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Former Member

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC has always made bold moves their creation itself was a bold move.


- Their opposition to the PNC and PPP deal to raise electricity rates in linden was another bold move.


- They stood with sugar workers and opposed the PPP in 2009 and forced Jagdeo and Robert persaud to go to berbice to meet with sugar workers and they exposed Robert as a liar when he claimed he paid health bills for an injured sugar worker.


- Another bold move was getting Moses to join the AFC.


- Agricola was a bold move for the AFC to stand with a family that just had their child slaughtered by the PPP. The PPP turned it into an opportunity to spread racial hatred after the uprising but many seem to forget the words uttered by luncheon, "lets get ready to rumble".


- The AFC Exposed the PPP badly with the Kissoon vs Jagdeo trial, the lawyers in there were all AFC except for Chris Ram and they capitalized on the opportunity to skin up Jagdeo and the PPP.


- The AFC brought the no confidence motion to parliament even when APNU opposed this move. But look at the series of events that followed and what it has ultimately led to.


- This move to create a coalition with APNU/PNC is again another bold move.

The AFC is disrupting the status quo politics. You don't always have to agree with what they are doing and how they are doing it but the fact is they are disrupting the status quo and they are forcing people to think and act in Guyana and that in itself is a good thing.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

The party which will present itself isn't the AFC.  It is an APNU dominated coalition, within which the AFC will have specific roles.  It is to be hoped that APNU will allow them to perform these specific roles, and for the AFC in exchange to understand that they will not be allowed to take over the coalition.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP folks here should praise AFC

Both KFC and PNC must be congratulated for this new move, a new direction in Guyanese politics and hopefully a start in the right direction. One that will put the interest of the Guyanese People first.

Being stupid would be a person who would make a post like this and yet back the present corrupt regime. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see the stupidity in

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The AFC is disrupting the status quo politics. You don't always have to agree with what they are doing and how they are doing it but the fact is they are disrupting the status quo and they are forcing people to think and act in Guyana and that in itself is a good thing.

Well just understand that it isn't just the AFC any more.  Let us hope that they understand that they are now dealing with APNU as a junior partner and understand the subtleties involved in this. 


Such as telling folks like you that the days of trashing the PNC are OVER!  Even when you hear some PNC supporters praising Burnham.


I also suggest that you transform your thinking from the "AFC is disrupting status quo politics" to the "AFC AND APNU are disrupting status quo politics".  APNU remains far more powerful and will snap the AFC in two if they get too big for themselves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP folks here should praise AFC

Both KFC and PNC must be congratulated for this new move, a new direction in Guyanese politics and hopefully a start in the right direction. One that will put the interest of the Guyanese People first.

Being stupid would be a person who would make a post like this and yet back the present corrupt regime. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see the stupidity in

I know, Pea brain does not allow you to know and understand much.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble .

And there you go. You are in an Afro party where most of the supporters feel that they have been abused by an Indian elite.


You better get accustomed to hearing what they have to say or your marriage will be quite short lived.  Right now you are in a honey moon period where you are being watched to see if indeed you have thrown away your clannish PPP attitudes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The new Team will called the Guyana Unity Party.  Let us refer to them by their right name  - GUP which rhymes with CUP.

is that official

Not yet, in dialogue right now.  But it is the front running option.

Voters will be confused..GUP and CUP

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

The party which will present itself isn't the AFC.  It is an APNU dominated coalition, within which the AFC will have specific roles.  It is to be hoped that APNU will allow them to perform these specific roles, and for the AFC in exchange to understand that they will not be allowed to take over the coalition.

Caribny, what Ramjhattan revealed on the Accord is that, inter alia, (i)AFC get 12 seats - that's 12 Parliamentarians regardless of the outcome (there is likely to be 32 or less if the PPP gets a majority, and 33 or more if the Coalition gets the majority); (ii) AFC gets 40% of the Cabinet positions should the Coalition form the Government; (iii) AFC gets the Prime Ministerial position which will now have some powers that was previously the preserve of the President.


