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Former Member

The prominent placement of GINA news on the front page of this site is not "Guyana news. If you care to link news from youtube why not add some diverse sources


I especially like Misir convoluted logic that if the Assembly does its oversight and rejects specific line item of the budget it becomes a flawed budget! ie not the Minister's budget. I guess that is PPP god mode logic but given it is supported by that idiot Judge they have in their pocket I guess we have to abide. These suckers will rue the day they insist the PNC constitution is the de facto standard of good administrative process.

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Stormborn in the current scheme of things....

it would appear Capitol News,

or other Real Daily Guyana TV News

are not considered as "Guyana News"

by decision makers here on GNI.


However anything.......

produced by the Minority Funny Fellas

will be prominently placed and

carried as legit Guyana News.


Misir might be paying for this propaganda,

The Guyana Parliament Cut off Funding for these productions,


However, money is coming from other sources,

Corruption, Crime, Kick-back on Govt Contracts,

Narco Business, Gold Smuggleing & Money Laundering,

is widespread in Guyana Today....


But all these wrong things

are Covered up in GINA & GTV Reports

  and other who share and benefit

from the Corruption and illegal business....


Look how far the tentacles of the Crab Louse

are reaching now.




Amral....we all know you personally

do not support de Crime, Corruption & thieving

and you stand with the people on these issues


But many of us question GNI's official position

and Loyalty for a weak minority Govt ...

and refusal to equally give coverage and

or similarly highlight the Official Parliament Majority views....


Although you know the Guyana Parliament,

which is the official voice for the majority of Guyanese

do not support GINA or GTV

because they only carry PPP Propaganda and Lies.




They population knows that there is corruption. They are also quite sensible to think that a replacement of the gov't will result in more corruption and much worse, a return to tyrannical rule. Ralph Ramkarran's articles keep alluding to the undemocratic nature of the PNC while elbowing the PPP for deviating from the course the party has historically taken in relation to helping the poor and working class. He has thus far refused to join AFC fearing that their recklessness can and will lead to political suicide. The long and honorable history of PPP, as Ralph likes to say, give this party a better chance of rekindling and building new trust with the populace. The PNC does not have an illustrious history like the PPP and certainly not the AFC. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Amral:

who are we to judge what is lies and truth, we are living the high life in NA, let the people living there decide come election time. I am not going to fight their battles for them. I will help, but they have to stand on their own 2 feet

Misir lied. You also know well he had his paid crew here trying to disrupt the site with Propaganda.I object to PPP GINA news here as Guyana news when they are agents of the administration primed with propaganda.


His selling the obnoxious logic as sense is also a lie. The budget is not the ministers budget. It is the Peoples budget. The minister is an agent of the people not an entity to his own discretion.


To say that input from our people's assembly transform the budget to null and void is ass backward in a democracy and only the PPP can come up with that farcical apology and try to sell it to the public. Look to any democratic society and their modes of budget creation for an example of this gross lie.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

They population knows that there is corruption. They are also quite sensible to think that a replacement of the gov't will result in more corruption and much worse, a return to tyrannical rule. Ralph Ramkarran's articles keep alluding to the undemocratic nature of the PNC while elbowing the PPP for deviating from the course the party has historically taken in relation to helping the poor and working class. He has thus far refused to join AFC fearing that their recklessness can and will lead to political suicide. The long and honorable history of PPP, as Ralph likes to say, give this party a better chance of rekindling and building new trust with the populace. The PNC does not have an illustrious history like the PPP and certainly not the AFC. 

your problem you living in the past so you too blind to see the future,i was once a ppp and a leader in the PYO i help to fight the pnc government but that is the past, the ppp at present is unfit to rule guyana its time for a change  

Originally Posted by Amral:

GNI supports the party in power

This is Crystal Clear....

GNI only supporting De Govt because the PNC Constitution which is in place currently.....allows a Minority PPP to cling on to is a weak Govt, A Corrupt Govt, a Thiefing bunch of Crab Louse and Funny Fellas running things now.....but until the constitution is changed....

GNI has to accept this weak PPP Govt with all the Corruption that it comes with ...... compliments of the true father of the Nation ...Odo.


We must take all of Jagan's nice, Great speeches and Promises he made to the people of Guyana.....and like Kwame, Jagdeo & Burnham.....put dem in de Cock-pit.


Wonder how great Historians like Odeen

feel about not Documenting some speeches

and lifestyle of the true political Heroes

like Burnham or Rabbai Washington

 who are more important to the PPP Leadership

and which they follow today.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy likes the PNC and dislikes the PNC's constitution.


 Detesting the corrupt PPP and wanting them gone does not mean I favor the PNC or their constitution. Maybe ifs you open your mind and look to what I say you could avoid the conundrum of the typical PPP sycophant and not say the same shitty ignorant things over and over.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

who are we to judge what is lies and truth, we are living the high life in NA, let the people living there decide come election time. I am not going to fight their battles for them. I will help, but they have to stand on their own 2 feet

The Guyanese already spoke.  51% of those who bothered to vote don't like the PPP.


So why this implication that the PPP has majority support.




Indeed were post election alliances allowed in Guyana, as they are in most other countries, and this to avoid the quagmire of Guyana with its minority government, it is possible that the PPP would have been in the OPPOSITION!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A political party with the number one crook of all times, Nigel Hughes, does not thrill me a bit. The dried grass on the other side is looking green because of your engineered eye glasses.

What makes Nigel bad is that he is like so many in the PPP.  So an AFC gov't wouldn't be worse.

Originally Posted by Amral:

true it is my opinion.

Life has to aspire for better than the PPP. The highest aspiration of the human psyche is to seek for better, If one is in a position of being pillaged and one merely suspect the alternative is a pillager then it is logically clear that one takes the chance on the other not being a as suspected merely because one has to have hope.


To remain compliant and submissive under the boot-heels of crooks and  thieves is giving up. One has to aspire for better and not remain a slave to convention and accepting the same brutalization like a battered woman

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A political party with the number one crook of all times, Nigel Hughes, does not thrill me a bit. The dried grass on the other side is looking green because of your engineered eye glasses.

Mouth open story come out...

Everyone here on GNI know the

Number one crook of all time is.....The Funny Fella who spend over US $200 million on Skeldon Estate and it producing less than the old factory it replace....where the money gone?


Number one crook of all time is.....The Funny Fella who tek de Sanata textile mill and give he best friends and then turn around and give eee best friend exclusive contract to supply all the Drugs needed for the Hospital, then pay him in advance more than the drugs cost....and on top of that pay his best friend to store these drugs in a bond at the sanata textile mill....and later dump the same overpriced drugs when de auditors find out all the drugs overpriced & Expired.


Number one crook of all time is.....The Funny Fella who give away the PPP Mirror Building, along with Prime Real Estate to his Friend in New York in Exchange for some Building Materials for his Pradoville Mansion?


Number one crook of all time is.....The Funny Fella who removed Honest, Decent & Loyal PPP supporters from Freedom House and Office of the President and replace them with Bu@@ermen, House of Israel Thugs & Black Hindus.


Do you want to know more??????



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