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Kari posted:

Obama pushed the $800 billion bailout package - that was to stabilize the banking sector and States' balances. When he went to Congress for the Infrastructure package - the same one MConnell and Ryan now embrace for Trump the got ladoo.

Obama controlled the House and the Senate in 2009. Obama groveled to the GOP. Listen he was right to want to outreach to them, but when they clearly indicated that their ONLY objective was to have him fail, he should have IGNORED them and moved on with his program.

He groveled to them, while ignoring black leadership, who had wanted to sit with him to discuss urban issues. His retort was that he wasn't just about dealing with black problems.

Obama has a problem. He needs to be loved by those who hate him, and he has nothing but contempt for those who love him

Even though he controlled BOTH the House and the Senate until 2010 he buckled because the GOP said that they didn't want to play.

Even with fewer seats in the House and the Senate, and a widespread opinion that George Bush's disaster had destroyed the GOP those brazen people told Obama that their goal was to make him fail. 

Now why Obama didn't run them off in 2009 and use the Dem control of the House and the Senate to do what he knew had to be done. In early 2009 the WHOLE country was behind Obama, even many GOP supporters. He could have told the people that the SAME GOP which landed the country into the WORST crisis since 1929 didn't want to support measures to jump start the economy.

Well the GOP got their wish. In 2010 the economy was still in a mess, and unemployment was still high, and the voters began to blame Obama for the crisis and not Bush. So the GOP snatched the House from the Dems.

Who would have thought that LESS than 2 years after even many GOP supporters thought well of Obama that the GOP would come roaring back into power.

Now here we are. The GOP control the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, and Executive, and the Dems have virtually no leverage at all.  All because Obama played nice with the GOP between 2009 and 2010.

When you can describe how many jobs Obama's green initiative created then we can chat, because what Americans want are STABLE JOBS and to earn the REAL INCOMES that they did in 2000.  As is real incomes have only returned to 2007 levels! 

You have to understand that many people are traumatized as for 8-9 years they have lived lives of pure terror, losing jobs, being unemployed for extended periods, getting part time/temp jobs, or getting jobs at LOWER pay.

THAT is what is their focus and that was NOT what Hillary focused on!  Instead it was about "Nasty Woman" and Trump the sex pig.

Even in the debates she let Trump define the conversation! 

Last edited by Former Member

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt that is about $20 trillion and the increasing cost of health insurance under ObamaCare.  Who is comfortable with an America racking up debt at such a rapid pace and healthcare cost is going out of control for working families?  Are we blind to see how taxes are eating up our incomes and gangsters are taking over cities where cops are viewed as the bad guys?  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt

The GOP will not care about the spiraling national debt that will occur when Trump cuts taxes, wages wars and continues to spend. He will be like Bush.

Remember that when Bush took over there was a budget SURPLUS left by Clinton?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  Who is comfortable with an America racking up debt at such a rapid pace and healthcare cost is going out of control for working families?

How is Trump going to stop spiraling healthcare costs. I know that you are an idiot, so imagine that the only cost component is the increasing cost of health insurance.

Tell you what. Thanks to Obamacare insurance companies CANNOT charge premiums more than 125% above that which they spend to pay healthcare providers.

The issue is that the costs that they pay to hospitals, pharmaceuticals, device manufacturers, to doctors and to others is HIGH and increasing.

So tell us what did Trump say to deal with this issue. Over the last several years there have been mergers among health insurers, so where will the competition be if there are only a few players, most operating in the vast majority of the states. And given that 80-85% of the premiums that they charge are offset by costs, where are the margins to cut premiums if the costs are high?

You are an illiterate peasant who is only motivated by your hatred of blacks.  You see the KKK supporting Trump, so you do too.

You lack the intelligence to even comprehend the debate about health care delivery and about health insurance!

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt

The GOP will not care about the spiraling national debt that will occur when Trump cuts taxes, wages wars and continues to spend. He will be like Bush.

Remember that when Bush took over there was a budget SURPLUS left by Clinton?

