Albert Boodhoo former president of GAWU passed away last evening in Long Island Jewish hospital after heart surgery.....Albert was ailing for some time now and leaves to mourn his family and many friends....Albert was a stalwart in the fight for the recognition of GAWU and for free and fair elections in Guyana.....
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Very Sad.
GOOD Comrade
he same principle that is embraced for sugar must also be embraced for bauxite
Dear Editor,
I refer to the Guyana Agriculture and General Workersβ Union letter βThe sugar industry remains an intrinsic component of our economyβ in Kaieteur News (September 10, 2009).
It is unclear if Mr. Komal Chand, GAWUβs president, authorised the release of this letter. Or, our society is so poisoned that old comrades can no longer be honest.
This opportunity is taken to set the record straight. Mr. Aslim Singh, of GAWUβs Research Department and signatory to the letter accused me of having an βanti-sugar workers agenda, (that) is well known and is becoming more pronounced.β
Let me say during the 1980s to 1992 as a bauxite union leader I also walked with the leaders of the sugar unions on various issues, spoke at rallies on the sugar belt and shared platform with Albert Boodhoo, Komal Chand, Cheddi Jagan, Donald Ramotar, N.K. Gopaul and others.
For GAWU to now say that I am anti-sugar workers as its defence of charges I made against the government indicates that I clearly misread our collaboration which I thought was built on struggles for justice and fair play for all Guyanese and not one designed to get the PPP in power that would result in the rights of some Guyanese being trampled on.
A couple of things need to be further said. It was the bauxite workers who fought and received from the PNC administration TAX FREE pay for work performed on Saturdays and Sundays.
This benefit was given to the sugar workers, in as much as they did not struggle for it. It was a position I embraced in the spirit of brotherhood, solidarity and improving the working conditions for all workers.
When the PPP came to power this benefit was taken away from the bauxite workers and left only with the sugar workers. GAWU is aware of this but never once raised its voice in solidarity with the bauxite workers who protested against the violation.
My contention has always been the treatment of the bauxite industry vis a vis the sugar industry by the PPP administration. In the Hoyte Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) provisions were made for the privatization of both bauxite and sugar.
The PPP on coming to office embraced the privatization of bauxite but refused to put safety net in place to deal with the resulting social and economic consequences, while at the same time it ignored the recommendation of SAP to deal with sugar.
The government is on record saying that they will not accept the recommendation to close the Demerara Estates and more so privatizing of GuySuCo. In 1992 the record will show, in the bauxite industry, Linmine and Bermine produced 483,000 tonnes of bauxite and all was sold.
When the PPP took office bauxite never had a problem with marketing. It was the PPP who colluded with Minproc to reduce Linmineβs production by half.
The bauxite unions and the Guyana Trades Union Congress advised the government that such an act would hamper the industryβs reliability with its existing international market since it will be deemed an unreliable supplier.
With the imposed reduction of production the industry could not supply their exiting markets so buyers went elsewhere which caused the industry to lose its market shares and performance declined.
GAWU should go back and CHECK GuySuCo Annual Statement, come clean and say to the society the year and the amount of extra money GuySuCo injected to save the Sugar Trading Enterprise Pension Fund.
The extra money given to the pension fund had to be a political decision since GuySuCo is a state-owned entity. It is important that note be taken of GAWUβs argument that the current sugar modernization is viable and that allows the government to secure funding, but at the same time argue and that βthe socio-economic reality is that the sugar industry is still the nationβs lifeblood.
To cut if off, to engender its failure, is to endanger the very economy of Guyana at this time.β
The figures will show that in 2008 GuySuCo Annual Report recorded losses of $4.08 billion, the second highest in the last decade, following on 2003, which recorded a loss of $4.3 billion; and a projected loss of $9 billion from October 1. I acknowledge GAWUβs argument that closing the industry will create serious socio-economic consequences but the same argument must be applied by the government to the bauxite industry and communities.
The modernization of the sugar industry cost millions of US DOLLARS, with Skeldon costing US$110 million.
The largest sum of money that the state bauxite industry has requested for modernization was less than US$20 million and this government rather than work in collaboration with management to realise the set objectives, chose to put workers on the breadline, give away Linmine for US$1.00, which the new owners sold within three years for US $46 million.
