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Toronto doctor sex assault trial: Patients abused during surgery, judge told

Published on Monday January 14, 2013


COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR North York General anesthesiologist George Doodnaught makes his way into court where his began Monday. He is accused of sexually assaulting more than 20 female patients while they were undergoing surgery.
Peter Small Courts Bureau

A North York General Hospital anesthesiologist sexually assaulted at least 21 partially conscious female patients while surgical teams operated on them just centimetres away, a prosecutor says.

Blocked from view by a “sterile sheet,” Dr. George Doodnaught abused their upper bodies while unsuspecting nurses and surgeons worked on their lower bodies, David Wright told a judge Monday.

Four women separately complained over several years, but the hospital did not tell police, the prosecutor said in his opening statement.

Doodnaught, 64, pleaded not guilty Monday to 21 counts of sexual assault relating to 21 women, age 25 to 75, between 2006 and 2010. The judge-alone trial is expected to last more than two months.

Related:Sexual impropriety allegations dog Toronto doctor

The married father of five had worked at the hospital at Leslie St. and Sheppard Ave. E. since 1981. He is not currently practising, but is still permitted to do so with male patients only.

Many victims complained straightaway to friends and family, who sometimes assumed they had been experiencing hallucinations from the sedatives, Wright said in his opening statement to Ontario Superior Court Justice David McCombs.

Doodnaught was able to commit his assaults virtually hidden behind a 1-by-1.5-metre blue drape that divides sterile from non-sterile portions of the operating room, the judge was told.

The drugs he administered put the women in a state of “conscious sedation” — a twilight state between consciousness and unconsciousness. He also gave them spinal painkillers, which numbed portions of their bodies.

The women were “vulnerable and virtually incapable of moving,” while undergoing such procedures as hysterectomies and knee and hip replacements, Wright said.

In February 2006, a 55-year-old woman complained Doodnaught pinched her nipples and caressed her breasts under her hospital gown, while surgeons worked on a knee replacement.

Dr. Derek Shilletto, the hospital’s acting head of anesthesiology, promised the complaint would be put on Doodnaught’s personnel file and he would be closely scrutinized, Wright said.

Shilletto warned Doodnaught to be “very careful in his approach,” court heard.

“Despite further complaints against George Doodnaught, the hospital didn’t open his file until March 22, 2010 — more than two weeks after he was arrested on three counts of sexual assault,” Wright said.

In December, 2008, a 48-year-old woman complained after she woke up being kissed, court heard. She performed oral sex on the doctor and he fondled her breasts, saying he would later “give her a good f---,” the prosecutor said.

In January 2009, she contacted police, who launched an investigation. “No member of the hospital told the police there had been two previous complaints of sexual assault against George Doodnaught. No charges were laid,” Wright said.

In January 2010, a 62-year-old woman complained to her surgeon, Dr. Robert Brock, after Doodnaught massaged her breasts and kissed her lips “like a lover,” Wright said.

“Brock confirmed to the police that he received the complaint but took no action,” Wright said.

Related:Hospital settles with 26 women who filed sex assault complaints

Following two complaints, Dr. Steven Brown told Doodnaught not to use Ketamine, a sedative sometimes associated with hallucinations, court heard.

The prosecutor said Doodnaught told a hospital worker: “I don’t know why these patients are accusing me of this. It must be the drugs. This damn Ketamine.”

A 40-year-old mother of twins came in February 2010 for a hysterectomy. During the operation, she realized Doodnaught’s hands were under her gown, fondling her bare breasts. He French kissed her and put his penis into her mouth, moving it slowly, rhythmically.

She reported the assault, causing the police and hospital to investigate — the fifth complaint since 2006 — and Doodnaught was charged, Wright said.

After the charges were made public, other women came forward with similar stories, some also describing forced masturbation and fellatio.

North York General spokesman Marcelo Gomez-Wiuckstern would not comment in detail about the case because it is before the courts. But he maintained the hospital fully co-operated with authorities once made aware of the complaints.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Riya:

I would probably be skeptical if was one or two women but darn, he sounds like a real perv.


sickening if its true

I remembered being totally insensed when this story broke and I am still insensed by the blatant abuse mentioned. I find it hard to believe that someone can get away with this kind of behavior with others being present only feet away and separated by a sheet. Especially when it is claimed that it happened so many times. I just had major surgery and I can't count how many times I was reassured that my privates will not be exposed during my hospitalization.

