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It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.    

When a poster come on GNI and constantly post negativism on a topic enjoyed by many, causing it to be derailed and closed, it affects the atmosphere of all on GNI. Some people might not  sign on and others might stop posting. Posters who were contributing  to  positive topics might leave in disgust, but nothing is done immediately to the offending poster.

I assume the  moderator  wait for a report from a poster to take action against an offending poster. But when no  report is received, the offender might continue his negativism.

If this continues to occur, the informed posters might leave GNI, like Gilbakka did, while the offenders  remain.  Is this the quality GNI strives to achieve, or no one cares ?


kp posted:

Some of you are sounding as though the man is dead. I don't know of the circumstance why he is not posting or if he made a declaration that he is leaving, but it look like one in and one out, Mitwah is back.

This is as per pnc slop can union policy, they need a replacement to take over Gilly's shift.  But they chose an over qualified replacement, a bajan singer to boot. 

Drugb posted:
kp posted:

Some of you are sounding as though the man is dead. I don't know of the circumstance why he is not posting or if he made a declaration that he is leaving, but it look like one in and one out, Mitwah is back.

This is as per pnc slop can union policy, they need a replacement to take over Gilly's shift.  But they chose an over qualified replacement, a bajan singer to boot. 

"Over qualified" you are giving him HIGH praise.

kp posted:
Drugb posted:
kp posted:

Some of you are sounding as though the man is dead. I don't know of the circumstance why he is not posting or if he made a declaration that he is leaving, but it look like one in and one out, Mitwah is back.

This is as per pnc slop can union policy, they need a replacement to take over Gilly's shift.  But they chose an over qualified replacement, a bajan singer to boot. 

"Over qualified" you are giving him HIGH praise.

Yes indeed, he used to be a major critic of the PPP along with Jalil.  They post piktcha lakka pitkcha day and night prior to 2015. After 2015, the pNC slapped them in the face along with Gerhard and TK by excluding them from fat cat positions.  Now one dead and the other went missing. Now he is back, relegated to slop can duties as an intern.  Django better watch out, this man can take his job as the chief. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is  Mitwah and Gillbaka one and the same?  Here is what I know for a fact - one of them can only write one sentence at a time, and it is usually a personal attack on people's jobs and family.

Like you are having a slow day.  English Teecha, I know for a fact you are a darpok and a certified kaam chor.

Last edited by Mitwah
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lie. You do not display this here. Are you sure you don't have some other genes in you?

How many times i mentioned I am pure bred East Indian and a Chatree,the latter doesn't matter,also my family is mixed up t@rass.

Bai, you don't have to remind unreasonable racialists that you're an Indian. Don't let anyone define what kinda Indian you ought to be. In a sense, I am an Ex-Indian. I am not indebted to any Indian. I don't have to answer for anything. No Indian gives me my daily bread.



Gilly,parting post guidance to Django.

My frenno got Class !!!

Last edited by Django
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

Baseman ...Gilly and Tola are both honourable men who I have known for many years... they are always trying to uplift the less fortunate...I know one of Tola's  " initiatives " was opposed by the then minister of health who did nothing to assist the preventation of suicide programs in Black Bush Polder....

Churchill posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

Baseman ...Gilly and Tola are both honourable men who I have known for many years... they are always trying to uplift the less fortunate...I know one of Tola's  " initiatives " was opposed by the then minister of health who did nothing to assist the preventation of suicide programs in Black Bush Polder....

Last Saturday would have been a great time to discuss this with Sandra, Basil, Volda, and friends to get it back full steam on the agenda.  Always strike while the iron is hot. 

Bibi Haniffa
Churchill posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

Baseman ...Gilly and Tola are both honourable men who I have known for many years... they are always trying to uplift the less fortunate...I know one of Tola's  " initiatives " was opposed by the then minister of health who did nothing to assist the preventation of suicide programs in Black Bush Polder....

Big up man. Can't the same for Baseman and Bibi!!! Lol 

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

The PPP, Jaggo and Mutt and Jeff  are being cussed by many  in Berbice for what they did to the people, especially the youth.  Just like the Skeldon factory failure, they failed the people with their nastiness and vindictiveness. Including sexually abusing young women who were looking for jobs. Do you know how many of these young women took their own life afterwards, Baseman ?  Your daughter could have been one, yet you support these AHs.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. Read your posts again regarding what you said about Gilly. You are lucky  that you went  into hiding when he replied to your post, because he would of tore a piece off your backside.