These are serious issues and everyone ought to be concerned when a proud people, through no fault of theirs, have been made political football and reduced to beggars in as much as they have the technical skills to do better.
My argument has never been against modernization that will create jobs. It has always been that the same principle that is embraced for sugar must also be embraced for bauxite.
What we have not seen is the acquisition of funds to modernize a state bauxite industry, dominated by an African workforce that would have created and maintained jobs for the communities, and moreso protect a Pension Fund for those workers who have spent their lives in that industry.
Similar discriminatory treatment has been executed on other institutions and communities in the African economy by this government.
There has been no recognition, respect or concerns for the socio-economic consequences for this section of society, in as much as there CONTINUES to be public outcries and proposals made to the government to create jobs, engage in retraining and protect pension plan.
This deliberate and CONTINUOUS policy to destroy the African economy has caused me to say the government is engaged in economic genocide.
My concerns find support in the UN Convention which defines Genocide as βacts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.β
According to this Convention and given the preponderance of evidence the government would be guilty of, βdeliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life CALCULATED to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in partβ
The trade union strength lies in its solidarity (unity) around principles outlined by the International Trade Union Community, the International Labour Organisation Conventions and shared belief in the brotherhood as we pursue the creation of a just society.
It is most unfortunate GAWU has chosen to attack the current struggle for the honouring trade union and human rights principles which was the thrust of my letter to Rickey Singh.
Lincoln Lewis
May his soul rest in peace.
In memory to Albert -
Albert was an excellent left hand spin bowler. Churchy, thanks for sharing this sad news.
My condolences and sympathies to his family.
Very Sad indeed.
Albert was a Giant.
Stood up for the Sugar Workers.
Jagdeo threatened to De-Unionize the Sugar Industry.
Rest In Peace.
Dem Cockroach like Rama & Raj Singh
telling we
Skeldon & GPL is a success
Much sympathy to his family. He must have been a sad man to see how the PPP destroyed sugar.
My sympathy go out to the Boodhoo family on the passing of Comrade Albert. Comrade Albert played an important part the struggles of GAWU sugar workers and workers of Guyana for better working conditions.
I have very fond memories of Albert Boodhoo whom I first met 41 years ago. He was a soft-spoken and humble person, but when he spoke at a public meeting he gave off a bit of thunder.
My condolence to his family, including two of his brothers with whom I was privileged to be acquainted.
My deepest condolences to the Boodhoo family
on the passing of Albert.
Condolences to the Boodhoo family though I knew them not.
Condolences to the family
An extract from his brother's FB page.
Two years ago at around this time in 2013, we lost my sister Mavis and my brother- in- law Harry Ramjeet. My brother Reuben Boodhoo also passed on in the same month. They were the charms of our lives and will always be remembered.
Today again as I leave once more for New York, I am deeply saddened to report that my brother Albert Boodhoo alias Thicker Persaud Khalideen passed away at the age of 72. Albert was the Peoples Political Champion. At a young age he devoted his life to the cause of the progress of the people of Guyana. He subsequently rose to the Leadership of the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) and represented the sugar workers steadfastly with his heart and head at all times. The fruits of action were never his objective as he led the workforce never expecting any rewards for his representation. He was a true leader and was loved and respected by the working class.
Albert left school at an early age hardly reached the fifth standard. He was an avid reader always reading about the political struggles of the working class people all over the world. His conversations on Super-Surplus and Super-Profits will leave his audience spellbound and resolute to action. His several visits to Leningrad and Moscow in Russia and other Eastern Bloc countries enabled him to network with leaders around the World. On many occasions he accompanied his Excellency Cheddi Jagan on International Conferences of working class people in the Eastern Bloc countries
I believed Albertβs life in the late 1960, signalled a turning point. His voice, his protests and his ideas embarrassed the Governing Party. And they wanted to muzzle him- to shut him up. To make an example of him to deter the rise of other young Protestants. The Government falsely accused Albert, Balchand Persaud and Arnold Rampersaud for the Shooting death of a young man named Clifford of Number 2 Village Canje, The authorities falsely framed evidence and the entire country watched at this ugly spectacle unfolded, it was the first major action to corrupt the Judiciary. and the premises of Law, Justice and Fairplay in Guyana. Burnham then president of Guyana had instructed Crime Chief Paul Britton to drum up false evidence on Albert and several others for the shooting Death of a quiet citizen CLIFFORD. Of Number 2 Village. All Guyanese knew at the time that all the accused persons particularly Albert was innocent but no one dared to protest crime chief Paul Britton and Burnham actions.
