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Former Member
Another AFC member says ‘ta-ta’   
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Wednesday, 25 September 2013 23:14

AFTER joining the Alliance For Change [AFC] political party in July 2011, Attorney at law and Berbice campaigner Charrandas Persaud has called it ‘a day’ after his efforts to  take the party to the people were not  recognised by the leadership of THE AFC  . This departure by the lawyer can be described as  a further blow to the party which only recently lost three overseas members due to internal disagreements .



Charrandas Persaud

Persaud, who is recognised in the Ancient County as being  one of the  forerunners for the party , resulting in the a national  seat  for the political newcomer, after   capturing  votes from East  Canje and Corentyne locations, said , “I felt the last straw  was on September 21,  2013 ,when I made arrangement to host the weekly television broadcast, only to be told that a recorded programme was being  sent from headquarters. Such   behaviour  is unsatisfactory .I wonder why they are taking me for granted ?”,he questioned . ‘I am simply leaving the  AFC. I am not switching to another party. A decision in that regard will be made later. My issue is recognition  . My efforts of  bringing  the AFC  to the people are not recognised by the leadership. I am making a significant contribution to the AFC’, he stated . “I started  by being on television with a team who were not previously affiliated to any political party, thereafter I spearheaded  fund-raising, in Toronto, Canada,  which raised a substantial  sum.  Prior to elections, two public meetings were held per day, in addition to bottom house meetings  and continuous  television  broadcasts ; yet to date the leadership of AFC has not recognised my efforts . Imagine receiving accolades from the leader of the Opposition Mr. David Granger , and not from the  AFC,” noted the frustrated Persaud .



Chronicle is known for Fabricating stories and lies....

but if there is any truth to this story.....

It seems....




As I said earlier

we will have to wait and see....

when the dust settles...

where all this movement will leave PNC and PPP

as they get ready to face the Guyanese at elections.


Will PNC Apologize to the Guyanese and

take a supporting position

in a New Joint opposition Movement

to bury the PPP for good?


The million dollar Question is...

Will PNC do the right thing

to clip the Corrupt PPP wings?


Can a Unified Majority Opposition

work together as one

and Remove a Minority PPP Govt?

Are we witnessing History in the making?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


As I said earlier

we will have to wait and see....

when the dust settles...

where all this movement will leave PNC and PPP

as they get ready to face the Guyanese at elections.


Will PNC Apologize to the Guyanese and

take a supporting position

in a New Joint opposition Movement

to bury the PPP for good?


The million dollar Question is...

Will PNC do the right thing

to clip the Corrupt PPP wings?


Can a Unified Majority Opposition

work together as one

and Remove a Minority PPP Govt?

Are we witnessing History in the making?


As I have been saying all along, the AFC is a party of opportunists whose soup spigot got shut off in the PPP. The people who jump ship to the AFC were looking for rewards but the party so small that it can only reward a few. This limited soup is then diluted and soup drinkers like Persaud and Gomattie get disenchanted and throw a tantrum when they should sacrifice their personal needs and stick with the AFC. How can the AFC grow if everyone who joins got their hands out looking for recognition and top position? TK got impatient and jump to the AFC, Gerhard still licking his wounds after he was passed over for Parliament seat.   

Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Charrandas is an excellent public speaker. He must be thinking about Pro-Guyana

One Side of the Coin

The PNC will loose a golden opportunity if they do not

(1) Immediately apologize for wrongdoing during their 28 years in Govt...and ...

(2) Agree to charge anyone who was involved in Crime, Corruption, Narco Business, Gun Running, Money Laundering & Rigged Elections during their years in Govt....including all House of Isreal Thugs .
(3) Then ....Agree to be part of....and support the Current Majority Combined Force to correct the situation we find ourselves in now.


De other side of the Coin

The PPP will loose a golden opportunity if they do not

(1) Immediately apologize for wrongdoing during their 21 years in Govt. ...and ...

(2) Agree to charge anyone who was involved in Crime, Corruption, Narco Business, Gun Running, Money Laundering & Rigged Elections during their years in Govt....including all House of Isreal Thugs.

