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Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Judging from the response so far on Facebook pages, the Black AFC and PNC supporters love the deal. The Indos are quite silent

It's possible that they are trying to get over the shock of it. No doubt, they will let their votes speak for them.


By the way, where are Nigel & Cathy Hughes and Rafael Trotman in this matter?


 I don't know but I can tell an agreement written by lawyers. This agreement has tone deaf lawyering written all over it.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty


This deal was clearly cemented and made possible by Moses.


Khemraj while in NY several days ago was ranting and raving in front of his family clearly laying out that he was against this coalition.


But on his return to GY Moses stepped out and said he wasn't interested in a 3 way race. He pretty much also made the case in the press as well over the past week. So indeed, Kudos to Granger and Moses, they made history today.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty


In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...."courageous" is the most damning thing one can ever say about a political decision.

sounds nice . . . but political decisions are never "courageous"


that quality resides in the people who make those decisions


much the same for cowards

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty


In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

They should print 100,000 copies. The PPP supporters will take 2 copies each. One to sh*t on and the other to wipe their a**es.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty


In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

They should print 100,000 copies. The PPP supporters will take 2 copies each. One to sh*t on and the other to wipe their a**es.


I see they still don't get enough pay to afford even basic amenities like toilet papers. Thanks for conceding what a failure they have been.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty


In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

They should print 100,000 copies. The PPP supporters will take 2 copies each. One to sh*t on and the other to wipe their a**es.


I see they still don't get enough pay to afford even basic amenities like toilet papers. Thanks for conceding what a failure they have been.

Hey TK, no problem. Not all of us are rich like you. God gave us our destiny. Please don't forget where you came from. There's a saying "you neva see and now you come to see". 

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Watch a dinosaur die in slow motion......



Remember those days when the PNC/APNU ban flour ,and people were lock up for having flour , peas, sardines ,or garlic at their home , well I haven't forget , guess what our parents used to purchase flour for exorbitant prices from the smugglers but the PNC thugs used to walk around early in the morning when our parents would cook and listen for the sound of the clap-roti to know who have flour and then they would inform the police who would come and arrest you .Those were the days we must never forget ,now the opposition talk about jailing our ministers because they spent money to buy a new generator to end black out in our country Know your history and vote wisely so that you and your children must not go back to those days again .…/

I pity this dude,wow police used to raid house for

flour,never heard of such crap.Smugglers that

is a different ball game.

The police did raid. People were so sacred. After eating canned goods, they beat the can down and tear the metal into pieces, Flour was tossed on the ground and if kerosene was around, it was poured on to it. It was a terrible time for all.


We remember those times, but it was C.B. Jagan and his communist rhetoric which caused the Americans to implant L.F.S Burnham.


Guyanese in the Colonial ate anything they could afford. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Indians have NEVER supported a non Indian head of state!


What makes these morons think that a politically dominant and fairly triumphalist ethnic group that controls the State is just gonna vote themselves out of office and into oblivion without at least some kinda guarantee of something to some segment of said ethnic group?


Dude, I can't sell this shyte. I can't. And I hate the PPP/C for dear life. But I can't sell and won't try.

The same thing that had them screaming in 2011 that they would replace the PNC as the main opposition.  So they decided to ignore the black vote until the last minute, and then couldn't get as many Indian votes as they thought that they would.


The AFCites rant that I am hostile to them. I merely beat them up to wake them out of this fantasy world that the AFC sticks itself in.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . So I will join yuji and company by predicting a 51% PPP victory.

well, i pray that u enjoy the company of those master prognosticators, pollsters and polemen . . . y'all deserve each other

Redux a few months ago we argued when I told you that Nagamootoo was ignoring the blacks at the protest over the MONC as he feared that speaking in front of them would weaken his chances of expanding, or even maintaining his PPP base.


Now Nagamootoo has joined APNU in a coalition and you think there will be no impact.


Well the PPP remains the same as are Indian voters.  So why do you expect something different now?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP announcing 50% reduction in GPL rates tomorrow and also they will be reducing VAT to 9%................


It is called Belly Wuk Strategies from freedumb house.

Standard Caribbean politics. 6 months later, if they win, the rates will return and the APNU will be blamed, even though most likely the PPP wll be back in full power, as arrogant as ever, and in fact even worse than they were before.......all because of Nagamootoo's anger that Janet Jagan chose Jagdeo instead.

Originally Posted by TK:

I see they still don't get enough pay to afford even basic amenities like toilet papers. Thanks for conceding what a failure they have been.

