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OPINION: An Irfan Ali Presidency would be a Jagdeo 4th term

By David Hinds

January 20 2019


First, I am not surprised that Mr. Irfan Ali won by such a wide margin. He was clearly the choice of the PPP’s maximum leader, and the leader’s preference on such matters holds sway with many in the party’s leadership.

Second, Ali’s selection indicates very clearly that should the PPP win the election, it will continue the Jagdeo agenda that was interrupted when the party lost power in 2015. I am less concerned about Jagdeo’s presence in a potential PPP government and more concerned about the Jagdeo agenda of ethnic dominance and the criminalized state. In effect, I see an Ali presidency as a Jagdeo fourth term.

This I think should be cause for concern for all those who would like to see a Guyana that is ethnically inclusive and a state that is untied from the bad influences of the past. Neither Mr. Jagdeo, the PPP or Mr. Ali has repudiated the Jagdeo agenda or has put forward a new agenda.

Third, given his close ties to the Jagdeo agenda, Ali is in effect the best candidate for that section of the PPP’s base that supports that agenda. He is more likely to galvanize that section more than the candidates he defeated. Fourth, whatever his negatives—and there are two that have been in the news—I don’t think those would negatively affect his candidacy among the PPP’s wider base. Those voters to my mind have already made up their minds about their choice between the PNC-led coalition and the PPP.

Fifth, would his negatives make him an easier candidate to defeat? Certainly, he would be easier to beat in the African-Guyanese community. But would those negatives turn off independent Indian-Guyanese voters? In other words, would the Coalition be able to exploit his negatives among independents? Such a strategy could be risky for the coalition, since the PPP would be sure to retaliate by highlighting the negatives of top Coalition leaders. Whether the Coalition could withstand that kind of scrutiny is left to be seen. The PPP, for example, is sure to exploit to the fullest Minister Lawrence’s unfortunate statements on party clientelism.

In any case, I don’t think many hardcore supporters would pay much attention to whether Ali’s degrees are in order or whether he was charged with overseeing the misappropriation of government funds. In fact, I am very sure the PPP would be going after Coalition ministers for misappropriation of government funds whether it’s true or not. So, if I were the Coalition, I would be highlighting more Ali’s fidelity to the Jagdeo agenda in my pitch to independent Indian-Guyanese voters largely because it was that agenda that drove them to the AFC and the Coalition in 2011 and 2015. Of course, the Coalition, particularly the AFC and other independent supporters, would have to make the case to those Indian-Guyanese that their concerns and interests would be better represented by a second Coalition government.

Sixth, is Ali’s relative youth an asset? I am not so sure. As I indicated above, if he is tied to the old agenda then his youthfulness matters very little, if any. As we saw in the case of Mr. Jagdeo who was much younger when he took charge, there is no magic in being a youth—it does not necessarily translate into progressive leadership. Despite his cabinet and parliamentary experience, Mr. Ali has not articulated an agenda and a vision beyond the Jagdeo agenda.

Seventh, it is interesting to note that the PPP, contrary to popular wisdom, has chosen a Muslim as its standard bearer. This can be read as a positive development for the party in that it is reflective of a noble step towards inclusion. However, it could also be read as a submerging of religious contradictions in favor of the ethno-political imperatives.

Finally, it would be interesting to know who voted against Ali. One is tempted to think it is the old-guard, although Anil Nandlall is not a member of that faction. My sense is that the old guard would have favored Frank Anthony, but in the end, I think he was not seen as grounded in the Jagdeo agenda. Hence his inability to garner a majority.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

This RACIST PIG is expected to say so!!  These FOOLS will not stop exposing their RACIST ways. I guess he love when candidates are elected at the barrel of a Gun!!!

David Hinds is not racist to speak what others like myself are thinking. Indeed, Irfaan Ali will be a Jagdeo third and fourth term president. When you invested in a person that much as Jagdeo did and admit he will not take a back seat, it means he (Irfaan) will be steered according to Jagdeo. This is common sense logic, my friend. 

