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Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

For Cain and Mr. Riff

only the intellectually, emotionally and socially challenged would think that women's physical attributes define who they are and their value  instead of  the myriad ways they are able to and are contributing to society. 

Zed, I happen to know what some of these people look like who are talking about women's weight.  Is a pot allowed to call the kettle black?  And to make things worse Priya is taller than a few of them!!

Knowing people here may not be good for you

There are only two persons here I don't know.  And Don't worry I have Scotland Yard watching my back. 

How come they were not watching your back on your escapade out to Pennsylvania last March?  Man, Scotland Yard slipping up!!

Zed posted:

Cain, some people head hard. No matter how you argue with them, no headway. It becomes an exercise in futility, something a person of my age is wise enough to know. When I came on this site, I stated my views on racism, corruption, lack of development is Guyana, etc.

some people I argue with. One is Django because I think that he genuinely believe what he is posting, and that there is hope for him. Others are dependent on whether it is a national issue, an opinion without evidence, racial or sexist statements, etc. Some, eg Carib, depending on the day I am having, I argue with for a time

unlike others, I do not have the time or inclination to post on every topic. Though retired, I still have a busy schedule. Even when on holidays.

Ahhhh, so you only converse with the intellectuals, I am honoured. hehe

On another note. I hope I'm still around to watch my grandkids swim or as they retire.Just went to one's first birthday and was great watching her take her first steps. The other will be one in March.

cain posted:

Oi Basedude, man doan go bringing up personal stuff now, let it be. Perhaps I am getting soft.

This site had receded into my background but that b1tch posted defamation sh1t about me, now I’m back.  People here must know the truth about that con so when I leave again, she has credibility of dog sh1t!!

if Jagdeo think varshanie was a b1tch, he gatt a Lot to learn.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

For Cain and Mr. Riff

only the intellectually, emotionally and socially challenged would think that women's physical attributes define who they are and their value  instead of  the myriad ways they are able to and are contributing to society. 

Zed, I happen to know what some of these people look like who are talking about women's weight.  Is a pot allowed to call the kettle black?  And to make things worse Priya is taller than a few of them!!

Knowing people here may not be good for you

There are only two persons here I don't know.  And Don't worry I have Scotland Yard watching my back. 

How come they were not watching your back on your escapade out to Pennsylvania last March?  Man, Scotland Yard slipping up!!

Wrong person.  I have not been to Pennsylvania in years!!

Bibi Haniffa
Zed posted:

some people I argue with. One is Django because I think that he genuinely believe what he is posting, and that there is hope for him.


Thanks for your observation of my post.

My sincere belief Guyana needs cooperation form both major Political Parties for the development of the country,regardless when they are in Gov't or Opposition.The tit for tat ,trying to out do each other who is better,incite to hold on to their voting base,are hampering progress.

The country is small nation with effective management,the country can break barriers.I would like to see the Local Authorities to be come more active,quit party politics work in the interest of the people.

I have watched the Budget debates, i have gathered there are a lot of wasteful spending,the over priced rental etc,also money voted for in this current year wasn't spent.At all levels of Government , more effective financial management are needed,the people will benefit and the country will prosper.

I can go on and on..i hate long writings ,i prefer short and get to the point.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
Zed posted:

Cain, some people head hard.

Ahhhh, so you only converse with the intellectuals, I am honoured. hehe

On another note. I hope I'm still around to watch my grandkids swim or as they retire.Just went to one's first birthday and was great watching her take her first steps. The other will be one in March.

The more you guys talk about grandkids, the younger I feel. At 66 Gilly ain't see no grandpickney on the horizon. 

Django posted:
Zed posted:

some people I argue with. One is Django because I think that he genuinely believe what he is posting, and that there is hope for him.


Thanks for your observation of my post.

My sincere belief Guyana needs cooperation form both major Political Parties for the development of the country,regardless when they are in Gov't or Opposition.The tit for tat ,trying to out do each other who is better,incite to hold on to their voting base,are hampering progress.

The country is small nation with effective management,the country can break barriers.I would like to see the Local Authorities to be come more active,quit party politics work in the interest of the people.

I have watched the Budget debates, i have gathered there are a lot of wasteful spending,the over priced rental etc,also money voted for in this current year wasn't spent.At all levels of Government , more effective financial management are needed,the people will benefit and the country will prosper.

I can go on and on..i hate long writings ,i prefer short and get to the point.

Extra! Extra! Read the Django Manifesto! Get your copy today! 

Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:
Zed posted:

Cain, some people head hard.

Ahhhh, so you only converse with the intellectuals, I am honoured. hehe

On another note. I hope I'm still around to watch my grandkids swim or as they retire.Just went to one's first birthday and was great watching her take her first steps. The other will be one in March.

