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When the people on the Exchanges lose their insurance coverage the Emergency Rooms will again be doing good business and guess who pays for that care? One way or the other health care gets delivered (to the uninsured poor) and gets paid for taxpayers.

Dodd-Frank may be history. All those credit card protections and gouging interest protections - sayonara.

Trump will face the reality that he cannot raise tariffs on shirts and pants as his supporters will end up paying $150 for a shirt and $200 for a jeans. That's a tax any way you look at it.

Ba$ement may survive but the Appalachian hordes will come for his brown throats soon.

Kari posted:

When the people on the Exchanges lose their insurance coverage the Emergency Rooms will again be doing good business and guess who pays for that care? One way or the other health care gets delivered (to the uninsured poor) and gets paid for taxpayers.

Dodd-Frank may be history. All those credit card protections and gouging interest protections - sayonara.

Trump will face the reality that he cannot raise tariffs on shirts and pants as his supporters will end up paying $150 for a shirt and $200 for a jeans. That's a tax any way you look at it.

Ba$ement may survive but the Appalachian hordes will come for his brown throats soon.

You are wrong!!  You may want your $5 jeans.  I will pay $20 if truly made in America!!

You arrogant fool.  Do you realize Trump won in geographic areas where Obama won twice!  It's the same people.  What does anything have to do with racism!  You are all wannbe technocratic fools, wanting to be part of the elitist mind.  Get this you fool, White-collar jobs lose out when Blue-collar jobs goes under.  The two fortunes are linked!

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Why people have to always do for Blacks, why can't they do for themselves?

And we have a man who is a cross between a Mafia don, a KGB and a Gestapo and poor whites ran to him because no one did anything for them.

I will laugh when they scream and cry as their hillbilly villages lose even the few jobs that they now have.  This by 12/31/2017.

U spend too much time on here, find ONE black person and mentor them.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:



Obamacare is just a start.

Well you know the GOP will finally get their wish and get rid of it.

When they do and large numbers of Trump idiots lose their coverage then maybe they will see the error of their ways.

Obamacare isn't perfect and doesn't address the core problems of health care delivery.

I wonder how the Trump idiots will like the "best plan ever"?

US politics hit a crisis. The Democrats learned that yesterday and its a lesson that they needed to learn.

They can cry and blame the world and call the angry whites who voted Trump racists, or they can ridicule the alienated blacks who didn't vote misguided.

Or they can begin to understand these communities and then craft a campaign to win back the Senate by 2018. The Democrats have lost the Supreme Court. It will be theirs for most of the remaining years of my life. But at least if they control the Senate they can mitigate the damage.

Anti Trump rallies are silly and will NOT achieve that goal. In fact what is their goal?

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

You are again dreaming. The markets as they say is a stoichiometric matrix that captures rational intent of millions of individuals making it invulnerable to failure. It fails so that is not true. Relying relying on the market as the measure of a  rational social choice ie Trump is therefore also a bunk idea.

Another bunk concept  is that a new era of full employment, wealth and social stability will be ushered in by market moderating forces of lower taxes and less regulation. That is also bunk.

What he said he will do if he does it is going to destroy us.

Wrong AGAIN, as usual. Full employment is possible. Just watch and see how jobs return back to America. Your prediction will stifle you.

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

When the people on the Exchanges lose their insurance coverage the Emergency Rooms will again be doing good business and guess who pays for that care? One way or the other health care gets delivered (to the uninsured poor) and gets paid for taxpayers.

Dodd-Frank may be history. All those credit card protections and gouging interest protections - sayonara.

Trump will face the reality that he cannot raise tariffs on shirts and pants as his supporters will end up paying $150 for a shirt and $200 for a jeans. That's a tax any way you look at it.

Ba$ement may survive but the Appalachian hordes will come for his brown throats soon.

You are wrong!!  You may want your $5 jeans.  I will pay $20 if truly made in America!!

You arrogant fool.  Do you realize Trump won in geographic areas where Obama won twice!  It's the same people.  What does anything have to do with racism!  You are all wannbe technocratic fools, wanting to be part of the elitist mind.  Get this you fool, White-collar jobs lose out when Blue-collar jobs goes under.  The two fortunes are linked!

