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AFC to petition Cabinet to keep embattled Ambassador

…claims legal woes now a “spent conviction”

The Foreign Affairs Ministry’s investigation into the veracity and gravity of the charges against Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait, Dr Shamir Ally, is still to be completed, but the Alliance For Change (AFC) is standing staunchly behind its member and will petition the Cabinet Council of Ministers to have him remain in his diplomatic posting.
Guyana Times spoke with a reliable source close to the leadership of the AFC and was told that the party leader, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan, will be looking to argue the case before Cabinet that Dr Ally’s legal woes in the United States of America should be

Dr Shamir Ally

Dr Shamir Ally

considered a “spent conviction”.
A spent conviction refers to a penalty effectively being ignored on a person’s record given the time that has lapsed since the original charges were laid.
This is the argument since the charges are now 14 years old and the party’s leadership is arguing that Dr Ally should not still be held liable or unworthy as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait.
The source has pointed out too that the party’s leadership, in making its case on behalf of Dr Ally, will point to the fact that he is a recipient of the highest award of the US Republican Party and will suggest that if this party saw Dr Ally as fit to receive the award despite his legal troubles, why should he be made to demit a ‘local’ diplomatic posting.
According to reports, on May 11, 1994, Dr Ally received the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle Medal of Freedom from then US President George Bush for dedication, unwavering support, and as a prominent leader in the Republican Party –the highest honour the Republican members of the US Senate can bestow.
The AFC, over the weekend, also in defence of its key supporter said since 2002, Dr Ally has continued to function unimpeded at very high levels in and out of the United States, voting at all national elections, city and town elections.
At Indian Trail, North Carolina, Dr Ally was also sworn in to serve on six Town Boards and Committees from 2014 to December 2015.
More recently, in February 2015, the North Carolina Secretary of State appointed Dr Ally as a Notary Public.
The party was at the time adamant that Dr Ally was charged and required to pay a penalty by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and was not convicted of a crime.
The AFC, over the weekend, issued a missive in defence of Dr Ally, denying he was the mastermind in the US fraud scheme and instead claimed he inherited the accounting system. The party said he “vehemently denied the charges, but agreed to pay the US$10,000 penalty under protest”.
Dr Ally and his co-accused had copped an out-of-court plea deal with the SEC to pay fines ranging from US$10,000 to US$50,000.
He was charged in 2002 by the Commission for “the dissemination of false financial information” using his company, Acrodyne.
The Guyana diplomat and others were said to be “aware of numerous and significant problems with Acrodyne’s accounting controls, but failed to assure that Acrodyne’s financial transactions were accurately recorded”.
According to the AFC’s statement, Dr Ally was charged jointly with two other senior executives of Acrodyne, but “instead of proceeding with a long and costly trial, the three professionals were strongly advised by that company’s Attorney-at-Law, Mr Steven Thomas, to make a deal with the SEC to pay fines without admission of guilt”.
This was done, but Dr Ally, in denying culpability, said the financial practices for which he was charged were in place when he started working at the company.
He accused the SEC of “making him a scapegoat since the accounting procedures he had worked with, he had inherited from his predecessors, and he has consistently iterated that he worked under close supervision”.
Dr Ally, in continuing to deny guilt, said he was prevented access to the accounting records “which would have enabled him to substantially rebut the SEC’s 2002 charge”.
The AFC said that Dr Ally was employed by Acrodyne for a short period, “from February 2, 1999 to May 9, 1999 as the Cost Accounting Manager… On May 10, 1999, he was promoted to Controller and he served in this position for 15 months up to July 10, 2000.”
Dr Ally was fired from Acrodyne in July 2000, circumstances he blamed on a “power struggle, falling revenue/income & a depleting labour force” in the company.
He was later charged along with two other Acrodyne executives, including its President in May 2002, by the SEC with civil action.
Dr Ally, in seeking to provide an explanation, said Acrodyne used to prepare quarterly financial reports “based on some actual, and some estimated figures”.
He said the company would, at the end of the year, do an annual stock taking and these reports would be audited and sent to the SEC.
He maintains that this system of preparing records based in part on estimates “was Standard Operating Procedure at Acrodyne”.
In March 2003, the SEC had ordered Acrodyne to cease and desist from future violations of the anti-fraud, periodic reporting, and books and records provisions of the Exchange.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Can we laugh at President Granger, we are of the the opinion that there is a ring in his nose. For a leader of a country, he seems like a stupidy in his hiring of official like this one, when he had so much to select from.


