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Sunday, 24 November 2013 00:00
Last October, Muslims from the urban municipality of Viana, Luanda, attended the destruction of the minaret of their mosque Zengo.

LUANDA – According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.

“The process of legalization of Islamhas not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.

Silva comments were given during her visit last Tuesday to the 6th Commission of the National Assembly.

She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.

The minister added, in her answer to questions raised by the MPs of the 6th Commission of National Assembly, that the action will oblige the revision of law 2/04 of May 21, related to freedom of religious assembly, Angolan official news agency, Agencia Angola Press, reported.

The Angolan government would also be obliged to update the current national context as a way of fighting the rise of new religious congregation whose religious assemblies are contrary to “habits and customs to Angolan culture,” Silva added.

Same as Islam, Silva announced that there are at least 194 religious sects that were not authorized to have their activities.

“All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper ‘Jornal de Angola’ are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed," she was quoted by Cameroon Voice‏.

"In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.



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Originally Posted by Riya:

Unbelievable what goes on in other parts of the world. Things such as religion that we take for granted.


why destroy if they are to remain close until further notice? 

they don't people like Terry visiting


What's happening to Muslims in Angola is a despicable development.

I join GNI members in deploring the Angolan government's action.

However, Angola is not a trailblazer in the matter of religious intolerance.

In Saudi Arabia, Islam is the official religion. Saudi law does not protect freedom of religion. If a foreigner applies for Saudi citizenship, he must first convert to Islam. There are many citizens from India working in Saudi Arabia, but Hindus are not permitted to worship there.

Of course, Saudi Arabia is not a trailblazer in religious intolerance either.

Throughout history religious bigotry on the part of the ruling class led to bloody persecution of believers of other faiths. The Spanish Inquisition during medieval times comes readily to mind.


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