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The sick Nix are prima donnas with low basketball IQ.


Can you ever win when your lead point guard is Raymond Felton?


How dumb is the 2-guard tandem of Shumpert and JR?


This is a ridiculous team.


The Giants blew the chance for a run at the Super Bowl in the area. The Knicks are a joke. Time to binge on "Breaking Bad".


I'm more interested in the big picture. Had the Knicks waited for Melo at the end of the 2011 season he would have been leading a team with stars and with draft picks. Instead Dolan couldn't wait a couple months for Melo and gutted that team with Gallinari. Melo didn't like Lin later and now we have low IQ players like JR and Felton and Schumpert. 


OKC is a special team with a special talent in KD. I don't know that they have the depth or toughness like the Heat or the Pacers. Paul George is now an elite player and the Pacers may have more hunger than the Heat. 

Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm more interested in the big picture. Had the Knicks waited for Melo at the end of the 2011 season he would have been leading a team with stars and with draft picks. Instead Dolan couldn't wait a couple months for Melo and gutted that team with Gallinari. Melo didn't like Lin later and now we have low IQ players like JR and Felton and Schumpert. 


OKC is a special team with a special talent in KD. I don't know that they have the depth or toughness like the Heat or the Pacers. Paul George is now an elite player and the Pacers may have more hunger than the Heat. 

The Heat ain't done nothing yet bai so I don't see why they wouldn't be hungry. Plus outside of the Pacers clogging up the lane, they don't have comparable talents to get them through a long series against the Heat.


One could get to like Melo but I don't know how much time Dolan had to pull the trigger. Melo was already boycotting his team in Denver and throwing tantrums. Maybe this is all karma in that when he is on the floor, he has to do almost everything and sometimes he falls short. Perhaps payback for not being a team player towards his end in Denver. But outside of him, the Knicks are a terrible team which makes me feel bad for Tim Hardaway Jr. since he is from good pedigree.  


Melo has actually played well for the most part while with the Knicks, except in the past when he went in to ISO mode. But he's no LeBron. LeBron is no Kobe for ruthlessness BTW, and neither had those qualities in combination like MJ. My point about the Knicks is that Melo could have had a deep team with quality shooters and smarts. 


You our really have not seen the progression of the Pacers. That team will be a multi-year monster. The Heat is creaky and have specific parts that needs orchestration. The Pacers is a more balanced team and can match the Heat's athleticism. Remember that team didn't have its best player going into last year - all-star Granger. He is now dispensable and can be traded. Look at the growth of Stevenson and especially George.


It is not LeBron's basketball skills that I find impressive. It is his attitude to people and things around him. His selflessness in getting his team involved in the game. If LeBron wants, he can score 50 every night but for most of the game, he relegate that by being more of a passer than a scorer. No surprise that by the end of the game when the Heat needs points, he switches to scoring and more times than not, he completes. But like I said, it is his non-basketball attitude that sets him apart as stated in his statement here; "I'm chasing something and it's bigger than me as a basketball player," James told the AP. "I believe my calling is much higher than being a basketball player. I can inspire people. Youth is huge to me. If I can get kids to look at me as a role model, as a leader, a superhero ... those things mean so much, and that's what I think I was built for. I was put here for this lovely game of basketball, but I don't think this is the biggest role that I'm going to have."

Originally Posted by Kari:

Melo has actually played well for the most part while with the Knicks, except in the past when he went in to ISO mode. But he's no LeBron. LeBron is no Kobe for ruthlessness BTW, and neither had those qualities in combination like MJ. My point about the Knicks is that Melo could have had a deep team with quality shooters and smarts. 


You our really have not seen the progression of the Pacers. That team will be a multi-year monster. The Heat is creaky and have specific parts that needs orchestration. The Pacers is a more balanced team and can match the Heat's athleticism. Remember that team didn't have its best player going into last year - all-star Granger. He is now dispensable and can be traded. Look at the growth of Stevenson and especially George.

No doubt, the Pacers have progressed in every year over the past few. Three years ago, they completely missed the playoffs, two years ago, they went to the second round and last year, they went to the third round. It is reasonable to presume that they will go to the fourth and final round this year. Nothing is wrong with that presumption. It is also reasonable to argue that the Heat is not a conventional team and susceptible to breakdown. However, they have made three consecutive trips to the Finals with that same unconventional and given creaky team. Therefore, I will not bet against the Heat until they show that they cannot win with their team makeup. You know too well how miserably you failed the past two years betting against them.


And in regard to the Knicks, maybe I am wrong but didn't Melo lead his team in scoring in every game that he played. As prolific as he is, that is too much to put on one guy. Especially when he is not LeBron.  Perhaps the biggest mistake the Knicks made is spending all that money on 'Mare. He wasn't worth it and three years later, has not done enough to even be given a benefit of the doubt.


And for that other NY team, was I the only person thinking that they were picking up a bunch of retirement home residents when they traded for those old folks from Boston? They were washed up in Boston so their uselessness now is no surprise.


So for now, it is between the Heat and the Pacers and until someone removes the Heat from the top, it is the Heat.


And if a picture tells a thousand words, what does this picture of LeBron tell all the haters out there?


Last edited by Former Member

Stinger, with that face mask LeBron WILL be someone to be scared of. It doesn't remove the fact that KD has been playing transcendent ball this season. LeBron has plateaued and we are now seeing KD's upside in full bloom. I sawa leap in Paul George's game, but in the past 2 months KD has been playing in another world. LeBron has added to his game every season, but he's reaching a rate of return that is not like his younger days.


Dwayde is playing spritely ande at a high level but watch how Russel Westbrook come roaring back.


The Pacers got better with the trade yesterday and Bynum and Oden are alike. The Spurs are always playing at a high level. So look for those 4 teams to duke it out in the spring.


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