(3) Then ....Agree to be part of....and support  and help form a Majority GOVT ....Combining Forces with the Opposition to correct the situation we find ourselves in now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC will be using some Indians like TK and some mushroom parties to win the election, they will get rid of them, one by one.. 


An exodus of Indians will again take place..

Did it ever stop???

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I have been saying all along, the AFC is a party of opportunists whose soup spigot got shut off in the PPP. The people who jump ship to the AFC were looking for rewards but the party so small that it can only reward a few. This limited soup is then diluted and soup drinkers like Persaud and Gomattie get disenchanted and throw a tantrum when they should sacrifice their personal needs and stick with the AFC. How can the AFC grow if everyone who joins got their hands out looking for recognition and top position? TK got impatient and jump to the AFC, Gerhard still licking his wounds after he was passed over for Parliament seat.   


Excellent post!




Charrandass Persaud is a man of integrity who is not only Pro-Guyana but he is heavily committed to the people of Guyana and their development.


This has to be a serious blow to the AFC. I bet Ramjattan must be crapping in his pants right now. Maybe Cathy Hughes can take some of the Sithe Global money and try to buy out some more supporters.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Charrandass Persaud is a man of integrity who is not only Pro-Guyana but he is heavily committed to the people of Guyana and their development.




OK! Charandas is "heavily committed to the people of Guyana and their development---that's admirable---so which party will Charandas lend his support to---the PPP, the PNC or will he and the other disenchanted AFC members start a new party ?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I have been saying all along, the AFC is a party of opportunists whose soup spigot got shut off in the PPP. The people who jump ship to the AFC were looking for rewards but the party so small that it can only reward a few. This limited soup is then diluted and soup drinkers like Persaud and Gomattie get disenchanted and throw a tantrum when they should sacrifice their personal needs and stick with the AFC. How can the AFC grow if everyone who joins got their hands out looking for recognition and top position? TK got impatient and jump to the AFC, Gerhard still licking his wounds after he was passed over for Parliament seat.   


Excellent post!



Be Careful Rev,

Your Excellent poster is a known Smuggler in Guyana.....

if PNC was to come clean they will have to give him up.

Both Father & Son Smugglers

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I have been saying all along, the AFC is a party of opportunists whose soup spigot got shut off in the PPP. The people who jump ship to the AFC were looking for rewards but the party so small that it can only reward a few. This limited soup is then diluted and soup drinkers like Persaud and Gomattie get disenchanted and throw a tantrum when they should sacrifice their personal needs and stick with the AFC. How can the AFC grow if everyone who joins got their hands out looking for recognition and top position? TK got impatient and jump to the AFC, Gerhard still licking his wounds after he was passed over for Parliament seat.   


Excellent post!



Be Careful Rev,

Your Excellent poster is a known Smuggler in Guyana.....

if PNC was to come clean they will have to give him up.

Both Father & Son Smugglers

The mother too! She used to hide saal fish under her dress.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC will be using some Indians like TK and some mushroom parties to win the election, they will get rid of them, one by one.. 


An exodus of Indians will again take place..

You mean they will attempt to do what Jagdeo did?


No .....It dosent Bother me

that u are allowed to post your nastiness here

But....I still want to know

why you are sucking

Kwame B@tty on a continuous basis 

and enjoying it.

Buju made a song about you....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Charrandas is an excellent public speaker. He must be thinking about Pro-Guyana

WE know you are SHAMELESS so no one is surprise at your comment and your ability to hold on to straws while drowning.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I have been saying all along, the AFC is a party of opportunists whose soup spigot got shut off in the PPP. The people who jump ship to the AFC were looking for rewards but the party so small that it can only reward a few. This limited soup is then diluted and soup drinkers like Persaud and Gomattie get disenchanted and throw a tantrum when they should sacrifice their personal needs and stick with the AFC. How can the AFC grow if everyone who joins got their hands out looking for recognition and top position? TK got impatient and jump to the AFC, Gerhard still licking his wounds after he was passed over for Parliament seat.   


