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Albouystown youth grateful for employment

-laud Public Works Ministry’s initiative

With Christmas fast approaching, the youth of Albouystown are thankful for the opportunity to earn while clearing the community’s clogged drains and alleyways.

The contractual work comes after the Minister of Public Works, Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill visited the community two weeks ago and decided to grant jobs to the youth to make Albouystown more habitable.

“Right now, we just glad for the Lil works what coming through for the holidays, so that everybody could get a Lil bread [money]… The cleaning up is nice,” said Mr. Teairre Cush, one of the workmen hired from the community.

The young man said his team of workers hope to restore the image of Albouystown through their service.

“Albouystown is not a bad place like everybody is talking, man. It got good people inside,” he said, as he lauded the dedication of his colleagues.

For Mr. Ronald Amsterdam, the work is an alternative for residents who may not have the aptitude for white-collar jobs.

“We born and grow here,” he said, “so, the most we could do is take the Lil opportunity ’cause remember not most of us might probably get the education to go into the office and them thing and get work.”

For 21-year-old, Mr. James Walcott, the job has come at an opportune time.

“I feel great and thankful for the Lord [and] the person in charge of the business. He gave me the opportunity that I can get a Christmas dollar ’cause my birthday is around the corner.”

Mr. Walcott, who braved the morning sun on Tuesday, was enthused to be part of the crew that started working Saturday. “It is a stiff work that you just got to put your mind to.”

Residents in the area were quick to sound their support for the initiative.

“It is a good thing the Government doing, cleaning up the ghetto and them thing [to] keep Albouystown clean,” said Mr. Kenneth Tappin, a water vendor in the community.

“The drain deh like this bout over five years, six years just like this and nobody ain’t doing anything… I live in a downstairs. I got to pray to God sometimes when the place floods that water doesn’t get into my house to spoil my things,” he said.

Another resident, Mr. Ricardo Khan, added, “this is a good job them man doing… desilting work is the best work for this community.”

Contractor, Mr. James Walcott, who is also a resident, considers himself privileged to serve his community. The contractor said his crew refers to themselves as the ‘A-team’ because of their swiftness and steadfastness.

“The payment is good because you see everybody smile and working with joy… As long as they comfortable with payment, the work gonna go on,” Mr. Walcott underscored.

Two weeks ago, Minister Edghill said his Ministry would seek to enhance Albouystown, even though it falls within the purview of the Mayor and City Council.

“We can’t sit by and allow the people and the residents of Albouystown to suffer. The Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali administration has pledged to the people of Guyana that development will come to all the people and Albouystown is a part of the city and we will take care of the residents of Albouystown in ensuring that we get this drainage and irrigation done.”

The Ministry’s Urban Roads and Drainage Program is financing the project.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a true Guyanese story. These are people from the community who shows their appreciation for the work they are engaged in. Read every line and see for yourself. I don't argue with work or success. I celebrate it.


The Bishop is doing a good job.  The town falls under the management of the City Council. It looks like all the PNC wants is to get elected and sit on their asses and get paid. The Albouystown people want the PPP to clean up their own mess. The PNC didn't do it. 

Thank God the PPP won.  Thank god we have a President who cares for the people regardless of race or creed.


Well Said!

“We born and grow here,” he said, “so, the most we could do is take the Lil opportunity ’cause remember not most of us might probably get the education to go into the office and them thing and get work.”

@Ramakant-P posted:

The Bishop is doing a good job.  The town falls under the management of the City Council. It looks like all the PNC wants is to get elected and sit on their asses and get paid. The Albouystown people want the PPP to clean up their own mess. The PNC didn't do it.

Thank God the PPP won.  Thank god we have a President who cares for the people regardless of race or creed.

What is the Bishop's cut ?

@Tola posted:

What is the Bishop's cut ?

He is a fake bishop.  Do you know that he was part of the fake Rabbi Washington's House of Israel?  The PPP is fake: fake bishop, fake husband Jagdeo, fake scholar Ali etc. 

@Mitwah posted:

This is a band aid remedy. Am Ok with it. Will it curb the crimes?

Lil small change for the locals is not your cup of tea, Mitwah. Police will never be able to weed out crimes, but when you weed the bushes and clean the place, it helps to deter crimes. From my own experience when I was living in Jamaica, Queens, my own neighborhood was crime-infested until the area was fully developed. I know Albouystown. I experienced endless pick-pockets activities. Now, it's heavy-duty crimes. I am sure the same may happen there. Rome wasn't built in a day. Let's give them some credit and be happy for the Lil small change.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's a stupid question.  You should take a hike.  Go and bury your head in the sand at the Kingston seawall. You are insulting to the Minister.   

Rama Kant Pee, how can PPP ministers afford to build mansions on a minister's salary ? 

Also, why do most leave Guyana to their overseas assets, when the PPP loses an election ?

@kp posted:

You wish you were an Indian, dumb ass.