Does that guy have a job?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
..  Your Obama did squat for Blacks,.

Well now we will see what Trump will do for blacks, aside from building more cells when his Mafia buddy Giuliani turns black neighborhoods into concentration camps with de facto curfews.

No no, you have it all wrong, like you all had Hillary in a landslide.  All wrong, all over again!

Like I said. Trump has now won. We will see what he will do.

Appointing Giuliani, a certified racist who has a pathological hatred for blacks, will communicate that Trump will do nothing other than having young black males arrested for frivolous purposes. With a criminal record their lives will be destroyed. 

This while young white males engage in drugs, and are called victims because of this.

seignet posted:

Wrong AGAIN, as usual. Full employment is possible. Just watch and see how jobs return back to America. Your prediction will stifle you.

It will be interesting that you think that a man who sent jobs overseas, as he thinks that US workers are over paid, will "bring jobs back".

seignet posted:

U spend too much time on here, find ONE black person and mentor them.

I already mentor SCORES of them, and have been doing so for over 30 years. I am a very community involved person.

Try something else, while you attempt to curse the lives of blacks.

Kari posted:

When the people on the Exchanges lose their insurance coverage the Emergency Rooms will again be doing good business and guess who pays for that care?

ER is already doing good business. This is where Medicaid patients go, as they pay nothing. A major component of Obamacare was expanding Medicaid.

It will be good if Trump destroys Obamacare. When the Trump idiots lose this then they will learn the consequences of their vote.  Pity that others will also suffer.

ba$eman posted:

Provide skills and jobs for Blacks


Let us examine the record of Giuliani.

Amadou Diallo, shot 41 times. Innocent man reaching for his ID when the cops told him to stop.

Dorismond.  shot by plain clothes cops who were trying to sell him drugs, and were angered that he refused to buy.

Abner Louima. Assaulted by a cop and sustained severe injuries.

In all instances Giuliani rushed to defend the police, and considered these actions to be justified.

THIS is the man who you think will be good for blacks.

ba$eman posted:

Utter Bull-crap.  The greatest benefactors of Obamcare is the welfare constituency who have no means and work off the books. .

In fact to get subsidies one has to have income. Those without income already get Medicaid.

Your racism has been noted though. This is what we can expect from Trump. Ignorance and bigotry.

BTW loads of Guyanese Indians benefit as many are in low paying jobs, working for employers who cannot afford to provide them with health insurance. I suggest that you walk around RH and note that acceptance of Food Stamps is very common, as yes many of these same WORKING people, also get this benefit.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:



Obamacare is just a start.

Well you know the GOP will finally get their wish and get rid of it.

When they do and large numbers of Trump idiots lose their coverage then maybe they will see the error of their ways.

Obamacare isn't perfect and doesn't address the core problems of health care delivery.

I wonder how the Trump idiots will like the "best plan ever"?

US politics hit a crisis. The Democrats learned that yesterday and its a lesson that they needed to learn.

They can cry and blame the world and call the angry whites who voted Trump racists, or they can ridicule the alienated blacks who didn't vote misguided.

Or they can begin to understand these communities and then craft a campaign to win back the Senate by 2018. The Democrats have lost the Supreme Court. It will be theirs for most of the remaining years of my life. But at least if they control the Senate they can mitigate the damage.

Anti Trump rallies are silly and will NOT achieve that goal. In fact what is their goal?

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

You are again dreaming. The markets as they say is a stoichiometric matrix that captures rational intent of millions of individuals making it invulnerable to failure. It fails so that is not true. Relying relying on the market as the measure of a  rational social choice ie Trump is therefore also a bunk idea.

Another bunk concept  is that a new era of full employment, wealth and social stability will be ushered in by market moderating forces of lower taxes and less regulation. That is also bunk.

What he said he will do if he does it is going to destroy us.

Wrong AGAIN, as usual. Full employment is possible. Just watch and see how jobs return back to America. Your prediction will stifle you.