Its even worse than that.  In an era when most Caribbean people have modern toilets who still concedes that many PPP supporters still shyte in the bush so need paper to shyte on, so they can throw it deeper in the bush, in addition to wipe themselves.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . So I will join yuji and company by predicting a 51% PPP victory.

well, i pray that u enjoy the company of those master prognosticators, pollsters and polemen . . . y'all deserve each other

Redux a few months ago we argued when I told you that Nagamootoo was ignoring the blacks at the protest over the MONC as he feared that speaking in front of them would weaken his chances of expanding, or even maintaining his PPP base.


Now Nagamootoo has joined APNU in a coalition and you think there will be no impact.


Well the PPP remains the same as are Indian voters.  So why do you expect something different now?

don't misrepresent what i said . . . i choose my words carefully


i pointed out, then, that it was entirely inapproriate for the AFC Presidential candidate to share what was an APNU stage in a subordinate role


today, we have a negotiated agreement to contest elections as a joint entity


you are smart enough to see the difference, rite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC



Africans and Indians have looked at each other for over 150 years of distrust and you think that in 3 months that can be washed away.


Only you typing away at a PC safely in NYC can think so.  Life isn't usually that easy.


Funny you didn't think so in January when Nagamootoo refused to speak to a majority black audience, out of fear that this would jeopardize his ability to win Indian votes.



It appears as if a mere fact of speaking in front of blacks is less threatening to Indians, than working to ensure that an Indian state run enterprise is replaced by one which will be de facto black dominated............with all the potential of revenge against the  PPP (and their supporters) for their behavior over the last 22 years.

Originally Posted by redux:

i pointed out, then, that it was entirely inapproriate for the AFC Presidential candidate to share what was an APNU stage in a subordinate role


But its now appropriate for AFC to become the junior partner in what will be an APNU dominated gov't (negotiated agreement where APNU gets the presidential slot and most of the MPs and cabinet positions)?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This deal was clearly cemented and made possible by Moses.


Khemraj while in NY several days ago was ranting and raving in front of his family clearly laying out that he was against this coalition.


But on his return to GY Moses stepped out and said he wasn't interested in a 3 way race. He pretty much also made the case in the press as well over the past week. So indeed, Kudos to Granger and Moses, they made history today.

OK so when the PPP takes back the House, in a two way race, where those who resent both the PPP and the PNC no longer have a party to support (so will stay home) and where the PPP starts out with a disadvantage, the AFC will implode with Ramjattan with his fingers around Nagamootoo's neck screaming " I told you so, I told you so!"


Trotman isn't interested in politics and the Hughes are more interested in their business endeavors so all will end for the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC



Africans and Indians have looked at each other for over 150 years of distrust and you think that in 3 months that can be washed away.


Only you typing away at a PC safely in NYC can think so.  Life isn't usually that easy.


Funny you didn't think so in January when Nagamootoo refused to speak to a majority black audience, out of fear that this would jeopardize his ability to win Indian votes.



It appears as if a mere fact of speaking in front of blacks is less threatening to Indians, than working to ensure that an Indian state run enterprise is replaced by one which will be de facto black dominated............with all the potential of revenge against the  PPP (and their supporters) for their behavior over the last 22 years.

january was just a month ago . . . what conversation u talking about bai?


with all this talk about "revenge" u beginning to sound like Sam Hinds excusing PPP denial of TV to Linden because of Rwanda

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Never say NEVER, Carib.

All decent and straight-thinking Indians will vote for David Granger as president in this amazing new scenario.

Only mindless racial and corrupt Indians will cling to the PPP now.

  I hope that you aren't predicting that only a minority of Indians are decent.

Originally Posted by redux:

with all this talk about "revenge" u beginning to sound like Sam Hinds excusing PPP denial of TV to Linden because of Rwanda

The PNC illtreated Indians and all blacks were made to pay as the PPP went for revenge.  Humans will always want revenge, so don't fool yourself that PNC supporters occupy a higher moral ground.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Never say NEVER, Carib.

All decent and straight-thinking Indians will vote for David Granger as president in this amazing new scenario.

Only mindless racial and corrupt Indians will cling to the PPP now.

  I hope that you aren't predicting that only a minority of Indians are decent.

Ow brother, you got to rain on we parade? Generally, Indians are decent folks. Politicians made them indecent. But dem nah barn dat way.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Never say NEVER, Carib.

All decent and straight-thinking Indians will vote for David Granger as president in this amazing new scenario.

Only mindless racial and corrupt Indians will cling to the PPP now.

