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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Maybe the AFc and APNU know something we don't

I hope that constitutional reform would be one of the agenda items to be tackled by the Granger-Nagamootoo administration.



Originally Posted by Spice Girl:

AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.



u need to haul your head out of 1967 and breathe some 2015 air


this is so tired

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:

AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.



AFC won't lose support if coalesces with APNU


Nagamootoo, a former long-serving senior PPP member, recalled that party’s late leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan and then PNC Leader Forbes Burnham had held unity talks up to 1985 when the latter died.  
“You couldn’t say it was good when Jagan pursued merger talks between PPP and PNC and it is bad if AFC decide thirty years after Burnham died to create a coalition with a larger grouping. I don’t think they will succeed. I think is an exercise in futility,” he said.
He rejected suggestions that the AFC was appealing only to East Indians.  

Originally Posted by redux:

this is exactly the point


the coalition must campaign explicitly on the issue . . . how else will the people realize that it is in their interest?


that's what leadership means

Let APNU/AFC campaign on the constitutional issue (a huge snore) while the PPP focuses on making promises out of thin air, but at least one issues which they can understand.


The average man isn't interested in anything which doesn't derive direct benefits to him.  Its only the armchair lawyers who will chat about the constitution.


This isn't to negate that there isn't a need for constitutional reform.  This is to let you know that the 35-40% of the population who either never voted, or who stopped voting, aren't going to vote based on this.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Maybe the AFc and APNU know something we don't

I hope that constitutional reform would be one of the agenda items to be tackled by the Granger-Nagamootoo administration.

a PPP out of government will have an incentive to embrace constitutional reform


this must be the centerpiece of the coalition's campaign and program


Watch a dinosaur die in slow motion......



Remember those days when the PNC/APNU ban flour ,and people were lock up for having flour , peas, sardines ,or garlic at their home , well I haven't forget , guess what our parents used to purchase flour for exorbitant prices from the smugglers but the PNC thugs used to walk around early in the morning when our parents would cook and listen for the sound of the clap-roti to know who have flour and then they would inform the police who would come and arrest you .Those were the days we must never forget ,now the opposition talk about jailing our ministers because they spent money to buy a new generator to end black out in our country Know your history and vote wisely so that you and your children must not go back to those days again .…/

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Maybe the AFc and APNU know something we don't

I hope that constitutional reform would be one of the agenda items to be tackled by the Granger-Nagamootoo administration.

a PPP out of government will have an incentive to embrace constitutional reform


this must be the centerpiece of the coalition's campaign and program

Absolutely. I would like to believe that the AFC supporters voted on issues in 2011 and will continue to do so on May 11th. Also, APNU might now be able to bring out the 30,000+ voters from their strong hold who stayed away  in 2011. The interest of the People and the Nation must come first.

Originally Posted by Kari:

AFC + APNU as separate parties contesting the next General elections in Guyana would have prevailed in the Parliamentary allocation of seats by a 2 - 3 seat majority, while the PPP Presidential candidate would have won but with less margin than the last elections.


AFC + APNU as a coalition party will probably get less Parliamentary seats than the PPP. It will get even less now that Moses Nagamootoo is not the Presidential candidate. In the Presidential elections the PPP will prevail.


Why? Binary politics will kick in as usual - the PPP vs PNC narrative is still strong unfortunately. It will be more PNC than AFC in the minds of voters. Disenchanted supporters will simply stay home and not defect to the other party.


The AFC needed to remain as a separate political entity in the elections. Tnhey probably would have increased their percentage of the votes from 10% to closer to 20% and given momentum to a 3rd party in the Guyanese narrative and would have made a post-election combination more a weapon in dismantling the PPP-PNC binary narrative that has dominated Guyana's politics since the inception. I believe that we needed one more election cycle to get Guyanese accustomed to a combination-party style alliance where the PNC image would have given way to a new one. This move will only set back the process and make those who wait for the demographics to change (emigration of Indians and a more racially-mixed population) more antsy.