The more you guys talk about grandkids, the younger I feel. At 66 Gilly ain't see no grandpickney on the horizon

Same here, at 64,

like goat bite we.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
The more you guys talk about grandkids, the younger I feel. At 66 Gilly ain't see no grandpickney on the horizon

Same here,except at 64,

like goat bite we.

Not me. My wife and I are happy our only child still lives with us at 26 years old. He's great company and a big helper too. I became a father at age 40 so he has much time to follow suit.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
The more you guys talk about grandkids, the younger I feel. At 66 Gilly ain't see no grandpickney on the horizon

Same here,except at 64,

like goat bite we.

Not me. My wife and I are happy our only child still lives with us at 26 years old. He's great company and a big helper too. I became a father at age 40 so he has much time to follow suit.

Arright bro,your son migrate as a kid,same as my younger son who 2 yrs older than yours,my eldest son is 38.

at this time,goat bite me.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:

Where da f did I say anything about weight? Zed stop being an ass now. Just because you have been caught where you only pick a few posters out and go after them. Note well..none from thr PPP apologists.

When you first came on board I really thought we could get decent info out of Guyana but it seems you chose one side and screw the rest. Whed woukd say, prove a shame.

What kind of hypocrisy is this?  When have you ever talked about Priya and not talk about her weight?  

As Zed would say, Prove it.

At some point in the past I may have said something but I would not waste my time on someone as impertinent and ignorant as she, that woman can walk off the end of a jetty far as I care.

Then why the comment about buying a hairnets?


Django, I know we are fighting fir the same thing but we might differ on some aspects and joe to get there.

We have a small population, lots of resources and a relatively small land mass. If we did not have the political corruption and ineptitude, inefficient and ineffective use of resources, things would have been booming.

guyana suffers from Einstein's definition of madness - wanting to get different results by continuing to do the same thing.

Zed posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:

Where da f did I say anything about weight? Zed stop being an ass now. Just because you have been caught where you only pick a few posters out and go after them. Note well..none from thr PPP apologists.

When you first came on board I really thought we could get decent info out of Guyana but it seems you chose one side and screw the rest. Whed woukd say, prove a shame.

What kind of hypocrisy is this?  When have you ever talked about Priya and not talk about her weight?  

As Zed would say, Prove it.

At some point in the past I may have said something but I would not waste my time on someone as impertinent and ignorant as she, that woman can walk off the end of a jetty far as I care.

Then why the comment about buying a hairnets?

You are too uptight. You need to loosen up. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

For Cain and Mr. Riff

only the intellectually, emotionally and socially challenged would think that women's physical attributes define who they are and their value  instead of  the myriad ways they are able to and are contributing to society. 

Zed, I happen to know what some of these people look like who are talking about women's weight.  Is a pot allowed to call the kettle black?  And to make things worse Priya is taller than a few of them!!

Knowing people here may not be good for you

There are only two persons here I don't know.  And Don't worry I have Scotland Yard watching my back. 

I am one of those two.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

For Cain and Mr. Riff

only the intellectually, emotionally and socially challenged would think that women's physical attributes define who they are and their value  instead of  the myriad ways they are able to and are contributing to society. 

Zed, I happen to know what some of these people look like who are talking about women's weight.  Is a pot allowed to call the kettle black?  And to make things worse Priya is taller than a few of them!!

Knowing people here may not be good for you

There are only two persons here I don't know.  And Don't worry I have Scotland Yard watching my back. 

I am one of those two.

You are so lucky. Do you know she dances like Helen? 

Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:

For Cain and Mr. Riff

only the intellectually, emotionally and socially challenged would think that women's physical attributes define who they are and their value  instead of  the myriad ways they are able to and are contributing to society. 

Zed, I happen to know what some of these people look like who are talking about women's weight.  Is a pot allowed to call the kettle black?  And to make things worse Priya is taller than a few of them!!

Knowing people here may not be good for you

There are only two persons here I don't know.  And Don't worry I have Scotland Yard watching my back. 

I am one of those two.

You are so lucky. Do you know she dances like Helen? 

Is that a compliment?


Cain, I raised by only daughter to be assertive, educated, self confident and self reliant because when I was growing up in Guyana, I saw how Guyanese women in certain segments of the population were treated.

We need to name things for what they are, even if those things are said as jokes. We are living in an environment such things are not tolerated anymore in the societies in which we live. It is not about being uptight and needing to loosen up (though I agree with your statement, but that is who I am and it is responsible for my success in whatever I do), it is about what is right!


Cain, I was picking coffee in the Pomeroon river one Christmas holiday from school when I heard that joke. 

One of the things that I have come to understand because I was supervising lots of people was that only make jokes about yourself, that they will use any other against you when issues develop. 

Man, the world is changing and the things we did or said that were accepted earlier in our life are not acceptable now. We all need to learn new lines and have a couple to remind us if the good old days.


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