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Former Member

Looks like the afc/pnc have a new strategy, a state withing in state using armed revolution. Maybe our resident white man posing as Amerindian can lead the charge fortified by foot soldiers and slavish lackeys Mitjuanita, coCaine, Karifesta, Redunce, Farouk, Worrier and Basefool. 


Strange happenings in South RupununiPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NOEL ANTONE   
Thursday, 06 June 2013 23:02

I AM a resident of South Rupununi, in Region 9, and I wish to bring to your attention strange happenings in our sub-district which the government needs to be aware of so as to take the necessary corrective action, because many of our villages in the ‘deep south’ are concerned and do not support such strange happenings.
Mr Tony James, a member of the Amerindian People’s Association(APA), a member of the Amerindian Peoples

Liberation Front(APLF), a self-declared supporter of APNU and a resident of Aishalton Village is vigorously pursuing an anti-national agenda, the main objective being to dismember in part the territorial integrity of our sovereign and independent state – Guyana.
Mr James is very busy with his agenda calling on Amerindian villages in south and south/central of The Rupununi to support what he calls the nine declarations of the Amerindian People’s Liberation Front and territorial claims to land to set up a state within a state.
Mr James also told us that his actions will spread to the other Amerindian communities in Regions 1,7 and 8.
Mr Editor, many of our villages do not support Mr Tony James’s agenda of setting up Amerindian states within a state through armed conflict and I am calling for government’s intervention as quickly as possible to stop Mr James from harassing and molesting us to support his partisan agenda which can cause harm to our country.
The Amerindian villages of south and south/ central Rupununi are praying for government’s intervention, for we all want a united Guyana and not any Amerindian state within a state which Tony James is forcing us to support and accept.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the afc/pnc have a new strategy, a state withing in state using armed revolution:

. . .   



turn panty-wearing cranicle newsboy now . . . secretions from de big sac backing up into what's left of he brain


heh heh heh heh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Get off this thread fool, this topic is beyond your intellect. You need only respond to topics about sexual deviancy. ahaahha

hmmmm . . . when did u unblock me?


har de har har har har harrrr!



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the afc/pnc have a new strategy, a state withing in state using armed revolution:

. . .   



turn panty-wearing cranicle newsboy now . . . secretions from de big sac backing up into what's left of he brain


heh heh heh heh

Redux....A Panty cant support eee Godey

So how many bolt of cloth yuh think it will take to wrap up and coverup his walla.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the afc/pnc have a new strategy, a state withing in state using armed revolution:

. . .   



turn panty-wearing cranicle newsboy now . . . secretions from de big sac backing up into what's left of he brain


heh heh heh heh

Redux....A Panty cant support eee Godey

So how many bolt of cloth yuh think it will take to wrap up and coverup his walla.

bai, i am reliably informed dat de man does get wan mek special from industrial grade canvas   


Who is Tony James? A paid agent of the afc/pnc whose directive is to set up an Amerindian state separate from Guyana. Maybe d2 can lead the charge and support this man's effort to emancipate the Amerindians from the evil PPP.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Who is Tony James? A paid agent of the afc/pnc whose directive is to set up an Amerindian state separate from Guyana. Maybe d2 can lead the charge and support this man's effort to emancipate the Amerindians from the evil PPP.

Dude, I know of this gentleman only through his writings. I share his pain, understand his angst,  but to this point, i cannot sympathize with his means to an end.


I have no love for the PPP and  sees no opening for even conciliatory dialogue with them concerning native rights. Their insensitivity begs for reaction of some sort. They beat one of our own mercilessly and instead of universal condemnation they were silent for days..


Nnot a damn voice of regret from any of the two Amerinds in office.They are totalized kneebenders to the PPP. He is uncompromisingly militant and actually means business. I have to find out more about him and his movement.


Last edited by Former Member

Those who plot against the state and violate the laws of Guyana must be severely punished. Especially those who plot to violently overthrow a democratically elected government.


