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Former Member
There is speculation that the cancellation of the Alliance for Change (AFC) weekly press conference today is as a result of that party’s attempt to avoid questions on the allegations of fraud leveled against its Chairman, Nigel Hughes. Hughes is currently engaged in a court battle in which a popular city school owner alleged that he sold her a property despite taking out a mortgage which he failed to repay. The financial institution later levied on the property  which in the process threatens the education of close to 300 students housed on the property.
Such practices by AFC are not new as the party repeatedly dodges the media on matters of wrongdoings implicating it’s Executives. Recently, after facing severe public pressure it was forced to address allegations of conflict of interest when its was revealed that Hughes and his wife Cathy were in the employ of Sithe Global, the company which developed the Amailia Falls Hydro Project. The AFC venomously opposed the project and questioned the way in which government entered into an arrangement with Hughes' employers.
It is also yet to address the controversy surrounding Hughes' failure to disclose his relationship with the jury foreman in the Lusignan massacre trial whilst representing one of the accused.

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It has become habitual for Danyael to cover feces with white sand on this forum. The man is working his balls off for the opposition without an ounce of appreciation. He must be on the brink of insanity.

Dude, if Hughes did as he is accused of doing hang him. He is not my concern. He is the concern of the PPP since they hope to use his perfidy as a shield behind which they can hide their own corrugation. It is theirs that is of consequence not Hughes. He will get what is coming if he is a crook. The imperative is to get at those crooks who are hiding behind the auspices of their office to perpetrate their crimes against the people. I do not focus on Hughes because he is of no danger to my concerns which is the good offices of the nation. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Danyeal appears to be purposely avoiding this thread.

I do not avoid any thread that I see and can address. I already addressed this issue. This is a matter of law and a concern for the legal system at the moment. If he is even remotely culpable for the crimes he is accused of the AFC should kick him to the curb. I am not an AFC member and do not have their ear. When the time comes for me to speak of this matter if it turns out to be true I will speak to it. Meanwhile, I address you and your strategy to pretend the naked sores in the PPP do not need to be addressed.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

I suggest you be temperate with deceiving yourself. I am not a follower. If that fellow ( no friend, associate, or remotely a person I am connected with) did as he did, the law will deal with him but given what I know that is not certain. I detest scoundrels of that kind. Note I had to foot the bill to the tune of some 15K for someone who did the same to us.  We won the case after some 6 years in the courts so I grasp the position the lady is in clearly when faced with being defrauded.


I have no sympathy for crooks but blame the PPP since the courts are filled with cases of fraud where friends and family or strangers simply decide to take other peoples land.  The cases never get called. The fellows who owned Salmome ( the bus) has their cousin squatting on their family home and it has been 15 years now and they cannot get a trial. I spoke to this obscenity here on numerous occasions but I will not be side tracked by Hughes when he would be one of many in the racket. I am concerned with the PPP and their administration.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes must to proud of you.....defending him at any cost, even if it entails selling your soul.

 I do not concern my self with what he thinks of me. If you do then t hat is your concern. I see no defense of him in anything I said to date.


I said he is no concern of mine. What bothers me is that you can use his ignominy as a means of covering the present and future harm to  us from the corrupt PPP


Nigel Hughes it appears is purposely dodging the cameras, and Danyeal is like his trainee attorney-at-law trying to paint him as a Sunday School boy. Hughes name is in the media for all the wrong reasons first the opposition instigated deadly Linden protest, secondly, the Agricola protest, thirdly the secretive Hydro contract, now this, alleged fraud at the city private school.


Danyeal, don't seel your soul, defending Nigel


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes it appears is purposely dodging the cameras, and Danyeal is like his trainee attorney-at-law trying to paint him as a Sunday School boy. Hughes name is in the media for all the wrong reasons first the opposition instigated deadly Linden protest, secondly, the Agricola protest, thirdly the secretive Hydro contract, now this, alleged fraud at the city private school.