Perhaps, the AFC and PNC completely failed to understand the basic issue that an ambassador must have an untarnished background.

From their actions, it leaves the question on how many PNC and AFC supporters with similar background are currently in the government.


You all forget that Moses Nagamotoo once sued the New Nation for stating that he failed the bar exam?  

Anybloody remember how he (M. Nagamotoo) was kicked out of the VIP lounge at CBJ when traveling to Venezuela and Hammie was not??? 

How many of you remember the big fuss that  made of Sash Sawh's appointment as ambassador to Venezuela?



Billy Ram Balgobin
Prashad posted:

Aa I said before these Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Kindly tell us about why several PPP Ministers and the Commissioner of Police were denied US visas.  In fact the US furnished to Jagdeo evidence that Henry Green was unfit to be CoP. The PPP still appointed him, and so the USA canceled his visa.

I doubt that there is another Caribbean country where so many senior officials were denied US visas, and in fact some even denied ability to enter the UK and Canada.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Aa I said before these Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Kindly tell us about why several PPP Ministers and the Commissioner of Police were denied US visas.  In fact the US furnished to Jagdeo evidence that Henry Green was unfit to be CoP. The PPP still appointed him, and so the USA canceled his visa.

I doubt that there is another Caribbean country where so many senior officials were denied US visas, and in fact some even denied ability to enter the UK and Canada.

Since you know it all why don't you tell us why the ban was lifted on those same folks????

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Aa I said before these Afc should be run out of every East Indian community in Guyana.

Kindly tell us about why several PPP Ministers and the Commissioner of Police were denied US visas.  In fact the US furnished to Jagdeo evidence that Henry Green was unfit to be CoP. The PPP still appointed him, and so the USA canceled his visa.

I doubt that there is another Caribbean country where so many senior officials were denied US visas, and in fact some even denied ability to enter the UK and Canada.

Liar, the US accused and asked for him to be denied a position in the nation in which he is a born citizen a lifelong public servant.  When Jagdeo asked for the evidence, he USG claimed it was classified and refused.  So, is the US the governing force in Guyana or the GOG?  Could anyone tell the US not to appoint someone to a position because that nation have evidence of some wrong doing but refused to provide the evidence?  Stop talking shyte and get your facts straight.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, the AFC and PNC completely failed to understand the basic issue that an ambassador must have an untarnished background.

From their actions, it leaves the question on how many PNC and AFC supporters with similar background are currently in the government.

Alyuh leff me old frenn alone nah.  Datt banna on he last stand!!  Nah fatigue he too much!!  

VishMahabir posted:

The AFC should drop this guy

He was a top financier for years. The AFC knew of these issues, it's on Google.  They cannot turn away from him.  Maybe in the end it don't matter.  They sending him off to the crooked Mid-East anyway!!

ba$eman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, the AFC and PNC completely failed to understand the basic issue that an ambassador must have an untarnished background.

From their actions, it leaves the question on how many PNC and AFC supporters with similar background are currently in the government.

Alyuh leff me old frenn alone nah.  Datt banna on he last stand!!  Nah fatigue he too much!!  

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Since you know it all why don't you tell us why the ban was lifted on those same folks????