The AFC in other words hedged its bet for the short-term - if the PPP wins in either scenario (separate parties contesting or as a Coalition), it gets what it believes would be a max position. Can't blame the AFC for its thinking. The question though is that it dilutes its strength that Moses brought given a strong binary thinking on the part of an electorate that still has vesitages of the old racial voting or passed it on in the kitchen to the young folks - in the same manner as the so-called post-racial America has its continued racism passed on in the kitchen tables of heartland America.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The new Team will called the Guyana Unity Party.  Let us refer to them by their right name  - GUP which rhymes with CUP.

is that official

Not yet, in dialogue right now.  But it is the front running option.

Voters will be confused..GUP and CUP

nah worry wid dis bai. PNC/APNU nah guh change dem name. If dem change dem name, dem have fuh fine wan new symbol fuh de broom. Wah dem guh put up wan moon pass dry coconut?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble and racist drivel you does peddle here daily. Dis is your worst nightmare happening here.

How does this help anyone here or shed light on the Coalition agreement? Does this make you a hero, a saga-bwoy, someone we should bow down to? Okay kudos to you for telling Caribny to stick to his supposed racist drivel. Now you have raised the enlightened meter on this here forum. Wait, please take the digital version of a mal for being so smart, smarmy, smirky, and humorous. We bow to you oh great one for calling out the shaitaan Caribny!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

The party which will present itself isn't the AFC.  It is an APNU dominated coalition, within which the AFC will have specific roles.  It is to be hoped that APNU will allow them to perform these specific roles, and for the AFC in exchange to understand that they will not be allowed to take over the coalition.

Caribny, what Ramjhattan revealed on the Accord is that, inter alia, (i)AFC get 12 seats - that's 12 Parliamentarians regardless of the outcome (there is likely to be 32 or less if the PPP gets a majority, and 33 or more if the Coalition gets the majority); (ii) AFC gets 40% of the Cabinet positions should the Coalition form the Government; (iii) AFC gets the Prime Ministerial position which will now have some powers that was previously the preserve of the President.


The AFC in other words hedged its bet for the short-term - if the PPP wins in either scenario (separate parties contesting or as a Coalition), it gets what it believes would be a max position. Can't blame the AFC for its thinking. The question though is that it dilutes its strength that Moses brought given a strong binary thinking on the part of an electorate that still has vesitages of the old racial voting or passed it on in the kitchen to the young folks - in the same manner as the so-called post-racial America has its continued racism passed on in the kitchen tables of heartland America.

I think AFC gets 2 PM positions.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble and racist drivel you does peddle here daily. Dis is your worst nightmare happening here.

How does this help anyone here or shed light on the Coalition agreement? Does this make you a hero, a saga-bwoy, someone we should bow down to? Okay kudos to you for telling Caribny to stick to his supposed racist drivel. Now you have raised the enlightened meter on this here forum. Wait, please take the digital version of a mal for being so smart, smarmy, smirky, and humorous. We bow to you oh great one for calling out the shaitaan Caribny!

Isn't there some thread about ISIS you need to be on?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble and racist drivel you does peddle here daily. Dis is your worst nightmare happening here.

How does this help anyone here or shed light on the Coalition agreement? Does this make you a hero, a saga-bwoy, someone we should bow down to? Okay kudos to you for telling Caribny to stick to his supposed racist drivel. Now you have raised the enlightened meter on this here forum. Wait, please take the digital version of a mal for being so smart, smarmy, smirky, and humorous. We bow to you oh great one for calling out the shaitaan Caribny!

Isn't there some thread about ISIS you need to be on?


Attempting to shut us up and impose some kind of "group think" is not gonna solve your problems.


The PPP will be coming after this coalition on all sides. Might as well get some practice answering the charges.


Appealing to high sounding themes and rubbishing your opponents has never won an election. Especially in Guyana.


You guys do not have automatic votes. You have to make a case for yourself. And I fear you just made the case more difficult to win. You all just introduced the bloody knife with your client's fingerprints on it on the last week of the trial in an attempt to win a not guilty verdict.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

The party which will present itself isn't the AFC.  It is an APNU dominated coalition, within which the AFC will have specific roles.  It is to be hoped that APNU will allow them to perform these specific roles, and for the AFC in exchange to understand that they will not be allowed to take over the coalition.