No mercy should be shown towards those dangerous people.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cain, I have blocked you, Mitwah and Redux for vile language and personal attacks. I could care less about what you wrote since you are in ignore mode. 



Just for the record, I do not know these people. I am  vocal on Amerind rights and because of that,  much of that they say may also seem to have come from my mouth but with one glaring distinction:  I  am not for armed conflict, or for splitting Guyana up.


While they have legitimate grievances much of the corrective remedies the want is real and necessary, they are wrong to appeal to a separatist agenda. We can have our lands, govern it according to our tribal traditions and secure it from intrusions without appealing to partition strategies.


I will say that this was inevitable given the PPP and their greedy oppressive strategies. This fellow have lots of supporters. I only learnt of their existence through the letter posted above. 




Posted by on Jan 16, 2013 in Featured, News, Press Release

*BREAKING NEWS* 9 Declarations to those Who Will Not Listen -Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front [APLF) Communique

*BREAKING NEWS* 9 Declarations to those Who Will Not Listen -Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front (APLF) Communique



1.”This is spiritual dignity, this is Creator given sovereignty in action. This is one of the many stories of the great showdown that must continually take place among those that control the production and distribution of material consumer wealth, the fiat, petroleum backed, money system and those peoples that are required to protect Mother Earth. The true revolution is a revolution of the spirit; we are all spirits with Creator and we are all designed to have respect relationships with the universe and with each other. Our spirits and the earth are crying out for nourishment; to be a Lakota is to be an ally. I stand in solidarity with the nine (9) Amerindian Peoples who seek a new reality in Indigenous Guyana.” -Chase Iron Eyes

2.”There is a movement that will come to light in the next few months that will have an unprecedented effect on the map of indigenous history and the struggle for sovereignty on this hemisphere of the “Americas.” Like the mayan Zapatistas in southern Mexico fighting for self governance and against oblivion, to the Ashuar and Shuar in Ecuador fighting Chevron-Texaco for irreparable damages which have contaminated the soil and water system to the kayapo in the amazon stopping the damming of the Amazon river to IdleNoMore at our own door step, and all the mining and water control troubles across Indian country today.

The fact is, all these issues affect us directly. We are going to present the demands made by the Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front based out of Guyana. Perhaps many will feel reluctant to support such a cause, for many of us have no idea where Guyana is. This is where the wonders of journalism serve as a beacon of information. Also, the ends justifying the means will come into play. Across this continent and all over the world indigenous communities are facing different realities. For some, oppression and exploitation has been increasing to the point of creating organizations and sources of information to share tactics on dealing with their issues diplomatically, for others the reality is much more severe. Where do they turn to when all means are exhaustedand face excommunication? Armed struggle. If we pay attention to the patterns, movements here in North America will have the same fate. That is why we must inform ourselves and unify in solidarity so blood shed will no longer be the ends to these justifiable means. Violence perhaps is not the solution we seek, but as a last resort it can protect and save lives.” -Voton

Above are the comments of the LRI writers alone, provided for introduction; below are the actual Declarations of the 9 Indigenous Peoples of Guyana via APLF~


Etnias Indegenas en la Guayana Esequiba Zona en Reclamación




In Solidarity with the IdleNoMore movement of North America, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation of Central America, the Movimento Xingu Vivo of South America, and the Siwa Lima Front of the Pacific:

We the 9 Amerindian Peoples of Guyana, in Order to better serve our Creator, protect mother Earth, honor our ancestors, establish Justice, insure our domestic peace, provide for our common defence, promote our general welfare, preserve our cultural and biological identities, and secure the blessings of liberty that our ancestors once knew for ourselves and for our future generations yet unborn, do ordain and establish the Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front.