He will cut taxes and reduce government spending which is very wasteful.  Lower taxation is an incentive for investments which we really need. Low taxation and small government have proven to work. Reagan proved it and it can be proven again.  Bill Clinton went into office at a time when they world was at peace after four decades of cold war that cost billions of dollars and millions of lives. They economy had a chance to grow  and it certainly did. The value of American corporations went ahead and left the Japanese behind. No talk of Japan overtaking the US today.   The resurgence of Islam in many parts of the world have forced  the US spend huge amount of money to battle it and safeguard countries that threatened by it.  

Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq and created a nightmare called ISIS.  Trump, like many others, sees the only solution to the menace is all out war.  The US and the West has no other choice but to go after these people and finish them off.  Sounds harsh but it is necessary. Our adversaries have no mercy and will not budge no matter what we do. They are coming to get us. We have to get them before they get us.  Trump recognizes this reality and he no interest in being politically correct about the challenges we really face.  Hillary pretends as if the seriousness of the Islamic problem is more of figment of Trump's imagination. Hillary is wrong about this and perhaps paid at price at the polls because of her lenient stand.

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

  Who is comfortable with an America racking up debt at such a rapid pace and healthcare cost is going out of control for working families?

How is Trump going to stop spiraling healthcare costs. I know that you are an idiot, so imagine that the only cost component is the increasing cost of health insurance.

Tell you what. Thanks to Obamacare insurance companies CANNOT charge premiums more than 125% above that which they spend to pay healthcare providers.

The issue is that the costs that they pay to hospitals, pharmaceuticals, device manufacturers, to doctors and to others is HIGH and increasing.

So tell us what did Trump say to deal with this issue. Over the last several years there have been mergers among health insurers, so where will the competition be if there are only a few players, most operating in the vast majority of the states. And given that 80-85% of the premiums that they charge are offset by costs, where are the margins to cut premiums if the costs are high?

You are an illiterate peasant who is only motivated by your hatred of blacks.  You see the KKK supporting Trump, so you do too.

You lack the intelligence to even comprehend the debate about health care delivery and about health insurance!

During the debate Hillary acknowledged that Obamacare has serious problems and it needs to be fixed. Costs are rising at an alarming rate.  This is not coming from Trump or the KKK. It's coming from the very people who came up with the idea of national healthcare.  Your mind so fixated on race that you cannot see people for who they are.  You are always watching people and issues through your warped black nationalist mind.  Rudy Giuliani tamed NYC and made it one of the safest in America. You can see nothing good in him because of your fixation on race and the number of blacks that have been prosecuted for crimes and excommunicated from society. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Trump backing off election promise to remove Obama care. In a news conference today he says he likes it very much.  One of many campaign promise he is going to renege on. 

Where are the dumber and dumb supporters?  Lol


I knew that much of Trump rhetoric was to get votes.  If he can hold off the rabid obamacare critics maybe it can be saved.  Many of us will agree that obamacare is not as was promised, even Bill Clinton spoke out against it. However there is still a need for it to cover some of our fellow American, some notable on this forum, cribby and sakiwinki. 

People voted for change rather than for Trump. We should all hope that Trump moves to the middle like many presidents before him. 



FC posted:

Don't hold your breath. It will be change alright for the worse.

I don't think so, cooler heads will prevail and prosperity will continue under Trump as long as he does not push us into war.  The pharma and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
. Reagan proved it and it can be proven again.  Bill Clinton .

Reagan cut taxes, had huge budget deficits and so increased taxes again.

The economy performed BETTER in his second even though he had raised taxes.

Clinton increased taxes and saw the BIGGEST increase in job growth of any president. Bush cut taxes and sent the economy into free fall with 700k jobs lost MONTHLY.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left huge budget deficits.

Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
. Reagan proved it and it can be proven again.  Bill Clinton .

Reagan cut taxes, had huge budget deficits and so increased taxes again.

The economy performed BETTER in his second even though he had raised taxes.

Clinton increased taxes and saw the BIGGEST increase in job growth of any president. Bush cut taxes and sent the economy into free fall with 700k jobs lost MONTHLY.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left huge budget deficits.