Originally Posted by Riya:

I would probably be skeptical if was one or two women but darn, he sounds like a real perv.


sickening if its true

Real sicko - looks as though they have enough evidence thus far to prosecute him....

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I would probably be skeptical if was one or two women but darn, he sounds like a real perv.


sickening if its true

I remembered being totally insensed when this story broke and I am still insensed by the blatant abuse mentioned. I find it hard to believe that someone can get away with this kind of behavior with others being present only feet away and separated by a sheet. Especially when it is claimed that it happened so many times. I just had major surgery and I can't count how many times I was reassured that my privates will not be exposed during my hospitalization.

Kszma, Hope everything is good with you and you are recovering successfully.


A 40-year-old mother of twins came in February 2010 for a hysterectomy. During the operation, she realized Doodnaught’s hands were under her gown, fondling her bare breasts. He French kissed her and put his penis into her mouth, moving it slowly, rhythmically.

She reported the assault, causing the police and hospital to investigate — the fifth complaint since 2006 — and Doodnaught was charged, Wright said.


It took four years for dis fella to be charged?

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Kszma, Hope everything is good with you and you are recovering successfully.

Thanks bro. I am doing really well. A lot better than dem Heatles.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Amral:

he is Guyanese so anything goes

really now?
NOT nice

and again, i do not know this person

all i know is that i know 2 ppl who were totally wrongfully accused...

others joined the bandwagon thinking 'lawsuit' and $$$

what happened to pandit rudy and his accusation of molestation of two little girls? 

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

what happened to pandit rudy and his accusation of molestation of two little girls? 

dem girls muddah confessed to conspiration

Well the evil that men do lives after them. He was on the net clamoring for the ethnically clenching of black people from berbice. I guess karma is a this case a real bitch. What the hell motivated the lady to lie on him so badly? Last  I heard of the case was about him being arrested and led away.


If my memory serves me right, the banna was set up by the ole girl who wanted a piece of him but he wasn't sharin' an she got lil irrated, tried to pull a "fatal attraction" pun po Gen.

Originally Posted by cain:

If my memory serves me right, the banna was set up by the ole girl who wanted a piece of him but he wasn't sharin' an she got lil irrated, tried to pull a "fatal attraction" pun po Gen.

That is a real cruel thing to do. I hope they jailed her behind for false reporting and that he sued her ass in civil court for defamation and wrongful incarceration. It is not easy to be labeled a sex offender. Some people are truly wicked.


I was wondering the same thing about the fellow above. I cannot see how he did as they say.


Dr. George Doodnaught: Defence argues sex assaults during surgery are physically impossible

It is not physically possible that Dr. George Doodnaught sexually assaulted his patients, argues his defence lawyer.


Anesthesiologist George Doodnaught is accused of sexually assaulting female patients while they were undergoing surgery at North York General Hospital.

Colin McConnell / Toronto Star


Anesthesiologist George Doodnaught is accused of sexually assaulting female patients while they were undergoing surgery at North York General Hospital.         Published on Tue Sep 03 2013        


Dr. George Doodnaught “is an anesthetist not a contortionist,” defence lawyer Brian Greenspan said in his closing statements Tuesday.

In most cases, it would have been physically impossible for Doodnaught to have kissed or fondled patients, and placed his genitalia in their hands or mouths while they were semi-conscious during surgery, Greenspan argued.

But he admitted there is no satisfactory explanation for how so many similar incidents were reported about one physician.

Doodnaught, a popular anesthesiologist at North York General Hospital, is facing 21 charges of sexual assault involving 21 women aged 25 to 75. He has pleaded not guilty. All but one of the cases, which happened between 2006 and 2010, allegedly occurred during surgery on the lower body, often on the knee or hip.

He is alleged to have kissed some patients “Spider-Man style,” as they lay on the operating table, fondled their breasts and made explicit sexual remarks. In 13 of the cases, he allegedly placed his penis in the mouth or hands of the women.

Greenspan, however, told Ontario Superior Court Justice David McCombs that the height of the operating room table, as well as the presence of various machines and IV lines would have made it difficult if not impossible for Doodnaught to even get close enough for many of the alleged assaults to occur.