We REJECT the authority of the so-called Ministry of Amerindian Affairs of Guyana which is nothing more than a political appointee and cosmetic illusion for local and International Public Relations purposes – operating out of the Office of the President of Guyana (from whom all orders originate) that functions as a mascot of whichever non-indigenous Neo-Colonial government is in power at the time in Guyana. We DEMAND that an Authentic Minister of Amerindian Affairs (with an office in a politically neutral and safe entity such as the United Nations or Organization of American States premises) be elected SOLELY by a Democratic Majority vote of the Toshaos (Chiefs) of Guyana OURSELVES, totally neutral and independent of any political government of Guyana.



We REJECT the presence of non-Amerindian Police and Military personnel in Amerindian communities and DEMAND that within 9 months ALL non-Amerindian Police Forces present in Amerindian communities in Guyana be replaced by trained AMERINDIAN personnel.



ALL non-Amerindians who are not married to an Amerindian yet who reside in Amerindian communities have 9 months to leave our communities or be forcibly evicted, if you are not of provable Amerindian descent and you are married or cohabiting with another non-Amerindian YOU HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT TO LIVE IN OUR TERRITORY.

Persons of provable Amerindian descent or non-Amerindians who are married to our tribal members are allowed to reside in our territories – but can NEVER possess any house or land in their name, nor any position in any Tribal Government except that of voluntary adviser. Only natural born residents of full or part Amerindian descent may possess a home or parcel of land in our territories – that can only be transmitted to a fellow locally born Amerindian community member.



ALL mineral and natural resources found on, above, or below Amerindian lands and territories – including water – belong to the Amerindians who occupy or traditionally use those lands & territories IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL INDIGENOUS RIGHTS LAWS & CONVENTIONS, we REJECT the illegal and imagined authority of the Government of Guyana to grant permission to ANYONE to extract ANY mineral or natural resource from Amerindian occupied or traditionally used lands and territories. ONLY the Amerindian peoples have the authority to decide what to do with our mineral and natural resources; and if we decide to sell our mineral and natural resources WE will decide whom we shall do business with at fair market prices and in the most low-impact environmentally sustainable manner possible.



We DEMAND that the human sex trafficking of Amerindian children and women be made a crime punishable by life imprisonment by the Judiciary of Guyana, if the National Laws of Guyana are not altered to reflect this demand in 9 months we will expose the names of various public officials – from low to high ranking – and well-known private persons in Guyanese Society who are profiting from this illegal human trade and also those who are patronizing the many back street brothels all over Guyana where sex with Amerindian children is occurring. The names of the many prominent persons we can expose will cause the collapse of your so-called ‘Respectable Society’. Furthermore, the APLF will begin arresting and sentencing any person we capture that is engaged in this evil practice and crime against humanity.



We DEMAND that ALL remaining Amerindian Lands and Territories be officially demarcated within 9 months and be titled and recognized as irrevocable autonomous territories under the administration of the Tribal Councils of each, NO government of Guyana has any legal right under International Law to revoke the titled land of ANY Amerindian Tribal Nation or community ANYWHERE in Guyana; neither does any Government of Guyana have ANY right to interfere with the electoral process in Amerindian Communities in Guyana; your bankrolling of political pimps that belong to the ruling party in Amerindian Communities during Amerindian community elections – so that you will have obedient leaders who follow your orders – has come to an end. Amerindian Leaders are supposed to be politically neutral, any leader who puts the desires of a political party over the needs of his or her own people is guilty of Treason to his own race and will be severely dealt with by members of the Amerindian People’s Liberation Front.



We DEMAND that the Guyana Police and Defence Force cease with immediate effect – their illegal presence and patrols on Amerindian territories and in Amerindian communities UNLESS free prior and informed consent & permission has been granted to the Guyana Police and Defence Force by the Toshao and Village Councils concerned – to enter and transit their territories and communities.

