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Former Member

A new trend has started since the failure of the AFC. Former PPP supporters who left the party and were misled by the AFC after massive fraud and corruption in the AFC were revealed are now lining up to join the PPP.


Jalil whose close relative was brutalized by the PNC has finally accepted that the AFC is nothing but a terror arm of the PNC with Cathy, Nigel and Trotman are in control of the AFC. Talks are ongoing in merging both parties. You see, the current three leaders of the AFC are for their own kith and kin. This is a very sinister move. AFC grass roots supporters are angry at these new developments and are fleeing in large numbers.


Dirty Indian politicians who left the PPP are traitors and will never be accepted by the PPP. Clean Indians who were fooled by the AFC with snake oil are welcome in the PPP. After all, blood is blood. Every family has differences.


The PPP is now headed for a clear majority. Time to celebrate !




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A new trend has started since the failure of the AFC. Former PPP supporters who left the party and were misled by the AFC after massive fraud and corruption in the AFC were revealed are now lining up to join the PPP.....Listen to the words of a Crab Louse


Jalil whose close relative was brutalized by the PNC

(Big-Fat-Lie from De-Crab-Louse)


has finally accepted that the AFC is nothing but a terror arm of the PNC with Cathy, Nigel and Trotman are in control of the AFC.

( another Big-Fat-Lie from De-Crab-Louse ....De Terror arm of the PNC...."De-black-House-of-Isreal-Thugs" has shifted over to Jagdeo & Ramotar)


Talks are ongoing in merging both parties. You see, the current three leaders of the AFC are for their own kith and kin.

(Another Craab-louse-lie.....talks have been going on directly with Jagdeo & Ramotar....since before they destroyed the PPP and made it a Minority)


This is a very sinister move.

(de only thing sinister for you is Crab-louse don't know)


AFC grass roots supporters are angry at these new developments and are fleeing in large numbers.

AFC supporters are not Crab-louse....

and they are not fleeing in large numbers like "De Crab-Louse"


Dirty Indian politicians who left the PPP are traitors and will never be accepted by the PPP.

You could not say it any better....

Jagdeo & Ramotar keep bringing in Black PNC House-of-Isreal Thugs in the PPP

And Indians who leave the PPP refuse to comingle with De Black PNC House-of-Isreal Thugs.

Why would any Indian want to mix or contaminate them selves with Black-Thugs


Clean Indians who were fooled by the AFC with snake oil are welcome in the PPP. After all, blood is blood. Every family has differences.

Yes.....Ramotar and Jagdeo need AFC support to defeat the PNC...

but they are caught in a catch 22 position with these Black PNC Thugs and Crab Louse like Ewe-gee who cant help them.


The PPP is now headed for a clear majorityDefeat. Time to celebrate !

Now....why would the Black Thugs and Crab Louse like Ewe-gee want to celebrate????

Moses & Khemraj

has the Right to do whatever they want


Jagdeo & Ramotar

cannot stop them




Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jaili is now sacred of the PNC terror gang and is trying to mend fences with the PPP. The PPP does not need losers like Jalil. I know everyone of Importance in the PPP on a First Name Basis...Including Donald and have 24/7 access to them all.


His close relative was brutalized by the PNC.

Crab Louse.... You don't know wha yuh talking

Quote Ewe-gee:

Looks like Jalil really wants join forces with the PPP.

Show some goodwill and the top brass will decide your request.

Both Bharat & Donald would wish If this happen.


I understand that you are posting with a different tone to satisfy your AFC friends. They all know I have friends in the AFC, PPP, PNC, WPA, TUF, Justice for All, Roar, GAP, GGG you name them.


But I got your PM request and will forward it on.

Why would I want to send a PM to a Dutty Crab Louse that my friend Cain ......calls a "Dutty Dick"

Quote Cain:



Originally Posted by yuji22:



You seem to be very bitter with the PPP.

Not bitter with the PPP as you say....

Bitterness is an indication of some past misunderstanding with the PPP, either differences of ideology or personal differences with someone in the party.