The stock market was already in dangerous bubble territory when Clinton left office.  The talk of irrational exuberance was during Clinton's time.  Greenspan's cutting of interest rates was blamed for a real estate bubble.  The US economy goes in cycles. When Reagan took office we had double-digit interest rates, inflation, and high unemployment.  Interest rates were lowered and corporations were given tax breaks. This led job creation and a powerful recovery.  On the downside, the price of real estate went crazy and the stock market began an unprecedented climb. The stock market goes in cycle and no one can accurately predict when it will go down.  Just look and see how many smart people have incorrectly predicted a correction.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:

Look at this baboon talking about zero rate interest policy like he knows what he is talking about.  I notice he already talking about trickle down economics too.

Dunce, don't coat-tail on anyone.  Talk for yourself, dumb clown!!  What is this trickle down I referred to dunce?  What does it mean anyway?  How the hell does massive infrastructure spending providing direct employment to millions be "trickle-down"?  So what you suggest, welfare payments?  Stop exposing your dunce self!!

******* I ain't got time to go through your post, but either yesterday or today you talked about cutting taxes to revamp the economy.

You cannot get your head around a few basics!  Could you explain the connectivity between tax cuts and economic activity?  Listen banna, trickle-down is "part" of the package in any market economy.  Maybe it was not part of socialism as the state ran the businesses and took all the profits and decide how and when to spend.  Well guess what, that system collapsed.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:

Reagan cut taxes, had huge budget deficits and so increased taxes again.

The economy performed BETTER in his second even though he had raised taxes.

Clinton increased taxes and saw the BIGGEST increase in job growth of any president. Bush cut taxes and sent the economy into free fall with 700k jobs lost MONTHLY.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left huge budget deficits.

The stock market was already in dangerous bubble territory when Clinton left office.  The talk of irrational exuberance was during Clinton's time.  Greenspan's cutting of interest rates was blamed for a real estate bubble.  The US economy goes in cycles. When Reagan took office we had double-digit interest rates, inflation, and high unemployment.  Interest rates were lowered and corporations were given tax breaks. This led job creation and a powerful recovery.  On the downside, the price of real estate went crazy and the stock market began an unprecedented climb. The stock market goes in cycle and no one can accurately predict when it will go down.  Just look and see how many smart people have incorrectly predicted a correction.  

Just look how smart people like Kari, D2, etc scientifically detailed the defeat of the Trumpster!!  Kari had he whole lil map thingy going!  I think he forgot actual people live there!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt that is about $20 trillion and the increasing cost of health insurance under ObamaCare.  Who is comfortable with an America racking up debt at such a rapid pace and healthcare cost is going out of control for working families?  Are we blind to see how taxes are eating up our incomes and gangsters are taking over cities where cops are viewed as the bad guys?  

The debt is ok.  If the debt spending brings larger growth, that's ok.  A large part of the debt is within the Govt itself.  The US in not the most indebted nation for developed nations.  And the debt is in USD, so it gives us flexibility.

Family healthcare and education costs/debt are real dampers on the economy and the real threat to prosperity, not the national debt!

On the gangsters taking over the city, well maybe we need a new sheriff in town.  Oh, I forgot Gulliani is back in business!!

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:

Reagan cut taxes, had huge budget deficits and so increased taxes again.

The economy performed BETTER in his second even though he had raised taxes.

Clinton increased taxes and saw the BIGGEST increase in job growth of any president. Bush cut taxes and sent the economy into free fall with 700k jobs lost MONTHLY.

Clinton left a budget SURPLUS.  Bush left huge budget deficits.

The stock market was already in dangerous bubble territory when Clinton left office.  The talk of irrational exuberance was during Clinton's time.  Greenspan's cutting of interest rates was blamed for a real estate bubble.  The US economy goes in cycles. When Reagan took office we had double-digit interest rates, inflation, and high unemployment.  Interest rates were lowered and corporations were given tax breaks. This led job creation and a powerful recovery.  On the downside, the price of real estate went crazy and the stock market began an unprecedented climb. The stock market goes in cycle and no one can accurately predict when it will go down.  Just look and see how many smart people have incorrectly predicted a correction.  