Henceforth – If ANY Amerindian Man, woman or child is physically assaulted, raped or murdered by ANY person (uniformed of not) in Guyana in Amerindian communities or territories – a member of the Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front shall arrest that person and hand them over to the Amerindian People’s Court to face OUR own justice according to OUR laws and traditions.



IF Toshao (Chief) Mario Hastings, or ANY other current or former Amerindian Toshao in Guyana, or any of Amerindian People’s Liberation Front (APLF) members, supporters, spokespersons or representatives is arrested or harmed in any way by persons employed by the Coastlander Government of Guyana (uniformed or not) for ANY non-violent act whilst standing up for their Internationally recognized Human Rights and defending the rights of Amerindian Peoples and our autonomous territories (and this INCLUDES preventing mining in currently occupied and traditionally used Amerindian territories)….then WE – the Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front (APLF) – as sworn Defenders of ALL Amerindian Peoples of Guyana; will consider such an action to be AN ACT OF WAR and a DELIBERATE PROVOCATION by the Government of Guyana – and we shall respond accordingly.


“We seek a redress of long-standing imbalances and grievances and we want to create an honest and equitable dialogue between the oppressor and the oppressed, neither do we see armed struggle and guerrilla war as the ONLY way to achieve this solution – but if the Government of Guyana ignores our peaceful and legitimate INTERNATIONAL LAW SUPPORTED demands then it SHALL become our LAST resort! In war the decisive factor is not the military confrontation but the politics at stake in the confrontation. We will not go to war merely to kill or be killed, but we WILL go to war in order to achieve justice and stop our rights being denied and trampled underfoot by the non-indigenous majority who have become deaf to our long standing grievances and drunk with their own illegally exercised and imposed power. The future of our unborn Amerindian generations depends on US the generation of today – to take a final and decisive stand for OUR rights once and for all! The current unjust status quo that relegates us Amerindians to the level of being mere captive onlookers and beggars living with the surface rights of animals only – on gold and diamond rich occupied lands that the Creator saw fit to give to US – that uninvited foreigners have been stealing from under our feet with impunity for over 500 years HAS NOW COME TO AN END! We call on all who stand for Justice and Indigenous rights to support us in our struggle, the ‘frontier’ has been lost almost everywhere else in the world – help us to keep ours – one of the last on God’s green Earth – from the hands of destruction that are desecrating mother Earth! Ours is not the cause of ‘Capitalism’ or ‘Communism’ – we fight for INDIGENISM, a code of honor and harmony with all of creation that ALL of humanity once lived by – for ALL races of men have ancestral roots in an indigenous people somewhere….most have just forgotten this inner truth for technology gradually numbs the soul to unseen realities, do not write in praise of our actions this day after we have become a lifeless example of urbanized mans sad history of inhumanity to native peoples, help us now whilst we yet live – for we are all children of the one God above!


Commander Imenari (Eastern Front), Commander Kokoi (Southern Front),

Commander Timenneng (Western Front), Commander Piriki-ki (Northern Front)



NB – The Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front (APLF) has retained the services of International Human Rights Lawyer Mr. Ghazali Ohorella of the Indonesian Occupied Republic of Maluku in the South Pacific. Private persons wishing to offer anonymous humanitarian support to the APLF may make contact via e-mail : …the Government of the Republic of Guyana is also invited to open a civilized private dialogue with the APLF High Command via the e-mail address provided; if the political goodwill exists – together a peaceful and equitable solution CAN be found…however, any uncivilized (threatening/insulting etc.) communications from the Government of the Republic of Guyana WILL be publicized for the world to see; moreover – ANY hostile acts from the Government of Guyana via the Guyana Defence Force or the Guyana Police Force will result in the Amerindian Peoples Liberation Front officially launching a nationwide offensive on a scale unprecedented in the history of the English speaking Caribbean – and the APLF requesting of the Organisation of American States and the United Nations to intervene as neutral 3rd parties as a prerequisite for the start of ANY Peace talks in the armed conflict that will inevitably ensue from any such hostile actions by the Guyana Government.