Excellent post!



I second Dat. To the bone, direct, Factual and gat dem Snakeoil Boys shitting.


The AFC is finished folks. Whatever is left will morph into the PNC. This should not come as a surprise since AFC is a branch of the PNC. A few diehard supporters here are day dreaming and living with false hope that they can survive the sinking AFC ship.


A reliable source from Georgetown has revealed that Moses has expressed his regret leaving the PPP and has been very miserable since joining the AFC. He told his bosses Nigel and Cathy that he brought in the votes from Berbice and that he should have been given the Speaker role but Trotman stabbed him in the back. Nigel and Cathy told him to get lost since they are in charge of the AFC and that Moses should stay in his place or be punished.


The AFC is now indeed ALL For Cathy and Berbicians who support the AFC must now bow to alleged terrorists and kiss their boots. Many are fleeing the AFC.


Word from Georgetown is that Gerhard is too ashamed to state his discontent publicly but is in discussion with Sase about forming their own party. This will be good news for the PPP since such a party will further split the AFC votes.


TK is now publicly exposing the AFC and it fun to watch the (AFC) ALL for Cathy party as it self destructs. Indo Guyanese who joined the AFC are fleeing because they see Nigel and Cathy as no different than thugs and dictators like Burnham and Viola.


Enjoy the AFC drama, ALL for Cathy is fun to watch. More to follow as the news of a few more high profile departures is soon to be announced.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Charrandas is an excellent public speaker. He must be thinking about Pro-Guyana

WE know you are SHAMELESS so no one is surprise at your comment and your ability to hold on to straws while drowning.

Nehru, AFC is looking for new members. Are you looking to remigrate to the homeland?   




Moses is now a Dhobi (washer person). This man destroyed himself in public since his ego got the better of him. Moses seems very comfortable in his role as a Dhobi (washer person).


As for the votes, the AFC is finished. They fooled the younger voters with snake oil but that bottle has now been smashed. 


If the Chronicle report is true, Charrandas Persaud's departure is a loss the AFC cannot afford in Berbice at this time.

Like Moses, Charrandas was a big AFC vote-catcher in Berbice during the last election.

I suppose the AFC leadership is taking a reality check and agreeing on suitable measures to maintain mass support.

It would be a bad thing if Guyana's politics involves only the PPP/C and APNU.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Moses is now a Dhobi (washer person). This man destroyed himself in public since his ego got the better of him. Moses seems very comfortable in his role as a Dhobi (washer person).


As for the votes, the AFC is finished. They fooled the younger voters with snake oil but that bottle has now been smashed. 

yuji bhai:


That's an apt depiction of Moses--Dhobi. 


By the way, the loudmouth AFC groupies on gni---those blowhards have been stunned by the recent turmoil in the ALL FOR CATHY(AFC).



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

ewwwwww this is disgusting.....

It's only politics---dirty politics.




How many of those 11,634 Berbicians who voted for Moses and the Alliance For Change in 2011 would now vote for Moses and the ALL FOR CATHY(AFC) party in the next election----especially now they have found out that Moses and Khemraj have been reduced to washing Cathy's panties in the ALL FOR CATHY(AFC) party ?



Rev, things are looking bad for the AFC and the drama is not over yet. Guyana political outlook seems we're going back to the two major parties, the PPP & APNU. The drafting of AFC members by APNU is a strategy to get Indo votes to unseat the PPP in 2016, and you know the rest.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Charrandas is an excellent public speaker. He must be thinking about Pro-Guyana

WE know you are SHAMELESS so no one is surprise at your comment and your ability to hold on to straws while drowning.

Nehru, AFC is looking for new members. Are you looking to remigrate to the homeland?   

I will NEVER be a CRABDAAG and a NEE NEE NEE MaAK HARAM!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Moses is now a Dhobi (washer person). This man destroyed himself in public since his ego got the better of him. Moses seems very comfortable in his role as a Dhobi (washer person).