Fake initiative eh !! Get off your fat ass in Jersey and  come  see, but make sure you walk with enough security  and  protection for your  rear end. You could get rear ended  by the people who are struggling to stay afloat.

Baseman. you get your kicks by mentioning other poster names , that don't seem to give a rats ass about you. Leave Curly alone, she is a person ten times better than you. And quit stroking your ego by mentioning others, they don't care shit about you either.

You mentioned Bibi a lot, like you know her well.   

Churchill posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

It is sad to hear of Gilbakka's departure. I often find GNI  an unpleasant place to relax and have some fun, so I sometimes stay away.   


Hey runt, when you were cussing the PPP and BJ relentlessly about everything under the sun, including your fake initiatives, pre May 2015, was it not unpleasant then?

No one cusses you, Gilly or anyone about anything other than what you post here, and your political position.  This is hard-knock Guyana politics.  If you cannot handle it, then stay on Social and try suuring Curley_Sue.

Other than that, stop squealing like some lil antiman!!!  But then!!

Bibi hammered you guys with the "blood on hands" post and Gilly now has a hugely guilty mind.

. they are always trying to uplift the less fortunate...I know one of Tola's  " initiatives " was opposed by the then minister of health who did nothing to assist the preventation of suicide programs in Black Bush Polder....

Well, he has the right Govt, so let's see nuh!!  Granger say it's a coolie problem, Tola switched to a solar power consultant, but Granger seh he got oil!

Tola is deceitful.  He contacted me via GNI (PM) years ago when I was helping out a Guyanese transplant patient in Bangalore.  He claimed to be some UN guy working in Uganda and heading to Guyana.  I put him in touch with my fam working on a project in Guyana.  He used that contact to get personal with baseman with innuendos, alternate facts and outright lies, throwing it here on GNI.  Most recent he dug up some erroneous sludge about my late father and created a thread here.  I squshed him like a cockroach!

With all that, I go after him for his politics and postings here.  I never once tried to get personal outside of whet he posts here.  My responses to him in on whatever he posted here.  Other posters on GNI went after him, but he ran from them and attacked me instead!

Baseman has been here 15 years, never ran or hide.  I took time out at times for various reasons.  You get personal, I will try not to, but I will ream you here.  You see how crazy and stupid he gone, creating ludicrous threads of incoherent nonsense about baseman.  He even attacked the charity where he got lil guava cheese (suh mi hear).  That banna propa stupid!

Finally, baseman politics has always been baseman politics.  I will be critical of the PPP where I see fit, but will always stand with them.  Don't expect a change from baseman!  Amral knows, we keep this board busy!


Tha story about the kidney transplant banna.. somehow if memory is correct..turned out to be some sorta cock job and since then no one trusts a soul with their hard earned dollars.

Baseman, those who spoke ill of Tola are a-holes anyway ( Sludgy Druggie, Sleazy Ugli, did I miss anyone?. Using them bais doan look good for your argument banna.


Baseman, you are gaddam liar. 

Posters see thru your wickedness just like Jagdeo. Gosssai and MOH Ramsammy told us about your SIL  Lusignan charity, thru the National Suicide Prevention Committee, where we were  members. You might have mentioned Lusignan afterwards, but the contact was already made. The National Committee failed, because they were mostly interested in front page news and  little else. At this time we decided to  deal with the issue alone, but Gossai still supported us and visited our Berbice   program a number of times.

Jagdeo  officials in Berbice only made contact with us when they demanded our resources, immediately after our training sessions at UG Tain. They never supported us and this pissed off  a lot of PPP voters.  

People like you make up stories to make yourself look good. You come on GNI on a pedestal thinking that you are better than anyone else.

You are too dumb with hate to realize that you fell into  a trap with the African scholarship story. The story was built with a slight suggestion by a poster that your father was a good friend of Dr. Reid. But being a rubber mouth as you are, you did not stop to think that you were giving away too  much information about your father. Stop the hate Baseman, you might start thinking logically again, with positive posts. 

In Bangalore, we had an Indian contact living there who also lived in Canada and he had  a lot of contacts in Bangalore, but you want to be king of the jungle  and you dumped him. Causing all kinds of problems, because you were also an unfamiliar  visitor like Ganesh family. Cain is right in his statement and some posters at that time shared their opinions. Don't ask who they were, because they might still be pissed at you.

