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It's been a pretty weird year so far in terms of Amazon customers getting strange things shipped to them. In January, a student ordered a textbook through the site and received a $400 bag of cocaine. Now, a Washington, D.C. man who ordered a new TV from one of Amazon's sellers was sent an actual semi-automatic rifle. Seth Horvitz tells DCist that he had purchased a flat-screen HDTV for he and his wife from one of Amazon's affiliated sellers. What arrived was a decidedly non-TV shaped box containing a Sig Sauer SIG716, a $2,000 rifle manufactured by Swiss Arms AG. Semi-automatic firearms like the SIG716 are actually illegal in Washington, D.C. and even transporting them through the state is a serious crime. Horvitz called the cops upon discovering the box's content, which was smart since keeping it in his home — or transporting it in his car — could have landed him in serious trouble otherwise. Attempting to return it could also have been very, very bad.

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