As for the votes, the AFC is finished. They fooled the younger voters with snake oil but that bottle has now been smashed. 

yuji bhai:


That's an apt depiction of Moses--Dhobi. 


By the way, the loudmouth AFC groupies on gni---those blowhards have been stunned by the recent turmoil in the ALL FOR CATHY(AFC).






The All For Cathy Party and a Dhobi. This is fun to watch. 


One Berbician told me that Indo Guyanese need to take a close look at the leadership of whatever is left of the All for Cathy (AFC). That starts with the speaker to the chairman of the AFC. Take a close look.


And now take a close look of whatever is left of the All for Cathy AFC, starting with the Dhobi to the yard dog Rumjattan. Indo Guyanese in the All for Cathy AFC have been used and now abused by the likes of Nigel and Trotman.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev, things are looking bad for the AFC and the drama is not over yet. Guyana political outlook seems we're going back to the two major parties, the PPP & APNU. The drafting of AFC members by APNU is a strategy to get Indo votes to unseat the PPP in 2016, and you know the rest.



The disintegration of the AFC is good news for the PPP---many of the Berbicians who voted for the AFC in 2011 will return to the PPP.





Let's look at the % votes they have both pulled since 1992:


1992---95.8%(PPP + PNC)









In 2006 and 2011, the AFC pulled 7.9% and 10.3%---and helped reduce the PPP/PNC combined votes---high 80% in the last 2 elections---down from the mid 90s.


Anyway, with the fragmentation of the AFC---you can expect the PPP and PNC to combine and pull 95% again----and this is great news for the PPP----they are guaranteed to pull 50+%----remember what I posted in another thread---the PNC's highest % in terms of voted received has been 42.3%.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Moses is now a Dhobi (washer person). This man destroyed himself in public since his ego got the better of him. Moses seems very comfortable in his role as a Dhobi (washer person).


As for the votes, the AFC is finished. They fooled the younger voters with snake oil but that bottle has now been smashed. 

yuji bhai:


That's an apt depiction of Moses--Dhobi. 


By the way, the loudmouth AFC groupies on gni---those blowhards have been stunned by the recent turmoil in the ALL FOR CATHY(AFC).






The All For Cathy Party and a Dhobi. This is fun to watch. 


One Berbician told me that Indo Guyanese need to take a close look at the leadership of whatever is left of the All for Cathy (AFC). That starts with the speaker to the chairman of the AFC. Take a close look.


And now take a close look of whatever is left of the All for Cathy AFC, starting with the Dhobi to the yard dog Rumjattan. Indo Guyanese in the All for Cathy AFC have been used and now abused by the likes of Nigel and Trotman.


The AFC is dog eat dog mode of politics. The boys/girl on top want all the milk, honey and attention. Let's sit back and observe the implosion. They will bring down their own house of ill repute.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev, things are looking bad for the AFC and the drama is not over yet. Guyana political outlook seems we're going back to the two major parties, the PPP & APNU. The drafting of AFC members by APNU is a strategy to get Indo votes to unseat the PPP in 2016, and you know the rest.



The disintegration of the AFC is good news for the PPP---many of the Berbicians who voted for the AFC in 2011 will return to the PPP.





Let's look at the % votes they have both pulled since 1992:


1992---95.8%(PPP + PNC)









In 2006 and 2011, the AFC pulled 7.9% and 10.3%---and helped reduce the PPP/PNC combined votes---high 80% in the last 2 elections---down from the mid 90s.


Anyway, with the fragmentation of the AFC---you can expect the PPP and PNC to combine and pull 95% again----and this is great news for the PPP----they are guaranteed to pull 50+%----remember what I posted in another thread---the PNC's highest % in terms of voted received has been 42.3%.



Long live the AFC.

THe populace have seen the power of the AFC holding the balance of power.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev, things are looking bad for the AFC and the drama is not over yet. Guyana political outlook seems we're going back to the two major parties, the PPP & APNU. The drafting of AFC members by APNU is a strategy to get Indo votes to unseat the PPP in 2016, and you know the rest.