Are you a marxist?

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Why people have to always do for Blacks, why can't they do for themselves?

And we have a man who is a cross between a Mafia don, a KGB and a Gestapo and poor whites ran to him because no one did anything for them.

I will laugh when they scream and cry as their hillbilly villages lose even the few jobs that they now have.  This by 12/31/2017.

U spend too much time on here, find ONE black person and mentor them.

Why the black are also black as sin do you need help?

seignet posted:

Bro, u r hilarious, "the man cant read a book." That is ur prejudices coming through there.

Trump is THE MAN-a change has come. It is not a change will come. 

Trump himself admitted that he gets his information from tweeting. The man lacks the patience to read a book.

Any way you live in Canada, so you can afford to engage in your ignorant bigotry. Lucky for you Canadians aren't so stupid to elect a man like Trump.

ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Last edited by Former Member

SAN DIEGO — A U.S. judge on Thursday tentatively rejected a bid by Donald Trump to keep a wide range of statements from the presidential campaign out of an upcoming fraud trial over his Trump University venture.

The ruling came in advance of a pretrial hearing later on Thursday where lawyers for the president-elect will square off against students who claim they were they were lured by false promises to pay up to $35,000 to learn Trump's real estate investing "secrets" from his "hand-picked" instructors.

Trump owned 92 percent of Trump University and had control over all major decisions, the students' court papers say. The president-elect denies the allegations and has argued that he relied on others to manage the business.

Trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 28.

In the ruling on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in San Diego said Trump's lawyers can renew objections to specific campaign statements and evidence during trial. Trump's attorneys had argued that jurors should not hear about statements Trump made during the campaign, including about Curiel himself.

Trump attacked the judge as biased against him. He claimed Curiel, who was born in Indiana but is of Mexican descent, could not be impartial because of Trump's pledge to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

Trump's lawyers argued that Curiel should bar from the trial accusations about Trump's personal conduct including alleged sexual misconduct, his taxes and corporate bankruptcies, along with speeches and tweets. They argued the information is irrelevant to the jury and prejudicial to the case.

In court papers, lawyers for the students claimed that Trump's statements would help jurors as they weigh the Republican's credibility.

"Defendants have not identified specific evidence that they wish to exclude," Curiel wrote on Thursday. "Accordingly, the court declines to issue a blanket ruling at this time."

The judge also barred Trump lawyers from telling jurors that the university had a 98 percent approval rate on student evaluations. That rating is irrelevant as to whether Trump University misrepresented itself, Curiel wrote.

California judges often issue tentative rulings, which are then finalized after a hearing with few major changes.

A representative for the plaintiffs declined to comment, and Trump representatives could not immediately be reached.

Curiel is presiding over two cases against Trump and the university. A separate lawsuit by New York's attorney general is pending.

(Reporting by Dan Levine in San Diego and Karen Freifeld in New York; Editing by Andrew Hay and Cynthia Osterman)

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:



Obamacare is just a start.

Well you know the GOP will finally get their wish and get rid of it.

When they do and large numbers of Trump idiots lose their coverage then maybe they will see the error of their ways.

Obamacare isn't perfect and doesn't address the core problems of health care delivery.

I wonder how the Trump idiots will like the "best plan ever"?

US politics hit a crisis. The Democrats learned that yesterday and its a lesson that they needed to learn.

They can cry and blame the world and call the angry whites who voted Trump racists, or they can ridicule the alienated blacks who didn't vote misguided.

Or they can begin to understand these communities and then craft a campaign to win back the Senate by 2018. The Democrats have lost the Supreme Court. It will be theirs for most of the remaining years of my life. But at least if they control the Senate they can mitigate the damage.

Anti Trump rallies are silly and will NOT achieve that goal. In fact what is their goal?

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

You are again dreaming. The markets as they say is a stoichiometric matrix that captures rational intent of millions of individuals making it invulnerable to failure. It fails so that is not true. Relying relying on the market as the measure of a  rational social choice ie Trump is therefore also a bunk idea.