When Albert and the others appeared first before Magistrate Jairam at the New Amsterdam Court on charges of Conspiracy to Commit Murder, all the accused were put on self-bail. Burnham quickly parachuted senior magistrate Harper from Georgetown, superseded Jairam to preside over the New Amsterdam Magistrate Court, recharged all the accused with murder and brought them again to Trial. This time they were all jailed and remained so for many months.
It was a shame on the legal luminaries in Guyana who saw the injustices, the mockery on the Judiciary and the Rule of Law. No one dared to oppose Burnham. In Parliament the Government side in chorus shouted βWe will pop their necksβ while the opposition under Cheddi Jagan shouted backβ Shame, Shame on You. How could the Government commit such tragic actions on innocent people and all of Guyana particularly the Caribbean best jurists turned a blind eye. It was the event that started the demise and corruption of the Judiciary and we should all be ashamed for not protesting this cruel and gruesome injustice on Albert and the other accused.
At the trial Defence Counsel Doodnauth Singh made a mockery of the state witnesses and star crown prosecutor Pompey left in shame. Our dear friend Moses Nagamotoo recorded the testimonies for Doodnaght Singh. It was a dramatic, sad and annoying situation as the false plot to condemn innocent men was revealed. Paul Britton, Crime Chief started the process to move to Canada. At the High Court in Berbice with Justice Akbar Khan presiding it was a mockery of a trial
Before the crown case was submitted to the Jury, Justice Akbar Khan turned to Prosecutor Subryan and enquired the purpose for holding Albert Boodhoo as the crown had established no case against him. He was released to the Joy of all the comrades, Janet and Cheddi Jagan, Vincent Teekah, Boysee Ramkarran, Ranji Chandisingh and others. Albert came out more adamant in his pursuit of the betterment of the lives of the Working People. In 1978 he replaced my father-in law as Leader of the Largest Trade union in the Caribbean βGAWU-
His purpose was always to serve the people, to find a political solution for every issue and to find an economic solution for every downtrodden person with dreams of a better life.
He will be surely missed by all freedom loving persons.
Albert (Pooga) loved this song. I remember playing it on Guitar for him.
The journey of life
Which kind of journey is this?
No one could understand, No one could comprehend
Which kind of track is this?
Every body walks on it but
No one could understand, No one could comprehend
We gave a lot of love to life
But we'll also love death with the same loyalty
We came to this world crying
But We will leave this world with a smile
But where will we go? Does any body know?
No one could understand, No one could comprehend
There are some lifes which we didn't live
We died before we can live those lifes
There are some flowers which didn't bloom
Autumn came before those could blossom
My eyes are worried (I'm in state of distressed), All carers/supporters exhausted
No one could understand, No one could comprehend
The journey of life
Which kind of journey is this?
No one could understand, No one could comprehend
May his soul rest in PEACE. My condolences to his Family.
Another GREAT was is gone.
An extract from his brother's FB page.
Two years ago at around this time in 2013, we lost my sister Mavis and my brother- in- law Harry Ramjeet. My brother Reuben Boodhoo also passed on in the same month. They were the charms of our lives and will always be remembered.
Today again as I leave once more for New York, I am deeply saddened to report that my brother Albert Boodhoo alias Thicker Persaud Khalideen passed away at the age of 72. Albert was the Peoples Political Champion. At a young age he devoted his life to the cause of the progress of the people of Guyana. He subsequently rose to the Leadership of the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) and represented the sugar workers steadfastly with his heart and head at all times. The fruits of action were never his objective as he led the workforce never expecting any rewards for his representation. He was a true leader and was loved and respected by the working class.
