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Alliance for Change (AFC) Release on the situation in Linden:

The use of force, and moreso of deadly force, against the residents of Linden has to be condemned. The AFC extends sympathy to the relatives who have been martyred for their just cause. This situation has been crying out for attention for several months now, and should never have been allowed to escalate to the point where the residents of Linden had to use extreme measures to gain the Government's attention.

These killings have taken us to a tipping point of serious and widespread social and civil unrest. Therefore, the AFC calls on the Government to immediately instruct the security forces not to use any force whatsoever, or to do anything to inflame an already volatile situation, and for there to be an urgent meeting of the relevant stakeholders by noon tomorrow to find a safe, acceptable and peaceful solution to this crisis. Such a solution, it appears, is unlikely to be realised without the direct support and involvement of international agencies.

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Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Alliance for Change (AFC) Release on the situation in Linden:

The use of force, and moreso of deadly force, against the residents of Linden has to be condemned. The AFC extends sympathy to the relatives who have been martyred for their just cause. This situation has been crying out for attention for several months now, and should never have been allowed to escalate to the point where the residents of Linden had to use extreme measures to gain the Government's attention.

These killings have taken us to a tipping point of serious and widespread social and civil unrest. Therefore, the AFC calls on the Government to immediately instruct the security forces not to use any force whatsoever, or to do anything to inflame an already volatile situation, and for there to be an urgent meeting of the relevant stakeholders by noon tomorrow to find a safe, acceptable and peaceful solution to this crisis. Such a solution, it appears, is unlikely to be realised without the direct support and involvement of international agencies.



The AFC and the PNC used their supporters and thugs who attacked the police and destroyed property to incite voilence and this might as well be the first attempt by the combined opposition to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guyana.


I express my sympathy to the family of those killed. The actions of the police is justifiable given the voilent actions of some of the protestors. 


We cannot sit idle and allow politicians like Gerhard and others to allow for a possible violent overthrow of a democratic government. It is very clear that Gerhard and others want a return to the dark days of the when racial strife was incited by the PNC which led to the murder of Guyanese a large number being Indo Guyanese who were raped and killed by PNC thugs.


Voilence by protesters must not be allowed. The police retaliated only after the situation became very violent and the protesters started to destroy private property and violently attacked the police.


We must stand vigilant and remind Guyanese that the actions of the now AFC and PNC thugs must not be allowed. 


Gerhard and the others in the AFC and the PNC must be ashamed of inciting their supporters to protest and a attempt a possible violent overthrow of a democratically government.


We must be reminded that Gerhard posted an artice claiming that it is justifiable for the people to continue to receive billions of dollars of electricity  while the rest of the nation pay their fair share.


We cannot and should not support one part of Guyana to pay less while the rest of the counrty pay a lot more. Gerhard and others inflamed this situation and should now take full responsibility of the results.


We must stand vigilant otherwise Guyana will return to the dark days in our history under the PNC. This is the first clear attempt by the AFC to hand over the country to the PNC in a silver platter.


Gerhard has never, not even once condenmed the past actions of the PNC and has consistently attacked the PPP. I need to remind Gerhard that Guyana will never become like Hitler's Germany even though it now appears that Gerhard and others would love to see racial division in Guyana while they remain silent. Just like a vast  majority of Germans remain silent during Hilters attempt to exterminate the Jews.


We are closely watching what happens in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The India PPP regime is involved in ethnic cleansing of Linden. The people of Linden should approach Western nations suck as the US and Canada for arms so that they can fight back against the regime. Only an armed struggle can prevent further massacres.

WHAT? How does a civil war help?

The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.


The peace loving people of Linden are being mowed down by the death squad dispatched by the PPP regime to take part in ethnic cleansing. These unarmed civilians need the means to protect themselves. There is a need for suitable equipment to repel the forces sent in by the regime. The people of Linden call upon the outside world to aid them in ridding the country of this corrupt communist regime who have now embarked on  ethnic cleansing of the area.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The India PPP regime is involved in ethnic cleansing of Linden. The people of Linden should approach Western nations suck as the US and Canada for arms so that they can fight back against the regime. Only an armed struggle can prevent further massacres.

WHAT? How does a civil war help?

The ballot boxes are rigged. There is no democratic process left open to the people of Linden to get justice. These communists in charge of the government have given away the electricity supply to their communist friends in China. They have given away the bauxite section to their old communist friends in Russia. It is obvious that Linden is under attack by a blood thirsty regime.


Regimes that refuses to hand over the country to the people through a democratic process always seek justification of their murderous methods by accusing selected citizens and groups taking up the struggle for democracy as terrorists. The secret networks through which embezzled and drugs money is laundered are frequently harbouring in the US and Canada. These foreign based networks have a lot to lose if the regime falls. It should therefore not come as a surprise when members of these illegal networks make so much noise and are quick to accuse anyone except for the regime for the troubles. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Regimes that refuses to hand over the country to the people through a democratic process always seek justification of their murderous methods by accusing selected citizens and groups taking up the struggle for democracy as terrorists. The secret networks through which embezzled and drugs money is laundered are frequently harbouring in the US and Canada. These foreign based networks have a lot to lose if the regime falls. It should therefore not come as a surprise when members of these illegal networks make so much noise and are quick to accuse anyone except for the regime for the troubles. 