Another bunk concept  is that a new era of full employment, wealth and social stability will be ushered in by market moderating forces of lower taxes and less regulation. That is also bunk.

What he said he will do if he does it is going to destroy us.

Shut up you fool.  I was referring to Caribj's comment that the market was diving in response to Trump.  Clearly neither you nor Caribj understood what was happening.  SHUT UP for a lil change.

BTW, below is today's headline new on the Dow!!

Dow rips to all time high as investors embrace Trump presidency.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Hey, don't change the subject, you said the market dive was due to Trump, not me!!

The Dow ballooned under Obama due to -0- interest rate policy.  Zero interest rate was needed to prop the weak economy under Obama.  The money went to equities as fixed rate investments yielded none to negative returns.  It was not for real.  This surge over the past two days included both interest rate sensitive stock and non-rate sensitive stocks.

Investors are betting that Trump will deliver well grounded economic growth with substance and sustenance.


Spoken like a true neophyte. You don't know shit about how markets work.  That is clear from the above.  The market was on the rise for years under Obama.  Go do some homework rather than babble nonsense.


FC posted:

Spoken like a true neophyte. You don't know shit about how markets work.  That is clear from the above.  The market was on the rise for years under Obama.  Go do some homework rather than babble nonsense.


Ah fool!  I agree it went up, but a significant component is due to -0- rates, however, not all.  You talk sheer sh1t!!  There are many other factors which cause short-term movement, but long term is the economy and fund flows!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Hey, don't change the subject, you said the market dive was due to Trump, not me!!

The Dow ballooned under Obama due to -0- interest rate policy.  Zero interest rate was needed to prop the weak economy under Obama.  The money went to equities as fixed rate investments yielded none to negative returns.  It was not for real.  This surge over the past two days included both interest rate sensitive stock and non-rate sensitive stocks.

Investors are betting that Trump will deliver well grounded economic growth with substance and sustenance.

Look at this baboon talking about zero  interest rate policy like he knows what he is talking about.  I notice he already talking about trickle down economics too.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Hey, don't change the subject, you said the market dive was due to Trump, not me!!

The Dow ballooned under Obama due to -0- interest rate policy.  Zero interest rate was needed to prop the weak economy under Obama.  The money went to equities as fixed rate investments yielded none to negative returns.  It was not for real.  This surge over the past two days included both interest rate sensitive stock and non-rate sensitive stocks.

Investors are betting that Trump will deliver well grounded economic growth with substance and sustenance.

Look at this baboon talking about zero rate interest policy like he knows what he is talking about.  I notice he already talking about trickle down economics too.

Dunce, don't coat-tail on anyone.  Talk for yourself, dumb clown!!  What is this trickle down I referred to dunce?  What does it mean anyway?  How the hell does massive infrastructure spending providing direct employment to millions be "trickle-down"?  So what you suggest, welfare payments?  Stop exposing your dunce self!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:



Obamacare is just a start.

Well you know the GOP will finally get their wish and get rid of it.

When they do and large numbers of Trump idiots lose their coverage then maybe they will see the error of their ways.

Obamacare isn't perfect and doesn't address the core problems of health care delivery.

I wonder how the Trump idiots will like the "best plan ever"?

US politics hit a crisis. The Democrats learned that yesterday and its a lesson that they needed to learn.

They can cry and blame the world and call the angry whites who voted Trump racists, or they can ridicule the alienated blacks who didn't vote misguided.

Or they can begin to understand these communities and then craft a campaign to win back the Senate by 2018. The Democrats have lost the Supreme Court. It will be theirs for most of the remaining years of my life. But at least if they control the Senate they can mitigate the damage.

Anti Trump rallies are silly and will NOT achieve that goal. In fact what is their goal?

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

You are again dreaming. The markets as they say is a stoichiometric matrix that captures rational intent of millions of individuals making it invulnerable to failure. It fails so that is not true. Relying relying on the market as the measure of a  rational social choice ie Trump is therefore also a bunk idea.