Caribny, what Ramjhattan revealed on the Accord is that, inter alia, (i)AFC get 12 seats - that's 12 Parliamentarians regardless of the outcome (there is likely to be 32 or less if the PPP gets a majority, and 33 or more if the Coalition gets the majority); (ii) AFC gets 40% of the Cabinet positions should the Coalition form the Government; (iii) AFC gets the Prime Ministerial position which will now have some powers that was previously the preserve of the President.


The AFC in other words hedged its bet for the short-term - if the PPP wins in either scenario (separate parties contesting or as a Coalition), it gets what it believes would be a max position. Can't blame the AFC for its thinking. The question though is that it dilutes its strength that Moses brought given a strong binary thinking on the part of an electorate that still has vesitages of the old racial voting or passed it on in the kitchen to the young folks - in the same manner as the so-called post-racial America has its continued racism passed on in the kitchen tables of heartland America.

I think AFC gets 2 PM positions.

What good does 2 or 20 PM positions do? The president has the power to fire all 20 at one time. They are just token figures. The same can be said about the number cabinet positions.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Caribny, what Ramjhattan revealed on the Accord is that, inter alia, (i)AFC get 12 seats - that's 12 Parliamentarians regardless of the outcome (there is likely to be 32 or less if the PPP gets a majority, and 33 or more if the Coalition gets the majority); (ii) AFC gets 40% of the Cabinet positions should the Coalition form the Government; (iii) AFC gets the Prime Ministerial position which will now have some powers that was previously the preserve of the President.


The AFC in other words hedged its bet for the short-term - if the PPP wins in either scenario (separate parties contesting or as a Coalition), it gets what it believes would be a max position. Can't blame the AFC for its thinking. The question though is that it dilutes its strength that Moses brought given a strong binary thinking on the part of an electorate that still has vesitages of the old racial voting or passed it on in the kitchen to the young folks - in the same manner as the so-called post-racial America has its continued racism passed on in the kitchen tables of heartland America.

I am not talking to the AFC leadership.  I am referring to those AFC supporters who a few days ago were calling the PNC racist scum, and now think that they can walk in and tell APNU what to do.


Ramjattan and Nagamootoo are fully aware that they need APNU as much or more than APNU needs them.  Nagamootoo as a student of history will recall exactly what happened to the UF, and so will ensure that APNU remains happy with the coalition, which allows the AFC to be more effective in doing what it hopes to do.


I am not as sure as you are that if the AFC fails to demonstrate that it pulled its weight, if the PPP wins, that APNU will give up seats to an AFC which wouldn't deserve it.  Granger addressed what will happen within an APNU/AFC government.


Let us say that the coalition gets 28 seats, with 26 coming from PNC strongholds.  Will they give up seats?  The AFC is now in a position where they cannot campaign against the PNC in PNC strongholds, so will not be able to lay claims on seats arising from votes in those areas,


In addition there is language within all this that still gives the final say to Granger.  Nagamootoo isn't going to be a co equal.  He will merely have a more defined role than Sam Hinds and it wlll be up to him to recommend various appointees and develop structures for presentation to the body. 


He will not be able to do a thing that APNU disapproves of.  In addition politics dictates that the APNU will ensure that it retains an upper hand.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.


When last have ever heard it from an active friend of the AFC?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.


When last have ever heard it from an active friend of the AFC?

You might be shocked but there are many so called "die hards" in the AFC that share your views. This is nothing new my friend I hate to disappoint you.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.


When last have ever heard it from an active friend of the AFC?

Wid friends like you, who needs enemies

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are mistaken if you think I am attempting to shut you up. The more comedy and noise from you 2 the better. 


Since you are so confident that your view matters and your view is the one most embraced in GY. Lets see how that is viewed post May 11th.




If I am right, you people are finished. Like decimated.


You have have all decided to give battle to a larger better equipped nastier army on terrain most favorable to it with your backs to the sea and no means of escape just in case your battle plan turns out to be a loss. No avenue of retreat. None.


May 11th is the AFC's last stand!

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.


When last have ever heard it from an active friend of the AFC?

Wid friends like you, who needs enemies


It's not my nature to tell people what the wanna hear. Even my friends. I can't help that.


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