I am glad that we agree.


The AFC should have remained focused on building itself as a third force, as was its original goal.  It should have used its gradual increase in MPs to be the swing vote, forcing APNU and/or the PPP to campaign for their support.


Nagamootoo, in his haste for power has reduced this to a PPP vs. PNC election.  He is arrogant enough to think that the votes that he obtained in 2011 were his to trade away.  The founders of the AFC have obviously lost heart and have let the AFC become taken over by PPP refugees like Nagamootoo.


It is what it is.  I now predict that the PPP takes back parliament, unless the AFC works very hard in PPP strongholds, and is able to demonstrate that it will gain enough votes on its own merit to have a strong hand to play in any APNU/AFC coalition gov't.


What the AFC will have to do is to convince the PPP disgruntled that the AFC vote will not bring the PNC back in power, without the AFC lacking the strength to protect them against PNC excesses or thirst for revenge.


This will now be a straight race war.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

this is exactly the point


the coalition must campaign explicitly on the issue . . . how else will the people realize that it is in their interest?


that's what leadership means

Let APNU/AFC campaign on the constitutional issue (a huge snore) while the PPP focuses on making promises out of thin air, but at least one issues which they can understand.


The average man isn't interested in anything which doesn't derive direct benefits to him.  Its only the armchair lawyers who will chat about the constitution.


This isn't to negate that there isn't a need for constitutional reform.  This is to let you know that the 35-40% of the population who either never voted, or who stopped voting, aren't going to vote based on this.

stop being such a moron


the people will clearly understand their interest if you tell them that parties should have the right to form coalitions after elections


or that the Gov't shouldn't be allowed to spend money not approved by parliament



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nagamootoo, a former long-serving senior PPP member, recalled that party’s late leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan and then PNC Leader Forbes Burnham had held unity talks up to 1985 when the latter died.  

Well we saw how successful those negotiations were, and we also saw his disinterested Cheddi was in any unity gov't once he won power.


All this shows is that parties which cannot win on their own try to get into power through these alliances.  Either because they lack the resources to force fair elections, as was the case with the PPP in the 80s.  Or, as is now the case with the AFC, that racial voting patterns have denied them a base, even among those who don't self identify as African or Indian.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Watch a dinosaur die in slow motion......



Remember those days when the PNC/APNU ban flour ,and people were lock up for having flour , peas, sardines ,or garlic at their home , well I haven't forget , guess what our parents used to purchase flour for exorbitant prices from the smugglers but the PNC thugs used to walk around early in the morning when our parents would cook and listen for the sound of the clap-roti to know who have flour and then they would inform the police who would come and arrest you .Those were the days we must never forget ,now the opposition talk about jailing our ministers because they spent money to buy a new generator to end black out in our country Know your history and vote wisely so that you and your children must not go back to those days again .…/

I pity this dude,wow police used to raid house for

flour,never heard of such crap.Smugglers that

is a different ball game.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by redux:

stop being such a moron


the people will clearly understand their interest if you tell them that parties should have the right to form coalitions after elections


or that the Gov't shouldn't be allowed to spend money not approved by parliament



Redux parties can do what they want to do, including basing their campaign on issues of interest only to armchair lawyers.


Hungry single mothers in G/town or starving rice laborers in Essequibo don't think that they have time to wait until highly educated lawyers pontificate about the constitution.  Reality for you is that most Guyanese are poorly educated and hungry.


In order to have these constitutional changes you have to win, and if you don't focus on the issues which excite the grass roots, they stay home, and so you lose.


Indeed an INDEPENDENT AFC with 25% of the seats in parliament coildnt have forced the PPP and APNU to discuss revising the constitution.


An AFC which is a mere appendage of the PNC, as was the UF of the PNC, until kicked to the curb, will not have the power to do this.


So no I don't favor an alliance, because the motivation for this alliance was based on Nagamootoo's egotistical need to be president, and now settling to be PM< in exchange for an empty promise that he would have some power.