What bloody World are you living in?? There are no Schools and were you born without brains??? Man you are really a brainless DUNCE. How did you get into England??? Do they know such a DUNCE living among them????


It's no use denying it. The existence of these networks is well known. It takes capital to organize these drugs shipment to the US and Canada from Guyana. Only an illegal network can handle the exchange of goods and the ill gotten gains. And only persons close to the corrupt PPP regime have the necessary government backing to over see the operation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Writing in caps make you a much BIGGER rass, you know that?

Nehru, it's the guys GR,Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel who are calling the corrupt govt to task and those same people you call Pimps/Prostitutes, so what would you call those corrupt ones in the Govt, Saints?


Banna you should stop drinkin rubbing alcohol, it @#$% up whatever lil brains you might have.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC and the PNC used their supporters and thugs who attacked the police and destroyed property to incite voilence and this might as well be the first attempt by the combined opposition to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guyana.

A plausible view on the events.

The excusers of Mass Murder float a trial balloon . . .


The resident fool nods and jumps off the cliff

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The AFC and APNU have the same agenda..  

Quite evident, especially in early 2012, when their members merged as one to coordinate strategies

So DG, in your opinion,which of these "opposition" parties should side with the corrupt PPP?

There are three main political parties in Guyana ...


1. PNC

2. AFC

3. PPP/C


a. What is their status?

b. Which are known to be corrupt?


Alright DG, it clearly shows that you know nothing of Guyana's political parties, why else would you ask. Either that or you playing stupid.

Anyway, here you go.

Your questions were as follows:

There are three main political parties in Guyana ...

1. PNC

2. AFC

3. PPP/C

a. What is their status?

b. Which are known to be corrupt?

Here DG, remember this I aint gonna repeat it. Write all this down, or you'll forget it all by morning.
Answers to question A:
APNU and AFC are the opposition parties
PPP/C the party in power
Answer to question B:





If you ask the majority of Guyanese (today) which party is more corrupt they will tell you AFC followed by PNC/APNU. The AFC tops the chart of corruption by what they've done and what they intended to do. When all of this is happening, the people of Guyana continue to suffer. It's a freaking shame for the AFC to make an official statement when they conspired with the uprising in Linden. GR can come here and spew shyte but the people are the witness. I can't wait for the day when they finally get kicked out of the power struggle. GR, if you're reading this, the people of Guyana should spit on you for preaching lies to them. They should spit on you for coercing them to riot and destroy govt building. They should stone you for being a hypocrite for living with your father's fame and dedication to the late, great Cheddi Jagan.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


If you ask the majority of Guyanese (today) which party is more corrupt they will tell you AFC followed by PNC/APNU. The AFC tops the chart of corruption by what they've done and what they intended to do. When all of this is happening, the people of Guyana continue to suffer. It's a freaking shame for the AFC to make an official statement when they conspired with the uprising in Linden. GR can come here and spew shyte but the people are the witness. I can't wait for the day when they finally get kicked out of the power struggle. GR, if you're reading this, the people of Guyana should spit on you for preaching lies to them. They should spit on you for coercing them to riot and destroy govt building. They should stone you for being a hypocrite for living with your father's fame and dedication to the late, great Cheddi Jagan.

Wake up sunshine. Your PPP buddies are shaking in their wet nappies out of fear. All those ill gotten gains the PPP drug lords and corrupt politicians are displaying cannot be hidden from view. It's no use blaming any other party for the theft you are taking part in. Your hands are also stained with the blood of innocent Guyanese who refused to be silenced.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Alliance for Change (AFC) Release on the situation in Linden:

The use of force, and moreso of deadly force, against the residents of Linden has to be condemned. The AFC extends sympathy to the relatives who have been martyred for their just cause. This situation has been crying out for attention for several months now, and should never have been allowed to escalate to the point where the residents of Linden had to use extreme measures to gain the Government's attention.

These killings have taken us to a tipping point of serious and widespread social and civil unrest. Therefore, the AFC calls on the Government to immediately instruct the security forces not to use any force whatsoever, or to do anything to inflame an already volatile situation, and for there to be an urgent meeting of the relevant stakeholders by noon tomorrow to find a safe, acceptable and peaceful solution to this crisis. Such a solution, it appears, is unlikely to be realised without the direct support and involvement of international agencies.

The AFC thinks they are smart.  They incite the people and are now calling on the international agencies to get involved.  Who do you guys think you are setting up? 


These actions are the beginning of the end of your short reign.  The guyanese public is not naive.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The AFC and APNU have the same agenda. They want to bring down the gov't at all costs. So they planned all this in Linden and now the the thing has backfired they pretending to be holier than thou. But they are guilty.  

OK now we see how "objective" you are.


Go and drink up in your PPP bottom house.  "WE teach dem black man a lesson" you all black haters are now screaming.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


If you ask the majority of Guyanese (today) which party is more corrupt they will tell you AFC followed by PNC/APNU.

How can the AFC be corrupt. They have no access to govt funds and so lack the ability to steal.


The reason why the PPP lost control of the parliament is that many see them as corrupt (Guyanese of all races), and many African and mixed voters consider them to be racist.


The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.

This is exactly the truth.  Needs to be copied and emailed to the US Government.


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