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An Al Qaeda terrorist whose father was Guyanese and who carried a Guyana passport has been killed.

Pakistan’s military has announced it has killed leading Al Qaeda militant Adnan Shukrijumah, who was wanted by the United States over a 2009 plot to attack the New York subway system.


Shukrijumah died in a raid in the north-western tribal areas close to the border with Afghanistan.

“In an intelligence-borne operation top Al Qaeda leader Adnan Shukrijumah was killed by Pakistan Army in an early morning raid in Shinwarsak, South Waziristan today,” the military said.


Shukrijumah, a Saudi, was the head of Al Qaeda’s foreign operations council and the most senior Al Qaeda member ever killed by the Pakistani military.

The US FBI offered a $5 million reward for the capture of the 39-year-old Saudi national, who was wanted for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and to commit murder in a foreign country, through a plot to launch bomb attacks on the New York subway five years ago as well as other attacks.


The military said his accomplice and local facilitator were also killed in the raid.


Pakistan military spokesman major general Asim Bajwa said in a tweet that five “terrorists” were also arrested during the raid.

The semi-autonomous tribal areas that border Afghanistan have for years been a hideout for different Islamist militant groups – from Al Qaeda and the homegrown Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan to foreign fighters such as Uzbeks and Uighurs.


Washington pressed Islamabad for years to wipe out the sanctuaries in the North Waziristan tribal area, which militants have used to launch attacks on NATO forces in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani military launched a major offensive in North Waziristan in June and said they have killed more than 1,100 militants so far, with 100 soldiers losing their lives in the operation.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
4 replies · 0 likes



How many times are we gonna post the same shit over and over again?


Are we not smart enough to know that repeating the same posts is just juvenile and immature?

how many threads have you started saying the PPP bad? Don't you think people tired of your repititive BS

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
4 replies · 0 likes



How many times are we gonna post the same shit over and over again?


Are we not smart enough to know that repeating the same posts is just juvenile and immature?

how many threads have you started saying the PPP bad? Don't you think people tired of your repititive BS

How many threads the PPP operatives start that glorify the dictatorship in Guyana, Don't you think people are tired of that BS?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Chief ah keep wake and do Duwah fuh the Terrorist.

They should have tied a few explosives on him and vaporize him. No one would have had to do anything for him(not even a burial). 


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