  I hope that you aren't predicting that only a minority of Indians are decent.

Ow brother, you got to rain on we parade? Generally, Indians are decent folks. Politicians made them indecent. But dem nah barn dat way.

You are saying that all decent Indians will support Granger.  I am just reminding you that you know full well that most will not, so you are implying that most aren't decent. 


I am only allowing you an opportunity not to fall into a trap which I will gladly remind you of if the PPP wins, and takes back parliament.  This because you put people in a position where they only had two choices, PPP and PNC, and so they chose PPP because they fear that the PNC is worst.  This is Nagamootoo who would be responsible for this conundrum.


I hope that this will not be the biggest mistake made by the AFC, but I fear that it will be.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Never say NEVER, Carib.

All decent and straight-thinking Indians will vote for David Granger as president in this amazing new scenario.

Only mindless racial and corrupt Indians will cling to the PPP now.

  I hope that you aren't predicting that only a minority of Indians are decent.

Ow brother, you got to rain on we parade? Generally, Indians are decent folks. Politicians made them indecent. But dem nah barn dat way.

You gat be be a CRABDAAG. Speak for yourself SCAMP.  People like you will try to rob others all Al Yuh life!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

with all this talk about "revenge" u beginning to sound like Sam Hinds excusing PPP denial of TV to Linden because of Rwanda

The PNC illtreated Indians and all blacks were made to pay as the PPP went for revenge.  Humans will always want revenge, so don't fool yourself that PNC supporters occupy a higher moral ground.

no, i don't know what form your contemplated "revenge" of "PNC" blackman in 2015 will take


try me. . . don't be shy


when you are done, u can work alongside Vishnu Bisram as Region 11 Afro correspondent (and pollster) for Guyana Times


i understand Ravi and Bharat dem does pay well with stolen taxpayer money

Originally Posted by redux:

no, i don't know what form your contemplated "revenge" of "PNC" blackman in 2015 will take


try me. . . don't be shy


Dust off a history book of the Burnham era, where there was revenge, based on Janet's behavior in the 60s.  Add to that Jagdeo's behavior, based on revenge against Burnham, and the cycle continues.


Now if we had a STRONG third party, which the AFC once aspired to be (and when I fully supported them) then this cycle of ethnic triumphalism and revenge would end. But left to the PPP and the PNC........oh well the UF joined the PNC in the 60s and the PPP in the 90s........where are they today? And why does the AFC think that they are different?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Judging from the response so far on Facebook pages, the Black AFC and PNC supporters love the deal. The Indos are quite silent

Very prescient observation mah man......

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

no, i don't know what form your contemplated "revenge" of "PNC" blackman in 2015 will take


try me. . . don't be shy


Dust off a history book of the Burnham era, where there was revenge, based on Janet's behavior in the 60s.  Add to that Jagdeo's behavior, based on revenge against Burnham, and the cycle continues.


Now if we had a STRONG third party, which the AFC once aspired to be (and when I fully supported them) then this cycle of ethnic triumphalism and revenge would end. But left to the PPP and the PNC........oh well the UF joined the PNC in the 60s and the PPP in the 90s........where are they today? And why does the AFC think that they are different?

now you're just robotic and boring . . . can't even answer a simple direct question


Burnham has been dead 30 years . . . welcome to the 21st Century

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

The Indians who voted for Moses the last election, did so because he quit the PPP and they followed him. This time again, Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC, the people in Berbice will not , and I mean WILL NOT vote for Granger. A vote for Moses is a vote for Granger. Moses and team will have a tuff sell explaining to their supporters not to vote PPP. This thing about who is President, who gets Prime Minister etc. come after !!th May they will all be SHADOW MINISTERS to the PPP Gov't.

.....Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC......


Very prophetic words......

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by kp:

The Indians who voted for Moses the last election, did so because he quit the PPP and they followed him. This time again, Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC, the people in Berbice will not , and I mean WILL NOT vote for Granger. A vote for Moses is a vote for Granger. Moses and team will have a tuff sell explaining to their supporters not to vote PPP. This thing about who is President, who gets Prime Minister etc. come after !!th May they will all be SHADOW MINISTERS to the PPP Gov't.

.....Moses Quit the AFC and joined the APNU/PNC......


Very prophetic words......

really . . . where is the rump AFC then?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.