Last edited by Former Member

Certainly, the most knowledgeable , intelligent Guyanese, Dr Bharat Jagdeo will help his Country by lending support to President Ali. However, President Ali is a formidable contender with lots of experiences having been at the Ministerial level for a long period.

Nehru posted:

Certainly, the most knowledgeable , intelligent Guyanese, Dr Bharat Jagdeo will help his Country by lending support to President Ali. However, President Ali is a formidable contender with lots of experiences having been at the Ministerial level for a long period.

He took the country into the sewer so how can he help but with the same corrupt practices as before?


Why wasn't Hinds concerned that any PNC president would be an extension of Burnham. Just last year Harmon was defending the need to keep the Demerara Harbour Bridge for no other reason than it was built by Burnham.

Every politician claims that their opponent is linked to someone else. Like McCain being Bush's third term or Clinton being Obama's third term. Well, at least, no one will want to latch themselves to that skont, Trump. 


Last edited by Former Member

Kasz, a one eye man is KING in a blind man Country. Or as meh Neighba does seh, people gun hear and see what they want to hear and see. Dat Banna is really smart. Note: He is a canecutter!!


in all awnesty, ow cum hinds didnt seh dat nemako is/wuz a pampalampum/bollywud prime ministah and dat hurmun iz/wuz de reel ting?

Image result for david granger and burnham

Image result for moses nagamootoo at burnham

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  • 46414964_1948783725214934_4199907497802203136_n
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This racist PIG Hinds fails to address the fact that that Granger is an extension of Burnham ! The pictures above are very revealing. Moses should drive another post in his backside.

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yuji22 posted:

This racist PIG Hinds fails to address the fact that that Granger is an extension of Burnham ! The pictures above are very revealing. Moses should drive another post in his backside.

The man stood up to Burnham and even went to jail for it. He also stood up to granger and is on the outside on account of it. What have you done that makes him a racist and a self proclaimed racist is not? You have absolutely nothing sensible except spout inflammatory sentences and rattle your own mental cage here. Not a single sentence illustrating you can think ever arises from you. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Why wasn't Hinds concerned that any PNC president would be an extension of Burnham. Just last year Harmon was defending the need to keep the Demerara Harbour Bridge for no other reason than it was built by Burnham.

Every politician claims that their opponent is linked to someone else. Like McCain being Bush's third term or Clinton being Obama's third term. Well, at least, no one will want to latch themselves to that skont, Trump. 


He may not have accosted him on the comparison of his policies being like burnham but have explained why he thinks they are wrong headed, ethnically divisive and taking the nation down a dead end path. 

I doubt Hinds defended the bridge on acount of LFSB. 

No one has to be persuasive of the thinking person that Ifart is not an extension of Jagdeo. He was his expected choice. That he short circuited the system so he can win reifies that fact. The man, in short order, rose from church mice to fat cat status...three years! He is and has been the least beloved of the PPPite potential candidates. Even the selection of Priya would have been more palatable,

Drugb posted:

How do you haters explain the power that Jagdeo has to make Irfaan his puppet?

Does he have a standing army to enforce his will?


I am not a rocket scientist...or a "hater"...but...

You obviously dont have a brain or you dont know how to use it, eh?

Did Put have any influence over Medvedev?

Did Jagdeo have any influence over Ramotor?

Its a matter of maintaining and wielding influence in the entire process...from the selection of the candidate to the presidency (assuming Irfan gets elected)...they already opened the door to Jagdeo by saying that he will play a major role in any future PPP administration.

Jagdeo still maintain influence merely because he was a former President, and he is the only shining light in the PPP among all YES men....if he was not there the PPP would buckle and crumble and flounder...just like it did for 28 years...

Take your head out of the sand.


VishMahabir posted:
Anan posted:

in all awnesty, ow cum hinds didnt seh dat nemako is/wuz a pampalampum/bollywud prime ministah and dat hurmun iz/wuz de reel ting?

Image result for david granger and burnham

Image result for moses nagamootoo at burnham

Related image

Who is the white dude next to Burnham???

Your cha cha.

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

This racist PIG Hinds fails to address the fact that that Granger is an extension of Burnham ! The pictures above are very revealing. Moses should drive another post in his backside.