To communicate, contact via email :


I don't like how the Guyanese map is split up here. The original map takes on the beautiful shape of a woman while the new one has the Amerindian part looking like a penis and the Guyanese part looking insignificant.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't like how the Guyanese map is split up here. The original map takes on the beautiful shape of a woman while the new one has the Amerindian part looking like a penis and the Guyanese part looking insignificant.

Sign of changing times!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't like how the Guyanese map is split up here. The original map takes on the beautiful shape of a woman while the new one has the Amerindian part looking like a penis and the Guyanese part looking insignificant.

Sign of changing times!

Yuh mean like how some government members are accused of being women with penises?

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the afc/pnc have a new strategy, a state withing in state using armed revolution:

. . .   



turn panty-wearing cranicle newsboy now . . . secretions from de big sac backing up into what's left of he brain


heh heh heh heh

Redux....A Panty cant support eee Godey

So how many bolt of cloth yuh think it will take to wrap up and coverup his walla.


Originally Posted by Danyael:

Just for the record, I do not know these people. I am  vocal on Amerind rights and because of that,  much of that they say may also seem to have come from my mouth but with one glaring distinction:  I  am not for armed conflict, or for splitting Guyana up.


While they have legitimate grievances much of the corrective remedies the want is real and necessary, they are wrong to appeal to a separatist agenda. We can have our lands, govern it according to our tribal traditions and secure it from intrusions without appealing to partition strategies.


I will say that this was inevitable given the PPP and their greedy oppressive strategies. This fellow have lots of supporters. I only learnt of their existence through the letter posted above. 


Why are you so cowardly, why don't you come outright and endorse the man's actions. He is looking for funds to purchase arms. Put your money where your mouth is, support what you preach. I suspect it has something to do with your true identity, a white man pretending to be Amerindian. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Just for the record, I do not know these people. I am  vocal on Amerind rights and because of that,  much of that they say may also seem to have come from my mouth but with one glaring distinction:  I  am not for armed conflict, or for splitting Guyana up.


While they have legitimate grievances much of the corrective remedies the want is real and necessary, they are wrong to appeal to a separatist agenda. We can have our lands, govern it according to our tribal traditions and secure it from intrusions without appealing to partition strategies.


I will say that this was inevitable given the PPP and their greedy oppressive strategies. This fellow have lots of supporters. I only learnt of their existence through the letter posted above. 


Why are you so cowardly, why don't you come outright and endorse the man's actions. He is looking for funds to purchase arms. Put your money where your mouth is, support what you preach. I suspect it has something to do with your true identity, a white man pretending to be Amerindian. 

 I agree with 99 percent of what he says since it is all open wounds in the community. I do not agree with him taking Chavez's map as his logo and his partition scheme. I also do not agree with his views on military mobilization.  It is what keeps the Palestinians as the foot stools of the Israelis and we have no less  a position since the PPP has made us their Palestinians. We simply cannot talk of militant action. It has not help any such insurgent actions but served to weaken the struggle for rights.


I am as white as you are black. Come to think of it you are black and indistinguishable from a brother at least is skin color if the key. i on the other hand cannot make it to the passing zone as a white. But you always know better.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't like how the Guyanese map is split up here. The original map takes on the beautiful shape of a woman while the new one has the Amerindian part looking like a penis and the Guyanese part looking insignificant.

Sign of changing times!

Yuh mean like how some government members are accused of being women with penises?

Bai, me stan easy, mouth open, story jump out.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I agree with 99 percent of what he says since it is all open wounds in the community. I do not agree with him taking Chavez's map as his logo and his partition scheme. I also do not agree with his views on military mobilization.  It is what keeps the Palestinians as the foot stools of the Israelis and we have no less  a position since the PPP has made us their Palestinians. We simply cannot talk of militant action. It has not help any such insurgent actions but served to weaken the struggle for rights.


