the job and should not be counted as compensation


if you work in finance or law in New York, you get a limo to your door if you work late . . . the reason for 'perks' like this is to make sure that u are in a serviceable state for that important 9:00am meeting the next day, etc.


we can debate the colonial leftover shit like gardener and ting . . . however, that does not pay for your kid in college

Expenses in the Private sector is a TAXABLE EXPENSE, in Guyana these are tax free expenses. Can't compare!!

idiot, the stuff i referenced above is NOT a taxable expense


think before u bray

Fool,harping about 'perks' and 'number', the big North American companies give perks ,allowances and bonuses to their employees when they achieve their target or when the company is successful . These clowns in Guyana just got employed, have nothing to show as production and to start as they say, the country is bankrupt , immediately choose to increase their pay and they try to do it secretly. The APNU/AFC think the Guyanese people are STUPID and you bought into their saga.Remove your racist/ political "hat" and be a Guyanese living in Guyana, can you justify the outrageous salary increases????

banna, your comprehension skills are poor


go post and be relevant on another thread, arite?

How much raise did the PNC give you, since you are Soooo intelligent and dark.

well, i do have a talent for making alyuh FH refugee bannas rush for yuh starched hood n sheet with matching white panty . . . marching up and down yuh bedroom or basement in a rage



Last edited by Former Member
Plain and simple the pay increase that the government gave themselves in a somewhat secret manner is not in line with their campaign promises. When it was found out they belligerently sought to excuse it with a nonsensical "if we don't pay ourselves well we may end up thieving all over the place". In come redux like their knight in shining armor offering up his smokescreen by conflating private enterprise benefits with public enterprise ones. Really sad indeed.
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Plain and simple the pay increase that the government gave themselves in a somewhat secret manner is not in line with their campaign promises. When it was found out they belligerently sought to excuse it with a nonsensical "if we don't pay ourselves well we may end up thieving all over the place". In come redux like their knight in shining armor offering up his smokescreen by conflating private enterprise benefits with public enterprise ones. Really sad indeed.

at what point in yuh thumb sucking little hissy fit did the comprehension deficits tip u over into into idiocy, incoherence and strange imaginings where i rule as "knight in shining armor'" for the Guyans Gov't, eh?




oh, and btw . . . always happy to contribute something new and useful to your poorly developed vocabulary


har har har harr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Plain and simple the pay increase that the government gave themselves in a somewhat secret manner is not in line with their campaign promises. When it was found out they belligerently sought to excuse it with a nonsensical "if we don't pay ourselves well we may end up thieving all over the place". In come redux like their knight in shining armor offering up his smokescreen by conflating private enterprise benefits with public enterprise ones. Really sad indeed.

at what point in yuh thumb sucking little hissy fit did the comprehension deficits tip u over into into idiocy, incoherence and strange imaginings where i rule as "knight in shining armor'" for the Guyans Gov't, eh?




oh, and btw . . . always happy to contribute something new and useful to your poorly developed vocabulary


har har har harr

Only in your dreams dude.


Here is a synopsis of the extent of your GNI participation;


antiman ....... antiman .....antiman ......... panty ......panty ....... panty ...


and on and on and on .........

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, i do have a talent for making alyuh FH refugee bannas rush for yuh starched hood n sheet with matching white panty . . . marching up and down yuh bedroom or basement in a rage



That is what I mean. Almost all of Redux's posts are substance deficient.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, i do have a talent for making alyuh FH refugee bannas rush for yuh starched hood n sheet with matching white panty . . . marching up and down yuh bedroom or basement in a rage



That is what I mean. Almost all of Redux's posts are substance deficient.

Actually I find it hilarious.  Not too long ago the same characters were babbling about the endowments of PNC men, and that PNC females had super cyats, and that "ahbe frikken of big bad PNC females". 


Poor cobra couldn't leave his house for a week after the PPP lost the election as he was terrified that a PNC Amazonian female would scramble him, piss on him, and then set him on fire like what one of them did to the PPP flag.  Yuji and Rama engaged in similar emasculation of themselves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, i do have a talent for making alyuh FH refugee bannas rush for yuh starched hood n sheet with matching white panty . . . marching up and down yuh bedroom or basement in a rage



That is what I mean. Almost all of Redux's posts are substance deficient.

Actually I find it hilarious.  Not too long ago the same characters were babbling about the endowments of PNC men, and that PNC females had super cyats, and that "ahbe frikken of big bad PNC females". 


Poor cobra couldn't leave his house for a week after the PPP lost the election as he was terrified that a PNC Amazonian female would scramble him, piss on him, and then set him on fire like what one of them did to the PPP flag.  Yuji and Rama engaged in similar emasculation of themselves.

I on the other hand don't discriminate. I like women of all races. I like their cyats even more.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Actually I find it hilarious.  Not too long ago the same characters were babbling about the endowments of PNC men, and that PNC females had super cyats, and that "ahbe frikken of big bad PNC females". 


Poor cobra couldn't leave his house for a week after the PPP lost the election as he was terrified that a PNC Amazonian female would scramble him, piss on him, and then set him on fire like what one of them did to the PPP flag.  Yuji and Rama engaged in similar emasculation of themselves.

I on the other hand don't discriminate. I like women of all races. I like their cyats even more.

Hopefuilly you don't run into cobra, yuji. or rama in drag.  This is their new habit since the PPP lost.


They most likely wouldn't want you though, as their tastes now turn to big strong and "ignorant" PNC blackman.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Actually I find it hilarious.  Not too long ago the same characters were babbling about the endowments of PNC men, and that PNC females had super cyats, and that "ahbe frikken of big bad PNC females". 


Poor cobra couldn't leave his house for a week after the PPP lost the election as he was terrified that a PNC Amazonian female would scramble him, piss on him, and then set him on fire like what one of them did to the PPP flag.  Yuji and Rama engaged in similar emasculation of themselves.

I on the other hand don't discriminate. I like women of all races. I like their cyats even more.

Hopefuilly you don't run into cobra, yuji. or rama in drag.  This is their new habit since the PPP lost.


They most likely wouldn't want you though, as their tastes now turn to big strong and "ignorant" PNC blackman.

Very unlikely that I would ever get entrapped in a drag situation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Very unlikely that I would ever get entrapped in a drag situation.

Go to Rio and then report what happened to you when you return.  You better feel between the legs before you purchase.

Bai, my only interaction with anything Brazilian was this real cute Brazilian girl who used to live at my grandmother's house when I was a kid. Nothing un-woman about that girl.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Very unlikely that I would ever get entrapped in a drag situation.

Go to Rio and then report what happened to you when you return.  You better feel between the legs before you purchase.

Bai, my only interaction with anything Brazilian was this real cute Brazilian girl who used to live at my grandmother's house when I was a kid. Nothing un-woman about that girl.

Give us more doan jus stop so....make it up we doan mind...well, some a dem PPP guys here does like listen to lie, so go ahead, lie likea rass.


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