Care to elaborate ?

When you don't know about the history or struggle 

you can blab your mouth like you do...

empty don't know anything..

you lie and make up stories about PM...

you masquerade as being Top Brass...

But you are just a Crab Louse

Surviving in a diseased environment.


but when you know better.....

you see opportunist, crab louse,

Black Thugs and Funny Fellas.....

 you keep them at a safe distance

where their corrupt practices

cannot contaminate you....


you expose them......

and let time catch up

with the corrupt practices.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You seem to be very bitter with the PPP.

Not bitter with the PPP as you say....

Bitterness is an indication of some past misunderstanding with the PPP, either differences of ideology or personal differences with someone in the party.


Care to elaborate ?

When you don't know about the history or struggle 

you can blab your mouth like you do...

empty don't know anything..

you lie and make up stories about PM...

you masquerade as being Top Brass...

But you are just a Crab Louse

Surviving in a diseased environment.


but when you know better.....

you see opportunist, crab louse,

Black Thugs and Funny Fellas.....

 you keep them at a safe distance

where their corrupt practices

cannot contaminate you....


you expose them......

and let time catch up

with the corrupt practices.




Ask Mitwah and he will tell you if yuji was involved in Guyana's struggle for free and fair elections. 




Ask Mitwah and he will tell you if yuji was involved in Guyana's struggle for free and fair elections. 


I do not have to ask mitwa anything....

If you were involved in the struggle

for free & fair elections...

how could you forget

the PNC House of Isreal Thugs

Lamumba, Kwame, Taps,

Hamilton, Bynoe,

Nascimento, McClean...


You are Just Proving you are

a Certified Dutty Crab-Louse 

who Surviving Happy-Happy

in a Diseased Environment...


Ewe-gee if you did

remind about the history

of any one of those PNC thugs

Go Ahead....Choose the one...

you like Best....and tell us...

who are overreacting to your buddies


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You sound very bitter and angry. Anger leads to anyone's downfall. Yuji chooses not to engage with you again.



I ain't chicken. My last post went right over Jalil's head. It quite apparent that his level of understanding is very low.

Call my level of Understanding Low or High....

But don't forget to explain

why only a Dutty Crab Louse would choose

to exchange  and keep the Black PNC Thugs

and discard Indians who fight or condemn corruption


Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?



That's one of my favorite movies of all time.





 Both Rev & Ewe-gee right.....

yuh must squander the nation resources,

thief and live above yuh means


And De Crab Louse think Jagan wrong.....

we do not need a lean and clean Govt

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?



That's one of my favorite movies of all time.







It is quite apparent that some folks do not understand that politics is a dirty game and smart players play their cards right. Jalil still did not get the point that I was trying to make.


Anyway, the Godfather is still one of the best movies made.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?



That's one of my favorite movies of all time.







It is quite apparent that some folks do not understand that politics is a dirty game and smart players play their cards right. Jalil still did not get the point that I was trying to make.


Anyway, the Godfather is still one of the best movies made.

Today we have Russian trained mafias hijacking the PPP and using the Treasury as their personal piggy bank.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?



That's one of my favorite movies of all time.







It is quite apparent that some folks do not understand that politics is a dirty game and smart players play their cards right. Jalil still did not get the point that I was trying to make.


Anyway, the Godfather is still one of the best movies made.

Today we have Russian trained mafias hijacking the PPP and using the Treasury as their personal piggy bank.

Mitwah, would you care to provide some solid proof of your claim ?

Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?


That's one of my favorite movies of all time.



suh moron . . . is kwamee alyuh "enemy" or something else?


now, if he is yuh enemy . . . wtf is he doing on the PPP Central Committee?


and really, how "close" u and he does hug up in this new/old, 'crafty' dispensation?


i hear verrrry close

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

jalil bhai:


Yuji is right---the PPP did the wise thing in keeping their enemies closer.


Didn't you see the Godfather ?



That's one of my favorite movies of all time.