I am as white as you are black. Come to think of it you are black and indistinguishable from a brother at least is skin color if the key. i on the other hand cannot make it to the passing zone as a white. But you always know better.

Military actions is much more than 1% of his mantra. Why would you not support military action against the PPP, an illegal govt, murders and blood suckers in your eyes? Cowardly indeed. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I agree with 99 percent of what he says since it is all open wounds in the community. I do not agree with him taking Chavez's map as his logo and his partition scheme. I also do not agree with his views on military mobilization.  It is what keeps the Palestinians as the foot stools of the Israelis and we have no less  a position since the PPP has made us their Palestinians. We simply cannot talk of militant action. It has not help any such insurgent actions but served to weaken the struggle for rights.


I am as white as you are black. Come to think of it you are black and indistinguishable from a brother at least is skin color if the key. i on the other hand cannot make it to the passing zone as a white. But you always know better.

Military actions is much more than 1% of his mantra. Why would you not support military action against the PPP, an illegal govt, murders and blood suckers in your eyes? Cowardly indeed. 

why shoot someone when you can whip them with a shout? The PPP are beating themselves on every front by being overtly crooked and demanding a dictatorship. One just has to sit back and watch them undo themselves.  I never suggested the PPP were illegal. They are in office on the back of a race driven political culture and are nakedly crooked. That alone is too much a burden for them to overcome.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

why shoot someone when you can whip them with a shout? The PPP are beating themselves on every front by being overtly crooked and demanding a dictatorship. One just has to sit back and watch them undo themselves.  I never suggested the PPP were illegal. They are in office on the back of a race driven political culture and are nakedly crooked. That alone is too much a burden for them to overcome.

So you end up with the same system but different thieves in charge. It will either be the PPP or the PNC ruling over the indigenous folks and they still will not have a voice for themselves nor power to decide how the hinterland resources are exploited. You are one confused individual, you claim to champion the cause of the Amerindians but yet you refuse to believe they are capable of autonomous rule.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

why shoot someone when you can whip them with a shout? The PPP are beating themselves on every front by being overtly crooked and demanding a dictatorship. One just has to sit back and watch them undo themselves.  I never suggested the PPP were illegal. They are in office on the back of a race driven political culture and are nakedly crooked. That alone is too much a burden for them to overcome.

So you end up with the same system but different thieves in charge. It will either be the PPP or the PNC ruling over the indigenous folks and they still will not have a voice for themselves nor power to decide how the hinterland resources are exploited. You are one confused individual, you claim to champion the cause of the Amerindians but yet you refuse to believe they are capable of autonomous rule.

 I would, under normal circumstances, call you a pessimist. Unfortunately these are unusual times and you and your confused mental states are what typifies that unusualness. It the present is bad then one can only lay one hopes on the potential for change predicated on those seeking change.


Let me reiterate. The PPP said it will never do what is not in their interest or what would potentially cause them to lose power. It means they are not for constitution reforms, not for transparency, not for accountability and all for that despotic corrupt state of affairs that is our present political culture.


The PNC and the AFC say they are for change and accountability and all of their opposition to the PPP presently is on the accountability front.


I do not know where you get into that calcified head that I do not believe Amerindian can prudently govern their affairs. The children of illiterate dalits are governing the state! What makes you different from us when we never were the footstool of any not have we ever endured the protracted totalizing cultural degradation and conditioning as unworthy for so long as you have?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

why shoot someone when you can whip them with a shout? The PPP are beating themselves on every front by being overtly crooked and demanding a dictatorship. One just has to sit back and watch them undo themselves.  I never suggested the PPP were illegal. They are in office on the back of a race driven political culture and are nakedly crooked. That alone is too much a burden for them to overcome.

So you end up with the same system but different thieves in charge. It will either be the PPP or the PNC ruling over the indigenous folks and they still will not have a voice for themselves nor power to decide how the hinterland resources are exploited. You are one confused individual, you claim to champion the cause of the Amerindians but yet you refuse to believe they are capable of autonomous rule.

