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An armed gang picked the wrong victim when they tried to steal a £100,000 Range Rover belonging to the boxer Amir Khan.


The former world champion and his brother Haroon, who is also a boxer, were set upon in the early hours of yesterday as they returned to the vehicle following a night out.


A gang of at least six men used a 4x4 car to try and block the brothers’ path but the Khans reportedly fought back and their assailants eventually fled from the scene in Birmingham.

A witness to the incident told The Sun newspaper: “One (of the men) slapped Amir and clipped him on the lip but Amir pulled back and knocked him out cold.


“Then five of them went for Amir and Haroon but they stood their ground and these guys got dropped one by one.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by God:

He's soft. Danny Garcia (a relative nonentity) just knocked him out cold a few months ago.

This is why there are so many Question, about the the existence of


You are totally missing what  Sunil's post is about.

Originally Posted by Bash:
Originally Posted by God:

He's soft. Danny Garcia (a relative nonentity) just knocked him out cold a few months ago.

This is why there are so many Question, about the the existence of


You are totally missing what  Sunil's post is about.

This is one god that exists. I am not so sure about some of the others that only exist in peoples' imagination.


I totally understand "what Sunil's post is about". Then I made a comment of my own about the boxer mentioned in the article. Is this not allowed anymore on GNI? I must have missed the memo which notified us of the change in rules. 


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