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sorry Chami that you felt left out, last time you were tongue tied when you were with us  Very windy, I got a big tree in front of the house and quite a few small twigs broke off, will get the tree looked at anyways this spring. The next door neighbour BBQ cover blew over the fence into my yard. Wished it was the BBQ instead

Originally Posted by chameli:

Amral, we have an awning in the front porch and over the living room was very scary when the rails holding the one by the windows broke off... thing started to flap and bang

 And  I sure  all the  flapping  and  banging  must  have  left Cham in  the  mood  for  some  more  flapping  & banging. No?  


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Originally Posted by chameli:

cainstah, there is no PM here...i still gat ur number somewhere but no time to go find it...dunno ur email addy...not kidding about dropping by...after 6

i got some elastic to put on ur pants waist


OIIII Cham, is what do you eh? I think you rass made Iman go to the wrong place.

I stop in a house down the street where suppose to be party goin on. Eh eh, I sit down at the people dem table and a ole woman come out and ask me what I doin there an I get chase out?

I gotta get you back for this.


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