 I would, under normal circumstances, call you a pessimist. Unfortunately these are unusual times and you and your confused mental states are what typifies that unusualness. It the present is bad then one can only lay one hopes on the potential for change predicated on those seeking change.


Let me reiterate. The PPP said it will never do what is not in their interest or what would potentially cause them to lose power. It means they are not for constitution reforms, not for transparency, not for accountability and all for that despotic corrupt state of affairs that is our present political culture.


The PNC and the AFC say they are for change and accountability and all of their opposition to the PPP presently is on the accountability front.


I do not know where you get into that calcified head that I do not believe Amerindian can prudently govern their affairs. The children of illiterate dalits are governing the state! What makes you different from us when we never were the footstool of any nor have we ever hat do endured the protracted, totalizing, cultural degradation, and conditioning as unworthy for so long as you have?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Get off this thread fool, this topic is beyond your intellect. You need only respond to topics about sexual deviancy. ahaahha

To suggest that you have any intellect is a joke.  I mean you do not even grasp basic arithmetic.  Druggie you do not know that 10% of 43% is 4.3%.


Guyana lies in the zone of interest of the United States.  Rest assure that the United States will never allow an armed terrorist group to occupy any part of Guyana particularly with the FARC so close by. Protest must be done peacefully.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana lies in the zone of interest of the United States.  Rest assure that the United States will never allow an armed terrorist group to occupy any part of Guyana particularly with the FARC so close by. Protest must be done peacefully.

Why would the be  a terrorist group vs a liberation group? From Peru to Chile to Columbia to Brazil to Bolivia to Venezuela ( Chavez won by identifying with indigenous rights) to Ecuador to Mexico have these armed resistance groups. Agents of the PPP worked and armed FARC. RK is did his guns for drugs deal with FARC.  If these guys are teling the truth they are already there.


The difference is this .  This is an English speaking former British colony which supported the British during its conflict in the Falklands. The only English speaking country in South America.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The difference is this .  This is an English speaking former British colony which supported the British during its conflict in the Falklands. The only English speaking country in South America.

All of that is crap. The US cares only if its interest is in jeopardy. It is more in Jeopardy with the PPP kowtowing to the Chinese from awarding them massive contracts and grants of lands to implanting Chinese routers and switches on the internet backbone in the west where they can siphon data as they please.


Note they Courted the Iranians when asked not to and if the Iranians were opportunistic as the Chinese they would be in there mining cutting the trees. The PPP to the US is a sore on the backside. They are old communist with an anti western grudge and yet to get over it. If Putin was to stick his hand out with a few coins they would be there lapping it up as well.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The difference is this .  This is an English speaking former British colony which supported the British during its conflict in the Falklands. The only English speaking country in South America.

You all really need t6o stop this "only English speaking country" nonsense.  A few weeks ago Bloomberg did a ONE WEEK special on Brazil.   Guyana is never mentioned at these levels unless the buy an advertorial. 


The business elites of South America are not only fluent in English, but most have Ivy League backgrounds at US universities, and many have received their primary level education at elite prep schools in New England.  The business elites of the USA are way more comfortable with them than they are with any one in Guyana.  Especially with our strong sympathies for Chavez and Castro, our past dalliances with Iran, and present footsie with China.


The USA will make a feeble comment about armed insurrection in Guyana as they will with Chad.  It is unlikely that this will be seen as terrorist inspired, or harmful to the USA's interests.  With Cuba being toothless left wing revolts no longer inspire concern.  Any Guyanese who accepts money from Venezuela is basically just signing the lands over.  I am not aware that Amerindians in Venezuela are treated any better than they are in Guyana so I suspect that there will not be such ties.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

why shoot someone when you can whip them with a shout? The PPP are beating themselves on every front by being overtly crooked and demanding a dictatorship. One just has to sit back and watch them undo themselves.  I never suggested the PPP were illegal. They are in office on the back of a race driven political culture and are nakedly crooked. That alone is too much a burden for them to overcome.