Albert left school at an early age hardly reached the fifth standard. He was an avid reader always reading about the political struggles of the working class people all over the world. His conversations on Super-Surplus and Super-Profits will leave his audience spellbound and resolute to action. His several visits to Leningrad and Moscow in Russia and other Eastern Bloc countries enabled him to network with leaders around the World. On many occasions he accompanied his Excellency Cheddi Jagan on International Conferences of working class people in the Eastern Bloc countries
I believed Albertβs life in the late 1960, signalled a turning point. His voice, his protests and his ideas embarrassed the Governing Party. And they wanted to muzzle him- to shut him up. To make an example of him to deter the rise of other young Protestants. The Government falsely accused Albert, Balchand Persaud and Arnold Rampersaud for the Shooting death of a young man named Clifford of Number 2 Village Canje, The authorities falsely framed evidence and the entire country watched at this ugly spectacle unfolded, it was the first major action to corrupt the Judiciary. and the premises of Law, Justice and Fairplay in Guyana. Burnham then president of Guyana had instructed Crime Chief Paul Britton to drum up false evidence on Albert and several others for the shooting Death of a quiet citizen CLIFFORD. Of Number 2 Village. All Guyanese knew at the time that all the accused persons particularly Albert was innocent but no one dared to protest crime chief Paul Britton and Burnham actions.
When Albert and the others appeared first before Magistrate Jairam at the New Amsterdam Court on charges of Conspiracy to Commit Murder, all the accused were put on self-bail. Burnham quickly parachuted senior magistrate Harper from Georgetown, superseded Jairam to preside over the New Amsterdam Magistrate Court, recharged all the accused with murder and brought them again to Trial. This time they were all jailed and remained so for many months.
It was a shame on the legal luminaries in Guyana who saw the injustices, the mockery on the Judiciary and the Rule of Law. No one dared to oppose Burnham. In Parliament the Government side in chorus shouted βWe will pop their necksβ while the opposition under Cheddi Jagan shouted backβ Shame, Shame on You. How could the Government commit such tragic actions on innocent people and all of Guyana particularly the Caribbean best jurists turned a blind eye. It was the event that started the demise and corruption of the Judiciary and we should all be ashamed for not protesting this cruel and gruesome injustice on Albert and the other accused.
At the trial Defence Counsel Doodnauth Singh made a mockery of the state witnesses and star crown prosecutor Pompey left in shame. Our dear friend Moses Nagamotoo recorded the testimonies for Doodnaght Singh. It was a dramatic, sad and annoying situation as the false plot to condemn innocent men was revealed. Paul Britton, Crime Chief started the process to move to Canada. At the High Court in Berbice with Justice Akbar Khan presiding it was a mockery of a trial
Before the crown case was submitted to the Jury, Justice Akbar Khan turned to Prosecutor Subryan and enquired the purpose for holding Albert Boodhoo as the crown had established no case against him. He was released to the Joy of all the comrades, Janet and Cheddi Jagan, Vincent Teekah, Boysee Ramkarran, Ranji Chandisingh and others. Albert came out more adamant in his pursuit of the betterment of the lives of the Working People. In 1978 he replaced my father-in law as Leader of the Largest Trade union in the Caribbean βGAWU-
His purpose was always to serve the people, to find a political solution for every issue and to find an economic solution for every downtrodden person with dreams of a better life.
He will be surely missed by all freedom loving persons.
And some joined the PNC while others are salivating for such glorious days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May his soul rest in PEACE. My condolences to his Family.
Another GREAT One is gone.
I am not able to come to his funeral at this time.
Can brother Churchy post the details of the wake?
Condolences to his family. RIP brother.
Albert Boodhoo was a friend.
I met him whilst, I was arranging the opening of the Cheddie Jagan Medical Center on Liberty Ave.
It continued as I arranged for the ACG group to meet at the back of the Center.
He will be fondly remembered
Albert's wake is at Bernard Dowd Funeral Home
16520 Hillside Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11432
(718) 739-8117
Tomorrow - Sunday 2-22 from 6 PM
Cremation the following morning
More detail to follow
And some joined the PNC while others are salivating for such glorious days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The question yopu need to ask is why the decent "some" leave the PPP.