That is a secret that YOU have.  The issue is why was it placed in the first instance.

ba$eman posted:

Liar, the US accused and asked for him to be denied a position in the nation in which he is a born citizen a lifelong public servant.  

The US didn't communicate with Jagdeo as they thought him to be a criminal in league with narco barons, and their Wikileaks emails evidence this.  They told Roger Luncheon why they withdrew visas and the evidence that they had that Green was involved in drugs and human trafficking.

The PPP insisted in putting Greene in place, despite the fact that he was inappropriate.  They then wail that the PNC controlled the police, when of course a man, known to be corrupt, and therefore disrespected by the ranks, led the police force's decline to even further depths of inefficiency.


caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Since you know it all why don't you tell us why the ban was lifted on those same folks????

That is a secret that YOU have.  The issue is why was it placed in the first instance.

Ah! stop lying and tell the dam truth.   The US lifted the ban on government officials after they discovered Khan was affiliated with ranks of the Police and GDF who are overwhelmingly PNC supporters. It took a little while for the US to pick up on the bull the opposition was peddling about the man.  Khan only got involved after Brahma got kidnapped and taken into Buxton.  The drug people decided that it was in their interest to fight the organized gang in Gulf of Buxton. Fortunately, the drug people's interests turned out to be a blessing for the nation.  The phantom was born and the grave was dug for the Freedom Fighters.  This angered the PNC and made the PPP and the people of Guyana happy. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Liar, the US accused and asked for him to be denied a position in the nation in which he is a born citizen a lifelong public servant.  

The US didn't communicate with Jagdeo as they thought him to be a criminal in league with narco barons, and their Wikileaks emails evidence this.  They told Roger Luncheon why they withdrew visas and the evidence that they had that Green was involved in drugs and human trafficking.

The PPP insisted in putting Greene in place, despite the fact that he was inappropriate.  They then wail that the PNC controlled the police, when of course a man, known to be corrupt, and therefore disrespected by the ranks, led the police force's decline to even further depths of inefficiency.


Fine and think what you want.  No nation have the right to tell another nation what to do and not to do with one of their citizens without proof.  Simply unacceptable.  The US president/Feds cannot even tell states, within reason, what to d and what not to do!

You are  hypocrite of lack basic principles!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Since you know it all why don't you tell us why the ban was lifted on those same folks????

That is a secret that YOU have.  The issue is why was it placed in the first instance.

Ah! stop lying and tell the dam truth.   The US lifted the ban on government officials after they discovered Khan was affiliated with ranks of the Police and GDF who are overwhelmingly PNC supporters. It took a little while for the US to pick up on the bull the opposition was peddling about the man.  Khan only got involved after Brahma got kidnapped and taken into Buxton.  The drug people decided that it was in their interest to fight the organized gang in Gulf of Buxton. Fortunately, the drug people's interests turned out to be a blessing for the nation.  The phantom was born and the grave was dug for the Freedom Fighters.  This angered the PNC and made the PPP and the people of Guyana happy. 


So the PPP must have been in collusion with the PNC, remember the story about the PPP dude who had a hanger for that now grounded special plane?

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 they discovered Khan was affiliated with ranks of the Police and GDF who are overwhelmingly PNC supporters.

Roger Khan enjoyed protection from the PPP.


Stick to the topic of the thread!


If the govt were to keep this guy there would be complaints by the sissy crowd how they're keeping a thiefman. If the govt got rid of this guy, there would be complaints by the sissy crowd they're firing an Indian. Wuh govt fo do so sissies doan complain?


Ok here is my take.

No one should be surprised, this is how politics works. It is all about payback and despite what the AFC/PNC said during the campaign, they lied.

Now, leave the old man alone and let him cash in, he invested a lot in the political game and gambled and won. This is how politics will remain for another 1000 years.

I am not bitter but once again, the government acted without doing it's homework. They are clueless as they come.


ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 they discovered Khan was affiliated with ranks of the Police and GDF who are overwhelmingly PNC supporters.