Nagamootoo will have no more power than the PNC will allow him to have,  and the PNC will threaten to end the alliance, and Nagamootoo being PM, to keep him in line, as they will retain the bulk of the MP seats, and most of the cabinet positions, and the presidency itself.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Judging from the response so far on Facebook pages, the Black AFC and PNC supporters love the deal. The Indos are quite silent

The point that I was making to Mitwah and others.


The Indo AFCites know what they hear from Indians and that is that "Nagamootoo sell dem out to blackman".  The blacks are too ignorant of the Indian mentality to know this, so are counting APNUs 40% to the AFCs 11% in 2011 and thinking that the same will happen in 2015.


I will be the first to be glad if I am wrong, but sadly I am sure I am right, merely based on Kari's reaction.  He claimed to have recently returned from Guyana, and I do detect a slight change in his analysis of Guyana since then.


Redux can sit down behind a PC in NYC and proclaim on what Guyanese ought to do. People act based on their fears and now the AFC is in bed with the PNC, which is what the PPP has being saying all along.


So I will join yuji and company by predicting a 51% PPP victory.  That is unless Indians stay away from the polls in droves, or the AFC does what it has yet to do, and that is furnish evidence that it enjoys strong support in PPP strongholds.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Absolutely. I would like to believe that the AFC supporters voted on issues in 2011 and will continue to do so on May 11th. Also, APNU might now be able to bring out the 30,000+ voters from their strong hold who stayed away  in 2011. The interest of the People and the Nation must come first.

Yes they voted on the fact that the PPP had become corrupt, and was no longer the party that it was under Cheddi Jagan.  So 40% of the AFCs 2011 votes came from Region 5 and 6, hopeful that Nagamootoo would address the problem.


What you have yet to demonstrate is what they think of Nagamootoo now that they are making them vote for Granger as president.


Indians have NEVER supported a non Indian head of state!


Carib seems like your racist drivel is catching up wid yuh........


From what I see on FB and in emails. Tons of indians welcome this coalition..............PPP propaganda is what you are buying into.

Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . the motivation for this alliance was based on Nagamootoo's egotistical need to be president, and now settling to be PM in exchange for an empty promise that he would have some power.

you're full of shit . . . trying to have it both ways


absolutely contradicted by today's events

Originally Posted by caribny:

Indians have NEVER supported a non Indian head of state!


What makes these morons think that a politically dominant and fairly triumphalist ethnic group that controls the State is just gonna vote themselves out of office and into oblivion without at least some kinda guarantee of something to some segment of said ethnic group?


Dude, I can't sell this shyte. I can't. And I hate the PPP/C for dear life. But I can't sell and won't try.

Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . So I will join yuji and company by predicting a 51% PPP victory.

well, i pray that u enjoy the company of those master prognosticators, pollsters and polemen . . . y'all deserve each other

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Absolutely. I would like to believe that the AFC supporters voted on issues in 2011 and will continue to do so on May 11th. Also, APNU might now be able to bring out the 30,000+ voters from their strong hold who stayed away  in 2011. The interest of the People and the Nation must come first.

Yes they voted on the fact that the PPP had become corrupt, and was no longer the party that it was under Cheddi Jagan.  So 40% of the AFCs 2011 votes came from Region 5 and 6, hopeful that Nagamootoo would address the problem.


What you have yet to demonstrate is what they think of Nagamootoo now that they are making them vote for Granger as president.


Indians have NEVER supported a non Indian head of state!

Never say NEVER, Carib.

All decent and straight-thinking Indians will vote for David Granger as president in this amazing new scenario.

Only mindless racial and corrupt Indians will cling to the PPP now.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Indians have NEVER supported a non Indian head of state!


What makes these morons think that a politically dominant and fairly triumphalist ethnic group that controls the State is just gonna vote themselves out of office and into oblivion without at least some kinda guarantee of something to some segment of said ethnic group?