In one case, the woman’s recollection that Doodnaught placed his penis in her hand could not have happened since her hands were secured by her side, while Doodnaught would have been positioned by her head, said Greenspan.


Of 143 people who participated in the various surgeries — including surgeons, nurses and surgical assistants — none saw or heard anything that would indicate sexual assault, Greenspan said.

The Crown alleges Doodnaught stood near the patient’s head with a sterile drape over her upper body hiding him from the sight of other staff.

Greenspan argued that assaults would still be far too risky given the unpredictable presence of nurses, students and doctors around the operating room.


He suggested that the memories of the complainants while under sedation are unreliable or false.

“Something else caused the complainants to believe something occurred when it didn’t,” he said.


So how can the similarities between the allegations made at different times be explained, asked McCombs, who noted that there are no accusations against the complainants of fabrication or collusion.

A possible cause is the combination of the anesthetics with Doodnaught’s unique and notoriously “touchy-feely” bedside manner, says Greenspan.

His “concierge-like” approach where he wiped his patients’ mouths and foreheads with cloths, held their hands and whispered in their ears, may have been misinterpreted while the women were under sedation, he said.

Expert witnesses testified that instances of sexual dreams under sedation are not common in scientific literature, and have not been observed on this scale and linked to one person, said Greenspan. But he also noted that little useful study has been done in the area.


The trial continues Wednesday with closing arguments from the Crown.


George went to QC and was in my house. He was in a higher class and a bright chap. I am surprised, because the man resembled Dharmenda in his youth and had a string band of girl friends. 





The “strikingly similar” alleged sexual assaults reported separately by 21 patients of Dr. George Doodnaught could not be coincidental hallucinations, Crown attorney David Wright argued in his closing statement at the anesthesiologist’s trial Wednesday.

Doodnaught, 60, a sought-after specialist at North York General Hospital, faces 21 charges of sexual assault against 21 women ranging in age from 25 to 75.

“These were common, brazen, opportunistic assaults,” Wright told Ontario Superior Court Justice David McCombs on the final day of the trial. The women, semi-conscious and immobilized from the waist down for lower body surgery, were vulnerable and defenceless, “like children,” Wright said.

Doodnaught is accused of kissing some of the patients, fondling their breasts and placing his penis into their mouths or hands.

The Crown alleged he was able to do so because he was concealed from surgical staff by a sterile drape placed over the patient’s upper body.

Using his decades of experience, “he timed these brief sexual assaults with surgical precision to avoid detection,” Wright said.


The defence had argued Tuesday that the positioning of the equipment in the operating room would have made it physically impossible for Doodnaught to get close enough to place his penis in the mouth of a patient.

Wright said Doodnaught would have been able to move the equipment to suit his needs before the surgery began.

However, it is the parallels in the 21 cases that make the Crown’s case so compelling, Wright argued.

In particular, he highlighted the similar sexually explicit comments allegedly made to some of complainants by Doodnaught. Some refer to the women reaching out for his genitals while under sedation, others to warning the women to keep what happened between them secret.

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” he told one complainant postsurgery.

Unusually for an anesthesiologist, Doodnaught visited some of his patients the day after their surgery, said Wright. The Crown alleges he was trying to find out whether they remembered the assault.


The alleged sexual assaults, said to have taken place between 2006 and 2010, became increasingly common in the final six months, Wright said.

Between August 2009 and February 2010, there were 15 complaints.

That means one in 30 of Doodnaught’s patients reported a sexual assault in those six months, Wright said.

Wright argues that Doodnaught was “emboldened” because, despite three formal complaints to the hospital and one police investigation in early 2009, no action was taken.

Responding to the defence theory that Doodnaught’s uniquely “touchy-feely” approach may have been confused for sexual touching due to the drugs, the Crown argued that other anesthesiologists at North York General have used a “tactile” approach with the same drugs in the same combinations, and none has faced complaints of sexual assault.

None of Doodnaught’s male patients have reported any sex-related memories during sedation, he added.

“The only difference (between Doodnaught and other anesthesiologists) is that Doodnaught had a propensity for sexually assaulting his female patients,” said Wright.

A verdict is expected Nov. 19.


Anesthesiologist Dr. George Doodnaught guilty of sexually assaulting 21 female patients

Victim who sparked investigation of doctor who molesting patients during surgery says ‘we got him.’

