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I don't like it so turns me off that whenever I open the site, there is some political article posted...something anti PPP or pro PPP or anti AFC or pro AFC...nothing interesting at all. WHy does a political article or letter lifted from a newspaper have to be listed whenever you come to the forum. This turns off people who may just want to join or come on for some social chit chat. You open the site andf it's some Indiana Jones wanna be starting 5 or 6 threads, all lifted from the newspaper. It's killing the site...seems like the focus is strictly on politics, with the same herd posting the same crap day in and day out.

The POlitical forum should not be the first stop when you log on, maybe this can be switched week Social, one week Sports, one week Bollywood, one week Red gives the forum a much more varied look instead of politics, politics, politics.....

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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I don't like it so turns me off that whenever I open the site, there is some political article posted...something anti PPP or pro PPP or anti AFC or pro AFC...nothing interesting at all. WHy does a political article or letter lifted from a newspaper have to be listed whenever you come to the forum. This turns off people who may just want to join or come on for some social chit chat. You open the site andf it's some Indiana Jones wanna be starting 5 or 6 threads, all lifted from the newspaper. It's killing the site...seems like the focus is strictly on politics, with the same herd posting the same crap day in and day out.

The POlitical forum should not be the first stop when you log on, maybe this can be switched week Social, one week Sports, one week Bollywood, one week Red gives the forum a much more varied look instead of politics, politics, politics.....



What is the feedback on the new GNI platform that you rolled out?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I don't like it so turns me off that whenever I open the site, there is some political article posted...something anti PPP or pro PPP or anti AFC or pro AFC...nothing interesting at all. WHy does a political article or letter lifted from a newspaper have to be listed whenever you come to the forum. This turns off people who may just want to join or come on for some social chit chat. You open the site andf it's some Indiana Jones wanna be starting 5 or 6 threads, all lifted from the newspaper. It's killing the site...seems like the focus is strictly on politics, with the same herd posting the same crap day in and day out.

The POlitical forum should not be the first stop when you log on, maybe this can be switched week Social, one week Sports, one week Bollywood, one week Red gives the forum a much more varied look instead of politics, politics, politics.....

You need to take your own advice from 3 years ago. Then the dude was posting 6 nonsense stories. How he is posting them by the page full day in day out...kick him in the nuts if you want him to stop!


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