Another bunk concept  is that a new era of full employment, wealth and social stability will be ushered in by market moderating forces of lower taxes and less regulation. That is also bunk.

What he said he will do if he does it is going to destroy us.

Shut up you fool.  I was referring to Caribj's comment that the market was diving in response to Trump.  Clearly neither you nor Caribj understood what was happening.  SHUT UP for a lil change.

BTW, below is today's headline new on the Dow!!

Dow rips to all time high as investors embrace Trump presidency.

As usual you are again pretending to know. I just saw my tesla stocks decline by over 2 percent and and Solar City about to evaporate because of Trump so I know investors of all ilk are not embracing him. He will kill green tech.

And how come obama is a failure when the market doubled under his terms. You racist ignoramus always hone in on shallow evidence to make grand claims while at the same time using the contrary argument to make another ignorant claim elsewhere. Go pretend you are bright with someone else.

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Hey, don't change the subject, you said the market dive was due to Trump, not me!!

The Dow ballooned under Obama due to -0- interest rate policy.  Zero interest rate was needed to prop the weak economy under Obama.  The money went to equities as fixed rate investments yielded none to negative returns.  It was not for real.  This surge over the past two days included both interest rate sensitive stock and non-rate sensitive stocks.

Investors are betting that Trump will deliver well grounded economic growth with substance and sustenance.

Look at this baboon talking about zero rate interest policy like he knows what he is talking about.  I notice he already talking about trickle down economics too.

Dunce, don't coat-tail on anyone.  Talk for yourself, dumb clown!!  What is this trickle down I referred to dunce?  What does it mean anyway?  How the hell does massive infrastructure spending providing direct employment to millions be "trickle-down"?  So what you suggest, welfare payments?  Stop exposing your dunce self!!

******* I ain't got time to go through your post, but either yesterday or today you talked about cutting taxes to revamp the economy.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

If you use the markets as a gauge then Obama did very well. The DOW bottomed at around 7000, and is now over 18000. In fact NASDAQ recovered from its Bush (the father) swoon under Obama.

Obama is still president.

Hey, don't change the subject, you said the market dive was due to Trump, not me!!

The Dow ballooned under Obama due to -0- interest rate policy.  Zero interest rate was needed to prop the weak economy under Obama.  The money went to equities as fixed rate investments yielded none to negative returns.  It was not for real.  This surge over the past two days included both interest rate sensitive stock and non-rate sensitive stocks.

Investors are betting that Trump will deliver well grounded economic growth with substance and sustenance.

Look at this baboon talking about zero rate interest policy like he knows what he is talking about.  I notice he already talking about trickle down economics too.

Dunce, don't coat-tail on anyone.  Talk for yourself, dumb clown!!  What is this trickle down I referred to dunce?  What does it mean anyway?  How the hell does massive infrastructure spending providing direct employment to millions be "trickle-down"?  So what you suggest, welfare payments?  Stop exposing your dunce self!!

******* I ain't got time to go through your post, but either yesterday or today you talked about cutting taxes to revamp the economy.

he lies like that...I responded to the posting. I doubt he knows Obama has a massive 300 billion infrastructure program being mothballed by the hateful gop house and senate.

VVP posted:

I wonder how it will work to be President from behind bars LOL.

the good thing about this is that we still have up to the inauguration to take Trump to the courts.

It will be deeply ironic if Trump sees a jail cell before Hillary.

It might astonish folks though, but of preventing Pence from being president is keeping Trump out of jail I see keep him out. Pence represents the most evil of the GOP.   Only Giuliani is as much of a son of Satan as Pence is.

ba$eman posted:
  How the hell does massive infrastructure spending providing direct employment to millions be "trickle-down"?  So what you suggest, welfare payments?  Stop exposing your dunce self!!

When Obama wanted to do this with the establishment of an Infrastructure bank you all screamed blue murder that he was wasting money.

And now you want to do the same thing.

I expect that the ACA will be renamed the Freedom Care Act, with a few cosmetic changes from Obamacare. After all Obamacare was a GOP idea based on Romneycare.