Unfortunately this key point will take another election cycle with AFC and APNU being separate parties  - APNU to rebrand itself and get its stay-at-home base excited and AFC continuing to make strongholds in the PPP base. Let's be honest here - AFC is a PPP-base killer but useless in the PNC base. With the coalition it will now be seen as APNU-AFC (the former in bold and the latter in faded font)

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty

Redux, that utopian lack of courage is called living in reality.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty

Redux, that utopian lack of courage is called living in reality.

dumb animals live "in reality" where courage is not an issue and are content


people with "courage" question that reality and do things to change it for the better


which camp are you in?




When I read a lot of this hooey, I reflect back on 2009 - 2011 when the PPP kept telling the world the AFC is irrelevant. We need not worry about them.


Region 6 and 8 were considered shockers for the PPP.


2015 promises even more excitement.

Originally Posted by redux:

dumb animals live "in reality" where courage is not an issue and are content


people with "courage" question that reality and do things to change it for the better


which camp are you in?



Redux getting stuck in the mud as usual.


The fact is about whether jumping into bed with the PNC will help ensure the PPP defeat.  



Speak to that, and stop getting tangled up with silly personal attacks on people who are raising points that you aren't able to argue against.


Indians don't trust the PNC, and that is all that there is. I warned AFCites like you about Nagamootoo long ago. Now what use is he as he cannot deliver Indian votes, and has placed the AFC in a position where they cannot compete to get black votes? 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

When I read a lot of this hooey, I reflect back on 2009 - 2011 when the PPP kept telling the world the AFC is irrelevant. We need not worry about them.


Region 6 and 8 were considered shockers for the PPP.


2015 promises even more excitement.

The fact that the PPP didn't control parliament didn't stop them from doing what they wish.  The only project that was stopped was Amaila and it is the investor who pulled out.  Marriott is finished and the PPP is moving on the airport and is engaged in corruption and nepotism even more serious than it did before the lost parliament.


So how effective was the AFC?


And how effective will it be as it loses the Indian vote it received in 2011 jt as it lost the black vote which it got in 2006?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Alliance can work if we can educate our people that this is the beginning of a united approach, a reculturing of our politics.  The PPP Jagdeoite is only looking to coalesce with those who can give them big kickbacks. Although a minority govt, it did not reach out to the PNC or AFC.


This coalition, while not perfect, is the only way to defeat the wickedness going on now. Help people understand that the PPP Jagdeoite is not an Indian party working for the working poor Indians. PPP Jagdeoite is a party working for the parasitic new bourgeoisie.  Where the poor people live, the water is red and not drinkable and sometimes not good for washing clothes - only good for flushing the toilets. Where the working poor lives, the roads and streets are bad and the drains have not been dug for a long time. The new big shot PPP leaders did not take care of communities where their supporters live. So let's help people understand that it's every race punishing, because the PPP Jagdeoite is now a big shot party, it is not the PPP Jaganite.

well said


this is what soi disant 'supporters of change' should be getting behind rather than wringing their hands idly and unproductively while cussing the AFC


this is an act of courage by Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC, with the potential to be even more transformative than the entry of the AFC on the scene 2 election cycles ago


yes . . . COURAGE! something shockingly lacking in the character of some on this BB who like to puff themselves up and talk plenty

Redux, that utopian lack of courage is called living in reality.

dumb animals live "in reality" where courage is not an issue and are content


people with "courage" question that reality and do things to change it for the better


which camp are you in?



Redux, I wish I could call you a hero; a man of insight; and so on; but alas, you remind me of College days when we think we know how the world will be. In fact all we knew was how the world should be.


In as much as I may be like most people on this Board who want to see the backs of this PPP, I am cautioned by some facts and some history.


Voting is ultimately about racial alliances in 2015. Nothing in the demographics or emigration pattern or the PPP's theft of State assets in an oligarchic orgy points to a new voting dynamic. Armed with this I look at the history of the voting patterns of the PPP and PNC with the advent of a 3rd party aimed at the discontents of the other two. The PPP consistently beat the PNC by 5 to 10 percentage margins and with youthful lethargy and stay-at-home disenchanted souls that ain't likely to change in 2015. The 3rd party's history is an interesting one. The AFC's greatest successes have not been to pry away PNC's votes; rather it is about extracting as many votes from the PPP as possible. This success was strengthened greatly by Moses Nagamootoo entrenching himself with the AFC's assault on the PPP.


Then came the AFC's seminal change of character. It believes it can continue its erosion of the dastardly PPP party by becoming submerged in the polity of the PNC-dominated APNU. This more than anything else reverted the change from not thinking binary in voting. The momentum has swung backwards and the PPP is now chanting game on!


Palliatives like dumb animals and people of courage are not likely to make my comments irrelevant. Maybe after the May elections you would have graduated from the school of reality.


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