Just look how smart people like Kari, D2, etc scientifically detailed the defeat of the Trumpster!!  Kari had he whole lil map thingy going!  I think he forgot actual people live there!

He just did not factor they would go for the okie doke...80% of the area voted race and the other 20 present followed them. The fear of brown people caused them  to vote against themselves. The promise of draining t he swamp was met yesterday with adding more water to it by filling it with insiders

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt

The GOP will not care about the spiraling national debt that will occur when Trump cuts taxes, wages wars and continues to spend. He will be like Bush.

Remember that when Bush took over there was a budget SURPLUS left by Clinton?

Nah, Trump will cut taxes linked to investment.  He will not wage wars, Hillary would have.  She wanted to take on Russia directly in Syria. Trump is talking about double-banking [with Russia] to defeat ISIS and terrorism!

The economy had begun to soften under Bush, a normal cycle, but 9/11 is what really threw things off.  Blame that on the Wahabs and their friends!  That caused the debt. 

But, I have to give it to Clinton for delivering growth!  Trump will do the same!

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt that is about $20 trillion and the increasing cost of health insurance under ObamaCare.  Who is comfortable with an America racking up debt at such a rapid pace and healthcare cost is going out of control for working families?  Are we blind to see how taxes are eating up our incomes and gangsters are taking over cities where cops are viewed as the bad guys?  

The debt is ok.  If the debt spending brings larger growth, that's ok.  A large part of the debt is within the Govt itself.  The US in not the most indebted nation for developed nations.  And the debt is in USD, so it gives us flexibility.

Family healthcare and education costs/debt are real dampers on the economy and the real threat to prosperity, not the national debt!

On the gangsters taking over the city, well maybe we need a new sheriff in town.  Oh, I forgot Gulliani is back in business!!

The peculiarity of you being a kneebender for trump is one thing but thinking that gulliani imbues hope and change is startling. One would want to know as a scientific curiosity as to what deformed your reasoning so much!

Amral posted:

Seems like people lobbying for some of the Electors to change their votes in December 

Stupid move. Trump is president. He won however nasty the game was plaid. He is the President and must be allowed to do his best for the nation because, after all, the country and all its people comes first.

Our duty is to fight for what are our social and political choices. That is how democracy works. Mr Trump can strut his stuff but there will be push back when he oversteps his authority.

And if he begins to execute his campaign promises there are lots to push back on

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Do you want the local bank to go into prop trading and invest your money and lose it? Dood-Frank prevents depository banks from prop trading as Glass–Steagall did for commercial banks.The repeal of it contributed a small part of the economic collapse. If I put my money in the bank I want it to be there not for the bank to lose it in risky trades and go broke. Trump is about to repeal Dood-Frank...the most sound consumers protection act ever. It is like seat belt for your money.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Do you want the local bank to go into prop trading and invest your money and lose it? Dood-Frank prevents depository banks from prop trading as Glass–Steagall did for commercial banks.The repeal of it contributed a small part of the economic collapse. If I put my money in the bank I want it to be there not for the bank to lose it in risky trades and go broke. Trump is about to repeal Dood-Frank...the most sound consumers protection act ever. It is like seat belt for your money.

Wisdom from behind a dollar store counter. I mentioned overkill, not total repeal.  Some regulation has to be done, but what I am seeing as an insider in the industry is clearly overkill. That is why bank stocks went up as soon as Trump won. There must be a balance between regulation and what is good for the economy. 


Every white and Hispanic male that I spoke to before the election was voting for Trump. The polls were wrong because people were being politically correct and not telling posters their true feelings.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Do you want the local bank to go into prop trading and invest your money and lose it? Dood-Frank prevents depository banks from prop trading as Glass–Steagall did for commercial banks.The repeal of it contributed a small part of the economic collapse. If I put my money in the bank I want it to be there not for the bank to lose it in risky trades and go broke. Trump is about to repeal Dood-Frank...the most sound consumers protection act ever. It is like seat belt for your money.

Wisdom from behind a dollar store counter. I mentioned overkill, not total repeal.  Some regulation has to be done, but what I am seeing as an insider in the industry is clearly overkill. That is why bank stocks went up as soon as Trump won. There must be a balance between regulation and what is good for the economy. 