The man stood up to Burnham and even went to jail for it. He also stood up to granger and is on the outside on account of it. What have you done that makes him a racist and a self proclaimed racist is not? You have absolutely nothing sensible except spout inflammatory sentences and rattle your own mental cage here. Not a single sentence illustrating you can think ever arises from you. 

A racist Crabdawg Neemakharan D2 defending  another racist !

yuji22 posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

This racist PIG Hinds fails to address the fact that that Granger is an extension of Burnham ! The pictures above are very revealing. Moses should drive another post in his backside.

The man stood up to Burnham and even went to jail for it. He also stood up to granger and is on the outside on account of it. What have you done that makes him a racist and a self proclaimed racist is not? You have absolutely nothing sensible except spout inflammatory sentences and rattle your own mental cage here. Not a single sentence illustrating you can think ever arises from you. 

A racist Crabdawg Neemakharan D2 defending  another racist !

Aa borderline maniac with hardly any ability to compose a sentience without screaming. If Hinds is a racist you are a stone cold Nazi compared. The fact is you cannot handle the truth. 


Shut you racist rass. You have the nerve to defend a known racist Hinds. The emperor has no clothes !

Moses should stick a second pole on his backside. 


Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Why wasn't Hinds concerned that any PNC president would be an extension of Burnham. Just last year Harmon was defending the need to keep the Demerara Harbour Bridge for no other reason than it was built by Burnham.

Every politician claims that their opponent is linked to someone else. Like McCain being Bush's third term or Clinton being Obama's third term. Well, at least, no one will want to latch themselves to that skont, Trump. 


He may not have accosted him on the comparison of his policies being like burnham but have explained why he thinks they are wrong headed, ethnically divisive and taking the nation down a dead end path. 

I doubt Hinds defended the bridge on acount of LFSB. 

No one has to be persuasive of the thinking person that Ifart is not an extension of Jagdeo. He was his expected choice. That he short circuited the system so he can win reifies that fact. The man, in short order, rose from church mice to fat cat status...three years! He is and has been the least beloved of the PPPite potential candidates. Even the selection of Priya would have been more palatable,

Not withstanding, every politician is deemed an extension of another so I am not contesting that. I was just making an observation that he didn’t see Granger as an extension of Burnham after Granger was selected presidential candidate in 2015 to now.

yuji22 posted:

Shut you racist rass. You have the nerve to defend a known racist Hinds. The emperor has no clothes !

Moses should stick a second pole on his backside. 


As noted, you compared to Hinds is a Nazi compared to a strident critic. 

Please read a little bit more so you may gather up a few more succinct metaphors and so diversify your one allusion clause. 

As for sticking poles in backsides....please do not broadcast your inclinations here. That should be a private matter. 


Your constant prattling of nonsense at GNI has further exposed your support for a known racist and anti Indo commentator Hinds.

The emperor has no clothes. 

Go take a rest, take your male menopause medication and come back ! Did you drop by admin’s office to lodge another cry baby complain ?

Lick your wounds and go home. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

This racist PIG Hinds fails to address the fact that that Granger is an extension of Burnham ! The pictures above are very revealing. Moses should drive another post in his backside.

The man stood up to Burnham and even went to jail for it. He also stood up to granger and is on the outside on account of it. What have you done that makes him a racist and a self proclaimed racist is not? You have absolutely nothing sensible except spout inflammatory sentences and rattle your own mental cage here. Not a single sentence illustrating you can think ever arises from you. 

A racist Crabdawg Neemakharan D2 defending  another racist !

Hinds was in prison during the Burnham days as a member of the WPA (Kissoon wrote about this several times) and he was fired by the Granger govt from the Chronicle....

So we can safely assume that Hinds was fighting for you and all your CHA-CHAS who are still left in Guyana.


He has since morphed into an anti Indo, racist commentator and a PNC apologist. No different that people like many in the WPA. 

Look at Moses, the PNC buss his behind and broke his bones and he is mopping their floors nowadays. Your argument is weak. 

Rodney must be turning in his grave !

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

He has since morphed into an anti Indo, racist commentator and a PNC apologist. No different that people like many in the WPA. 