Who said he is not? Even if he is not, why would anyone wish to be someone else regardless of their position? Or are you like Shelly, just because someone goes against IT, they must be black?

Last edited by cain
@kp posted:

You wish you were an Indian, dumb ass.

By what he wrote here and from what Stormy said about him, Siggy was a diehard PPP man who even sold PPP newspapers as a young man. He was a solid Jaganite.

And if yuh notice, he don't like black man at all at all. That is characteristic of them ole time PPP diehards.

YOU on the other hand, were nothing but a Key Prostitute wid de PNC. You seh you managed to get into a group created by Burnham for blacks only. So you must have been a sellout PNC Indian.

Then you spent the rest of your "career" knocking about GT wid a couple of teefing PNC men eating and drinking fuh free (also your words). And you have the gall to tell Siggy he's not an Indian. LOL.

@cain posted:

Who said he is not? Even if he is not, why would anyone wish to be someone else regardless of their position? Or are you like Shelly, just because someone goes against IT, they must be black?

Stay in yuh LANE.

@Former Member posted:

By what he wrote here and from what Stormy said about him, Siggy was a diehard PPP man who even sold PPP newspapers as a young man. He was a solid Jaganite.

And if yuh notice, he don't like black man at all at all. That is characteristic of them ole time PPP diehards.

YOU on the other hand, were nothing but a Key Prostitute wid de PNC. You seh you managed to get into a group created by Burnham for blacks only. So you must have been a sellout PNC Indian.

Then you spent the rest of your "career" knocking about GT wid a couple of teefing PNC men eating and drinking fuh free (also your words). And you have the gall to tell Siggy he's not an Indian. LOL.

Lil boy, I lived a life in Guyana, you and your family combined can never live. I grew up in the senior staff compound of a sugar estate, I worked in the sugar estate with staff house, maid and gardener. I attended UG, Critchlow Labour College and IIG[ Insurance Institute of Guyana] and yes I worked for a short spell at the City Engineer's Dept.

I came to Canada many years ago and built a successful company then sold it at its peak, I guess you still work for someone for a living, sad.

As a young man I was the president for the PYO group in my village, I started a free evening class for the less fortunate kids in the village. Also established an organization in Canada over 25 years ago that we still support communities in Guyana.

So I don't know how to relate to your gutter behaviour, I was not dragged up. I personally know people in the present administration in Guyana, some when they come to Canada would visit my home.

So Lil boy keep playing in the sand pit.

@kp posted:

Lil boy, I lived a life in Guyana, you and your family combined can never live. I grew up in the senior staff compound of a sugar estate, I worked in the sugar estate with staff house, maid and gardener. I attended UG, Critchlow Labour College and IIG[ Insurance Institute of Guyana] and yes I worked for a short spell at the City Engineer's Dept.

I came to Canada many years ago and built a successful company then sold it at its peak, I guess you still work for someone for a living, sad.

As a young man I was the president for the PYO group in my village, I started a free evening class for the less fortunate kids in the village. Also established an organization in Canada over 25 years ago that we still support communities in Guyana.

So I don't know how to relate to your gutter behaviour, I was not dragged up. I personally know people in the present administration in Guyana, some when they come to Canada would visit my home.

So Lil boy keep playing in the sand pit.

You are a liar. You were a Burnhamite Goon. Your own words. You boasted how you use to gran your own Indian peeps for fried rice. You even encouraged Burnham to ban daal and aloo.

@Mitwah posted:

You even encouraged Burnham to ban daal and aloo.

No, no, no. Dat was not KP. Dat was Ganga Mary Nehru. He wanted Forbes to ban daal and aloo suh he kyan collect mo bribe from Indians. KP likes his daal. Especially when it free. lmao.

It's funny how these Burnhamite Indians like KP, Nehru and we old fren Baseman are among the most racist Indians. It's like they feel they now have to justify their past misdeeds. KP roll wid de teefmen. Ganga Mary enrich heself by tekking bribe from he mattie fuh lil daal.

And according to Bibi, Baseman was raised at the teat of Forbes, well provided for. Now he's the biggest militant Indian warrior cussing black man. Dese fking people have no morals!

@kp posted:

Lil boy, I lived a life in Guyana, you and your family combined can never live. I grew up in the senior staff compound of a sugar estate, I worked in the sugar estate with staff house, maid and gardener. I attended UG, Critchlow Labour College and IIG[ Insurance Institute of Guyana] and yes I worked for a short spell at the City Engineer's Dept.

I came to Canada many years ago and built a successful company then sold it at its peak, I guess you still work for someone for a living, sad.

As a young man I was the president for the PYO group in my village, I started a free evening class for the less fortunate kids in the village. Also established an organization in Canada over 25 years ago that we still support communities in Guyana.

So I don't know how to relate to your gutter behaviour, I was not dragged up. I personally know people in the present administration in Guyana, some when they come to Canada would visit my home.