Anesthesiologist George Doodnaught has been convicted of sexually assaulting female patients while they were undergoing surgery at North York General Hospital.


Anesthesiologist George Doodnaught has been convicted of sexually assaulting female patients while they were undergoing surgery at North York General Hospital.



Anesthesiologist Dr. George Doodnaught is guilty of 21 counts of sexual assault on 21 women aged 25 to 75, Justice David McCombs said Tuesday morning, 11 months after the trial began.

McCombs asked the packed courtroom to refrain from emotional displays when the verdict was read, but as he declared Doodnaught guilty, one man whispered “yes.”

Several women broke into tears.

“The evidence supporting guilt is overwhelming,” wrote McCombs in the conclusion to his 85-page judgment. He reviewed evidence from 98 witnesses over the 76 days of what he called a “long, hard, emotional” trial.

For 26 years Doodnaught was a popular and respected anesthesiologist at North York General Hospital. Often he would place his patients in a state of “conscious sedation” described as a twilight state hovering between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Between 2006 and 2010 McCombs found that Doodnaught took advantage of his position in the operating room, concealed behind a sterile screen that separates patients’ upper and lower bodies.

Hidden from the operating room doctors and nurses, Doodnaught fondled the breasts of sedated female patients, kissing their mouths and forced them to perform oral sex and masturbation, McCombs found.

All of the alleged sexual assaults but one took place at North York General.

On Tuesday, Doodnaught left the courthouse escorted by uniformed court officers. His lawyer Brian Greenspan said that Doodnaught was “disappointed” by the verdict, and said the decision will be carefully reviewed.

Doodnaught has not practiced medicine since his charges were laid, and will not practice medicine for the foreseeable future, said Greenspan.

Crown attorney David Wright told reporters that “justice has been served 21 times.” He said that the maximum sentence for one count of sexual assault is ten years, but could not say whether sentences on multiple counts could be served concurrently or consecutively.

“I am elated. I finally believe in the justice system,” said the woman who made the 2010 complaint that led to a criminal investigation. Her name is protected by a publication ban.

“I’m so proud of (the other victims who came forward) . . . I am so happy that we got the job done,” she said, following an emotional meeting with the other victims and the Crown attorneys. “We got him.”

She added, however, “it’s not until he’s taken away in handcuffs.”

In his reasons for judgment, McCombs says his decision was based on the “multitude of credible allegations” from the 21 women.

“The accused was one of roughly 25 anesthetists working at NYGH dealing with patients under conscious sedation using similar drugs in similar doses. Yet all of the complaints of sexual assault are directed at him,” wrote McCombs in his reasons for judgment.

“Viewed separately, the allegations by each complainant may not amount to proof beyond a reasonable doubt,” he wrote. “Viewed together, however, there is no rational conclusion to be reached other than that guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt on all counts.”

The defence took the position that each of the women believe they have been sexually assaulted, but that they are mistaken because of the drugs given to sedate them, McCombs wrote. The defence also suggests that Doodnaught’s “caring and attentive treatment style,” may have contributed to their mistaken beliefs.

McCombs disagreed, finding that despite their “conscious sedation” the women were “conscious and aware during significant parts of their surgeries and were able to recall these shocking and abhorrent events.”

He gave “considerable weight” to evidence from a Crown expert who testified that sexual hallucinations in patients is virtually unheard of. McCombs also found that the amnesiac effect of the drugs is reduced when “shocking and intrusive” events happen.


The hospital’s chief of anesthesiology was aware of the complaints but the senior hospital administration only learned of them after the 2010 complaint was made, wrote McCombs.

On Tuesday, Tim Rutledge, president and CEO of North York General Hospital, offered an apology to the patients assaulted and their families.

“We have repeatedly asked ourselves how this could have happened . . . That he did this in the operating room, a place of ultimate trust . . . is frankly shocking,” he said.

Serious complaints against hospital staff, like sexual assault, are now being directly reported to him. He says the hospital has also introduced software to document patient feedback, and connect similar incidents.

Doodnaught will no longer work at the hospital and faces a disciplinary hearing with the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons that could result in the loss of his licence. The hearing will be scheduled after the sentencing, and will rely on findings made during the criminal proceeding, said Kathryn Clarke, spokesperson for the College.


In meantime, while he has not be been practicing medicine, his licence is heavily restricted, says Clarke.