What kind of banking regulations are considered overkill?  Did you see the documentary I mentioned on another thread "Money for Nothing."  Those are true financial experts opinions, why should people listen to anyone else?  What caused the 2008 banking collapse...was it too much regulation?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Many people in this country are concerned about the spiraling national debt

The GOP will not care about the spiraling national debt that will occur when Trump cuts taxes, wages wars and continues to spend. He will be like Bush.

Remember that when Bush took over there was a budget SURPLUS left by Clinton?

He will cut taxes and reduce government spending which is very wasteful.  Lower taxation is an incentive for investments which we really need. Low taxation and small government have proven to work. Reagan proved it and it can be proven again.  Bill Clinton went into office at a time when they world was at peace after four decades of cold war that cost billions of dollars and millions of lives. They economy had a chance to grow  and it certainly did. The value of American corporations went ahead and left the Japanese behind. No talk of Japan overtaking the US today.   The resurgence of Islam in many parts of the world have forced  the US spend huge amount of money to battle it and safeguard countries that threatened by it.  

Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq and created a nightmare called ISIS.  Trump, like many others, sees the only solution to the menace is all out war.  The US and the West has no other choice but to go after these people and finish them off.  Sounds harsh but it is necessary. Our adversaries have no mercy and will not budge no matter what we do. They are coming to get us. We have to get them before they get us.  Trump recognizes this reality and he no interest in being politically correct about the challenges we really face.  Hillary pretends as if the seriousness of the Islamic problem is more of figment of Trump's imagination. Hillary is wrong about this and perhaps paid at price at the polls because of her lenient stand.

He will cut taxes and reduce government spending which is very wasteful.

Not so, he wants to protect Social Security, keep the expensive parts of the ACA (pre-existing conditions), plough into Infrastructure works (McConnell has his first fight already by telling Trump this is low down on his priority). Lowering taxes in his proposals is not revenue-neutral - the deficit will climb - another fight with Ryan.

 Bill Clinton went into office at a time when they world was at peace after four decades of cold war that cost billions of dollars and millions of lives.

You seem to forget the rise of nationalism that led to Serbia/Bosnia conflict, Rwanda and elsewhere. Clinton eventually used militarty force in both those theaters as well as launching cruise missiles on Al Qaeda after the USS Cole bombing and the Embassy towers.


The value of American corporations went ahead and left the Japanese behind. No talk of Japan overtaking the US today.

The Japanese were supplanted by the Arab Sheiks who were buying up real estate in the West.

Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq and created a nightmare called ISIS.


Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq and created a nightmare called ISIS.

Not so. Bush signed the Forces Agreement with Al Malaki, who promptly asked Obama to get the hell out of a sovereign country. Malaki went on a genocide rampage against Sunnis in Falujah, Mosul, Tikrit and elsewhere (a blood-letting that Bush's 2003 invasion let loose). The's why they embraced ISIS rather than their torturer Shiite government. Obam only had one legal recourse - the terrorism pursuit that 9/11 gave an American President.

Same logic in Syria BillyB. the Russians HAVE a defense treaty with Syria and the US does not. You have to get UN vote and NATO cooperation - both of which were absent when ISIS went on their rampage. - as these are sovereign countries that wanted no American military occupation force.


Trump, like many others, sees the only solution to the menace is all out war.

Trump knows he cannot carpet bomb 1 million people to kill 3,000. The Washington bureaucracy will prevent that.


There is one thing I pulling for Trump on but I will not talk about it because it is related to my job.  Yes there are some mighty wasteful spending in government.  But he will move from this avenue of wasteful spending to another more wasteful spending...military.

VVP posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Do you want the local bank to go into prop trading and invest your money and lose it? Dood-Frank prevents depository banks from prop trading as Glass–Steagall did for commercial banks.The repeal of it contributed a small part of the economic collapse. If I put my money in the bank I want it to be there not for the bank to lose it in risky trades and go broke. Trump is about to repeal Dood-Frank...the most sound consumers protection act ever. It is like seat belt for your money.