So Lil boy keep playing in the sand pit.

My gutter behavior???? MY gutter behavior? Almost all of your posts are colored with details about gay sex, cussing and "shit" talk. Wanna talk about gutter behavior??????

Which leads me to believe much of what you wrote above is fantasy. You are too low class and lazy. I believe you support communities in Guyana and helped the kdis. I take your word for it. Kudos to you.

But the rest of it doesn't jive with your conduct here. It's the words of a typical "neva see come fa see" Indian whose taste of North America gave him "delusions" of grandeur. Your conduct here and in associating with known teefmen in GT speaks to one who was indeed dragged up.

FYI...I've been self employed since I was in my 20's. It's why I'm not here for hours on end AND on 2 forums. People who get paid a freck and count inventory in the warehouse under the guise of "accounting" can do those things. lol.

@Mitwah posted:

You are a liar. You were a Burnhamite Goon. Your own words. You boasted how you use to gran your own Indian peeps for fried rice. You even encouraged Burnham to ban daal and aloo.

Aren't you the one who is lying?  When Burnham banned those items he was not even ten years old.

@Mitwah posted:

You are a liar. You were a Burnhamite Goon. Your own words. You boasted how you use to gran your own Indian peeps for fried rice. You even encouraged Burnham to ban daal and aloo.

Boy go and look after your house before another man tek over.

You were the coolie boy that was feeding Burnham pigs.

@Former Member posted:

My gutter behavior???? MY gutter behavior? Almost all of your posts are colored with details about gay sex, cussing and "shit" talk. Wanna talk about gutter behavior??????

Which leads me to believe much of what you wrote above is fantasy. You are too low class and lazy. I believe you support communities in Guyana and helped the kdis. I take your word for it. Kudos to you.

But the rest of it doesn't jive with your conduct here. It's the words of a typical "neva see come fa see" Indian whose taste of North America gave him "delusions" of grandeur. Your conduct here and in associating with known teefmen in GT speaks to one who was indeed dragged up.

FYI...I've been self employed since I was in my 20's. It's why I'm not here for hours on end AND on 2 forums. People who get paid a freck and count inventory in the warehouse under the guise of "accounting" can do those things. lol.

Pick pocketing is self employed. 

I have been  retired from earning a living for many years, I live off my investment.  Maybe I pay my financial advisors more than what you make. Enough about me. You and Shitwah can play with each other,  he still wants to know who I am, keep on guessing.

@Viper posted:

Well Said!

“We born and grow here,” he said, “so, the most we could do is take the Lil opportunity ’cause remember not most of us might probably get the education to go into the office and them thing and get work.”

Yeh! They born and grow there and created the mess in the first place! Now they're getting paid to clean up what they caused! Let the government put their asses on land that needs cleaning up and planted so they can feed themselves and take care of the land for the future! BS!

@Former Member posted:

Yeh! They born and grow there and created the mess in the first place! Now they're getting paid to clean up what they caused! Let the government put their asses on land that needs cleaning up and planted so they can feed themselves and take care of the land for the future! BS!

Just like the PPP did to their voters in certain parts of Guyana. They did not offer them a clean up job, so they continue to live in their shithole with big snakes. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why don't you tell us what you do for a living?

Unlike you I created Residual Income that will be there for Generations to come.

You spent your most productive years with Nortel and what do you have to show? Now that you are approaching 80, assess what have you gained and what have you lost.

Many like you were in the PPP before. Where are they today?

It's not too late for you.

@Mitwah posted:

Unlike you I created Residual Income that will be there for Generations to come.

You spent your most productive years with Nortel and what do you have to show? Now that you are approaching 80, assess what have you gained and what have you lost.

Many like you were in the PPP before. Where are they today?

It's not too late for you.

You mean Rama calling it quits and going to never, never land ? 

@kp posted:

Pick pocketing is self employed.

And there you have it! To the "neva see come fa see" buffoon, any black man who is self employed must be in criminal activity. This is common amongst Indians and why the struggle of black people in Guyana must continue! This is how we are seen by Indians.

@Bigan Choka posted:

Good initiative by Edghill. It cleans up the place and at the same time puts a lil pocket piece in their hands. I hope he can expand on this and maybe do other towns.

They ought to have been fined! Continually!

@Mitwah posted:

Unlike you I created Residual Income that will be there for Generations to come.

You spent your most productive years with Nortel and what do you have to show? Now that you are approaching 80, assess what have you gained and what have you lost.

Many like you were in the PPP before. Where are they today?

It's not too late for you.

I asked you what you do for a living and you attacked me. I never tried to compare myself to you.

I worked hard and put my wife through College and my children through Universities.  Can you beta that.

I live off my interests from my investments and savings.  Don't talk to me about residual income because you are not getting any now. 

There si no reason for you to be pi$$ed off.  You were not specific enough about how you earn your living. 


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