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Alteration of

National Flag to include sixth colour unconstitutional- PPP

In light of the fact that Government hoisted a replica of the National Flag on Friday last bearing an additional colour at the end, the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Tuesday asserted that the alteration to the flag was unconstitutional, while outlining that the the added colour being associated with that of the People’s National Congress (PNC) party is worrying.    

The altered flag in question

“The fact that the unauthorized alteration of the national flag connects one of Guyana’s most significant national symbols to the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), via the inclusion of the PNCR’s party colour along the end of the Golden Arrowhead, is reminiscent of the repressive regime of the PNC pre-1992.              

The practice of the PNCR flag being flown above Guyana’s courts has not been forgotten by the Guyanese people.” the Opposition said in a press statement on Tuesday. 

When the National Flag was hoisted last week in observance of Guyana’s 52nd Independence Anniversary, it was observed that a darker shade of green had been attached to the end of the flag.

As such, several significant members of society sought to point it out and question the reason the sixth colour.

It was subsequently reported online that the darker shade may have been placed there to extend the resistance of the fabric, since it is known to ravel out due to the heavy winds.

However, the PPP made it clear “that with regard to alteration of the national flag, the Second Schedule included in Guyana’s Constitution devotes two pages (pages 260 and 261) to the heraldic description of Guyana’s national flag.

The description makes it clear that there are five distinct colours – not six – and defines their proportions.”

Moreover, the Opposition party asserted that “All Guyanese must reject this act.   This act is the latest of an increasingly authoritarian administration and adds to the numerous constitutional violations committed since May 2015.”

See the PPP’s full statement below:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) notes the silence from the APNU+AFC Coalition Government, in the face of public outcry, on the despicable and unconstitutional alteration of Guyana’s national flag, which was hoisted to mark the nation’s 52nd Independence anniversary.

The PNC-led Coalition Government seems intent on trampling on Guyana’s National symbols. Guyanese have witnessed the practice of national symbols being treated as the property of this Administration – the last such act evidenced in the seizure of the national flag from the Corriverton Town Council on the anniversary of our Republic.

The Party wishes to make it clear that with regard to alteration of the national flag, the Second Schedule included in Guyana’s Constitution devotes two pages (pages 260 and 261) to the heraldic description of Guyana’s national flag. The description makes it clear that there are five distinct colours – not six – and defines their proportions.

The fact that the unauthorized alteration of the national flag connects one of Guyana’s most significant national symbols to the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), via the inclusion of the PNCR’s party colour along the end of the Golden Arrowhead, is reminiscent of the repressive regime of the PNC pre-1992. The practice of the PNCR flag being flown above Guyana’s courts has not been forgotten by the Guyanese people.  

Guyanese have not forgotten Granger’s utterances in 2016 at the PNCR’s 19th Biennial Delegates Congress, where he hailed his Party’s Constitution as “supreme law”. 

Guyanese have also not forgotten that it was at a similar meeting held by the PNC in 1974, where Burnham promoted the principles of party paramountcy, when he said: “It was decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government, which is merely one of its executive arms.”

All Guyanese must reject this act.   This act is the latest of an increasingly authoritarian administration and adds to the numerous constitutional violations committed since May 2015.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Their reason for adding an extra colour because the end ravels is utter nonsense. Who came up with the idea that dark green doesn't ravel as other colours? After a long while flags do start shredding it is then time to replace it with a new flag..not add a friken colour.

What would happen should the PPP get into govt..would this government accept it if the dark green is replaced with red?

Last edited by cain
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

You sure you were/are Guyanese? Look at that flag..then look at another Guyanese flag. A dark green strip was added. 

Guyana Flag (The Golden Arrowhead) - Information flag of Guyana (popularly known as 'The Golden Arrowhead') has green field, with a red isosceles triangle (based on the hoist side) superimposed on a long, yellow arrowhead; there is a narrow, black border between the red and yellow, and a narrow, white border between the yellow and the green.

Source --

Demerara_Guy posted:
Guyana Flag (The Golden Arrowhead) - Information flag of Guyana (popularly known as 'The Golden Arrowhead')


This is abie flag. Alyuh nah mek rass hey!  Sweet like a sumutoo.

WTF wrong with dem PNC?


Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

Hey Door  Knob, you gotta lay off the moonshine. It can make you go blind. 

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

Hey Door  Knob, you gotta lay off the moonshine. It can make you go blind. 

Thats because you knuckleheads keep referring to a "dark green area". But i see the addition of a dark strip on the right side. 

cain posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

You sure you were/are Guyanese? Look at that flag..then look at another Guyanese flag. A dark green strip was added. 

I am trying to determine if his lack of observation is blunt stupidity or a desperate attempt to excercise bad humor.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

You sure you were/are Guyanese? Look at that flag..then look at another Guyanese flag. A dark green strip was added. 

I am trying to determine if his lack of observation is blunt stupidity or a desperate attempt to excercise bad humor.  

Naw...just a little color blind.

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

Hey Door  Knob, you gotta lay off the moonshine. It can make you go blind. 

Thats because you knuckleheads keep referring to a "dark green area". But i see the addition of a dark strip on the right side. 

Oh rass banna, you made as much sense there as the one who spoke for the government. Hehee

Here nuh.. how about the dark stripe being no problem but is the rest of the flag they changed... you ok with that?

ksazma posted:

Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

You are no exception. 

Why don't you list your "bigger concerns" or "evil ways".

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

You are no exception. 

Why don't you list your "bigger concerns" or "evil ways".

Looks like you need another time out. My actions don’t affect any country. Bai, why do you insist on burning your soul this way?

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

You are no exception. 

Why don't you list your "bigger concerns" or "evil ways".

Looks like you need another time out. My actions don’t affect any country. Bai, why do you insist on burning your soul this way?

Why don't you list out some of the old evil ways? I stand  by what I post. You are dishonest.

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

You are no exception. 

Why don't you list your "bigger concerns" or "evil ways".

Looks like you need another time out. My actions don’t affect any country. Bai, why do you insist on burning your soul this way?

Why don't you list out some of the old evil ways? I stand  by what I post. You are dishonest.

And you are the poster child for honesty?  

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can someone explain this to is this flag altered? I dont see any difference here...

You sure you were/are Guyanese? Look at that flag..then look at another Guyanese flag. A dark green strip was added. 

I am trying to determine if his lack of observation is blunt stupidity or a desperate attempt to excercise bad humor.  

Naw...just a little color blind.

Ok then. Things like that does happen.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Those who make statements on behalf of the Coalition government must have attended the same public relations school as those who make statements on behalf of the current White House. They don’t think before they speak.

The bigger concern is whether the PNC is going to reconstitute their old evil ways.

You are no exception. 

Why don't you list your "bigger concerns" or "evil ways".

Looks like you need another time out. My actions don’t affect any country. Bai, why do you insist on burning your soul this way?

Why don't you list out some of the old evil ways? I stand  by what I post. You are dishonest.

And you are the poster child for honesty?  

You are the kind of person that shilly-shally and engage in all manner of vaguesness and innuendos.   You too are a dishonest person. Let him back up his statement.

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Looks like it is monthend for Mitwah. He sounds crampy.

You post nonsense. 

Yet I am able to smile with the world while you are always cranky and seemingly miserable.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Looks like it is monthend for Mitwah. He sounds crampy.

You post nonsense. 

Yet I am able to smile with the world while you are always cranky and seemingly miserable.

You are a hipokrit. Great you acknowledge that you are a very deceptive person. Stay in your fool's paradise. 

run to admin now.

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