Look at Moses, the PNC buss his behind and broke his bones and he is mopping their floors nowadays. Your argument is weak. 

Rodney must be turning in his grave !

Yes, but Hinds is still critical of the PNC....and  he understands than any government must include Indos and Afros...unlike many in the current PNC...

He wrote a book on power-sharing, I believe.


Critical of the PNC ? He praises the PNC and loves the Hapless Granger and their administration to death !

His so call once in a while “lie, lie” comments are to fool a few individuals like yourself and D2.

He should shut his racist backside ! He is a soup drinker and palm tree backer !

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Your constant prattling of nonsense at GNI has further exposed your support for a known racist and anti Indo commentator Hinds.

The emperor has no clothes. 

Go take a rest, take your male menopause medication and come back ! Did you drop by admin’s office to lodge another cry baby complain ?

Lick your wounds and go home. 

I know hinds through his work as an academic. He is a principled and thinking man with an unscrupulous penchant for speaking his mind. You on the other hand is a ditz, a blow hard, an air head.

You cannot account for yourself beyond hurling poorly constructed phrases as supposed insults. That is our only tool. That you are a hapless idiot even here is yet unmatched by your useless pretensions about everything. You may even have an edge on Trump at this.  

VishMahabir posted:

Who is the white dude next to Burnham???

Let me give you a hint jackass, not this guy below, the other famous guy.

Related image

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

He has since morphed into an anti Indo, racist commentator and a PNC apologist. No different that people like many in the WPA. 

Look at Moses, the PNC buss his behind and broke his bones and he is mopping their floors nowadays. Your argument is weak. 

Rodney must be turning in his grave !

The first two sentences are utter lies. HInds is no commentator for the PNC and he is hardly close to being a racist except to those ( racist themselves) like you who do not care for him putting a mirror to your faces. 

Moses is himself a cripple given he has no independent voice and only speak to preserve a place for his plate on the PNC table. You would not know a strong argument from a weak argument. You are yet to know what is an argument.

Hinds is among those who keep  the Rodney legacy alive so again you speak from unadulterated ignorance. 

VishMahabir posted:


I am not a rocket scientist...or a "hater"...but...

You obviously dont have a brain or you dont know how to use it, eh?

Did Put have any influence over Medvedev?

Did Jagdeo have any influence over Ramotor?

Its a matter of maintaining and wielding influence in the entire process...from the selection of the candidate to the presidency (assuming Irfan gets elected)...they already opened the door to Jagdeo by saying that he will play a major role in any future PPP administration.

Jagdeo still maintain influence merely because he was a former President, and he is the only shining light in the PPP among all YES men....if he was not there the PPP would buckle and crumble and flounder...just like it did for 28 years...

Take your head out of the sand.


Thanks for the response dirtbag, at least you responded while the other haters ignored. 

Now let druggie school you as my predecessor did years ago to Cribby and D2. 

Once a president leaves office his influence is no more other than if he has supporters still in govt or armed enforcers that visit people at night to get them to "cooperate". 

You seem to be saying that Jagdeo is not threatening them with violence or death, but yet he is able to bend them to his will. First Ramoutar and now Irfaan and the 24 who voted for him. 

It must be some kind of advanced mind control that he picked up while visiting India and learnt from a Swami. 

yuji22 posted:

Critical of the PNC ? He praises the PNC and loves the Hapless Granger and their administration to death !

His so call once in a while “lie, lie” comments are to fool a few individuals like yourself and D2.

He should shut his racist backside ! He is a soup drinker and palm tree backer !

As I often note, you only see your own delusions and hear only your own the cacophony in your head. Individuals like me are not your peers. You are in our midst only because this is a site open to the everyone and our credo is to listen to the dull and ignorant as well. The hope is they might learn. You have proven  a terminally dumb student so far. 

D2 posted:

The first two sentences are utter lies. HInds is no commentator for the PNC and he is hardly close to being a racist except to those ( racist themselves) like you who do not care for him putting a mirror to your faces. 

Moses is himself a cripple given he has no independent voice and only speak to preserve a place for his plate on the PNC table. You would not know a strong argument from a weak argument. You are yet to know what is an argument.