It is quite apparent that some folks do not understand that politics is a dirty game and smart players play their cards right. Jalil still did not get the point that I was trying to make.


Anyway, the Godfather is still one of the best movies made.

Today we have Russian trained mafias hijacking the PPP and using the Treasury as their personal piggy bank.

Mitwah, would you care to provide some solid proof of your claim ?

Where was Jagdeo trained?

Where was Ramotar when we were fighting for free and fair elections and writing letters to our MPS about the dictator Burnham and the PNC crimes?


Mitwah, that is all now history. Our fight for free and fair elections is our contribution to future generations. We may disagree politically and that is our right. The reality is that Rammo is president and he will be judged at the ballot box.


Local Elections are overdue and the results will be a testimony of how the people feel about the PPP. I am excited about a Local Election. This is fundamental to any democratic nation.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redux:

suh moron . . . is kwamee alyuh "enemy" or something else?



Hello redux!


Looks like you are daring the Rev to post a photo of you---I'll refrain from doing so---we all know who you are---so no need for you  to  run bawling and screaming to admin.hahahaha




well antiman ah still waiting. . . is kwamee alyuh "enemy" or alyuh "friend" ?


Don Corleone's comment about Connie's husband (his new son-in-law) may be of some help to alyuh slow-witted clowns:


"Give him a living, but never discuss the Family business with him"


unwittingly, u crabdawg antimen with undersized dicks (forever in search of macho) proudly confirming the Mafia criminal organization of the PPP



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

nah tek worries . . . u can borrow a few IQ points right there in GT, study lil and come back later


redux aka 20/11:


The great physicist Stephen Hawking says you are a LOSER.







PS. You what 20/11 is, right ?hahahaha


Rev....the Great Guyanese People say Ramotar & Jagdeo are Loosers.

They lost the majority the PPP had in Guyana.


The Majority of Guyanese people also say the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs break up PPP & WPA Political Meetings, beat, rape, murder Indians and Others Guyanese at the order of handlers.


Question :  Was Rabbi Washington the leader of the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 



Question :  Is Lamumba a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Kwame a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Tapps a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bynoe a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bishop Edghill a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton Green a leader of the Black PNC House of Isreal Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Did the PPP & Innocent Guyanese Indians suffer because Crimes Committed by the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who put these Black PNC House of Israel Thug in Freedom House and Office of the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Kit Nascimento a PNC Thug who helped Burnham Rigg the Guyana Elections under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief & Election Rigger an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Norman McClean a PNC Thug and Head of the GDF who helped Burnham, Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Kill Rodney, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger, Rodney Killer and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is GDF Captain Jerry Gouviea a PNC Thug who helped Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Secretly Smuggle Rodney Killer out of Guyana, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns ..... under PNC and still continue smuggling up to today?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  



The Guyanese People spoke loud and clear at the last elections .... and sent a message that the want 

all the Crooks and Criminals face Justice,

Lock up all Black PNC House of Israel Thugs,

Jail all PNC Ballot Box Thieves and Election Riggers, and

cut out all the thieving, Corruption and Smuggling and

put in place a new Govt that will

end all these wrong things of the past and

free Guyana of the Parasites and Crab Louse

who live and survive off of Corruption in Guyana. 


Question :  Who did the Guyanese people send this message to?

Answer :  

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev....the Great Guyanese People say Ramotar & Jagdeo are Loosers.

They lost the majority the PPP had in Guyana.


The Majority of Guyanese people also say the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs break up PPP & WPA Political Meetings, beat, rape, murder Indians and Others Guyanese at the order of handlers.