Danyael posted:
I doubt he knows Obama has a massive 300 billion infrastructure program being mothballed by the hateful gop house and senate.

The GOP tried to prevent Obama from pushing through with the ACA and he got it done.

When something was important to Obama he found a way.  Clearly job creation was low on his list of priorities because he certainly didn't expend the personal capital on this as he did with the ACA.

And now the ACA might go.  All because in 2010 many financially stressed Americans didn't think that Obama was concerned about their plight so the GOP took back the House and many state legislatures, and promptly proceeded to gerrymander congressional boundaries to make it difficult for them to lose control of the House.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
..  Your Obama did squat for Blacks,.

Well now we will see what Trump will do for blacks, aside from building more cells when his Mafia buddy Giuliani turns black neighborhoods into concentration camps with de facto curfews.

No no, you have it all wrong, like you all had Hillary in a landslide.  All wrong, all over again!

Like I said. Trump has now won. We will see what he will do.

Appointing Giuliani, a certified racist who has a pathological hatred for blacks, will communicate that Trump will do nothing other than having young black males arrested for frivolous purposes. With a criminal record their lives will be destroyed. 

This while young white males engage in drugs, and are called victims because of this.

This is why Iman been sayin to you is dem who gonna suffer for bein dumb for not going out to vote just because dem not get help from the Dems. Is like cuttin off yo nose fo spite yo face.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

This is why Iman been sayin to you is dem who gonna suffer for bein dumb for not going out to vote just because dem not get help from the Dems. Is like cuttin off yo nose fo spite yo face.

Here is the deal when  blacks got shot during the administration of the "black" president, and he didn't seem too bothered, until Eric Holder became quite outspoken that is an insult.  Eric spoke out and was basically driven out of his job by the GOP. Can you tell me how much support he got from Obama?

I expect the GOP to be racist and to care nothing about this. I don't expect the Democrats, who only win when blacks have high turnout, to be equally callous.

Why in the 8th year of Obama's administration was there a need for the Black Lives Matter movement?  Should the Democrats be rewarded for this?  In fact in many towns  conditions under Obama were no different from what a Giuliani would bring to the table.  What did Obama do to change this.

Please tell me how vigorous was Obama in prioritizing equal treatment under the law. Until an incident occurred Obama didn't speak to this.

Look at Flint. Thousands of blacks being poisoned, yet Obama didn't lift a finger until it became too embarrassing for him. The minute that first reports were made of this Obama should have been in that town attempting to deal with the situation.  Thousands of brain damaged kids, but who cares as they are poor and black. Yes this was Obama's Katrina event.

cain posted:


Trump got 13% of the black males who bothered to vote. If indeed you wanted Hillary to win that should have bothered you.

Do you know that Trump performed BETTER than any other GOP candidate for the black male vote within recent times?  He beat Reagan, both Bushes, and McCain and Romney.  He DOUBLED the numbers of black male votes over Romney.

You ought to be asking yourself why. Or you will then be asking yourself again why when the GOP strengthen their hold on the Senate come 2018.


The Democrat elites are like Marie Antoinette who wanted the masses to eat cake when they wanted bread instead.

Trump told these people that he had the best bread available. He is now president.  The Democrats were not talking about issues that the people cared about.

And don't babble about the national vote. That is a function of CA being such a big state. Back those numbers out and Trump won more votes. 

6 million fewer people voted for the Dems in 2016 compared to 2012, and note that we were still in a de facto recession in that year.  Trump got 1 million fewer than Romney.

The Democratic base stayed away.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:



Obamacare is just a start.

Well you know the GOP will finally get their wish and get rid of it.

When they do and large numbers of Trump idiots lose their coverage then maybe they will see the error of their ways.

Obamacare isn't perfect and doesn't address the core problems of health care delivery.

I wonder how the Trump idiots will like the "best plan ever"?

US politics hit a crisis. The Democrats learned that yesterday and its a lesson that they needed to learn.

They can cry and blame the world and call the angry whites who voted Trump racists, or they can ridicule the alienated blacks who didn't vote misguided.