Dude, I can't sell this shyte. I can't. And I hate the PPP/C for dear life. But I can't sell and won't try.

you can't sell it because it is "shyte" . . . hysterical shyte pulled out of your ass


upon further reflection, this is a quite remarkable piece of war propaganda, sporting some very provocative existential buzzwords like "oblivion"


with 'enemies' like u the PPP has absolutely nothing to worry about

Last edited by Former Member

The Indians who voted for Moses the last election, did so because he quit the PPP and they followed him. This time again, Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC, the people in Berbice will not , and I mean WILL NOT vote for Granger. A vote for Moses is a vote for Granger. Moses and team will have a tuff sell explaining to their supporters not to vote PPP. This thing about who is President, who gets Prime Minister etc. come after !!th May they will all be SHADOW MINISTERS to the PPP Gov't.

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:

AFC has lost its way. It's been all about Moses Nagamootoo, who seems to be very self-centered and full of himself. And Ramjattan, he seems to be acting like Moses' water boy.


With APNU holding the "presidential position", it can do anything if the coalition were to win. The President has the power to dismiss any minister. So if AFC thinks it will prevent the PNC from doing what it did to the UF by "controlling" key ministries, it is delusional.


As I see it, this is the end of the road for AFC.



Well said Spice Girl.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . So I will join yuji and company by predicting a 51% PPP victory.

well, i pray that u enjoy the company of those master prognosticators, pollsters and polemen . . . y'all deserve each other

Originally Posted by kp:

The Indians who voted for Moses the last election, did so because he quit the PPP and they followed him. This time again, Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC, the people in Berbice will not , and I mean WILL NOT vote for Granger. A vote for Moses is a vote for Granger. Moses and team will have a tuff sell explaining to their supporters not to vote PPP. This thing about who is President, who gets Prime Minister etc. come after !!th May they will all be SHADOW MINISTERS to the PPP Gov't.


And what has the PPP done for them in Berbice? Skeldon factory?


Don't take the Indians for fools,they cannot forget the PNC era , I lived in that time and I don't want my children to experience that type of rule, never again. Would Granger campaign in Port Mourant , Berbice ??? I just finish talking to someone in Guyana, right now the deal is great for the Blacks but the Indians are speechless, they claim they had no say in the matter. This coalition should have happened months ago, thus giving the APNU/AFC time to sell the idea, now they have to sell the idea and campaign together.


This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.


Belly wuk time.....let the people decide. Dummy the people always will decide they did so in 2011 when the PPP lost the majority of the votes but still got the Presidency. 


New day now..........


The General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee does not believe that the newly announced coalition between the opposition parties will serve as a big threat to his party.

The Opposition parties A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change on Saturday announced an agreement that will see them heading into the 2015 elections as a united partnership.

Mr. Rohee told News Source that while he has not seen the agreement or heard much about it, he is not surprised by the move and is not too worried.

“Why would they be a bigger threat”, Rohee questioned while pointing out that “they have been working in partnership all the time in the Parliament so they are only formalising it now.”

When questioned directly about whether the new partnership will serve as a threat to the PPP and its time in office, Mr. Rohee said “let us leave it for the people to decide”.

The People’s Progressive Party has been in government since for the past 22 years. However, the party has been consistently losing votes at the all of the elections since 1992 and in 2011, it lost the majority in parliament and became a minority government.

The APNU and AFC took control of the parliament by gaining the combined majority. The PPP however, was the party that won the single most number of votes and that allowed the party to win the government. The laws of Guyana do no allow the coalition of parties after the elections.

The APNU and AFC will now be heading into the 2015 elections as one party and one list of candidates. APNU Leader David Granger will serve as the Presidential Candidate while AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo will serve as the Prime Ministerial Candidate.


Filed: 14th February, 2015

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Judging from the response so far on Facebook pages, the Black AFC and PNC supporters love the deal. The Indos are quite silent

It's possible that they are trying to get over the shock of it. No doubt, they will let their votes speak for them.


By the way, where are Nigel & Cathy Hughes and Rafael Trotman in this matter?

Last edited by Former Member

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