Roger Khan enjoyed protection from the PPP.


Stick to the topic of the thread!

The discussion is about PPP screams about this man, without any admittance that they dealt with considerably more dangerous people.

The Roger Khan issue so embarrasses the PPP nuts that they even now pretend that he was with the PNC.  Too much documentation exists to prove that he was with the PPP.

So let the PPP take out the rotting garbage that festers in their house before the call another's nasty.

I am still awaiting the PPP carving a new frontier with new leadership, branding itself as a new PPP. I don't require a formal apology.

When the PPP is led by the man who turned Guyana into a narco fueled money laundering society where wealthy men have armed para militias, and judges were scared that they might be gunned down, and when said narco traffickers with their private armies killed a PPP minister.......They aren't qualified to say a thing.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


I am not bitter but once again, the government acted without doing it's homework. They are clueless as they come.


Even when presented with proof of guilt the PPP still soldiered ahead and dealt with criminals.

The PPP still stinks more than these guys, and given that its leadership hasn't changed, isn't qualified to say a thing on this matter.  That is until the tell us the truth about who ordered the assassination of Sat Sawh.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
 they discovered Khan was affiliated with ranks of the Police and GDF who are overwhelmingly PNC supporters.

Roger Khan enjoyed protection from the PPP.


Stick to the topic of the thread!

The discussion is about PPP screams about this man, without any admittance that they dealt with considerably more dangerous people.

The Roger Khan issue so embarrasses the PPP nuts that they even now pretend that he was with the PNC.  Too much documentation exists to prove that he was with the PPP.

So let the PPP take out the rotting garbage that festers in their house before the call another's nasty.

I am still awaiting the PPP carving a new frontier with new leadership, branding itself as a new PPP. I don't require a formal apology.

When the PPP is led by the man who turned Guyana into a narco fueled money laundering society where wealthy men have armed para militias, and judges were scared that they might be gunned down, and when said narco traffickers with their private armies killed a PPP minister.......They aren't qualified to say a thing.

You need to go see a shrink!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

When the PPP is led by the man who turned Guyana into a narco fueled money laundering society where wealthy men have armed para militias, and judges were scared that they might be gunned down, and when said narco traffickers with their private armies killed a PPP minister.......They aren't qualified to say a thing.

You need to go see a shrink!

I see.  Reminding you of the sordid cesspit that the PPP became is too tough for you to take. I agree that you should be embarrassed.

Leonora posted:

Carib is the ultimate opportunist and is well paid to post all this crap. 

Who is paying me? One trend that is very obvious here is that the only uncritical support for parties here comes from PPP supporters.  They accuse the APNU/AFC of the same crimes that the PPP committed. 

There is the whole embarrassment of the PPP making Guyana into a narco fueled environment akin to Bouterse's Suriname.  Many involved benefitted strongly from their PPP connections.

They then wail about the fact that some one, who was a petty drug dealer, was appointed to a position from which he has now been FIRED!

KN has a whole listing of PPP corruption called the "Heist of Guyana" which still remains on their website.  I suggest that the PPP frauds address this.

Now go and carry your illiterate and racist so and so to where the sun don't shine!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If Shameer gave money to the AFC in exchange for this big favor he should demand a refund.

Typical of the PNC..nepotism. Shamir ain't getting one black penny. Kaack duck fuh he.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If Shameer gave money to the AFC in exchange for this big favor he should demand a refund.

Ramjattan and Moses pocketed the thing, no refund for Ramayya. Moses and Ramjattan gave him a Big Baigan. 

More will be exposed as time goes on and Ramayya (Baigan Man) gets back at the AFC and conmen Moses and Ramjattan.

That Baigan looks good sticking out of Ramayya, he trusted a bunch of conmen and learnt the biggest lesson of his life. The GNI AFC crew will get their Big Baigan in due course.

Last edited by Former Member

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