And some joined the PNC while others are salivating for such glorious days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The question yopu need to ask is why the decent "some" leave the PPP.
I guess if there are no enemies to fight, then any dwarf can be deemed a giant.
But when Jagdeo was empowered by the Jagans, all those foolish warriors had their baltz retracted in their baltz sacks.
Now, they write about glory days-such beaten men.
Have the looked lately? To see what the Jagan proteges have done to all their great works?
Te dead is gone, but the living must ordeal the tragedies they left behind.
And some joined the PNC while others are salivating for such glorious days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The question yopu need to ask is why the decent "some" leave the PPP.
I guess if there are no enemies to fight, then any dwarf can be deemed a giant.
But when Jagdeo was empowered by the Jagans, all those foolish warriors had their baltz retracted in their baltz sacks.
Now, they write about glory days-such beaten men.
Have the looked lately? To see what the Jagan proteges have done to all their great works?
Te dead is gone, but the living must ordeal the tragedies they left behind.
Albert believed the root cause for the suffering of Indians in Guyana was Janet Jaganβs Communism. Indians started to move their assets and wealth off shore; the CIA did not want another Cuba. Albert was a constant PNC target; he had a falling out with the PPP and was smart not to follow Jagan in 1992 and left for NYC never to go back to Guyana. He saw the evils of the Jaganβs Communism/Socialism and chose to die in the USA.
May his soul rest in peace.
Albert believed the root cause for the suffering of Indians in Guyana was Janet Jaganβs Communism. Indians started to move their assets and wealth off shore; the CIA did not want another Cuba. Albert was a constant PNC target; he had a falling out with the PPP and was smart not to follow Jagan in 1992 and left for NYC never to go back to Guyana. He saw the evils of the Jaganβs Communism/Socialism and chose to die in the USA.
May his soul rest in peace.
Thanks for sharing that Mr Budhu who fought for the sugar workers recognized that the Jagans were parasites and no good.
This is about the demise of a good person!
You are so bent on your agenda that you have little respect for you!
Shame on you!
You just JUMPED in but I could not recall seeing you are the wake tonite
This is about the demise of a good person!
You are so bent on your agenda that you have little respect for you!
Shame on you!
You just JUMPED in but I could not recall seeing you are the wake tonite
Your name was mentioned as candidate for city council member for District 28.
My apologies Jalil .
What must I do the next time I am around Vishnu?
Should I remind him that Ma and Pa was not really Ma and Pa? Or let him speak directly to Joey Jagan?
My apologies Jalil .
I did not either.....Bhai we mess up.
We must continue that Discussion about choosing a Candidate for District 28.
My apologies Jalil .
What must I do the next time I am around Vishnu?
Should I remind him that Ma and Pa was not really Ma and Pa? Or let him speak directly to Joey Jagan?
Or should we educate Vish that Ma and Pa leave everything for Jags and Kwame?
My apologies Jalil .
What must I do the next time I am around Vishnu?
Should I remind him that Ma and Pa was not really Ma and Pa? Or let him speak directly to Joey Jagan?
Or should we educate Vish that Ma and Pa leave everything for Jags and Kwame?
Bhai why yuh do not co-operate with the Engineer.
That program you mention is a very good Idea to take Richmond Hill out of the Gutter.
Engineer still believe PPP is the best thing to happen since slice bread.
Chief one of them pandit who been talking to tonite....
Said Ed did not cut De Poney tail.
And Everyone was laughing when
Pandit say...."Na man it was his Churkee"
I did not understand what De Pandit was Saying...
So I Checked on the Internet....
Bhai this is all I find... Cached
Tell Pandit he tek his eyes and pass my brother Vishnu.
Tell Pandit he tek his eyes and pass my brother Vishnu.
Why y did not tell Pandit.....I think his eyes pass Ed.
Engineer still believe PPP is the best thing to happen since slice bread.
Chief forget about de Engineer.
This is about My Brother Albert,
He cuss them up and he walk away...
Albert was an excellent left hand spin bowler. Churchy, thanks for sharing this sad news.
My condolences and sympathies to his family.
Mits I have seen him bowled Hunt for a duck ( not donald )....
Did you play cricket with Hunt at VHS ?.....