Wisdom from behind a dollar store counter. I mentioned overkill, not total repeal.  Some regulation has to be done, but what I am seeing as an insider in the industry is clearly overkill. That is why bank stocks went up as soon as Trump won. There must be a balance between regulation and what is good for the economy. 

What kind of banking regulations are considered overkill?  Did you see the documentary I mentioned on another thread "Money for Nothing."  Those are true financial experts opinions, why should people listen to anyone else?  What caused the 2008 banking collapse...was it too much regulation?

He programs widgets for UBS so that makes him an expert!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The stock market was already in dangerous bubble territory when Clinton left office.  

Greenspan had nothing to do with Clinton, nor did the bubble tech stocks have anything to do with Clinton.

The economy was strong. There was a federal budget SURPLUS. Unemployment was low and real wages were high.

And the recession that did come after Clinton left office, was short and shallow.  This showed that there was nothing wrong with the economy, beyond the bubble in he tech markets especially.

Now let us look at Bush.

Real incomes DROPPED. Unemployment soared. Billions wasted on a war which the USA LOST.  The Financial sector imploded and the manufacturing sector fell into free fall.

Listen I know you all love top pretend as if Clinton was followed by Obama, and that George Bush didn't exist. REALITY check. That Bush administration, that was directed by Cheney was a DISASTER.   The fact that Obama pulled us out of that train wreck successfully is the reason why you can now pretend as if it didn't happen.

But in October 2008 we ALL thought that we were headed into the SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION, brought to you by George Bush.


The military spending increase will be because of the House Republicans distance themselves from sequestration.

Obama wanted smarter military and I think businessman Trump will fight McConnell and Ryan when it comes to wasteful spending.

Do not under-estimate the influence of Obama on Trump during these two transition months. It is no happenstance that Obama will live in DC because of his daughters' education - it is divine intervention.

VVP posted:

There is one thing I pulling for Trump on but I will not talk about it because it is related to my job.  Yes there are some mighty wasteful spending in government.  But he will move from this avenue of wasteful spending to another more wasteful spending...military.

Electricity produced other than by fossil fuel, large dams or nuclear does not go down well with electrical companies. They see green electricity ie solar and wind as wasteful. Fortunately, these areas has driven more innovation in the industry. I lament that the Telsa-Solarcity may not go through. The latter may die and the former will have a slow down in innovation. This is the first casualty of Trump.

Kari posted:


Trump, like many others, sees the only solution to the menace is all out war.

Trump knows he cannot carpet bomb 1 million people to kill 3,000. The Washington bureaucracy will prevent that.

Trump is a cluster of confusion. He says to carpet bomb Syria for ISIS. Nut he will do no such thing, as this will involve shooting Russian planes out of the skies.

He says that he just about wants out of NATO.  If course. Putin wants NATO to collapse so that he can roll into the Balkan states and harass former communist Central European states, and intimidate Germany.

That man Putin must be drinking tons of vodka as a he celebrates the fact that Russia, a nation with an economy SMALLER than Korea, Brazil just took over the world's largest and most powerful nation. And he didn't even have to use nuclear warheads to do so.

Danyael posted:
VVP posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
and bank companies are now on a surge in anticipation of deregulation, much of which put a huge burden on businesses. 

Of course you forget what deregulation of the financial sector caused in 2008. Several large banks collapsing and multi billion bail outs. The worst recession since the 1930s.

Some of the regulations were overkill, I deal with it everyday, not you from inside your Brooklyn apartment. 

Do you want the local bank to go into prop trading and invest your money and lose it? Dood-Frank prevents depository banks from prop trading as Glass–Steagall did for commercial banks.The repeal of it contributed a small part of the economic collapse. If I put my money in the bank I want it to be there not for the bank to lose it in risky trades and go broke. Trump is about to repeal Dood-Frank...the most sound consumers protection act ever. It is like seat belt for your money.

Wisdom from behind a dollar store counter. I mentioned overkill, not total repeal.  Some regulation has to be done, but what I am seeing as an insider in the industry is clearly overkill. That is why bank stocks went up as soon as Trump won. There must be a balance between regulation and what is good for the economy. 