In January 2010, a 62-year-old woman complained to her surgeon, Dr. Robert Brock, after Doodnaught massaged her breasts and kissed her lips “like a lover,” Wright said.


 ~~~the man like old thing~~

what does really go on in Canadian hospitals?


I am at a loss at this kind of perversion in his behavior. He has children too. 

In school I used to look up at this guy. He was very bright. 

Now I have lost faith in humanity 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I would probably be skeptical if was one or two women but darn, he sounds like a real perv.


sickening if its true

Real sicko - looks as though they have enough evidence thus far to prosecute him....

Not necessarily. When a Non White is accused, the bar is lower. Most Prosecutors will go ahead and ask for a Trial even if they think it will be very difficult to win the case


Dr. George Doodnaught gets 10 years

in jail for sex assault

Former North York General anesthesiologist George Doodnaught sentenced for assaulting 21 patients while they were semi-conscious on the operating table.

By: News reporter, Published on Tue Feb 25 2014

Many of his victims, filling rows of the packed courtroom, shed tears as Superior Court Justice David McCombs read his decision.

As Doodnaught, 65, was handcuffed and taken into custody from court, a few of his victims clapped.


His “reprehensible conduct must be condemned in the strongest terms,” said McCombs.


In November, Doodnaught was found guilty of sexually assaulting 21 women between the ages of 25 and 75 while they were semi-conscious on the operating table.


All but one of the women were undergoing surgeries at North York General Hospital between 2006 and 2010. Doodnaught was a popular anesthesiologist at the hospital for 26 years.


The Crown had asked for 12 to 15 years during the sentencing hearing earlier this month. The defence suggested eight to 10 years.

Doodnaught’s lawyer Brian Greenspan said that they are appealing the convictions but not the sentence. He would not comment on whether bail is being sought pending appeal.


In his lengthy judgment released in November following the 76-day trial, McCombs found that Doodnaught took advantage of his position in the operating room, concealed behind a sterile screen that separates patients’ upper and lower bodies.


Hidden from the doctors and nurses, Doodnaught fondled the breasts of sedated female patients, kissed their mouths and forced them to perform oral sex and masturbation, McCombs found.


In victim impact statements read to the court during the sentencing hearing, the women, whose names are protected by a publication ban, described how the assaults robbed them of the ability to trust anyone, particularly doctors.

Many of them have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, some facing frequent panic attacks.


They struggle in relationships with their partners and children, have suffered financially due to difficulties working and fear undergoing any medical procedures or even being in a hospital.


Patients had made three formal sexual assault complaints to North York General Hospital about Doodnaught before a complaint in 2010 sparked a criminal investigation.


The hospital’s chief of anesthesiology was aware of the complaints but the senior hospital administration only learned of them after the 2010 complaint was made, McCombs found in his ruling.


Serious complaints about staff, including allegations of sexual assault, are now being reported directly to the hospital’s CEO.


Doodnaught may now face a disciplinary hearing with the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons that could result in the loss of his licence.


I fell off a horse in Guyana and almost broke my jaw and was taken to a private clinic near the Public hospital... while under sedation a young teen  nurse attempted to remove my QC uniform and had her hands and mouth all over me.  Another nurse then came in and sewed me up with a curved needle and some sort of plastic thread.

Originally Posted by TI:

I am at a loss at this kind of perversion in his behavior. He has children too. 

In school I used to look up at this guy. He was very bright. 

Now I have lost faith in humanity 

What year was he in QC? I remember the name but can't place him.


I still find it inconceivable that he could have done those things given all the people that are in operation room, separator or not. The comments of the judge and how he conducted the proceedings seem slanted. His primary evidence is that the accusers were not hallucinating while seeming not to consider the logistics of an operating room. Unless the rooms are different from the one I was in while I had my surgery. I did not even know when I got drugged up and only woke up nearly 12 hours later. But before I fell into my sleep, I looked around the room and there were no separators which can screen peoples' view to the extent necessary to facilitate what he was found guilty of.

Originally Posted by IGH:

Where were the OR Nurses and the Operation Doctor(s)?

that's what i want to know!


i have been 'under' five times in my life and prior to going under each time I was surrounded to several nurses and doctor along with the anesthesiologist. of course, don't know anything else once i was out.


but just the thought of someone, in whose hands i have put my very life, abusing me while i was helpless, i unbearable to think about.


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