Hinds is among those who keep  the Rodney legacy alive so again you speak from unadulterated ignorance. 

Seems that you go to great lengths to defend and speak on behalf of Hinds. Is there a personal connection?

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:


I am not a rocket scientist...or a "hater"...but...

You obviously dont have a brain or you dont know how to use it, eh?

Did Put have any influence over Medvedev?

Did Jagdeo have any influence over Ramotor?

Its a matter of maintaining and wielding influence in the entire process...from the selection of the candidate to the presidency (assuming Irfan gets elected)...they already opened the door to Jagdeo by saying that he will play a major role in any future PPP administration.

Jagdeo still maintain influence merely because he was a former President, and he is the only shining light in the PPP among all YES men....if he was not there the PPP would buckle and crumble and flounder...just like it did for 28 years...

Take your head out of the sand.


Thanks for the response dirtbag, at least you responded while the other haters ignored. 

Now let druggie school you as my predecessor did years ago to Cribby and D2. 

Once a president leaves office his influence is no more other than if he has supporters still in govt or armed enforcers that visit people at night to get them to "cooperate". 

You seem to be saying that Jagdeo is not threatening them with violence or death, but yet he is able to bend them to his will. First Ramoutar and now Irfaan and the 24 who voted for him. 

It must be some kind of advanced mind control that he picked up while visiting India and learnt from a Swami. 

You only did what ever you assume you did to any one with success as you do presently re inventing yourself as a cripple. The reality is you miss the fact you were a cripple all along. A mental one. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

The first two sentences are utter lies. HInds is no commentator for the PNC and he is hardly close to being a racist except to those ( racist themselves) like you who do not care for him putting a mirror to your faces. 

Moses is himself a cripple given he has no independent voice and only speak to preserve a place for his plate on the PNC table. You would not know a strong argument from a weak argument. You are yet to know what is an argument.

Hinds is among those who keep  the Rodney legacy alive so again you speak from unadulterated ignorance. 

Seems that you go to great lengths to defend and speak on behalf of Hinds. Is there a personal connection?

speaking the truth about someone being needlessly maligned by idiots need no personal connections. It is a duty.

D2 posted:
You only did what ever you assume you did to any one with success as you do presently re inventing yourself as a cripple. The reality is you miss the fact you were a cripple all along. A mental one. 

This is no way to speak to a paraplegic, for now you are blessed with health and strength but it may be fleeting.  

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Who is the white dude next to Burnham???

Let me give you a hint jackass, not this guy below, the other famous guy.

Related image

OK DrugHead,

I see you know how to paste picture here...must have been a strain on your brain to try and find this one, eh?

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

The first two sentences are utter lies. HInds is no commentator for the PNC and he is hardly close to being a racist except to those ( racist themselves) like you who do not care for him putting a mirror to your faces. 

Moses is himself a cripple given he has no independent voice and only speak to preserve a place for his plate on the PNC table. You would not know a strong argument from a weak argument. You are yet to know what is an argument.

Hinds is among those who keep  the Rodney legacy alive so again you speak from unadulterated ignorance. 

Seems that you go to great lengths to defend and speak on behalf of Hinds. Is there a personal connection?

speaking the truth about someone being needlessly maligned by idiots need no personal connections. It is a duty.

That being the premise, how come you never rushed to my defense when the others attack me with untruths? I suspect that there is some personal connection or perhaps a man crush. 

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Now let druggie school you as my predecessor did years ago to Cribby and D2. 

Once a president leaves office his influence is no more other than if he has supporters still in govt or armed enforcers that visit people at night to get them to "cooperate". 

You seem to be saying that Jagdeo is not threatening them with violence or death, but yet he is able to bend them to his will. First Ramoutar and now Irfaan and the 24 who voted for him. 

It must be some kind of advanced mind control that he picked up while visiting India and learnt from a Swami. 

You only did what ever you assume you did to any one with success as you do presently re inventing yourself as a cripple. The reality is you miss the fact you were a cripple all along. A mental one. 

Only a mental cripple, he is loony. Notice always taking self credit for schooling some one.


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