So you end up with the same system but different thieves in charge. It will either be the PPP or the PNC ruling over the indigenous folks and they still will not have a voice for themselves nor power to decide how the hinterland resources are exploited. You are one confused individual, you claim to champion the cause of the Amerindians but yet you refuse to believe they are capable of autonomous rule.

Druggie there is NO WAY that the majority African supported PNC will ever endorse a militant Amerindian group, which demands that all non Amerindians leave most of the interior.


Both the PPP and the PNC will be quite hostile to this movement if it goes any where.  And I doubt that it will by the way.  This looks like the Black Panthers demand for all black states in the early 70s.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie there is NO WAY that the majority African supported PNC will ever endorse a militant Amerindian group, which demands that all non Amerindians leave most of the interior.


Both the PPP and the PNC will be quite hostile to this movement if it goes any where.  And I doubt that it will by the way.  This looks like the Black Panthers demand for all black states in the early 70s.

You need to tell this to D2 as he seems confused about his stance. At one time he says the Amerindians should be in control but his actions, when faced with a man willing to go the entire 9 yards, is to infer that only Black and Indians know how to rule and take care of the resources.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie there is NO WAY that the majority African supported PNC will ever endorse a militant Amerindian group, which demands that all non Amerindians leave most of the interior.


Both the PPP and the PNC will be quite hostile to this movement if it goes any where.  And I doubt that it will by the way.  This looks like the Black Panthers demand for all black states in the early 70s.

You need to tell this to D2 as he seems confused about his stance. At one time he says the Amerindians should be in control but his actions, when faced with a man willing to go the entire 9 yards, is to infer that only Black and Indians know how to rule and take care of the resources.

you need to tell yourself you are confused since I did not speak to militarism. Further, those fellows do not make a distinction between the PPP and the PNC since they want non Amerinds off their lands and do not want any soldiers or officials from the government there without prior agreement.


You define your "nine yards". Mine is quite distinct from yours. Further, ravi dev proposed similar notions in consociational states and he was opposed for similar reasons by me.


Originally Posted by Danyael:

you need to tell yourself you are confused since I did not speak to militarism. Further, those fellows do not make a distinction between the PPP and the PNC since they want non Amerinds off their lands and do not want any soldiers or officials from the government there without prior agreement.


You define your "nine yards". Mine is quite distinct from yours. Further, ravi dev proposed similar notions in consociational states and he was opposed for similar reasons by me.


Your true colors are coming out, puck puck papaw.


Why would you not join a call to arms if you believe that the Amerindians are being robbed of their land. Your courage is only skin deep and in fact it exposes that you are a white pretending to be Amerindian.

I doubt that there are any on this forum that would disagree that Amerindians were the original inhabitants of Guyana and by this virtue should be granted ownership of what is their either by force or petition.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you need to tell yourself you are confused since I did not speak to militarism. Further, those fellows do not make a distinction between the PPP and the PNC since they want non Amerinds off their lands and do not want any soldiers or officials from the government there without prior agreement.


You define your "nine yards". Mine is quite distinct from yours. Further, ravi dev proposed similar notions in consociational states and he was opposed for similar reasons by me.


Your true colors are coming out, puck puck papaw.


Why would you not join a call to arms if you believe that the Amerindians are being robbed of their land. Your courage is only skin deep and in fact it exposes that you are a white pretending to be Amerindian.

I doubt that there are any on this forum that would disagree that Amerindians were the original inhabitants of Guyana and by this virtue should be granted ownership of what is their either by force or petition.

I do not support a bloody revolution. You are an ass if you don't think it's the people's right to bear arms to demand what's theirs when all other avenues have failed.


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