The disintegration of the AFC is good news for the PPP---many of the Berbicians who voted for the AFC in 2011 will return to the PPP.





Let's look at the % votes they have both pulled since 1992:


1992---95.8%(PPP + PNC)









In 2006 and 2011, the AFC pulled 7.9% and 10.3%---and helped reduce the PPP/PNC combined votes---high 80% in the last 2 elections---down from the mid 90s.


Anyway, with the fragmentation of the AFC---you can expect the PPP and PNC to combine and pull 95% again----and this is great news for the PPP----they are guaranteed to pull 50+%----remember what I posted in another thread---the PNC's highest % in terms of voted received has been 42.3%.



Long live the AFC.

THe populace have seen the power of the AFC holding the balance of power.

Hate to say this Mits..AFC power is looking more like GPL. Lots of frequent blackouts. I don't think anyone wants to sell them any generators.


These Top PPP Officials say De Rev playing Dotish....

because the PNC got 1985

and they say these are the official numbers below.....

all other numbers ...."De Rev can push up Kwame Ballot Box"


General elections were held in Guyana on 9 December 1985.[1] The result was a victory for the People's National Congress, which won 42 of the 53 seats.


People's National Congress228,71878.542+1
People's Progressive Party45,92615.88-2
United Force9,8203.420
Working People's Alliance4,1761.41New
Democratic Labour Movement2,1670.70New
People's Democratic Movement2320.10New
National Democratic Front1560.10New
Invalid/blank votes3,606
Source: Nohlen

 PPP only got 8 Seats.....

AFC-Alliance For Cathy with 7 did not do so Bad..

We cannot Doubt Kit Nascimento

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev, things are looking bad for the AFC and the drama is not over yet. Guyana political outlook seems we're going back to the two major parties, the PPP & APNU. The drafting of AFC members by APNU is a strategy to get Indo votes to unseat the PPP in 2016, and you know the rest.



The disintegration of the AFC is good news for the PPP---many of the Berbicians who voted for the AFC in 2011 will return to the PPP.





Let's look at the % votes they have both pulled since 1992:


1992---95.8%(PPP + PNC)









In 2006 and 2011, the AFC pulled 7.9% and 10.3%---and helped reduce the PPP/PNC combined votes---high 80% in the last 2 elections---down from the mid 90s.


Anyway, with the fragmentation of the AFC---you can expect the PPP and PNC to combine and pull 95% again----and this is great news for the PPP----they are guaranteed to pull 50+%----remember what I posted in another thread---the PNC's highest % in terms of voted received has been 42.3%.



Long live the AFC.

THe populace have seen the power of the AFC holding the balance of power.

Hate to say this Mits..AFC power is looking more like GPL. Lots of frequent blackouts. I don't think anyone wants to sell them any generators.

Skelly, Cobra knows that every now and then a snake will shed its skin.


If you dumb asses did not realize from the beginning that the AFC had two racial factions that were at loggerheads with their masters then it is no surprise that you are shocked to know the party is collapsing. The power-hungry Afros from  the PNC and disgruntled Indians from the PPP and ROAR formed the AFC. These two factions cannot live in the same house for very long. At some point they will start to fight and things going to get out of control. The leadership is trying hard downplay the impact of race politics in the party. The party is imploding because the interests of Afros are conflicting that of the Indos.

Billy Ram Balgobin

They will survive the AFC has enough persons there to steer the ship through difficult waters. The question is will they survive enough to make a difference.


The WPA was a fully functioning political party with no seats in parliament at one time and If they were to abandon APNU or vice versa they would also be a functioning political party without any seats in parliament.


I don't think the AFC will have the effectiveness they have had in the past. The latest foot shooting spree they have been indulged in will cause tremendous disaffection with the population.


APNU and the PPP have not even started a full blown campaign wait until that happens then you will see action on the ground.


One interesting thing though no one is running into the arms of the PPP, I wonder why? could it be that the stench from freedump house is too repulsive?


It does beg a lot of questions to be asked why no one is running over to that camp of scamps?


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