Question :  Was Rabbi Washington the leader of the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 



Question :  Is Lamumba a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Kwame a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Tapps a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bynoe a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bishop Edghill a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton Green a leader of the Black PNC House of Isreal Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Did the PPP & Innocent Guyanese Indians suffer because Crimes Committed by the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who put these Black PNC House of Israel Thug in Freedom House and Office of the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Kit Nascimento a PNC Thug who helped Burnham Rigg the Guyana Elections under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief & Election Rigger an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Norman McClean a PNC Thug and Head of the GDF who helped Burnham, Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Kill Rodney, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger, Rodney Killer and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is GDF Captain Jerry Gouviea a PNC Thug who helped Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Secretly Smuggle Rodney Killer out of Guyana, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns ..... under PNC and still continue smuggling up to today?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  



The Guyanese People spoke loud and clear at the last elections .... and sent a message that the want 

all the Crooks and Criminals face Justice,

Lock up all Black PNC House of Israel Thugs,

Jail all PNC Ballot Box Thieves and Election Riggers, and

cut out all the thieving, Corruption and Smuggling and

put in place a new Govt that will

end all these wrong things of the past and

free Guyana of the Parasites and Crab Louse

who live and survive off of Corruption in Guyana. 


Question :  Who did the Guyanese people send this message to?

Answer :  


I love this. 




You can bawl and scream and holler and shout and blame and complain from now until thy kingdom come----you are just wasting your breath and your time and energy.


The reality is the PPP is in power---they have been in power for the past 21 years---and if you checked my "PPP NEEDS 5045 MORE VOTES" thread you'll understand why the PPP will remain in power for decades to come.


Now jalil, it is your right to express your indignation and your anger at the PPP regarding some of the choices they have made, but rest assured that you are just wasting your time and energy.





Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev....the Great Guyanese People say Ramotar & Jagdeo are Loosers.

They lost the majority the PPP had in Guyana.


The Majority of Guyanese people also say the Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs break up PPP & WPA Political Meetings, beat, rape, murder Indians and Others Guyanese at the order of handlers.


Question :  Was Rabbi Washington the leader of the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 



Question :  Is Lamumba a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Kwame a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Tapps a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bynoe a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Bishop Edghill a Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Is Hamilton Green a leader of the Black PNC House of Isreal Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Did the PPP & Innocent Guyanese Indians suffer because Crimes Committed by the Black PNC House of Israel Thug?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who put these Black PNC House of Israel Thug in Freedom House and Office of the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Kit Nascimento a PNC Thug who helped Burnham Rigg the Guyana Elections under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief & Election Rigger an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is Norman McClean a PNC Thug and Head of the GDF who helped Burnham, Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Kill Rodney, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns under PNC?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger, Rodney Killer and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  


Question :  Is GDF Captain Jerry Gouviea a PNC Thug who helped Steal Ballot Boxes, Rigg the Guyana Elections, Secretly Smuggle Rodney Killer out of Guyana, Smuggle Gold, Drugs, Money and Guns ..... under PNC and still continue smuggling up to today?

Answer : YES 


Question :  Who made this PNC Ballot Box Thief, Election Rigger and Smuggler an Advisor to the President?

Answer :  



The Guyanese People spoke loud and clear at the last elections .... and sent a message that the want 

all the Crooks and Criminals face Justice,

Lock up all Black PNC House of Israel Thugs,

Jail all PNC Ballot Box Thieves and Election Riggers, and

cut out all the thieving, Corruption and Smuggling and

put in place a new Govt that will

end all these wrong things of the past and

free Guyana of the Parasites and Crab Louse

who live and survive off of Corruption in Guyana. 


Question :  Who did the Guyanese people send this message to?

Answer :  

This speaks volumes. The people of Guyana needs to be reminded of the this contamination.

Originally Posted by Rev:



You can bawl and scream and holler and shout and blame and complain from now until thy kingdom come----you are just wasting your breath and your time and energy.


The reality is the PPP is in power---they have been in power for the past 21 years---and if you checked my "PPP NEEDS 5045 MORE VOTES" thread you'll understand why the PPP will remain in power for decades to come.


Now jalil, it is your right to express your indignation and your anger at the PPP regarding some of the choices they have made, but rest assured that you are just wasting your time and energy.





The PPP is so powerful and yet they scream and whine like stuffed pigs because the opposition stuck it to them with the anti laundering bill by showing the rest of the world what a bunch of con artists they (PPP) really are. 





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