What kind of banking regulations are considered overkill?  Did you see the documentary I mentioned on another thread "Money for Nothing."  Those are true financial experts opinions, why should people listen to anyone else?  What caused the 2008 banking collapse...was it too much regulation?

He programs widgets for UBS so that makes him an expert!

Well it will be interesting to see what he has to say.  

But look at the other  clown talking about zero interest rate policy like he knows what he is talking about.


Danyael posted:
VVP posted:

There is one thing I pulling for Trump on but I will not talk about it because it is related to my job.  Yes there are some mighty wasteful spending in government.  But he will move from this avenue of wasteful spending to another more wasteful spending...military.

Electricity produced other than by fossil fuel, large dams or nuclear does not go down well with electrical companies. They see green electricity ie solar and wind as wasteful. Fortunately, these areas has driven more innovation in the industry. I lament that the Telsa-Solarcity may not go through. The latter may die and the former will have a slow down in innovation. This is the first casualty of Trump.

Danyael, do you know that the vast majority of pollution comes from Transportation and not the electric utilities?  Utilities do not care where the energy comes from once they get paid for it.

I sometimes think that  a simple thing like coordinating traffic light signals to keep traffic flowing efficiently could do wonders for the environment.

A simple thing like the efficient light bulbs did wonders for energy efficiency and the environment.


Kari posted:

I think businessman Trump will fight McConnell and Ryan when it comes to wasteful spending.

Do not under-estimate the influence of Obama on Trump during these two transition months. It is no happenstance that Obama will live in DC because of his daughters' education - it is divine intervention.

Kari you are really living in a delusion.  And I do detect that you seem to be realigning yourself to be as ardent a fan for Trump as you were for Obama.

1.  If you think that the "businessman" Trump will cut waste, then you are no different from the folks who voted for him. They did so because they respected his bona fides as a businessman. Yes the same bona fides that Hillary's inept campaign didn't destroy, because they thought that Americans were excited about the first female president.

Trump was a spendthrift businessman who loaded his companies with debt. It was Trump who coined the phrase "OPM" (other people's money) and who boasted that he had borrowed enough to financially jeopardize the bank, so that he could do what he wanted with their money.  This when the banks wanted to foreclose on his properties.

One can wonder how one can think so with his numerous bankruptcies, the alleged poor cash flow (as reported by the NYT) of his existing businesses, and the fact that he had to sell of a huge amount of his assets to remain afloat.

In fact the NYC business community have never had respect for Donald Trump.  This is why he became a reality show clown and a "Birther" idiot!

2.  If you think that Trump, a man who damned Obama since Obama became president, is going to follow Obama you dream. Trump will dismantle every aspect of Obama's legacy because Trump has a huge ego.  He will NEVER admit that some black "foreigner" did anything that he will respect.  He is only making nice now to look magnanimous. 

3. When the Obamas leave office they will move on to other things.   The most important being to make serious money to compensate for their extreme stress over the past 9 years. Several books, speeches, and consulting.  There was already a movie, but no one went to see it. I expect a larger movie project in about 2 years.  Folks are already guessing who will play Barack and who Michelle.

 They will also be involved in many projects, along the lines of Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter.   Including a foundation.  And of course Barack will be busy with his library in Chicago.

 If you think that Obama will be micro managing Trump you live in lala land!  If Barack even tries to do that Michelle will give him a good kick in the behind.  Her attitude would be that he should leave the GOP to fix the mess that Trump will cause, and not involve himself. If Barack micro manages, I can see that it will be Obama and not Trump who will be blamed when Trump lands us in an even bigger mess than Bush did.


And here is the deal Kari. As much as the GOP wails about getting rid of the ACA they cannot. The health insurance companies and healthcare suppliers and providers have already spent billions to adjust their systems to this. They don't want to go through that again.

Trump will replace the subsidies with tax credits, remove the taxes that are used to fund the ACA, remove the restrictions on the premium cap (cannot be more than 125% of direct reimbursement to healthcare providers).  He will also remove the mandates, as a populist gesture.  Maybe also dismantle Federal support for the Exchanges.