Our Bangalore  contact message to me was ' Who is this guy ? He will cause  a lot of trouble for the people who are not familiar with this place'. Some posters on GNI who made donations for Ganesh surgery in Bangalore was really pissed by your controlling actions, in an unfamiliar city.  

Don't be an ass Baseman, you might have experience only by sitting behind a desk, but  a person gets experience by doing things, like drilling wells in other countries, not one like you, but 60+ in many countries, or working with Mayan people in Chiapas to sell their crafts in Europe. Other countries include Philippines, Bolivia, Peru, Central America, Mexico, India,ect  as well as many First Nations villages in Canada.

Knowing about solar and installing equipment for internet foot imprints, etc, etc   comes from studying and installing them. When it comes to what I have done to gain experience, you were just a lil kakarass boy. You must have been  running around EBD in shirt tails, when I was already a qualified technician.

All you do is come on GNI with shit posts and criticize  other posters about  their opinion. Like your opinion is  better than anyone else.

As you know Baseman, respect is earned. Knocking others down, might make you feel intelligent, but you will be a nobody to those you knock down. Try some positive post for a change and see how posters will respond in kind.  

If you come here on a  pedestal criticizing them, they will knock down your ass every time.        

Last edited by Tola

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

Drugb posted:

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

In the name of transparency why don't you publish the information that you are basing the above on or did you pull it out of your ass?

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is  Mitwah and Gillbaka one and the same?  Here is what I know for a fact - one of them can only write one sentence at a time, and it is usually a personal attack on people's jobs and family.

Like you are having a slow day.  English Teecha, I know for a fact you are a darpok and a certified kaam chor.

I am not an English teacher.  I am a French teacher.  Parlez-vous francais?

Bibi Haniffa
FC posted:
Drugb posted:

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

In the name of transparency why don't you publish the information that you are basing the above on or did you pull it out of your ass?


First you said yo don't know Tola,making your self a Jackass you heard rumors about him.

You and Bibi can shake hands,two of a kind always hearing and when confronted,no proof can be shown.

Some of you PPPites can't be trusted,alyuh sniffing too much from the Piss Pot.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is  Mitwah and Gillbaka one and the same?  Here is what I know for a fact - one of them can only write one sentence at a time, and it is usually a personal attack on people's jobs and family.

Like you are having a slow day.  English Teecha, I know for a fact you are a darpok and a certified kaam chor.

I am not an English teacher.  I am a French teacher.  Parlez-vous francais?


Drugb posted:

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

Dankay, like yuh BF whispered in yuh ear when he was mounting yuh. haawhaaw haawhaaw ....... keep on braying...  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is  Mitwah and Gillbaka one and the same?  Here is what I know for a fact - one of them can only write one sentence at a time, and it is usually a personal attack on people's jobs and family.

Like you are having a slow day.  English Teecha, I know for a fact you are a darpok and a certified kaam chor.

I am not an English teacher.  I am a French teacher.  Parlez-vous francais?

I think you will love my French.  You remind me of this joke.

A city fellow had just moved out to the country and decided that he needed some animals, so he decided to walk up and down his road to see what his neighbors had. The first farm he came across had a bunch of chickens running in the yard. "Say farmer" the man yells, "Would you be willing to sell me one of your chickens?"
The farmer replies, "Sure, but around here we don't call 'em chickens, we call 'em pullets".

The man thanks the farmer for the advice and picks up the pullet and continues on down the road until he comes to the next farm where the yard is full of roosters. "Say farmer", yells the man, "Would you be willing to sell me one of your roosters?"

"Sure", says the farmer, "but around here we don't call 'em roosters, we call 'em cocks".

The man thanks the farmer and puts the cock under his other arm and continues walking down the road. He soon spots a farm with a herd of donkeys. "I could use one of those", he says . "Hey farmer", he yells " Would you be willing to sell me one of your donkeys?"

"Sure", says the farmer "but around here we call them asses"

The man takes the ass and starts leading him away when the farmer yells, "Hey,sonny, that ass is a little persnickety. If he decides to sit down all you have to do to get him up again is scratch him behind his left ear."

Thanking the farmer yet again the man decides to head for home with his animals. On the way the ass decided to sit down. The man was in a bit of trouble, he had his pullet under one arm and his cock under the other. If he put one down it would surely wander off. Now it just so happened that a Bibi was just walking over the hill.

The farmer, spying her, quickly ran up to her. "Excuse me miss Bibi," he said. "Would you hold my cock and pullet while I scratch my ass?"

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