Or they can begin to understand these communities and then craft a campaign to win back the Senate by 2018. The Democrats have lost the Supreme Court. It will be theirs for most of the remaining years of my life. But at least if they control the Senate they can mitigate the damage.

Anti Trump rallies are silly and will NOT achieve that goal. In fact what is their goal?

Hey Caribj, you touted the temporary dive in the Dow as a litmus test of what's to come under Trump.  Now, what you think given how the markets are doing?

Lower taxes and deregulation under Trump will turbo-charge the US economy!

You are again dreaming. The markets as they say is a stochastic matrix that captures rational intent of millions of individuals making it invulnerable to failure. It fails so that is not true. Relying relying on the market as the measure of a  rational social choice ie Trump is therefore also a bunk idea.

Another bunk concept  is that a new era of full employment, wealth and social stability will be ushered in by market moderating forces of lower taxes and less regulation. That is also bunk.

What he said he will do if he does it is going to destroy us.

caribny posted:

The Democrat elites are like Marie Antoinette who wanted the masses to eat cake when they wanted bread instead.

Trump told these people that he had the best bread available. He is now president.  The Democrats were not talking about issues that the people cared about.

And don't babble about the national vote. That is a function of CA being such a big state. Back those numbers out and Trump won more votes. 

6 million fewer people voted for the Dems in 2016 compared to 2012, and note that we were still in a de facto recession in that year.  Trump got 1 million fewer than Romney.

The Democratic base stayed away.

If their base stayed away how come they still won the plurality? They lost to white folks defecting based on the Custer last stand theory given this is the last election they will effectively be able to sway the outcome of an election. This was 4 percent  voting against their interest.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:
I doubt he knows Obama has a massive 300 billion infrastructure program being mothballed by the hateful gop house and senate.

The GOP tried to prevent Obama from pushing through with the ACA and he got it done.

When something was important to Obama he found a way.  Clearly job creation was low on his list of priorities because he certainly didn't expend the personal capital on this as he did with the ACA.

And now the ACA might go.  All because in 2010 many financially stressed Americans didn't think that Obama was concerned about their plight so the GOP took back the House and many state legislatures, and promptly proceeded to gerrymander congressional boundaries to make it difficult for them to lose control of the House.

You keep expounding on the wrong takeaway from 2010.

2010 started in 2008 when a Blackman was elected President. We saw the start of a white identity movement comprised of people crushed by Bush's Great Recession. That was the start of the TEA party, which later gave rise to the Occupy movement then shooting of innocent Black persons by the police then Black Lives Matter. All along middle America remained smug as they say the GOP took back ther House and Senate in 2010 and started obstructing Obama when they became the party of "no".

Obama pushed the $800 billion bailout package - that was to stabilize the banking sector and States' balances. When he went to Congress for the Infrastructure package - the same one MConnell and Ryan now embrace for Trump the got ladoo. Obama went green energy and got stiffed by Congress. Yes, low interest rates and stability in the banking industry along with helping people get back their underwater houses (remember the $8,000 tax credit for first time home buyers?) helped get the economy back - along with cheaper oil from fracking.

So re-examine this Obama-failed-to-act-in-2010-because -all-the-focus-was-on-Obamacare.

Danyael posted:

If their base stayed away how come they still won the plurality?

Pure accident of CA being the largest state with a lopsided vote for the Dems. Were CA a GOP state you would be singing a different tune.

You and others said that the race would be won, based on the swing states and the electoral college. Now that this didn't work for you because the Dems didn't show up in those swing states you sing a different tune.

In 2008 Obama won 53% of the popular vote, but 68% of the electoral college. It was called a landslide and described as giving him a mandate.

There is no way that a 53% win can be called a mandate.

Clearly people favor the college when it suits them and they don't when it doesn't.


who cares what it is called. Trump won and no one cares how large but as long as he reached the 270 mark he is president. If you mean the electoral college is antiquated and the reasons for which Hamilton formalized it is long irrelevant then you may have something. Then some are pissed with why RI should or Delaware or any of the tiny states should get two senators the same as CA and Texas.


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