He will have a huge fanfare, call it the Freedom Healthcare Act, and pretend that its no longer Obamacare. Joe Blow associates Obamacare with the Exchanges, so will believe the lie that Obamacare has gone if the Feds involvement in the exchanges ends.

After all the ACA is a GOP response to those who wanted universal healthcare.  Simpleton racists like Baseman don't even know this. Its Romneycare!

Drugb posted:
, but what I am seeing as an insider in the industry is clearly overkill.

Druggie you are no insider to the industry.  You are a peon who writes code, or maybe you have moved on to managing IT systems.  You are a servant and those on the line side of the bank see you as a well paid building super.

When you disclose that you are involved in derivatives or are a hedge fund guy then we can chat.

In fact BOTH Trump and Bernie Sanders are out to lunch.  The financial sector is no longer just the regulated banks.

Expect another financial implosion by 2020 if these guys have their way. Already poor people are getting marketed to for $20,000 lines of credit.

VVP posted:
Danyael posted:
VVP posted:

There is one thing I pulling for Trump on but I will not talk about it because it is related to my job.  Yes there are some mighty wasteful spending in government.  But he will move from this avenue of wasteful spending to another more wasteful spending...military.

Electricity produced other than by fossil fuel, large dams or nuclear does not go down well with electrical companies. They see green electricity ie solar and wind as wasteful. Fortunately, these areas has driven more innovation in the industry. I lament that the Telsa-Solarcity may not go through. The latter may die and the former will have a slow down in innovation. This is the first casualty of Trump.

Danyael, do you know that the vast majority of pollution comes from Transportation and not the electric utilities?  Utilities do not care where the energy comes from once they get paid for it.

I sometimes think that  a simple thing like coordinating traffic light signals to keep traffic flowing efficiently could do wonders for the environment.

A simple thing like the efficient light bulbs did wonders for energy efficiency and the environment.


That is understood but green cars like Tesla comes about only by the easing of our development on traditional  sources of fuel. There is no such thing as clean coal. Fossil fuels are putting billions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. Fossil fuel cannot take us into space. We need to develop alternatives. Fusion is remote, nuclear is dangerous, water is not reliable and we have only few other options...wind and solar.  We are developing lots of efficient chemical storage cells and these will be increasingly powerful and safe. We need not abandon these.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
VVP posted:
Danyael posted:
VVP posted:

There is one thing I pulling for Trump on but I will not talk about it because it is related to my job.  Yes there are some mighty wasteful spending in government.  But he will move from this avenue of wasteful spending to another more wasteful spending...military.

Electricity produced other than by fossil fuel, large dams or nuclear does not go down well with electrical companies. They see green electricity ie solar and wind as wasteful. Fortunately, these areas has driven more innovation in the industry. I lament that the Telsa-Solarcity may not go through. The latter may die and the former will have a slow down in innovation. This is the first casualty of Trump.

Danyael, do you know that the vast majority of pollution comes from Transportation and not the electric utilities?  Utilities do not care where the energy comes from once they get paid for it.

I sometimes think that  a simple thing like coordinating traffic light signals to keep traffic flowing efficiently could do wonders for the environment.

A simple thing like the efficient light bulbs did wonders for energy efficiency and the environment.


That is understood but green cars like Tesla comes about only by the easing of our development on traditional  sources of fuel. There is no such thing as clean coal. Fossil fuels are putting billions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. Fossil fuel cannot take us into space. We need to develop alternatives. Fusion is remote, nuclear is dangerous, water is not reliable and we have only few other options...wind and solar.  We are developing lots of efficient chemical storage cells and these will be increasingly powerful and safe. We need not abandon these.

I am not going to comment on some of the stuff you wrote there.  I would definitely like to see cleaner mode of transportation.

It is unfortunate, but Coal will be back and the EPA's Clean Power Plan will be dumped very soon.  I don't agree with these things but this is what is going to happen under Trump.

It is a shame that some people do not believe that global warming is being driven by mankind.  But it is also a shame that those who understand it want to treat it like the Y2K bug and make Billions on it.

Last edited by Former Member

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