Danyeal, don't seel your soul, defending Nigel


I do not believe in the soul thing.  As a PPP communist I think we share a similar godless  view here.


He had every right to organize protests for causes he believe in. I also see Linden as the template for the PPP strategy to deny police corruption. Everyone but the PPP believe the Police killled those people.


Being on the Amalia falls board is no crime. Ramotar was on OMAI's for over a decade and they more so maintained a quid pro quo. The company never made a profit in 20 years of digging a mile wide hole! What an exercise in futility if it was that and not naked pillage.


Note also, they bought Demba for 5 million and resold the same for 45 million four years later. Tell me Ramotar had no hand in the cookie jar and I will tell you to expect the sun in the west in the morning.


Nigel Hughes did it to Mayfield French, Raphael Trotman and his relatives did it in conjunction with Khemraj Ramjattan. The story of crooked Alliance for Change (AFC) lawyers fleecing their clients seems to be a repetitive one. Read Prakash Persaud's story here.  Persaud was robbed of millions of dollars in real estate by the team of high ranking AFC officials.

Then watch this video of an elderly couple complaining of being deprived of millions of dollars in real estate by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes did it to Mayfield French, Raphael Trotman and his relatives did it in conjunction with Khemraj Ramjattan. The story of crooked Alliance for Change (AFC) lawyers fleecing their clients seems to be a repetitive one. Read Prakash Persaud's story here.  Persaud was robbed of millions of dollars in real estate by the team of high ranking AFC officials.

Then watch this video of an elderly couple complaining of being deprived of millions of dollars in real estate by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan.

Do me a favor Place the PPP minister and her daughter in the poster above with the same text and you will be on to something. After all, her daughter as part of a non existent company was slated to get a 30 million dollar contract for a job they have less experience at doing than the murti seller Fip. Now that is a story!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

Nigel Hughes should have a public flogging then jailed for life if he is guilty. Make an example out of him too.


Yuh wouldn't advocate the same law fuh Kwame buggery though....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

Nigel Hughes should have a public flogging then jailed for life if he is guilty. Make an example out of him too.


Yuh wouldn't advocate the same law fuh Kwame buggery though....

I am not into sodomy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

Nigel Hughes should have a public flogging then jailed for life if he is guilty. Make an example out of him too.


Yuh wouldn't advocate the same law fuh Kwame buggery though....

I am not into sodomy.

I didn't hear you calling for "public flogging then jail" fuh Kwame....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

Nigel Hughes should have a public flogging then jailed for life if he is guilty. Make an example out of him too.


Yuh wouldn't advocate the same law fuh Kwame buggery though....

I am not into sodomy.

I didn't hear you calling for "public flogging then jail" fuh Kwame....

If you enjoy talking and practising oral and anal sex, more power to you. It's your personal life. I am not into that. I do not bash groups of people who prefer an alternative life style.


It was Nigel Hughes who teamed up with attorneys from APNU to defend those charged in the massacre of Indo-Guyanese at Lusignan.  Today, characters like Hughes, Benschop, and Granger are referring to the Lusignana massacre as "Lusignan Murder". They have no respect for the East Indian people of Guyana. I hope the Berbicians see the true colors of the AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My dear Amerindian brother, rallying behind a potential crook is as dangerous standing behind one that we know about. A bird in the hand is worth two in bush.

Nigel Hughes should have a public flogging then jailed for life if he is guilty. Make an example out of him too.


Yuh wouldn't advocate the same law fuh Kwame buggery though....

I am not into sodomy.

I didn't hear you calling for "public flogging then jail" fuh Kwame....

If you enjoy talking and practising oral and anal sex, more power to you. It's your personal life. I am not into that. I do not bash groups of people who prefer an alternative life style.

You mixing the rule of law with your personal preference which is legal in the USA but against the law in the Guyana Republic. Both Nigel and Kwame break the law, you can't call on the law for "Public flogging and jail"for one while one gets free pass to practice buggery because you condone it.....


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